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Flesh Page 2

by K B Everly

  I kissed her cheek then gathered up the Bo Peep Dress of Doom, laying it over my arm before leaving the room. All the guys looked in my direction as I walked to the front door.

  “Crisis averted. I have removed the cursed object and you are all free to check on your lady love.”

  Hollis gave me a grateful smile and nod before walking to the bedroom. Sloan stopped and hugged me before quickly following. But Vex stayed seated on the couch upside down. I walked over and turned my head to look at him.

  “She didn’t mean it, Vexie. Lucy is stressed right now and wasn’t thinking,” I explained to him gently.

  His eyes zeroed in on me and he scowled. “Damn right she wasn’t thinking! What’d Betty ever do to her?”

  I sighed. “Betty could stand to stay out of the bedroom. That’d be a good start.” I still had no idea what exactly was the reasoning for her being there, but I was honestly too afraid to ask.

  He stared at me with hesitation then blew air into his cheeks. “If it was that big of problem she could have just said so. She didn’t have to throw her.” He brought her down to his face and rubbed the handle like she was precious.

  I patted his cheek. “You’re right. Which is why she wants to apologize. So up you go!” I stood and waved my hands, motioning for him to get up.

  “Alright, alright,” he groused and moved to sit up. “I’m going. I’m still mad, though!”

  I shook my head at him. “Take it up with your love nest. I am going home to burn this.”

  Before anyone could stop me, I quickly exited the apartment.

  I really couldn’t understand how Lucy managed to be so entwined with three men. They were all a little bat shit. It would take me a considerable amount of patience to handle so many. Then again, it’d be kind of nice to be worshipped like she was. They may get mad at her, worry about her, want to strangle her nine times out of ten, but they loved her unconditionally.

  I guess, it wouldn’t be so bad.

  Chapter Two


  I knelt to get a closer look at the body. Surveying a crime scene wasn’t the type of job I usually did for the STF.

  I was an undercover agent. I did field work by infiltrating any range of crime syndicates that were vampire related. Unfortunately, this body was just like the last ten I had been called to look at. The woman was around the same age and had all the same attributes as the other bodies; dumped in an alley stark naked, branded with three letters and a number right above the pelvic region, high doses of drugs dispersed through her system, bite marks all over the body, and bled almost completely dry before being left out in the open like a trophy. It baffled me that whoever was behind this, never hid the bodies. They wanted their handiwork to be seen.

  The reason I was called to all the scenes was because these bodies were most likely connected to a case I’d been working for the last couple of months. From the evidence we had gathered this far, we suspected that there was a large sex and blood trafficking ring that was responsible for the kidnapping of these young, human women. Other than the bodies we had discovered, some of the missing had resurfaced on street corners in surrounding cities. None of the women could remember what happened to them or why there were working as prostitutes – the others were gone. Not a trace left behind. Other than these bodies, of course. Some of the missing had resurfaced on street corners in surrounding cities, all of which couldn’t remember what happened to them or why they were working the corners as prostitutes; others disappeared without a trace.

  I’d been on the force for fifteen years and a vampire for fifty-five. But, no matter how many cases I worked or how many dead bodies turned up, nothing ever prepared me for things like this. This was maddening.

  “Same MO?” Hollis asked as I stood.

  “Yeah. No blood left and that same fucking brand. Each one has the same three letters, but different numbers. I just can’t figure out what they mean.”


  It was so tiny and almost easy to miss. The brands were always done before the victim was killed, not after. So, it wasn’t a mark to commiserate what kill this was. It had to be a form of identification. These women were all branded like cattle. It screamed trafficking. This was how these operations worked. Because in their minds, these women or men were nothing more than livestock. Food. Money.

  “We have to get a lead. Humans will begin to revolt if bodies like these keep piling up. We have to give them some answers,” Hollis supplied gravely.

  I clenched my teeth. “I want to get these fuckers just as much as you do, but I’m running on fumes with this case. No one is talking. Whoever is behind this, is scaring the informants.” I snapped my latex gloves off my hands and ducked under the crime scene tape as we walked back to Hollis’ Camaro.

  “I think if we can figure out that brand, we’ll be one step closer to solving this. Maybe it’s time to ask Lucy’s friend Claudia. She may have some information on these brands,” Hollis suggested.

  “Claudia’s the one that works at that strip club, right? Loud? Likes glitter?” I asked him as I pictured her face in my mind.

  I’d be lying if I said I didn’t find Lucy’s friend attractive. It’d been a long time since a woman caught my attention quite like she did that first time I saw her. Unfortunately, I just didn’t have time for a woman. Hollis managed to juggle his relationship with Lucy just fine by having Vex and Sloan. Me? I lived for the force. My focus was always one hundred percent on the job, and I liked it that way. Women were a distraction I couldn’t afford.

