A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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A Vampire's Christmas [Milson Valley 6] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 11

by Jo Penn

  Tudor rounded on his mate, jabbing Luka in his delectable chest. “I’m right here, Luka.”

  Luka frowned. “Yeah, I know, hon.”

  “Guiding stars, wait till I tell Cas you’ve been flirting again,” Tudor exclaimed.

  “Wait. What?” Luka looked around, alarmed. “I wasn’t flirting.”

  “Yeah, you were.” Deakin retorted, making a scoffing noise. “You just can’t help it. It’s all those wolf pheromones of yours just bursting to come out.”

  Tyler bit his lip to stop from laughing. Poor Luka, he couldn’t help flirting, it was his nature. And it got him in trouble every single day with his mates, Prince Caspar Morgan of the fae and wizard Tudor.

  “So, sweets, hit on by your lecturer, hey?” Tyler moved to his mate and wrapped his arms around Constantin, who thankfully didn’t resist but held himself stiff. Tyler sniffed his mate’s individual, glorious scent. He loved his mate’s scent. Apples, fresh nature and a little bit of spice. Sweet and spicy. “I’ll have one of the coven’s security have a chat with him.”

  Or better yet, Tyler would personally chat with this dirty old professor.

  “Don’t need to. I reported him to the university. He got fired a week ago. He should have just answered the question. I still don’t know what he was talking about in class, it didn’t make any sense.”

  Holy shit. Well, Tyler knew not to mess with his mate then. Grinning, he kissed Constantin’s cheek.

  “No, it didn’t.” Deakin grumbled, then brightened. “The new lecturer said it was all crap though and that Dan, the old lecturer, actually lodged fraudulent documents to get the job there and is going to be prosecuted for it.”

  “Is he the one that they found evidence of being associated with the Renegades in his apartment?” Shelby asked. “I heard about that! Some student reported a lecturer at Cape Cod for inappropriate behavior and when they looked into the lecturer, the university found out he’d lied about his credentials and the police were looking into his ties to a Renegade group in the area. Man, that’s trippy, like two degrees of separation or something.”

  Tyler agreed, though not with the two degrees of separation. Shelby was obviously smoking something natural again he shouldn’t be and would end up in trouble with his parents.

  Archie grinned and rocked back and forth, hands in pockets. “So. Want to come hang in the games room? Blazh is staying, as are Luka and Tudor. Cas is with Ryson working on some boring shit or other, and Deak and Ran are hanging with us also.”

  Tyler thought that was a great plan. It’d help settle Constantin in quicker if he could relate to some of the younger members of the coven and their friends and not feel too overwhelmed by Tyler’s family. First, he had to guide Constantin to the walk-in wardrobe where Tyler had spent days, weeks even, studying what his mate liked and made sure to get that. He didn’t want to dress the man up like a doll, he wanted to provide and make the mate happy, that was a paranormal thing, like wolves wanting to feed their mate and make sure they were close and safe. Felines petted and coddled, also fed and gave shelter.

  Tyler would just have to show his mate there were no issues here and his family would accept Constantin as theirs. And they were all good, slightly eccentric creatures, nothing at all to be wary over.

  First, though… “You can’t wear this, sweets.”

  “What? Why? And who says you get to tell me what I can and can’t wear?”

  “Because I know fashion and these jeans have a hole right here.” Tyler lengthened his nail to become a short talon and sliced a small hole in his mate’s jeans. Now there was a gaping big hole right over Constantin’s right ass cheek.

  “I cannot believe you did that!” Constantin glared and covered the hole with his hand.

  “I can.” Amit grinned.

  “Yeah, definitely a Tyler move.” Archie laughed, holding up his hands when Constantin narrowed his eyes on the other vampire. “We’ll wait in the games room.”

  Chapter Eight

  They were loud, boisterous, argumentative and happy. Having kept himself apart from forming any type of attachment to others for so long, Con found himself watching the large group interact and studied reactions and characters. It gained him a lot of insight, especially into Tyler.

  Con’s mate. The youngest Durand prince.

  He found himself drawn into their antics, the conversations, liked hearing the stories told of not only Tyler, but each and every one of the creatures here. Like Tudor using his magic and accidently sticking Milson City’s mayor, Luka’s father, to his desk for five hours. And Shelby growing a marijuana crop in his window box.

