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Their Fairy Princess (Office Intrigue Book 7)

Page 14

by Nicole Edwards

  Dante flipped through a few channels until he settled on Rush Hour.

  The house was silent, the TV on low. I relaxed but couldn’t sleep. Then again, I’d been asleep before everything happened.

  “You’re not tired?” Dante asked after a while.

  “No. Want to be awake when Isaac gets home.”

  Dante’s hand slipped beneath the blanket, smoothed over my side in a sweet gesture. I knew he wasn’t copping a feel, just comforting me.

  For whatever reason, memories of the other night flooded my brain. Being laid out on the dining room table, naked. Ian, Isaac, and Dante taking turns eating my pussy. I’d never done anything quite so taboo. I wasn’t the sort who went through men. The most I’d ever played with was Ian and Isaac together, but even then, they rarely touched me. It was more about me performing for them, as though they were respecting the distance I’d needed. Now that I’d had all three of them, I wanted to explore more of it.

  In fact, I was hoping for a repeat. Or maybe something equally exciting.

  Since the first morning, I hadn’t returned to the guest room. Instead, I’d been sleeping in Isaac’s bed. I’d been hoping for some alone time with Ian, but I had yet to get any. I wasn’t sure why that was, but I got the feeling Ian was keeping his distance from me, perhaps respecting Isaac?

  And while I cherished every second with Isaac, Ian had invaded my thoughts numerous times. Every minute of the day I was thinking about one of them, sometimes both. While I had expected this to be one big orgy party after I realized what Ian and Isaac were interested in, turned out that wasn’t the case. Even though I certainly wouldn’t balk at the opportunity.

  A door opened, closed. I waited until the footsteps drew closer, then turned my head, watched as Ian and Isaac walked through the kitchen and into the living room. Their keen eyes scanned the scene, taking it all in.

  “Everything all right?” Dante asked.

  I knew by the look on Ian’s face that everything was most definitely not all right.

  “Your ex is pretty beat up,” Ian told Heaven, his accent thicker than usual. “But he’s not dead.”

  “You ready for bed?” Isaac asked, his eyes on me.

  I nodded, got to my feet. Isaac came over, picked me up, held me in his arms.

  “May I go back to bed, Sir?” Dante asked, his full attention on Ian.

  “Aye. See you in the morning. Still up for a run?”

  “Absolutely, Sir.”

  Ian grinned and something passed between them. Obviously, an inside joke.

  “I’ll meet you both in here at seven,” Isaac told them.

  “We’ll be waiting,” Ian replied.

  Then the big, beautiful Irishman was carrying me out of the room, down the hall. “You, my sweet, are coming with me.”

  “You won’t get any argument from me.”

  He leaned his forehead against my head as he walked and I could feel the tension, knew there was something they’d been holding back.

  “Was it bad?” I asked.

  “Yeah. From what the ex said, Roger thought he was there for Dante. Ensured the ex knew that wasn’t even an option.”

  “Oh, God.”

  He set me on the bed.

  “Yeah. The ex is at the hospital.”

  I noticed he referred to Danny as the ex. Not by name. Simply, the ex.

  “Did he hurt him that badly?”

  “He beat on him,” Isaac whispered. “But worse, he raped him.”

  I fell back onto my butt, staring up at Isaac. My hand was covering my mouth and I realized it was to hold in a sob.

  “I’m sorry. According to the doctor, he’ll be all right. Physically, anyway.”

  Yeah. Mentally was a different story. Especially after something as traumatic and horrific as being taken against your will.

  “I can call and check with the hospital if you’d like,” he said softly, his eyes narrowed on me.

  I shook my head, hating that he misunderstood almost as much as I hated myself for not thinking about Heaven’s ex-boyfriend at that moment.

  “Do you think he … did that to Dante, too?”

  Isaac’s eyes cooled and I could tell he’d thought about that, too. “Yeah. I do.”

  He leaned over, kissed my cheek. “I’m going to shower. You better be naked when I get back.”