  Especially, now.

  “That’s the one. I didn’t want to bring her in unless we had to,” he replied as we climbed into his car.

  I gaped at him. “Are you serious? We should have asked her for help when this all started.” Why would he hold this back from me? I understood he was my team leader, but we’ve been grasping for any sort of information the last two months on this case.

  Hollis leveled me with a glare. “Lucy said she’s dealt with a ring like this in the past and could probably help us. But, I could tell by the look on her face that it’s not an easy subject for Claudia to talk about. As far as I know, she never does. Lucy said she had only ever mentioned it in passing, but no gory details were ever revealed otherwise. I wasn’t about to go to her unless we were at the end of our rope on the case. Now, we’re at the end of our rope. She doesn’t need a reminder of something painful if it can be helped, Brody.”

  That was the difference between me and Hollis; he could be empathetic when the job required it. I, however, did anything necessary to solve my cases. I refused to let myself be compromised by emotions. I felt for Claudia and her experience, but her feelings weren’t nearly as important as the lives of the other possible victims involved with this ring. We couldn’t waste a minute with the amount of bodies practically piling up at our feet.

  I chose not to reply back to Hollis’ statement, deciding it best to keep my mouth shut.

  When we pulled up to the Sassy Sanguine, I surveyed the place with disinterest. I wasn’t a fan of strip joints. Hollis had asked me on several occasions to grab a drink here with him, Sloan, and Vex, but I always declined. I was never much of a clubber, and I pretty much only drank beer. I appreciated a beautiful female body. I wasn’t gay or dead. I just didn’t have time for the pleasantries of hanging out with my guy friends at strip clubs.

  We walked in side-by-side, gaining attention from the local vamps who frequented here. One vampire who was drunk stumbled out in front of me. I hissed at him and bared my teeth to warn him away from me. He moved quickly. I hated overly drunk people. If you couldn’t hold your alcohol, you didn’t need to be drinking.

  “Why are you so uptight, Brody? Isn’t this the sort of place that should relax you?” Hollis asked as we made our way to the bar.

  “I’m not uptight. I just have no interest in these places. They don’t relax me, they bug me.” I averted my eyes from a blonde vampire as she eye fucked me while dancing. No thanks
, blondie.

  We stopped at the bar where the Ancient named Abraham was working as bartender tonight. He was Claudia’s maker if I remembered correctly. I’d only spoken to him once, and that was after he and the others returned from taking down Bellamy. It was all small talk, so I wasn’t sure how forthcoming he would be with letting us speak to Claudia.

  He grinned at seeing Hollis approach and set down the glass pitcher he was drying. “Hollis Grey. Is Lucy doing better? Claudia rushed out of here earlier after I told her she called.” He said as he leaned over the bar to shake Hollis’ hand.

  “Much, actually. Claudia is a god damn Lucy-valium. I swear we’d never survive our woman’s wrath without the glitter demon swooping in to save the day.”

  Abraham chuckled. “She did have a rather ridiculous looking garment with her when she came home. I asked her what she was doing when I saw her stuffing it into a trash can in the alley. She lit a match then threw it in with a handful of glitter and replied, ‘Exorcising a demon’.” They laughed.

  I coughed impatiently, letting Hollis know to just get to the point.

  Hollis gave me a look, and I shrugged my shoulders. “Unfortunately, this isn’t a social visit, Abraham. We need to speak to Claudia. Lucy mentioned she may have some information that could help us along in a case we’re working on.”

  Abraham raised a brow. “Ah, of course. What is it that you need to speak to her about?”

  Hollis looked at me then back at Abraham, before letting out a sigh. “We’re investigating a possible sex and blood trafficking ring. Lucy said Claudia has dealt with this in the past and could probably help us.”

  Abraham’s expression darkened. “I’m sorry, but no. I won’t allow that,” he replied without hesitation.

  I scowled at him. “Allow it? Isn’t she her own person? That should be her decision.”

  He straightened and shot a glare in my direction. “I don’t care if it’s her decision, it would be a wrong one for her to talk about it. I am her maker, and I won’t allow her to speak about that part of her past.”

  I went to argue, but he cut me off in a loud, booming voice that almost shook the entire building.

  “And before you try to disagree with my decision, it is for very good reason I won’t let her! I had to pick up the pieces of that woman’s soul, then put it meticulously back together for months! I had to block out her emotions on the matter or risk her losing herself within the memories! I don’t know how well that block will hold if she was to dive back into this! As of now, she has no idea the block is there, and it will stay that way! I will not let anyone destroy the peace she holds in her heart! Not for you! Not for anyone!”