  And not all of them were from wealthy backgrounds with good, caring families. Deakin was from a small town and had twenty odd siblings, which he shuddered over, and his family only scraped by. Until he mated with Avenger Vicus and now the Astons had set Deakin’s family up so they’d never be poor again.

  And Cary, another vampire, had lost his parents very young and then his adoptive parents.

  Could Con fit in with Tyler and his friends?

  Tyler was…yeah, out of this world extraordinary and Con wasn’t very social—okay, he was anti-social. He was cautious and cynical while Tyler was exuberant and happy, caring of others and took time with each. The vampire was a leader and brought them altogether. He sat with Constantin and was affectionate, including him and so vibrant he made Con’s head spin. Con, though, to fit in here, to keep his mate, would have to change. And he didn’t think he could do that. Tyler deserved someone fun and loving, social and interesting.

  Blazh, the cute blond Con had seen at university with Tyler numerous times over the last few months, sat with Con, chatting and telling him about the city and valley, the different paranormal groups and friends. It was a nice gesture and Con appreciated it, but honestly, it just made him more conscious of the fact he was an outsider, and in no way good enough for Tyler Durand.

  What should he do? Could he change for his mate? Be what Tyler should have? Con wasn’t sure he could change. Maybe Tyler deserved just to be free, maybe there was another mate out there for the vampire? Mulling this over, he turned on the sofa to see a six foot five, hugely built blond creature stride in with Misha, Tyler’s eldest brother.

  Misha immediately locked eyes with Con, but it was brief. “They are both here, Cas.”

  “Yes, I can see,” Cas, the big male, murmured. “Tyler, congratulations.”

  Tyler jumped up and walked over to Misha and Cas. “Thanks, Cas…” Tyler frowned at his brother, then Cas. “Did Misha ask you to check the mate thread?”


  “Dammit, Misha! I cannot believe you still doubt me! Constantin is my mate—”

  “Settle down,” Misha ordered. “I do believe you. I asked Cas to ensure the thread is stable now. After the incident the first day you brought Constantin home to the coven, I felt it best to check.”

  “Oh, right.” Tyler grinned and winked at Con before looking back at the two men. “We’re good—”

  “We-ell…” Archie cleared his throat. “I was going to tell you later, but if we’re announcing things in front of everyone—”

  “We’re not.” Misha curled his finger at Archie. “We will go to Tyler’s office.”

  Tyler had an office? Well, of course he did. He was a prince and worked for the coven, he’d need an office.

  “It would be best,” Cas commented. “I will be back in a moment, mates.”

  Luka merely waved a hand, concentrating on the car he was controlling on the screen. Tudor smiled and continued listening intently to Cary.

  “Fine.” Tyler rolled his eyes. “Come on, sweets.”

  “It’s cool, you go, seems important.”

  “You will join us, Constantin,” Misha ordered.

  So told, keeping his grumbles in his head, Con stood and followed the others out of the room. He kicked the toe of his new Doc Martens. Having expected to find the type of clothes Tyler and his friends wore, Con ha
d been stunned to see very little of that style in the walk-in wardrobe assigned to him. Instead, Tyler had supplied the type of clothes Con usually wore, but good quality. He wouldn’t say he was grunge, nor mod, rock, or hipster. Con didn’t really pick those styles. His was more casual. He liked shirts that had sayings or bands on them and weren’t floppy, as they got in the way when he was working his courier job. Usually, he went for dark clothes but Tyler had mixed it up a bit and Con found he liked that and was wearing a black, long- sleeve thermal shirt with a short-sleeve, pale aqua shirt over the top, black slim-fit jeans, and the Doc Martens.

  Pulled into the room by Tyler, he didn’t protest when Tyler leaned his butt against a big modern desk and placed Con in front of him, between his legs and wrapped both arms around him. In this position, he felt how tense Tyler was immediately and glanced over his shoulder with a frown.

  Tyler smiled, but it was full of tension, just like his toned, hard body was.

  “Share with us, Archie.” Misha sat in one of the big, cushy chairs in front of the desk, Cas standing, watching with arms crossed.

