Claimed in Canada

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Claimed in Canada Page 5

by Christine Edwards

Cheeks hot, I look away and breathe deeply, knowing that everything he said was the honest truth.

  “How many were shot today?”

  “Two, and don’t tell me that you feel sorry for those bastard wolves. It was either them or you up there today.”

  “We’ll see about the gun,” I murmur. “But you should know that if you try to force me into anything I’m uncertain about, we’ll have issues, Luke. I’m quite stubborn and you can’t change that fact. And yes, of course I’m distraught that they were killed. You must realize that I spend my life trying to help their species survive.”

  “You’re proving to be a very interesting woman, Violet London.”

  I ask the question that has been nagging at me, “So, how did you know I was still up there anyway?”

  With his hands planted on his hips, he states bluntly, “You mean how did I know to come and save your sassy little ass?”

  “Seriously?” I hiss. “Do you always have to be so chauvinistic?”

  With a menacing lip twitch he cocks his head and studies me. “Yeah, angel, I do because I am and the sooner you embrace that fact the better. Luckily, you left your cell in my truck last night. I was droppin’ it back to you at the lodge and saw that you disobeyed me by being up there in that weather.”

  Of course I’m beyond grateful for the series of events that led to my rescue, regardless of the embarrassment, and I have to tell him.

  “Well Luke, I greatly appreciate all that you’ve done for me today and I vow never to be in that type of horrific situation again.”

  He studies me with eyes like a hawk’s and crosses over to slowly lower his big frame next to my small one on the sofa. We sit in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the snapping of the wood in the fire along with the delicious tea. Finally he slowly turns and levels his gleaming eyes mere inches from mine.

  “You know what a Dom is, Violet?”

  My brain does a free-fall as all of the air flees my lungs.

  He sits patiently awaiting my answer with a cool gaze that doesn’t betray his thoughts. I wish I could be so calm.

  “I, well, I’ve read a few books. I assume that you’re referring to a d-dominant?” I stammer, unable to meet his eyes. My throat feels as dry as kindling.

  “Yes, now tell me about what you’ve read.” Still no expression. Is he trying to torture me? I’m sure my face is fire-engine red by this point.

  “Well, they were just, you know, erotic stories with Master and slave scenarios.”

  I start to look at my hands clutching my tea cup when he says to me, “Don’t look away again. Tell me, did they get you aroused?”

  He’s impossible.

  “Luke, this is highly embarrassing. I’m shy to begin with and these questions are really personal. I’m feeling very uncomfortable now. Is this your goal? To humiliate me?” I turn away again.

  “You’re gorgeous when you blush like that, baby; however, I asked you not to look away from my eyes. If you do it again I’ll have to teach you a lesson, little beauty. Understood?”

  Oh my God! My body betrays me. My pussy just got totally wet at the thought.

  I struggle to keep eye contact and nod.

  “Were you aroused by the books?”

  “Of course I was. I mean, most women want a man who’s completely in control during sex, correct?”

  He gives me a thoughtful look, like a teacher. “You’d be surprised, angel. Most think that they want to give up their control, but that control is who they are so they can never really submit to their base needs and desires.”

  A deep concept from such a rugged guy.

  “The reason I’m asking you about your interest in the stories you’ve read is because I can see as plain as day that you’re a natural submissive, right to your very core, baby, and being a Dom, I find this irresistible.”

  I’m at a total loss for words and have never been so shocked in my life. Leveling him with a serious look, I ask, “Are we really having a discussion about BDSM?”

  Without hesitation he fires back, “Yeah, we are and I’ll tell you why, angel. You defied me by getting into an ass load of trouble today. Nearly got both of us killed and I’m going to punish you for it, but I’m a fair guy so I’m giving you a choice. Either take your punishment by itself or take your punishment followed by the pleasure that I’ll allow. But that will be given only if you’re a good girl for me.”


  My brain stalls out.

  Did he just say that he wants to spank me and then get me off afterwards?

