The Alien's Mate (A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance) (Warriors of Luxiria Book 2)

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The Alien's Mate (A SciFi Alien Warrior Romance) (Warriors of Luxiria Book 2) Page 2

by Zoey Draven

  “I have heard that there is unrest in some of the outposts,” Bruxilia said, almost nonchalantly, like she was talking about the weather or the food that was on its way.

  Kate’s body jolted and then froze. “Unrest?” she asked carefully. “How so?”

  “Vaxa’an has not mentioned it to you?” she asked, prying for answers like the gossip she was. The older woman was one of the few Luxirians she’d met that used her mate’s actual name and not the proper, respectful greeting for the Prime Leader. Bruxilia had told her it was because she’d known Vaxa’an since he was a child and had been close friends with his mother.

  Kate looked down at her lap only to find that her hands had unconsciously come up to cradle her already-growing belly. Bruxilia’s gaze caught on her hands and her shrewd eyes narrowed, but she said nothing.

  Kate swallowed and said quietly, “I know that something has been bothering him. But he told me not to worry.”

  Bruxilia blew out a sharp breath, followed by a chirring noise that Kate had often heard her make. “You should be worried,” the older woman said.

  Kate sucked in a breath. “Why? Is it very bad?”

  “Not yet, but that is mostly because Rixavox and Cruxan have handled the uprisings well on their outposts.”

  Kate had met Rixavox, but not Cruxan. She knew that both had gone through military training with Vaxa and that they were both her mate’s appointed ambassadors, watching over a Luxirian outpost each.

  Dread pooled in her stomach. So this was what Vaxa had been so worried about lately…

  “Why?” Kate forced herself to ask even though she feared she already knew the answer. “Why are they uprising?”

  “You know why,” Bruxilia replied, gazing around the empty hall of the archives. No one was in there that early in the morning, but some would trickle in after the first meal ended at the meal hall. “It is true that Luxirians have mated with other species before, but most live off the planet. Some do not agree with the Prime Leader’s decision to take a human mate. They think that it pollutes our bloodline and threatens the Luxirian race.”

  Kate bit the inside of her cheek. “No offense,” she started softly, “but I don’t think Luxirians have a choice. The airborne virus your enemies unleashed on you…it killed most of your women. The ones that survived are infertile. I see people in this city, couples, warriors, merchants…but what I don’t see are any children younger than ten.”

  “Some believe that our females will heal with time,” Bruxilia said, as if Kate hadn’t spoken.

  “And do you believe that? Truly?”

  Bruxilia made that chirring sound. “Nix. They are fools,” she said, waving a hand dismissively. “Vaxa’an knew a long time ago what his duty was to his people. Now that you are bonded…it makes it real. Real enough to make some uncomfortable. That is why they are uprising.”

  “I—I don’t understand why Vaxa couldn’t just tell me this himself,” she said softly, her eyebrows furrowing. “I mean, you knew about. If it’s being talked about, then of course, I would’ve found out eventually.”

  Bruxilia placed a soft, cool hand on her shoulder. “He did not want you to worry for him. That is most likely why.”

  “I wouldn’t have worried that much,” Kate murmured. “I believe him when he says he has everything under control.”

  Bruxilia studied her, looking like she was on the verge of saying something. But then a loud bing sound filled the archives and the older woman popped up off her cushion before Kate could move. The food had arrived. The archives was one of the few buildings that had a meal delivery tube, much like what Kate had experienced on Vaxa’s spaceship when he’d first taken her from the Pit. Bruxilia slid open the tube door and returned with two heaping plates of food. It never failed to amaze her how much Luxirians ate. Even though she was a curvy girl herself who loved her food…she could only ever eat a quarter of the portions, much to Vaxa’s dismay. He always worried she wasn’t eating enough, despite her plump size.

  “Eat,” Bruxilia ordered, thrusting the warmed plate in her hand. On it was trixava, a tender meat, and pillirax, a root-like vegetable that tasted surprisingly sweet, and a purple fruit with bright blue seeds and a savory stringy pulp that Kate couldn’t pronounce.