  Archie sat down and twiddled his fingers, grimacing a smile at them. “I can read auras, Constantin. It’s more than just that but I’ll go into that another time if you’re interested. Anyway, I’ve been watching your aura in the games room and…” Archie worried his bottom lip a moment before shrugging. “You’ve been plummeting in confidence and are feeling out of place—”

  “Hang on.” Tyler turned Con around and when Con wouldn’t look at him, used both hands to lift his face. “You weren’t having a good time? What does Archie mean by confidence? You’ve got tons of confidence—”

  “Means he doesn’t feel good enough, as he is, for you,” Archie said in a rush.

  “What? But that’s crazy!”

  “I don’t think telling your mate he’s crazy with how he feels is the way to go, bro,” Archie whispered loudly.

  “Cas, what do you see with their mate thread?” Misha asked.

  “Unfortunately, the thread is weak on Constantin’s side. It is not letting go but does not have durability. On Tyler’s it is complete.”

  “Of course, my brother immediately embraces and takes to his heart what the fates have provided,” Misha said softly. “We will leave you two. Know you are our family, Constantin, and that we are all different, all accepted—”

  “You don’t accept that Bertie dude,” Archie said, springing up. “Chane nearly lost his monk ways and sliced off the fae’s hand the other day. You should have seen it!”

  “I detest that creature,” Misha hissed. “I insist you take him back, Cas. The man fumbles and destroys everything he touches!”

  “Yeah, I’m not taking him back,” Cas retorted.

  Con heard them all leave but his attention was on Tyler, whose arms were locked around him like steel bands. Not hurting, but immovable, solid. But what concerned Con was the vampire’s eyes. No longer were they laughing pale green or full of fire. Instead, pain. Just filled with so much pain.

  That made Con pained also and something inside shifted. He had hurt his mate. They hurt together.

  Con sighed and pressed his cheek against Tyler’s, his arms around his vampire’s waist. He never wanted to hurt Tyler, never. Seeing the pain tore at him and made Con want to bring a smile to his mate’s face, to his heart.

  “I’m trying, Tyler…just need a little time to get used to everything.”

  “I don’t have to hang with my friends—”

  “Yeah, you do, I want you to.” He sighed. “They’re good guys and genuinely seemed okay with me there. I…I know I’m fortunate to have you, Tyler, I guess—”

  “We are fortunate to have each other. Neither one of us is better than the other, we’re different, we’re connected, we fit together. And I don’t think you see yourself as others do. You have integrity, are smart and determined, hot and have a fun side that’s beginning to show.”

  Brushing his cheek against Tyler’s, feeling his slight bristle against his mate’s silky smoothness, the difference tingled. Slowly he began moving his hands from Tyler’s waist as he continued to brush their cheeks together lightly. He felt the tension in the firm muscles under soft linen and smooth skin and kneaded as he caressed his mate’s back just as he tilted his head more and brushed his lips over Tyler’s.

  Tyler didn’t move, his body completely still. Con was happy for the vampire to stay still, it gave his tactile need free rein and he made the most of it, stroking and kneading, gripping and pressing closer. Tyler’s body fascinated Con, how the smooth skin covered firm muscles that bunched at each caress of his hand and how the linen sat so snugly against that body and showed it off, tempting Con to touch more, to explore and know.

  So he did. He touched and kissed and explored. Tyler’s lips were made for kissing and the creature knew just how to respond, just the right pressure and teasing. Their tongues dueled and twined, tasted each other as their mouths fused together in needs so powerful Con was sure they’d end up singed. He didn’t mind, he wanted more, to feel all of his vampire.

  His hands learned all of Tyler’s torso then wandered down his glorious chest, over the defined muscular stomach and dipped beneath the tight, steel-gray slacks.

  “Ah, yes, sweets, touch me.”

  Con did, wrapping his hand around the long, slender pole that scorched his hand with its heat. Beads of moisture leaked from the small slit at the top, Con using these beads to spread over the hot, heavy cock in his hand and began long strokes from tip to base. He undid Tyler’s pants with his other hand to give more room and pulled the silk boxer shorts down. His mate’s cock was beautiful. Engorged, red, long and slender. Tyler arched, head falling back, groin thrust forward in Con’s hand. He firmed his grip and leaning forward, nipped Tyler’s left nipple as he quickened his strokes, his thumb brushing heavy, hairless balls.

