Irish Seduction

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Irish Seduction Page 5

by Ann B. Harrison

  Leona’s slim fingers traced the lines on his face. The warmth they generated soaked into his tired brain and he slowly relaxed against her. The thought of her having healing powers snuck up on him and he pushed it aside, unwilling to quiz her tonight.

  “Come to bed, my love,” she whispered, leading him toward the big four poster.

  He let her lead him to the bed and remove his clothing, dropping it in a heap on the cold stone floor. She gently pushed him onto the deep downy mattress and lay beside him, tugging the soft comforter over both of them. Pulling him close, her warm body molded into his.

  “Go to sleep. I will hold you while you dream. Tonight you need your rest before you leave with your men to fight for what is right.”

  Jasper was too tired to protest and fell asleep in her arms only to be woken by Patrick after what seemed like mere minutes.

  “My lord, it is time.” He was shaking Jasper’s shoulder to rouse him.

  He pulled his clothes out of the wardrobe and dressed quickly. Patrick handed him his sword which he strapped over his back before he headed downstairs to saddle his horse. When he reached the stables, the men were milling around while they waited for him. They were dressed for battle, with their swords ready. A few of them carried long spears.

  Patrick handed each soldier a helmet and a shield when they passed. They mounted their horses and turned out of the stables for the castle gates, the horses’ hooves clattering against the cobblestones in the cold early morning mist.

  Thunder crackled in the sky like an angry sentinel. The men made their way in the dim light toward the east. The moonlight guided them along the well-worn path through the forest and over the mountain pass. It was almost dawn when they breached the top of the rise that led down to the river that boarded their land and that of the O’Reillys. They dismounted and gathered together in a huddle to finalize the attack.


  Jasper led his men home toward the castle. It pained him to destroy farmers’ homes but at least he didn’t kill innocent people like the O’Reillys did. He knew many of the farmers that cropped on their neighbors’ land and they did not fight back when he told them what was going to happen. They stood by and watched when his men set fire to their homes and their livelihoods. They would by now be at the castle, moaning of their fate to the lord and lady in residence. Hopefully that would put a stop to the senseless attacks on his land. If not, they would burn the castle next. He would not be pushed to take innocent lives.

  Jasper set sentries out to watch for any retaliation and then he unsaddled his horse. He brushed it well, threw a rug over it, and after putting it into its stall in the stables, watered and fed it. He glanced in on his mare and her foal, happy to see the level of care young Mathew was giving them. Then he headed to the library where he knew his mother would be waiting for news of the attack.

  She was sitting in front of the fire with her needlepoint in her hands. Jasper walked over to kiss the top of her head and then sat in the chair opposite.

  Resting his head on the high tapestry back he closed his eyes. The scene played out in his mind, and he related the morning’s events for her. She was a soldier’s widow and knew how brutal things could get, but she pushed Jasper for all the details. They discussed the strategy for the retribution that was more than likely to arrive in the coming weeks.

  “The O’Reillys have always had a nasty streak and they will try to punish us for this. Of that you can be sure. We will no doubt be inundated with croppers from their lands because they have nowhere else to go. We best be prepared for that too.”

  None were ever turned away, finding the kindness on this side of the border worth the risk of running from the mistress of the house. It was said that she was a black witch that called upon demons for her power, always seeking ways to raise more. Jasper’s childhood nanny had been one of those that his father had helped when he was still a babe. They had taken her in without question, accepting another of the O’Reilly’s haunted and scared castoffs.

  “I need to understand what drives that woman to be so evil.” Jasper watched the flames dance in the fireplace. “If I could understand that, I might be able to put an end to this violence. It tears at my heart to be constantly on my guard from her, wondering what she will do next.”

  “Call Nellie in. She’s the one person that would know better than most. She still has nightmares about her life before she came to us,” Ellen said. “We have not spoken of Edrith in years but I am sure she will help you.”

  Jasper rang the bell on the side table and a servant soon entered the library.

  “Please ask Nellie to come in,” Ellen said.

  “Yes, My Lady.” The girl curtsied to her and backed from the room.

  Jasper poked at the fire, his mind blank while they waited for his old nursemaid. He looked up when she bustled into the room. Her small head was covered with a lace cap. Her rough homespun skirts swept the floor when she made her way over to them.

  “My lady, you sent for me?” She kneeled down beside Lady Ellen.

  “Jasper wishes to talk to you, about your time before you came to us. It is nothing to be concerned about, but we wish to understand what has made Edrith O’Reilly so difficult and evil.”

  Jasper walked over to her and taking her tiny hands in his, he lifted her to her feet. “We had cause to attack them again, Nellie. I wish it were not so, but they leave us no choice. What I want to know is what drives them. Her in particular,” Jasper said. “I have heard it said that she is the force behind her husband and that she calls on dark powers to get her way. Is this true?”

  Nellie’s face took on a ghastly shade of gray and she pulled her hands from his and grabbed at her apron. She twisted it between her fingers and he could see that she was remembering things she did not want to share.