  Even though it looked delicious, Kate suddenly found that she had no appetite.

  Around a mouthful of the fruit, Bruxilia said, “Eat. That child will not grow strong by itself.”

  Kate was convinced that there wasn’t anything this woman didn’t know.


  “You have been formally challenged to the Trials, Prime Leader,” Rixavox said, his voice raised high enough so that all of the council could hear, even the elders.

  Vaxa’an’s chest rumbled. It was something that had been inevitable since he’d first heard of the uprisings disrupting a few of his outposts.

  “How many are challenging me?” he asked, gazing at his war general and close friend.

  “Two, so far. I suspect more will follow once the news spreads.”

  “Who are they?” he asked next, his eyes narrowing.

  “Brelix and Kerixax, both from Cruxan’s outpost,” Rixavox said, inclining his head at Cruxan who was seated across the circular black table.

  Vaxa’an huffed out a sharp breath, annoyance pricking his spine. Brelix and Kerixax were warriors a few rotations older than him, both of whom he had interacted with—and fought with during battles—before. It disappointed him that they would challenge his authority in this way…but the law was the law. He would meet them in the Trials gladly, if only to prove that he was the rightful Prime Leader, a role that he had been training for his entire life.

  “You will need to prepare,” Lihvan suddenly chimed in from his position across the table. “The moon will be full soon. Brelix and Kerixax are good warriors. You can defeat them, I have no doubt, but if more warriors decide to challenge you—”

  “Then they choose death,” Vaxa’an said, his hand slicing off the rest of his words. “I will not tolerate this uprising for very long.”

  Lihvan nodded. “The Trials will be for the best. They need to be reminded of your strength. An example must be set.”

  Privak, one of the elders, once a warrior during Vaxa’an’s sire’s rule, and one who had been quite vocal against his decision to seek out a Breeder, said, “Perhaps execution is not the path to take in this situation. The males are still clinging to our tradition. They want Luxiria to be great again, strong again, and they still grieve the loss of our females. Is that so wrong? To rebel against this?”

  “Would you like to join them?” Vaxa’an growled out before he could stop himself. The room filled with sudden tension and his ambassadors went still in their seats. The remaining elders lurched back, their eyes flickering to Privak.

  Usually, Vaxa’an was known for his patience, for his control. But this uprising had been consuming his thoughts since he heard about its beginnings. These warriors threatened his female, his luxiva. They threatened his life as well. He would not stand for it any longer.

  The elder stayed—wisely—silent. Vaxa’an tried to calm himself, but he wanted to slam his fists against the table in frustration.

  “When will it translate for you, Privak?” Vaxa’an asked, his voice deceptively low and even. “When will it finally become a truth for you that we are all lost if we remain in the past? The Luxirian way is gone. The Jetutians took it from us by attacking our home, attacking our families, and our mates and daughters and mothers. You, and Luxirians like you…Brelix and Kerixax and the other nameless warriors that have been turned to anger… cling to the slim chance that our females will be able to conceive offspring once more.” The council room was completely silent. “How many more tests will you put our females through? How many more disappointments and results do you need for it to sink in?”

  “Prime Leader, I meant no disrespect,” Privak murmured quietly, inclining his head.

  Vaxa’an chose his words very care
fully. “We adapt and evolve…or we die. It is simple. Most that I have discussed this with agree. My ambassadors agree. Most elders here agree. And yet, a few cannot accept this. Why? I have been trying to understand this question, to see it from your point of view, Privak, but I cannot. If you want our proud race to fall, then support the warriors that wish to challenge your Prime Leader. Support their violence and hatred. But if you do, then know that there will be no place for you here.”

  No one said a word. It was on the tip of his tongue to dismiss Privak from his council right at that moment—the male had outdated views on how Luxiria should be run and constantly went against the council’s majority—but he couldn’t force the words out. Privak, for all of his faults, had been a good friend of his sire. Vaxa’an kept him there out of respect for his sire.

