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Terraserpix Page 1

by Mac Park


  Title Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Long ago beast and man shared one world. Then they began to battle.

  After many battles the world was split in two. Beasts were given Beastium. Man was given Earth.

  A border-wall was made. It closed the two worlds off.

  The beasts tried to get through the border-wall many times. The Border Guards had to stop them. Border Guards were trained to defend the border-wall. Battles won by beasts made them stronger. Battles won by guards earned them new battle gear. And they got new upgrades. Then their battle gear could do more.

  Five guards now defend the border-wall. Their work is top secret. They battle and learn. One day they will become Border Masters. Just like their dads. But first they must learn and become Border Captains.

  Their dads were also Border Guards once. They kept learning until they became Border Masters.

  And now they make up the Bordaria Master Command. The BMC. The BMC help the Border Guards during battle. They show them how to defend the wall. They give the Border Guards new battle gear.

  The guards must earn their new battle gear. They need to learn from their battles. And from their mistakes.

  Kai Masters is a Border Guard. He wants to become a Border Captain. The BMC watch Kai closely. Kai must keep learning.

  The beasts of Beastium lived in four different lands. There was a fire land and a rock land. There was a water and an air land. Past these lands were the Outlands. Only the BMC knew about them. That would soon change.

  Over time, the edges of the lands mixed. That was how the border-lands were made. The beasts from each of the worlds mixed too.

  The BMC had been watching Beastium closely. New things had been happening. Strange things.

  Kai Masters must think about his old battles. He must learn. If he does, he will make it to Border Captain.

  Kai Masters was in his new test room. His robotic dog, BC3, was with him. Kai had turned BC’s human chat button on.

  ‘This new room from the BMC is great,’ Kai said to his buddy. ‘I love working with things in here.’

  ‘A new test room from BMC is good,’ said BC. ‘BMC must be happy with us. Maybe soon you will become a Border Captain.’

  Kai Masters was a Border Guard. He and BC guarded the wall between Earth and Beastium. They battled beasts and kept them back from the wall. Kai was a good Border Guard. But he wanted to be a Border Captain.

  ‘Yes,’ said Kai ‘Maybe. We can make better battle gear in here, BC. If we battle well with this better gear I might make captain.’

  ‘New battle gear?’ asked BC.

  ‘No, we can’t make new stuff. We can do things with all the gear from our other battles. I can add things to them. I can make them better.’

  Kai picked up the foam blaster. ‘This was good in the fire land,’ he said. ‘But I think I’ve made it better, BC. The last time we used this it could only shoot out foam.’

  ‘Will it shoot out other things now?’ asked BC.

  ‘That’s the plan,’ said Kai. ‘I’m hoping that now it can shoot rocks, fire and water too.’

  ‘A blaster that shoots rocks, water and fire! Good for battles in every land,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes,’ Kai said. ‘It will be very handy.’

  Kai took the blaster and went over to the testing range. ‘Now let’s see if it works, BC.’

  Kai pushed the fire button. Fire shot out.

  ‘That worked,’ said BC. ‘Try water next.’

  Kai pressed the water button. A jet of water blasted out from the blaster.

  ‘This is so cool,’ said Kai. ‘I’ll try the rocks button now.’

  Just then Kai’s orbix beeped.

  Kai took his orb from his pocket. He looked at its screen. ‘It’s an alert from the BMC,’ he said. ‘Something is wrong in the rock land. Beast eggs have hatched. And there’s water.’

  ‘Water in a rock land!’ said BC. ‘That’s nutty.’

  ‘We need to get to the battle chamber,’ said Kai. ‘I’ll bring the blaster with us. I think we will be needing it.’

  Kai lived in an old lighthouse on a big hill. It looked old from the outside. But the inside was new. There were secret rooms in the lighthouse. And secret places all over the hill. The new Border Guard test room was on the other side of the hill. Away from the lighthouse.

  ‘We need to take the bullet train back to the lighthouse,’ said Kai.

  Kai climbed into the bullet train. BC climbed into the seat behind him.