  No way.

  In the deepest recesses of my psyche my libido is begging me for it but the rational voice informs me that I couldn’t possibly give up that kind of control to him and be left so vulnerable.

  Weighted seconds tick by. Conflicted about how to respond, I stand and walk closer to the fire, restlessly shifting my weight from foot to foot. On the one hand, I know that I could give in to him for just a night and see where it leads. After the snow lets up I could leave here and never look back if I didn’t enjoy it. On the other hand, what if he goes too far? I barely know this man and have no idea what he is capable of. For some reason, I find that even more thrilling, no matter how hard my rational brain tries to persuade me otherwise.

  “Violet, I’m not giving you a chance to put your guard back up. Now give me those sexy green eyes of yours.”

  He’s on his feet now and crossing over toward me. My heart is pounding out of my chest as he towers before me and reaches down to push a long length of my hair back over my shoulder. It feels like a very intimate gesture for such a dangerous man.

  He tilts his head thoughtfully while mesmerizing me with his stare.

  “I’m one hundred percent Dominant, angel, never been any other way. I’m always in complete control. We’re going to play now and when you want to stop altogether, for any reason whatsoever, you’re going to say the safe word ‘Freeze.’ Understood?”

  In that moment, I ultimately decide that I want him. My head is reeling with the dangerous possibilities. I decide to go with it because he’s never frightened me in the least, and all this dominance talk has left me aching for his touch. When in my rigid, academic lifetime will this kind of heady opportunity ever present itself again? Shyly, I nod my head in agreement.

  Looking quite pleased with my choice, Luke gently runs his hand slowly down the length of my arm until he reaches my small hand, easily encircling my fingers with his large ones.

  I’m led to the end of the large sofa and feel his arm wrap around my waist and slowly bend me forward over the armrest.

  I can feel the heat radiating off of his strong body behind me, yet he’s not touching me. Suddenly my panties and leggings are yanked down with a swift whoosh.

  “Oooh!” I call out.

  “No, no, angel, you’ll learn my rules soon enough and you won’t call out—aside from involuntary sounds—unless I give you permission to do so.”

  I remain silent.

  “When you address me during any form of play you will say ‘Yes, Master.’ Understood?”

  Oh my God. This is hardcore.

  What am I doing? My pussy is in conflict with my brain yet I’ve never felt as desired as I do now by this man. Perhaps he’s dead on about me being submissive. Maybe I’m just having a hard time accepting it.

  I turn my head to the side and in a barely audible whisper breathe out the words, “Yes, Master.”

  I can’t believe I’m doing this!

  “Mmmm, so sweet, angel,” he rumbles in a male purr behind me.

  I smile inwardly at his praise.

  “Now to be clear, this spanking is for what exactly?”

  Is he seriously going to make me verbalize my stupid mistake? Fine, here it goes.

  “It’s because I went up onto the mountain today.” Why do I sound so innocent and girlish?


  “And because you warned me not to, that it could be dangerous with the storm approaching.”

>   I hear him grunt his approval.

  “Hold as still as possible.”

  I feel his warm palm on the center of my back holding me down against the armrest. His large feet are between mine, widening my stance to at least two feet. I have my hands planted firmly in front of me on the leather, uncertain of what to expect next. My breathing is fluttery and rapid as feelings of curiosity and nervousness course through me.

  Without a word I hear a cracking smack and my right ass cheek explodes into fire. “Ahhhh!”

  The open palm swats keep raining down as a calm, deep voice instructs me, “Remember, no calling out unless it’s your safe word. Now you will start counting for me. We’re on five and will go to thirty. If you call out again we’ll have to start all over.”


  Immediately I comply and start counting in a rushed, shaky voice. “Six, seven …”

  He remains stoic and methodical as he covers my blazing bottom and upper thighs with his strong palm. I find myself getting increasingly aroused by the spanking and my pussy pulses with each blow. I pray that I don’t start leaking wet arousal down my thighs.