  Vaxa’an paused a moment, looking around the council room, meeting the eyes of every member. And then he said, “Your lavrix’an has honored us already. Your lavrix’an is pregnant with my child.”

  Shocked, sharp inhales could be heard through the council. He had not told a single soul, not even his ambassadors.

  “The first young to be born on Luxirian soil in over ten rotations…” Emotion threatened to clog his voice, but Vaxa’an pushed past it. Luxirians did not show that kind of emotion. He met Privak’s eyes. “If that is not progress, if that does not further our species and keep us alive, then tell me what does. This uprising insults the prospect of our future. I want this handled quickly and effectively. And if we must make an example of a few warriors, then I will do it gladly.”

  The base of his neck gave a painful throb, feeling the beginnings of a headache. He longed to be with his mate. Already, he had been away from her for too long this span.

  “All of you may go,” he said. Immediately, his council stood from their seats. “We will meet again in the morning.”

  He caught Lihvan’s gaze and held. His other war general lagged behind the others and then stayed in the council room once they departed.

  “I think that Rixavox, Kirov, Cruxan, and Vikan suspect that something is happening,” Lihvan started. “They questioned me about why you keep asking to speak with me.”

  Vaxa’an exhaled sharply. “I will need to inform them. I do not want them thinking that this has anything to do with the uprisings.”

  “Doesn’t it though, Vaxa’an?” Lihvan asked. The scar that ran the length of the war general’s cheek gleamed in the low light. “There is a high chance that when we infiltrate the Pit and attack the Krevorags that we will be taking human females back here before we can make other arrangements for them.”

  “I understand,” Vaxa’an bit out, his temper taking more control of him than he liked. “I had hoped to keep this private for now, just until after the Trials. But now…I will speak with my ambassadors after the first meal tomorrow. I should not have kept this from them.”

  Lihvan crossed his arms over his chest. Vaxa’an and Lihvan had been friends for many, many rotations and he recognized the gesture.

  “That is not all that you have been keeping from us, my brother,” Lihvan rumbled. “You will sire offspring with your luxiva. I believe that is the highest honor a Luxirian can have.”

  “It is,” Vaxa’an said, feeling that damn emotion well up in his chest. He blamed his human female. She made him feel too many things…but he wouldn’t change it for all of Luxiria.

  Lihvan clasped him on the shoulder, making eye contact and holding. “I congratulate you.”

  Vaxa’an returned the gesture, a mark of respect. “You know that I wish this for you too, my friend.”

  Lihvan’s gaze shuttered and he glanced away. Vaxa’an knew that Lihvan, like many of their males, had given up hope when it came to siring offspring or being mated. Vaxa’an had believed the same thing himself not too long ago.

  “Perhaps the Fates meant for something different for me,” was all his friend said in response. Then, like a true Luxirian, he changed the subject. “Have you trained this span yet? You have much to prepare for.”

  Even though all Vaxa’an wanted was to return to his mate—he knew she would be leaning against their terrace right now, gazing out over Luxiria as the twin suns set—he knew that Lihvan was right. The Trials would take place once the moon was full. He didn’t have much time.

  Perhaps a round in the training pits could help ease some of the tension he felt building up. He needed to let off some steam before he went to greet his luxiva. She already suspected that something was wrong and he didn’t want to worry her unnecessarily.

  You must tell her about the Trials, he told himself, already dreading that conversation. She would become stressed once he told her. And stress was not good for their child growing strong in her belly.

  “Come, my friend,” Vaxa’an said, pushing the thoughts away for now. “It has been much too long since I have bloodied your ugly hide in the pits.”

  Lihvan snorted.

  * * *

  Kate paced the length of their living room—which Vaxa called ‘the central hub’—wondering where the hell her mate was. One thing about being pregnant was that she was constantly aroused. That night was no different.

  And her damn man should’ve been home over an hour ago.