  I nodded, watched him disappear into the bathroom.

  Slightly numb, I managed to strip off my pajamas before sliding under the covers. A few minutes later, the lights went off and Isaac climbed into the bed beside me.

  “Come here, fairy princess,” he growled softly.

  I started to turn, thinking he meant so he could spoon behind me.

  “Beneath me.” His voice was rough, gravel and sand laced with need.

  I reached for him, cupping his face as his lips covered mine.

  Without fanfare, Isaac settled between my thighs, his body warm and heavy above me, his cock thick and hard as he pushed inside without preamble. Granted, nothing else was necessary because I was wet and aching for him already. I kicked off the blankets, wrapped my legs around his lean hips, my arms around his neck, and fused myself to him.

  I gasped, rocking with him as he took me straight over the edge within seconds. It was unexpected and a serious rush for his ego, apparently.

  “Ah, love,” he mumbled against my neck. “Let’s see how many times I can make you come.”

  I held on to him, falling just a little harder as he plunged in deep, retreated. Slow, easy. The man made love to me in a way I’d never experienced before. He drove me to the edge, gave me false hope that he’d let it build, then pushed me right over again and again.

  When he slid one arm beneath my head, his other hand gripping the headboard, impaling me over and over, I was pretty sure I’d died and gone to heaven.

  “Isaac,” I whimpered. “I … oh, God … need … my Liege.”

  A roar escaped him as soon as those last words were out of my mouth. It was like they were a trigger, unleashing the beast. His muscles flexed beneath my hands as he strained to get closer, deeper.

  “Take all of me, Everly,” he growled low in his throat.

  “All of you,” I whispered. “Everything.”

  With that, he launched us both right over the cliff into oblivion.



  Thursday, May 30, 2019

  Sitting in my bed, I listened to the silence.

  Unlike some, I didn’t mind it. In fact, I found I needed it to calm the chaos in my head. Being around too many people was like being in a room with strobe lights and loud music. It overwhelmed my senses, made me anxious.

  The shrinks I’d visited told me it was due to the fact that my father had kept me locked up for eight years of my life. Truth was, I didn’t even remember most of it, certainly didn’t remember him. They’d also said that was selective memory, a way for my brain to protect me from the trauma.

  I’d long ago stopped paying attention to how other people wanted to diagnose me. I survived, which was the most important thing. In fact, it was the one thing I’d clung to all these years. I was a survivor. I’d been born into hell and somehow—with no help from those who’d created me—I had survived.

  Oddly enough, these past few days had helped significantly. Being here, in this house, I’d never felt safer in my life. The chaos was manageable.

  Having the opportunity to spend time with Everly had helped tremendously. I felt safe with her and I still wasn’t sure why that was. She gave me purpose, perhaps.

  My thoughts drifted back to the other night, Everly laid out on the dining room table like a feast. In that single moment, nothing had intruded. I’d been there with them. With Ian and Isaac. The way Ian had given me directives … I needed more of that.

  However, I wasn’t stupid. Something had changed in the past few days, and I figured Ian and Isaac had dug up the news stories on me, figured out what had happened, why I sought solitude as a refuge.
They didn’t quite treat me with kid gloves, but it was damn close. I needed to knock down that wall, to let them in. They were the only ones who’d come close to giving me what I needed. And honestly, aside from Everly, they were the only ones who’d proven with their actions that they cared about my well-being and were willing to help me move forward instead of back.

  It damn sure hadn’t been that bastard Roger.

  I forced myself to sit still when I was tempted to press up against the wall, to cower from the demons I knew weren’t there. He’d brought them back tenfold, dredged up bits and pieces of memories that were better left buried. I didn’t know what Roger had done to Danny the Dickhead, but I knew it wasn’t good. It was a wonder the man was still breathing. Didn’t mean he wanted to be. I knew all too well the pain that bastard could administer.