  I finally reach thirty through a torrent of tears and a burning ache of desire deep within my wet core. I start to stand as he suddenly pulls me up and turns me to face him.

  I breathe sharply when I see that his eyes are glittering with lust.

  “Now thank me.” His voice is deeper now, both strained and hoarse.

  “What?” I whisper up to him, utterly stunned.

  “Thank your Master for your punishment, unless you’re eager for another?” He arches a perfect dark brow. “I can go all night long, baby.”

  This feels so naked and personal but I realize that I need this, I need it from him. “Thank you, Master.” I look down in embarrassment and scramble to pull up my leggings, only to notice a very daunting erection straining against the confines of his faded jeans.

  I’m stopped in mid-bend by his hands wrapping around my arms as he pulls me back up and lowers his lips to mine in a sensual kiss. I nearly moan into his mouth at the smoothness of his full lips moving with certainty against mine.

  I whimper as his large hands reach around to firmly grip my blazing ass. His tongue takes full advantage and sweeps in to possess mine in a mind-blowing invasive kiss that leaves my senses reeling.

  With visible effort he suddenly pulls his mouth away from mine and flips me effortlessly up and over his thick shoulder like he’s a fireman and I’m in need of rescuing. Again.

  “Now’s the fun part.” I hear him chuckle. I want all of him and hope that I can handle it. I’m gently lowered onto the huge couch as my leggings are pulled the rest of the way off my ankles. He leans over me to pull my shirt up and over my head, followed by my lacy peach bra.

  I feel a tad self-conscious as Luke climbs onto the couch and leans back onto his calves, his hands resting on his sculpted, denim-clad thighs.

  “You could sear a man’s eyes right out of his head with that beauty of yours, angel.”

  I flush but hold his predatory gaze. He pulls his gray t-shirt off with a tug at the back of his neck and I’m suddenly staring at a wall of honey colored perfection. He really does look like a heavyweight boxer.

  “Thank you. You’re pretty stunning yourself, I suppose, for a brash mountain guy.”

  This gets me a full white grin followed by, “Prepare yourself and remember your safe word baby.”

  He gets off the couch and goes to a closet, where he pulls out a large, black leather chest.

  “What’s that?” I ask. I can’t hide my curiosity. This gets me a cocked eyebrow with a frown of disapproval.

  He’s really serious.

  “Sorry, won’t happen again.”

  “That’s your only warning, baby, now close your eyes for me.” I should be nervous but I’m only filled with heated anticipation as I feel soft material placed across my eyes and then tied gently behind my head.

  “Hey, I was enjoying the view!”

  A sharp swat right on my pussy lips makes me gasp and clamp my mouth shut.

  “This will heighten your pleasure by focusing your senses,” he murmurs to me.

  Warm hands caress my inner thighs as they’re gently pushed as wide open as possible. I’m left feeling totally exposed and try to concentrate only on following his instructions and breathing calmly in a vain attempt to slow my wildly racing heart.

  “Place your palms flat on the inside of your knees and hold your legs open just like this for me.”

  I do as I’m told and feel the warmth of the fire heating my right side. I’m so eager both to please Luke and have him give me pleasure that I’m salivating.

  I wonder if this is truly being submissive or if I’m just ridiculously horny for his touch.

  “You’re sweet when you listen to me, baby.” His warm breath softly caresses my cheek.

  I smile and keep my legs open wide.

  “Very, very lovely,” he muses, his voice growing husky.

  “I’m not going to take you tonight, Violet. Today was chaos and neither of us are ready for that emotional plunge … yet. We’re just going to play, understood?”


  It has been over a year since I’ve had sex. I know that I’ve never wanted to be fucked as badly as I do by Luke, but he has a valid point. Still, I can’t help but feel disappointed.

  “All right, I mean, yes, Master, I understand.” I remind myself that I’m certainly not ready for that level of intimacy yet, no matter how much I’m craving it. I shudder in apprehension, pondering if his huge cock would even fit into me. From the glimpse I got of that delicious bulge in his jeans, I have my doubts.