  “Nellie, you must tell us,” Lady Ellen prompted. “We would rather avoid more ongoing battles with them if we can. Anything you tell us could be important.”

  “Please, Nellie.” Jasper leaned down to her height. He looked at her, pleading with his eyes. It always got him what he wanted when he was a small boy and he hoped it still worked with her now. He would try anything.

  “Oh, away with you, Master.” She batted him on the shoulder but slightly harder than she had done years ago. “I’ll tell you, but you may wish that I hadn’t.” She smoothed down her apron and swallowed.

  “It was just after I was brought to look after the first child, a boy, when I overheard the conversation that sent me running to this house.” Her eyes took on a faraway look. “I was in the nursery with the young master when his lordship came in looking for the mistress. He was furious with her, that much was obvious. He went into her chambers when he saw she was not with her child. The scene that followed is burned into my memory forever. He accused her of drawing up demons for power. She laughed at him and called him spineless and weak. She had a nasty tongue and he was too meek to fight back at her when she got in one of her moods. She taunted him with the fact that she was a goddess and he was a mere mortal and she would do anything she wanted. There would be no stopping her.”

  Jasper looked at her horrified. A goddess, how could that be? “What was a goddess doing here on earth living among humans?” Jasper was totally lost.

  “I hear that she had been stripped of her powers and sent here for punishment.” Nellie wrung her hands nervously.

  “Could this be true? How could they do this to us?” Jasper turned to his mother. Raking his hands through his hair, he paced the library, thoughts of betrayal spinning through his mind. “They would let a scorned goddess have free rein among us? Let her vent her anger at what the gods had done to her on us? How could they? I will not stand for this.”

  Jasper stormed from the library and out of the house. He ignored the cries of his mother when she tried to keep up with him. Eventually she stopped and watched him march up the hill to the spot where the portal opened for him.

  He brushed aside the messenger tha
t greeted him and headed for the hall that held Helan’s throne. He approached, his face thunderous, and two guards stepped in front of him with arms ready, barring his way. He called the wind in a ferocious blast and sent them flying to the floor. Other soldiers came running toward him, swords drawn, and he disposed of them with a mere flick of his fingers. He made his way to where Helan and Elena were sitting.

  Helan rose to his feet.

  “What is the meaning of this?” he roared. “How dare you storm in here unannounced.”

  “How dare I? Easy, Helan, very easy indeed. You portray yourself as a kind and wondrous god.” Jasper’s body was shaking with rage. “But I know different. You send outcasts to prey on us and make our lives miserable. To take what is rightfully ours without a care in the world who gets hurt. You have left families without the mainstay in their lives, husbands and fathers. And you say how dare I? It is how dare you, Helan? How dare you sit up here and judge us while setting a viper loose amongst us?”

  “What are you talking about?” Elena put a restraining hand on her husband’s arm and rose to face him.

  “Don’t act like this is a big surprise to you. You are the ones that sent her to live amongst us,” Jasper spat at them.

  “Many of us choose to live alongside the humans, Jasper. That is acceptable in our eyes,” Elena said. “Do you have a problem with a particular god?”

  “Edrith O’Reilly,” Jasper said between clenched teeth. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Leona and Mari sneak into the room and hide in the curtains behind the thrones. His heart plummeted to his feet. Had he thrown any chance of happiness with her away because of his hasty outburst? He would probably be banned from their realm now and she would refuse to come in the night because of his treatment of her father. I should learn to curb my anger. He was normally quiet and well mannered but his temper did tend to rear its ugly head when pushed too far. Not the sort of action a gentle goddess would find appealing in a mate. He dropped his gaze to the floor and waited for Helan to attack him.

  “Edrith. Edrith is in Ireland?” Helan asked.

  “But we sent her to the Americas,” Elena whispered in a small voice. “How could she be here?”

  “Surely being a god she has the power to go wherever she wants,” Jasper replied.

  “She was stripped of her powers when she was banished,” Helan said in hushed tones. “Being one of us, we could not take her life, but we had the ability to banish her forever.”

  “That was obviously not enough. She is the one that has been attacking our tenants and stealing from us for years.” Jasper was frustrated beyond reason at the god’s inability to curb one of their own. “We know she wants to own our land and all that surrounds them and we will not surrender to her. She must be stopped. I cannot allow her to harm any more of my tenants.”

  “What can we do?” Elena implored her husband.

  “Word has it that she has been calling up demons for the return of her powers. She has been trying to add to her landholdings for years and is winning with everyone but me. I will not give in to her and since she is there at your bequest, you owe me some assistance,” Jasper said.

  “Anything we can do to help, Jasper. You need only ask,” Helan said.

  “You can tell my why you sent her to plague us for a start.”

  He looked to his wife before answering. “She was banished for a grave error in judgment. It is not something that I am willing to discuss with anyone for any reason. Let us just say that because of her standing in our family, she could not be sentenced to death. Her powers were stripped and she was outcast to the Americas. We had thought that she would be far enough away to not cause any harm to us and those that we have cause to interact with. Obviously we were wrong, and for that I beg forgiveness, Jasper,” Helan said raising his chin defiantly. “We have had a long and peaceful relationship with the witches of Ireland and wish for this to continue for both our sakes. What can we do to mend our mistake?”