  ‘Ready?’ asked Kai.

  ‘Ready,’ said BC.

  Kai closed the train’s glass lid. Then he put his Border Guard Card into the slot on the dashboard.

  The train’s engine started and the train shot through the tunnel. The train began to slow down near the battle chamber.

  ‘My collar is flashing,’ said BC. Kai turned to look. Then his orb flashed too.

  ‘You got an upgrade. The BMC doesn’t say what it is. Any upgrade is good!’ said Kai.

  The bullet train pulled in to the battle chamber. It stopped and Kai and BC climbed out.

  Kai’s orb beeped again. A new message flashed. Kai smiled. ‘There’s a new space in the battle chamber, BC,’ he said ‘Wall three has changed.’

  Kai said. ‘It is a gear mash-up unit. We can mix our gear up. We get to make new gear by joining old gear together. But I don’t know how it works. I guess we’ll find out inside.’

  Kai stood inside the battle chamber. He looked at the three walls. He had used gear from walls one and two before. ‘There’s all our old gear,’ said Kai. ‘It’s good that we can make it better in the test lab now.’

  ‘Let’s look at the new thing on wall three,’ said BC.

  ‘Yes. Finally we get to use wall three. But there is still a screen covering it,’ said Kai. ‘That’s weird.’

  Kai stepped up to wall three. As he did, the screen lifted slowly like a garage door.

  ‘I don’t get it,’ said Kai. ‘There’s no gear on the wall. Just two glass doors and a computer.’

  Kai hit the demo button on the computer. A movie started playing. As Kai watched he said, ‘So, two things go in one chamber. I put my orb in there too. When it’s done the new thing is in the other chamber.’

  The demo movie finished. Then a new icon came onto the screen. ‘Gear Mash–Up,’ said Kai. ‘We are going to the rock land. Let’s put the X-Archer in there. We beat the rock beast with it last time.’

  ‘And the blaster that can shoot other stuff now,’ said BC.

  Kai opened the first chamber. He put the foam blaster and the X-Archer inside.

  Then he closed the door.

  Kai hit the Gear Mash-Up button and waited. Then some words popped up on the screen.

  Kai opened the other door. He took out the X-Foam Archer and looked at it. ‘It’s two in one!’ said Kai. ‘Awesome.’

  Then a computer voice said

  ‘Hey, there’s something new in the transport chamber too,’ said Kai.

  ‘New rides for us?’ asked BC.

  ‘Sort of. Same rides but with new battle things,’ said Kai.

  ‘That’s good,’ said BC.

  ‘I think we will need these new things,’ said Kai. ‘Beastium has changed too.’

  ‘Maybe beasts are new too,’ said BC.

  Kai and BC climbed the ladder to the slide. They took the slide to the transport chamber. The computer screen was already on. The words on the screen said

  ‘We pick a ride we’ve had before,’ Kai said
to BC. ‘Then we add new gear to it. Better battle gear.’

  ‘What about the sludge-bot we used in the mud land?’ asked BC.

  ‘That’s a good idea,’ said Kai. ‘It could get muddy with water in a rock land. But we need to fly too. Let’s do the jet-drill we used in the volcano land.’

  Kai hit the jet-drill button. The jet came up on the screen.

  ‘We can only pick two things,’ said BC. ‘The claw can pick up big rocks.’

  Kai hit the claw button and the rock laser button. ‘These two will be good.’ he said. Then they heard a noise.

  ‘Part of the floor is moving behind us again,’ said BC. ‘Here comes our new jet. We drive it now with Border Guard Card.’

  The new jet rose out from the hole in the floor. When it stopped Kai and BC jumped in. Kai put his card into the slot. He keyed the rock land code into his orb.

  ‘Are you ready to go to the top of the lighthouse, BC?’ asked Kai.

  Before BC could answer a computer voice said

  Kai looked up. The wall of the transport chamber slid open.

  ‘It’s some kind of tunnel,’ said Kai. Suddenly the jet’s engines fired up. ‘Hold on!’ said Kai. The jet shot out through the tunnel at top speed. Kai and BC were gone. To Beastium.