  Tyler cried out and jerked, fangs sliding down, eyes closing to tiny slits.

  Seeing his mate like this, his body ready and Con’s to play with drove his need to touch and explore, to give pleasure, into overdrive. Con’s hand moved faster with a firm grip that had Tyler groaning and body taut. After half a dozen strokes Tyler’s talons slid out and pierced through the modern desk he had a death grip on just as his cock shot stream after stream of clear cum across Con’s hand and his linen shirt.

  Con was so turned on he couldn’t resist licking a pool of cum, the flavor of his mate making him groan and his own cock spurt a little in his pants.

  As he straightened Tyler gave that strange little appreciative noise and pulled Con tight against him.

  “Need you, mate.” Tyler trailed his lips over Con’s cheek to the corner of his mouth, nibbling. “Want you so much.”

  His body roared with hunger for this vampire. Con nodded. He wanted Tyler, but not just physically. He needed the beginning of their connection to feel they were a part of one another.

  “No bonding.”

  Tyler stilled. Con was sure his mate was going to protest, possibly even become argumentative and frustrated, but Tyler surprised him by picking Con up and swiftly moving them to the large chaise in the office. Climbing on, Tyler began tugging at Con’s clothes. With his shirt off quickly, Con managed to stop the man’s hands at the buttons of his pants.

  “Tell me you haven’t changed your mind.” Tyler looked pained.

  Reaching up, Con jerked open the very smart, stylish collared shirt Tyler wore. Buttons popped open. He smiled.

  “No, I haven’t changed my mind. No bonding.”

  With a bit of a dramatic sigh, Tyler pulled his shirt off and tossed it onto the floor.

  “No bonding. You’re beautiful.”

  Con loved Tyler’s hands on him. The vampire’s touch was all consuming, making him want more. Tyler lowered his head to Con’s and took his lips fiercely, demanding a response. Con was happy to give it, melding his lips to his mate’s and pressing their half-naked bodies together as his hands continued their
exploration of silky skin over hard muscle. As Tyler commandeered their kiss, Con hardly noticed his pants being undone and pushed down, until the vampire’s lips left his and began exploring his body.

  “Oh, man…Tyler!”

  * * * *

  Having his mate naked and spread out beneath him, giving himself to Tyler, was a thrill unlike anything he had ever experienced before. But it was more than sexual and exciting. Constantin had opened himself up to Tyler emotionally and mentally, was wanting to begin cementing their connection.

  That gave Tyler more of a thrill than finally being able to fuck Constantin—well, okay, it was on par! Fucking his mate was something he wasn’t ever going to get enough of.

  Gliding his fingers over his mate’s slender thighs, Tyler enjoyed Constantin’s groan and relished being able to touch. And taste, which he did by swiping his tongue across the tip of his mate’s red, leaking cock. He groaned. Delicious. Reaching over for his dress pants, Tyler continued licking his mate’s cock, enjoying it as the tasty treat it was. Finding the single packet of lube he kept in his pocket, he tore it open and drizzled some over his fingers. Reaching out he spread the lube between his mate’s ass cheeks and finding the little star he wanted to shove his cock into, he rubbed.

  “T-Tyler—oh, yeah.”

  Taking Constantin’s cock into his mouth, Tyler suckled slowly, teasing. He used his tongue to play with the tip and sensitive nerves just under the mushroom head while he let his fingers wander to his mate’s balls, which he caressed and fondled causing his human to babble incoherently and wiggle, pressing himself further into Tyler’s mouth.

  Liking the reaction, Tyler sucked Constantin’s cock down, using his tongue to press and caress the bundle of nerves and swallowed. Constantin’s balls shot up, the man crying out and clutching at Tyler’s hair.

  Continuing to pleasure with his mouth and tongue, Tyler trailed his fingers back to that perfect, pink little star he could hardly wait to slide into. Rubbing a finger over the opening, he added just enough pressure and drizzled more lube. After a few moments, he was able to slide his finger inside. Constantin stilled. Tyler hollowed his cheeks, sucking harder and once more had his mate mumbling mindlessly in pleasure.


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