  Maybe the council meeting ran long, she thought, smoothing her hands over her growing belly. She was already beginning to show. A little over a month in and the baby seemed like it was growing exponentially every single day. If Luxirian women had a three month pregnancy, Kate wondered where on the spectrum her pregnancy would fall—closer to nine months perhaps? She hoped for a shorter term, considering the baby would most likely take after his seven-foot tall father. All Luxirian men were massive. She hoped that her human body would be able to carry the baby.

  Her belly fluttered when she heard the gentle hum of a hovercraft landing on the terrace outside. Vaxa appeared a moment later and immediately, she let out a little whimper because she knew what was coming. He’d gone to the training pits. His muscles were expanded, making him seem twice as large. He was sweaty and bloodied. But what made her legs tremble in anticipation was his hot, possessive, scorching gaze.

  Vaxa’s nostrils flared—the scent of her arousal had most likely saturated their home—and his chest did that rumbling purr she loved so much.

  “Female,” he bit out, his voice harsh, undone.

  And then they were rushing to meet each other.

  Vaxa caught the back of her neck with his wide palm, pulling her into him for a fierce kiss that sent their teeth clashing together. Kate’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as his scent surrounded her. She loved when he came back from training because he smelled so damn amazing.

  She fumbled with the fastenings on his torn leather-like pants and he hissed out a ragged breath when her hand made a fist around his erect, throbbing, ridged cock. Her fingers couldn’t wrap all the way around him—he was way too thick—but she tried her best.

  They didn’t make it to their bedroom. Vaxa simply slid the shoulder clasps of her dress off, so that her breasts were exposed to him, and tossed her back on the cushions lining the fire pit. He dropped down, those deliciously corded muscles shifting, and crawled between her legs, bunching the material of her dress around her waist.

  Kate let out a shuddering moan when he slid deep inside her.

  “Yes, Vaxa,” she moaned, loving the feel of him, the ridged slide of his thick length against her sensitive walls. He was her drug and she felt a sense of peace returning as she got the beginnings of her next fix.

  “Your cunt has been aching for me, female,” he growled, no doubt able to feel how wet she’d become waiting for him.

  Mmmm, and she loved it when he talked dirty. Her alien loved dirty talk.

  Kate bit her lip, trying not to be too loud. Luxirians didn’t believe in much privacy. Wide, open windows and doorways and domed ceilings that could open up to the sky were commonplace. And even though their home was on the very top of the mountain city, she
knew that sounds and voices could carry very easily.

  But whenever Vaxa was moving inside her with that perfect cock of his, it was like she forgot herself. She couldn’t help her screams and moans. And she knew that Vaxa liked their loud matings. Sometimes, it seemed like his mission was to make her scream as loudly as possible, so that all of Luxiria could hear her.

  The ridges lining the top and bottom of his cock were like hard knobs. And when Vaxa bent his head to suckle her swollen breasts, he gave a teeth-chattering, angled thrust that made those knobs run over her G-spot.

  Her sudden orgasm made her gasp, her back arching. She was suspended on a cliff in tingling anticipation, before the unbelievable pleasure crashed into her body and she fell, fell, fell.

  Through the haze of her orgasm, she heard Vaxa groan, his cock vibrating briefly within her, before she felt his seed burst from him, coating her walls, hot lash after hot lash.

  His lips found hers and they kissed as they both came down from their pleasure. Vaxa trailed his lips over her jaw and then to her neck, where he licked and bit her lightly. He liked leaving what he called ‘mating marks’ on her. He was just so…male.

  Kate let out a contented sigh, her cheeks warm and flushed, as she stroked her hands over her mate’s skin. They would likely have sex a couple more times before they passed out into exhaustion, but for now, she was happy to hold him.

  “I missed you today,” she whispered, brushing her lips across his skin. He’d gotten blood on her dress and skin but she didn’t mind. She was used to it after his training sessions.

  “I am sorry we could not take our meals together,” he murmured, dragging the tip of his nose across the flesh behind her ear. Her spine tingled, goosebumps breaking out over her arms. “It was a long span.”


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