  The jet flew across the rock land. Kai looked down for eggs or eggshells. ‘I can’t see anything,’ he said. ‘I’m going to use the heat-seeker. Maybe it can find the hatching eggs.’

  ‘Orb is flashing,’ said BC. Kai took the orb from the X-Foam Archer.

  ‘Great!’ said Kai. ‘All our arrows have ancient arrowheads now. Like the one we used to beat the rock beast.’

  ‘We only had one of those before. We have lots now,’ said BC. ‘That’s good.’

  ‘Yes. And the heat seeker has just found something.’

  Kai tried to fly the jet closer to the ground. ‘I can see the eggs,’ he said. ‘But I can’t get close enough. There are too many rocks and mountains. I’ll have to land.’

  Kai landed the jet. Then he set it to stand-by. ‘I can call it with the orb if we need it now, BC,’ he said.

  Kai grabbed the orb and locked it into the X-Foam Archer. He put the Archer on his back. Then he grabbed his hover board. ‘Hop on, BC,’ he said. ‘It’s time to follow these egg shells and see where they lead.’

  Kai and BC hovered above the eggshells. ‘The shells lead in there,’ said Kai.

  Kai pointed to two tall rock mountains. In-between the mountains was a narrow path. ‘We have to go through those mountains,’ said Kai. ‘The track is small but we can fit.’

  Kai and BC moved slowly onto the path. ‘It’s too dark in here,’ said BC. ‘I’ll use my laser light tail.’

  BC’s tail lit up the space.

  Suddenly there was a terrible noise.

  Then rock bats flew at them from everywhere. ‘There’s so many of them,’ Kai said. ‘And more are coming.’

  ‘Watch out,’ said BC. ‘They’re dropping slime! I’ll get them with my eye lasers.’ BC hit the bats one by one with his lasers.

  I’ve seen that slime before, thought Kai. He took his orb from the X-Foam Archer. He hit a button. A metal arm shot out from the orb. The arm scooped up some slime. Then it went back inside the orb. Kai waited for the screen to flash.

  I knew it! he thought as he looked at the screen.

  It’s the slime from the water land. But why is it here? thought Kai.

  ‘Top job with the bats, BC,’ said Kai. But something strange is going on here.’

  ‘Very strange,’ said BC. ‘But it’s safe to go out now.’

  But then BC’s tail began to wag. ‘Beast is coming,’ he said.

  ‘Where?’ asked Kai.

  ‘There,’ said BC. ‘Look!’

  BC pointed to a pile of rocks. Kai saw the rocks move. He checked his orb.

  Kai loaded an arrow into the X-Foam Archer. ‘It has an ancient arrowhead on it.’

  Kai got ready to shoot. He was about to let go of the arrow when he heard a loud noise.

  ‘Watch out!’ said Kai.

  Rocks and dirt flew from where the beast was standing. They crashed to the ground. A pile of smoke and dust filled the air.

  Then BC’s tail wagged like crazy.

  ‘What is it, BC? I can’t see through the dust.’

  ‘Big danger ahead,’ said BC. They both waited for the dust to clear. And then Kai saw it. ‘What is that thing?’ asked Kai. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. This is bad.’

  Standing where the rock beast had been was a beast with two heads. Kai grabbed his orb and took a photo. Kai waited for the card to come on his screen.

  ‘Why is it taking so long?’ asked Kai.

  ‘Maybe orb is mixed up too,’ said BC.

  At last a card popped up.

  ‘A mutant beast!’ said Kai. ‘What is that?’

  ‘Mix-up of some beasts,’ said BC. ‘The heads are rock beast and water beast.’

  ‘How do we battle it?’ asked Kai.

  BC’s tail wagged again. ‘No!’ said Kai. ‘Now what?’

  ‘Beast won against the rock beast,’ said BC. ‘So it can grow. Look!’

  Kai took another photo with his orb. He looked at the card and began to think.