  “You can take the powers that she has called up and stop her from getting more,” Jasper suggested.

  “I’m afraid that there is nothing we can do to her directly. Once the punishment is set, there is no changing it.”

  Jasper’s gaze quickly darted to where the girls were hiding and back again to Helan’s face. “How can you fail to help us? I cannot believe you can say that with the history we share.” Jasper shook his head. “We have done nothing to hurt you or your family. For years my father and those before him have served you and served you well. And yet, you let those that look up to you be slain, robbed, and burned out of their homes, and you stand before me and tell me that you can do nothing.”

  “I ask your forgiveness, Jasper. We are two very different races after all.” Helan stood and took Jaspers arm, trying to calm him. “There are rules that govern both our kinds and they very rarely are allowed to overlap. Edrith is now in your world and is no longer one of us. She has taken her punishment for the wrong that she did to us. It is up to you and your kind to bring your justice to her. We have done what we can.”

  Jasper felt the shock of the god’s words barreling around in his mind. How could they do this to him and his family? To wash their hands of their problems this way was inexcusable. What had they ever done to deserve this kind of treatment?

  He walked away from the thrones and staggered over to the balcony. He leaned his body against the railing and looked over the gods’ domain, his heart full of grief and hurt for his kind.

  This was nothing like home. Everyone had enough to eat, a place to sleep, and all they could desire. No one was going to raid them in the middle of the night or while the men folk were out in the fields and raze their homes to the ground. No god’s child would be left alone in the world. Everything in their world was perfect.

  He felt her approach before she spoke. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face Elena, trying to control the rage that was simmering inside of him.

  “Jasper, how can we ever make up for what we have done?” Elena asked, her face distraught for the harm they had caused. “This is not something that we would have wished on you of all people.”

  “What is done is done, Elena. I don’t know if I have it in me to forgive you for what you have cast onto my people. If it was left up to them, I am sure they would cast out you and your laws. But I’m realistic enough to know that that is not possible.”

  “There must be something that we can do for you and yours,” she insisted.

  Standing tall and determined, she turned to face her people and her husband when she made an announcement. “I will give a token in return for our folly. Never let it be said that the gods cannot admit to making a mistake and atoning for it. Jasper, you have seven days and seven nights to decide what you wish us to bestow upon your people; one request that will be handed to you at the eve of the seventh day. We will abide by your wish. That I promise you in the name of the gods.” Elena leaned in close and, taking him by the upper arms, pulled him down and kissed both of his cheeks. “Blessed be, Jasper.”

  Chapter Five

  Jasper found himself on the headland, gazing out to sea. The wind whipped his hair into his eyes, but he ignored the sting. He stood trying to digest what Elena had offered him. His first thought was to ask for their daughter’s hand in marriage, but that was selfish. How would that benefit his people, those that were suffering the most? He had to put aside his heart and his body’s lust for her and think of the people first.

  Should he discuss this with his mother and Richard or keep it to himself? He had seven days and nights to find the thing that they all needed the most. I must choose wisely because I doubt that there would ever be another chance to be so bold.

  He stood on the hill, absorbing the energy before him and let his mind race through the myriad of possibilities. Jasper grudgingly accepted that he would have to deal with Edrith himself, but his family had been fighting with her since before he was born. The pressing choice was what to ask for that would be everlastin
g and benefit his people the most. Shaking his head, he turned for home. With little time on his side he would choose wisely, that Jasper promised himself.

  Richard was hovering around the stables when he came down the hill. He picked up his pace and walked beside his childhood friend, knowing full well that Jasper would eventually talk to him and tell him of what happened. They wandered into the stables and stopped in front of Windamere’s stall. She came to the half door and leaned out, nuzzling Jasper’s shirt with her soft muzzle, trying to find the apple that was her usual treat.

  “Sorry girl.” Jasper ran his hand gently up and down her face. She closed her eyes and leaned into his hand, enjoying the contact from her master. He looked past her to the foal that was close to his dam’s body. He was looking stronger every day and the soft down of his coat would soon be falling out and replaced by a dark glossy coat like his mother’s.

  “Have you decided on a name for him, Jasper?”

  “Not yet, my friend. I have been otherwise occupied and haven’t had time to give it much thought.”

  “Aye, it has been a little rough with the not-so-friendly lady across the hills,” Richard said.

  “I had an audience with the gods, Richard. I’m afraid that I lost my patience and may have offended them.”

  Richard drew in a breath, well aware of the wrath that they could send down on them if they so chose to.

  “We will have no help from above with Edrith and her cronies.” Jasper continued rubbing the horses head with his hands, flicking a glance at Richard. “They banished her to the Americas many years ago and stripped her of her powers. Being one of them, they could not kill her and so we have inherited her and all of her ill feeling toward them that she now directs at us. They refuse to help us with her, saying that they can no longer interfere because they had already heaped punishment on her. It is up to us, my friend, to deal with it.” Jasper leaned his head against his mare and closed his eyes.


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