  “Are you clean and on birth control, angel?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. I was just fully checked within the last three months and haven’t been with anyone since then.” As the couch dips under his bulk I feel the brush of his soft jeans against my inner thigh. One lone finger lightly swirls my sensitive clit and then dips downward and across my damp pussy.

  “You are so fucking drenched, baby, mmm.”

  As his finger moves away, I almost whimper at the loss.

  “Oh, yeah, you taste sweeter than raw sugar. I can’t wait to tongue fuck you, angel.”

  He must have licked his finger clean.

  Yes, please make me come! I want to scream at him but remember his rules.

  He begins to lightly tease me again with his skilled finger. His motion is slow and methodical, driving me higher in my need until my hips involuntarily lift up to deepen the contact.

  “Oh!” I call out as his sensual touch is replaced by a long sharp tweak to my sensitive pink nipple.

  “You will take exactly what I give you,” he growls.

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Misbehave again and you will earn the clamps.”

  Oh, yeah, that sounds scary and hot!

  As he leans back down, my legs are suddenly hooked up and over his broad shoulders. I can feel his hot breath against my aching pussy.

  “Hold still now, angel, and let Master lick you clean.”

  I would follow just about any command from him at this point, both to come and please him.

  I nearly come undone at the first swipe of his thick, scorching tongue right against my clit. I hear him grunt in male approval. That sound cranks me up even more for him.

  I strain to try and hold still, realizing now that the blindfold helps me focus on every nuance of his touch.

  As he begins intimately lapping my pussy I can feel the orgasm mounting. Just when I think that I’m following his rules to perfection he dips that wicked tongue deep into my swollen core and I respond with a cry and a very noticeable hip tilt.

  Abruptly the pleasure stops.


  I’m unable to hide a girlish whimper at the loss.

  “You are a naughty girl aren’t you? Clamps or plug for not following the rules, angel, which will it be?”

  What? I have never seen either one, so how could I choose?

  I’m too fearful to try the clamps. The name alone sounds harsh, so I answer nervously, “The plug, Master.”

  Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into? I’m too wound up to really care much at this point.

  I hear the lock on the chest open and then his warm body is once again nestled against mine. Good, I think to myself, I won’t screw up again and give him another chance to teach me a lesson.

  Once again my legs are lifted over his shoulders and while I brace for something foreign and possibly painful, I’m surprised to feel his stiff, wet tongue lightly circling my ass. I nearly cry out at the dark pleasure that rolls through me at the taboo sensation.

  Never in a million years would I have imagined that ass play could feel so intense.

  “That’s right baby, relax that beautiful ass ring for Master.”

  I feel a wet finger gently prod at me as I try to relax, realizing that I really do want it. My pussy is now leaking with need at being left out of the action. As his thick finger pumps into my ass I start to quiver.

  “That’s right angel, push out and open up for Master. Damn you’re so tight here, baby. I want to fuck your ass nearly as much as that perfect pussy of yours. You’re pleasing Master and I’m going to reward you if you just hold on a little while longer, all right?”

  Almost unable to consolidate a single thought at this point I simply whisper in desperation, “Yes, yes Master.”

  His finger is swiftly replaced by something incredibly smooth, slick and thick. I feel a burning sensation with the stretching as he pushes it straight into me. I’m panting rapidly, trying my best to accept the foreign object with grace into my little behind. Luke gives it a gentle tug to make certain that it’s seated nicely.

  “Just gorgeous,” he murmurs, his voice low and dangerous. “It’s a new blown glass plug that I just had custom made. It’s stunning on you, angel.”

  I grin, knowing that he’s beyond pleased and that I’m excelling at submission 101. I clench around it, enjoying the foreign fullness it brings.

  Once again his wet mouth starts kissing and lapping at my pussy. I notice immediately that the plug intensifies the sensations and leaves me panting from the deep throbbing that is coming from my core.


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