  ‘Four arms,’ said BC. ‘Two can shoot things like the rock beast. How did this happen?’ asked BC.

  ‘I think we did it,’ said Kai. ‘When we battled beasts we mixed the worlds. We used water on the rock beast. We used ice on the fire beast. We mixed things up. Now the beasts are mixed up too.’

  ‘This is bad,’ said BC.

  ‘Very bad,’ said Kai. ‘No more mixing. We must battle with rocks, dirt and dust only.’

  Then the beast lifted its arms. ‘It’s getting ready to attack. Quick, let’s go.’

  Kai and BC hovered up high above the beast. But they weren’t quick enough. The beast blasted them with rocks and water.

  ‘A rock and water hurl,’ said BC. He shot at the rocks with his laser eyes.

  Kai fired arrows at the rocks and split them apart. But the water was too strong. ‘It’s pushing us back, BC. I can’t stop it!’ Kai said.

  The beast let out a huge roar.

  ‘I’m turning on my force field bubble,’ said BC. ‘It will go around both of us.’

  ‘The water is pushing us into the mountains,’ said Kai.

  ‘We will be safe there,’ said BC.

  But BC was wrong. The beast came after them.

  Kai blasted the beast with rocks with the X-Foam Archer. He fired arrows at the same time. ‘This mashed-up gear is good,’ he said. ‘I can fire everything at once.’

  Then the beast got mad. It let out a huge growl.

  The walls around Kai and BC shook. ‘It’s coming!’ said BC.

  The huge rock crashed down into the beast’s open mouth. Suddenly everything stopped. ‘It worked,’ said BC. ‘It’s all plugged up.’

  Kai looked out at the beast. Its firing arms were stuffed with rock. Its serpent mouth was filled with dirt.

  Its dragon mouth was filled with dirt and dust. And its rock head was jammed with a huge rock. The beast’s legs were shaking. Then it slowly fell to the ground.

  ‘It doesn’t have any more attacks left in it,’ said Kai. ‘But we can’t leave it here.’

  ‘No,’ said BC. ‘The beast is plugged up now but it might not stay that way.’

  ‘I’m going to land the jet and take a look,’ said Kai.

  The jet touched down not far from the beast. Kai grabbed the X-Foam Archer. ‘Just in case,’ he said to BC. Then they walked over to the beast.

  ‘My orb just flashed,’ said Kai as he looked at the orb’s screen. ‘It’s like a land picture. But it’s not any land we’ve been to. I don’t know it.’

  Kai pressed the button and some words came up on the screen. ‘The BMC says we have to take it to the Outlands,’ said Kai. ‘I didn’t think that place was real.’

  ‘How do we do it?’ asked BC.

  ‘With the upgrade on your collar. The BMC say you have a ray cage now. I’ll activate it and then you can work it.’

  Kai activated the upgrade. Red beams of light shot out from BC’s collar. They went around the beast.

  ‘It’s in the ray cage now,’ said BC. ‘I can lift it up. The cage is joined to my collar by the red beam. I know how to get to the beast gate. But I need my jet pack.’

  ‘Stay there,’ said Kai. Kai went back to the jet.

  He got the jet pack and put it on BC. ‘Ready?’

  ‘Yes,’ said BC. ‘Follow me.’

  Kai got back into the jet. He fired up its engines. He followed BC to the Outlands.

  When BC reached the beast gate he stopped. ‘Send a message to the BMC on the orb,’ he said to Kai. ‘Tell them we are at the gate.’

  Kai keyed in ‘At beast gate’ on his orb. The gate in the wall began to slide open. ‘Be quick,’ said Kai. ‘The orb says you only have a few seconds. Then it will close.’

  BC pushed the beast through the gate. When the cage was safely inside Kai turned it off. They watched as the beast fell into the Outlands. The gate closed.

  ‘We did it, BC,’ said Kai. ‘The beast is locked away behind the wall for good.’

  ‘Our work is done here, BC,’ said Kai. ‘Home time now.’

  BC climbed back into the jet. ‘Beast can’t get out now,’ he said.


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