  Then again, if he’d inflicted even a fraction of the pain on Heaven’s ex that he had me, there’d be nightmares to follow. They would come after the body healed. Everly had witnessed them, but she never forced me to talk. Because I didn’t want her to worry, I’d started reducing the amount of time I slept. I figured if I was still functioning, I was doing an okay job.

  A knock sounded on my door. I immediately looked over at the clock, then to the window. The sun was just starting to turn the sky from black to gray, it would soon turn pink as the earth continued to spin.

  “Come in.”

  Isaac stuck his head in, scanned the room. The bed was still made. I was sitting on top of the blankets. He frowned, obviously realizing I hadn’t been to sleep.

  “Want to get an early start on the run? Maybe add some distance?”

  “Yes, Sir.” I hopped off the bed, grabbed my running shoes.

  “When we get back, we’re going to talk,” he said simply.

  “Yes, Sir,” I said by rote. Everyone seemed to want to talk to me.

  “See you in five?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I was out of my room and standing on the back porch in under three minutes. Ian and Isaac joined me shortly after.

  And as we’d done for the past three mornings, we took off down the street. I’d learned which route they took and had forced myself to keep their pace, although I was almost positive they’d slowed a bit, coming closer to my time.

  My head cleared as my feet pounded the pavement. I focused on my breathing, the wind on my face, my thoughts drifting.

  After the neighbors had found me in the attic, I’d gone to live with a nice couple, though I’d heard rumors that I was going to end up getting stuck in some shithole with the scum of the earth supervising my every need. That hadn’t been the case. And while I didn’t open up to them, I had grown attached. Tom, my foster father, had inspired my desire for running. He’d been big into marathons, invited me to train with him. Since they homeschooled me, I’d never had the chance to join the track team, but Tom had told me all of his stories.

  On the day I turned eighteen, I had thanked them for taking care of me, then set off into the world on my own. My instincts had been relatively decent, though there was no denying I’d made a few stupid choices in my life. Looking at Roger had been one of them.

  Before I knew it, we were back at the house, having added two miles and an additional fifteen minutes to the run. We stepped into the house to the smell of bacon and eggs, Everly and Heaven in the kitchen, laughing about something as they worked.

  “Breakfast in ten,” Everly told us. “Might want to hurry through those showers.”

  I nodded, looking forward to a few minutes to myself.

  “Actually,” Isaac said, motioning toward me, “you pick up where they’re leaving off. We’ll be back in twenty.”

  While it should’ve seemed strange, I watched with interest as Isaac walked right over, scooped Heaven up over his shoulder, as Ian did the same with Everly.

  They were switching. Though it didn’t shock me completely, I couldn’t deny the surprise. I could tell Isaac and Ian had deep affection for Everly, but they’d kept to the same dynamic since we’d arrived.

  Was the switch signaling some sort of change?

  I made my way to the stove, began working to finish breakfast, all the while thinking that the events that transpired in the next few minutes would either strengthen this bond or shatter it altogether.

  “Twenty minutes,” I muttered.

  That was how long I had before I learned whether my life changed once again.

  For better or worse.


  Heaven drummed her fists on my back, giggling as I hauled her down the hall to the guest room she’d taken over. She kept it up until I deposited her in the bathroom, setting her little butt right on the counter.

  “What are we doing in here?” she asked, giggling.

  “Showering. What else?”

  She grinned. “So, is this … you know … normal for people like you?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “People like me?”

  “Dominants,” she said, drawing out the word.

  “I don’t think there’s a game plan. Do you have a problem with this?”

  Her eyes locked on my face and for a moment I thought she was going to back out. Funny, I couldn’t decide if I was hoping she would or not.

  Then her face grew serious for a moment. “Is Everly okay with this?”

  “She doesn’t get to make that decision.”

  That didn’t seem to appease her.

  I sighed. “Look—”

  “No.” She held up her hand, smiled. “I’m sorry. I’m ruining the fun. And that’s what this is, right? Fun?” Her smile grew wider. “Show me some fun, you big, bad Dom.”

  Since she was feeling feisty, I figured now was a good time to show her just how much I enjoyed spunky little submissives.

  If I were being completely honest, I’d been waiting for this. For Ian to ask for a switch, that was. And it had been his request that had gotten us to this point. He had reminded me of how we’d envisioned this to go, two submissives we could share between us when the urge arose. Initially, I’d considered refusing him, but I’d seen the need in my twin’s eyes, knew he was hoping for time with Everly.

  So, here we were.

  I silenced Heaven’s giggle with my mouth, earning a moan in response. She leaned into me, slid her arms up my sweaty chest. I didn’t let go until she was panting.

  “Time to get you wet,” I mumbled as I slid my lips down her neck. “Very, very wet.”

  Gripping the hem of her T-shirt, I lifted it up and over her head, tossing it to the floor. Before she could sigh, I had my fingers in the waistband of her shorts and her panties, tugging until she used her hands to push up enough I could work them down her legs. They joined the T-shirt.

  I dipped two fingers into her slit, watched her pretty green eyes glaze over.

  “You’re already wet. Excited?”

  “Intrigued,” she moaned.

  I lowered myself to my knees, forced her legs wide, and licked her pussy.

  “Oh, God…”

  Yeah, I wanted to hear more of that.

  I licked, sucked, teased, but never gave her exactly what she needed. I would make her come, but I would have her begging for it by the time I was done with her.

  I took a break, gave her a few seconds to catch her breath while I started the shower. Figuring her knees were a little weak, I lifted her easily, carried her into the shower with me. When she was on her feet, I smiled.

  “You’re a tease,” she said on a shaky breath. “I’m still light-headed from that.”

  “I’ll make good on it, I promise. All in due time.”

  I turned her so that the water poured over her, slicking her hair, her skin.

  Without asking, she reached for the shampoo.

  It was then I missed Everly most. Heaven was nothing like my sweet submissive. In fact, I didn’t think this woman had a single submissive bone in her body.

  Which got me thinking. How had Ian dealt with this? His need to dominate was as powerfu
l as mine.

  Then again, he’d likely overpowered her, seduced her into complying. He had a unique way about him, and I certainly hadn’t heard Heaven complaining.

  Heaven stared up at me as she soaped her hair with shampoo. And while she did that, I took the opportunity to tease her tits, squeezing, plucking her nipples, hanging on every moan and sigh that escaped her. Heaven thrust her chest forward as she rinsed the soap from her hair.

  I stopped, earning a frown in response.

  I grabbed the conditioner, slicked it into her hair before I handed her the body wash Ian had obviously stashed in here. While I was all for shower play, I had no desire to smell like flowers for the rest of the day.

  “Wash me,” I commanded.


  “You don’t know the half of it.”

  Her hands were playful as they danced over me, paying close attention to my nipples, my balls. She teased my cock but stopped long before I was ready. That was when I decided to show her what I wanted from her.


  Her eyes darkened, her lips parting. The woman had claimed she wasn’t submissive, but she sure did submit nicely. When she wasn’t being a brat, that was.

  Heaven eased down to her knees.

  “Suck me. But don’t you dare make me come.”

  There was a little smirk on her lips. I made sure it disappeared as I pushed my cock past them. She gripped the base of my cock, keeping me from going too deep. I obliged, not wanting to hurt her. Her fingers were too small to circle me fully, but she made up for that as she worked me with her mouth and hand at the same time, twisting her fist in the perfect motion to have me groaning.

  “You’ve got a sweet little mouth,” I murmured, ensuring she heard the praise. “So soft.”

  I let her work me to the best of her abilities for a few minutes, then decided to take over. I wasn’t close. Yet.

  “Put your hands on my thighs.”

  With my cock still buried in her mouth, she dropped her hands to my thighs.

  I slid my fingers into her hair, tightened my grip, and pushed forward, careful not to make her gag. Initially.

  “Can you deep throat me?”

  Her eyes widened, but she didn’t confirm or deny.


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