  I stepped forward; my blood boiled that he stood in the way of my investigation. Her memories could help us in this case dramatically, and I wasn’t about to let the opportunity slip through my fingers. “Not even for human women dropping like flies all over the city? Not if it means saving lives?”

  Abraham leaned forward and bared his teeth. “Especially for humans, I will not. Her life means more to me than a million humans.” His voice was cold and full of venom.

  I hissed at him, but was abruptly shoved backwards.

  “Cool the fuck down, Brody!” Hollis commanded me angrily. “He is her maker, and if he says no, it means no! We will find the information another way! Go back to the fucking car and wait for me.”

  I looked back and forth between him and Abraham, livid beyond imagination that Claudia’s fragility was being put above this case. “I don’t care about your progeny’s feelings, Abraham. I will get the answers I need whether you like it or not!” I warned then turned on my heel. I was going to get that information, because it was my job. Fuck the girl, and fuck Abraham.

  One person’s life was not worth more than hundreds of others.

  Chapter Three


  I sat with my usual nightly glass of blood wine and watched another episode of The 100. It was one of my favorites. Clarke bugged the shit out of me, but Octavia kicked enough ass that I could tolerate her. This show just got better each season. However, after meeting a different Bellamy, the character in the show didn’t quite have the same appeal to me anymore. That name cursed his character for me; which pissed me off since he’d been one of my other favorites.

  Last night Abraham came stomping in, steam practically flowed from his nostrils as he threw his pea coat onto the hanger and went to the fridge. I had watched silently as he pulled out the jug of donor blood and began chugging that last bit left in it. No glass. I had wrinkled my brows in concern at his behavior. He usually yelled at me for drinking blood straight from the container like a mother would yell at a child for drinking milk out of the carton. If he was upset enough to do that, then it had to have been bad. Tonight, his attitude was no different, and it was starting to bug me.

  He came home after making a quick run to the donor market and immediately sat down at the kitchen counter, sulking, much like last night, with another jug of blood. I’d had enough. The cold shoulder he was giving me was getting old fast.

  I stood and walked over, setting my glass down on the counter and taking a seat across from him. “You’ve been like this since last night. What’s going on, Brahm?” I asked him.

  His red gaze lazered in on me. He stared at me like I wasn’t there. His expression was blank, and his mouth was set in a tight line.

  I waited patiently for him to tell me, hoping he’d at least say something - anything.

  He finally blinked and stowed the jug back in the fridge before completely ignoring me and going into the bathroom. This wasn’t like Brahm. Sure, he could get an attitude or be sort of haughty, but in general, he was laid back. Even when he battled hundreds of BloodLust vamps during the siege, Lucy said he went about business slicing and dicing like he was playing the fruit ninja app. What could have happened to frazzle my maker enough that he couldn’t even talk to me about it?

  The only time he ignored a question from me was when we were arguing. Since we hadn’t argued in at least two weeks, I knew for a fact it wasn’t me. It wasn’t from last night at the club when I went after Beck for my glitter, because he had laughed about that.

  I flicked through my memory, wondering if maybe I’d done something unconsciously. I came up empty.

  I sipped my wine nervously, staring at the bathroom door intently. My worry grew with each passing second. The shower turned on, letting me know that I’d get no answers now. Whenever we argued, he would shower then immediately go to rest without a word. He chose staying silent over ever saying anything he didn’t mean out of anger. I was perfectly fine with that since I didn’t like confrontation anyway. But this was different. Something was eating at him.

  And I just didn’t have the patience to wait for him to tell me what was wrong.

  I set my glass down and took a determined breath. He wouldn’t like this, but it was the only way I could force answers from him. It was our thing, though. One of us would be mad, so the other would aggravate the mad one until we caved and said what was wrong.

  I went to the bathroom door and noticed the door locked when I turned the knob. Really? Like a locked door could keep me out.

  I turned the knob hard, effectively breaking the lock, then stormed in and slammed the door behind me.

  He drew the edge of the shower curtain and glared at me. “What the hell, Claudia? Was breaking the door necessary?”

  I tried not to eye his chest peeking out from behind the curtain. Fuck, my maker is hot.

  “Yes! It is entirely necessary! What is wrong with you? I know for a fact I haven’t done anything, so why the brush off?” I crossed my arms and glared right at him. He was so going to be mad at me for this later. Meh. He’d get over it.

  “It isn’t your concern, Claudia. Now, leave so I can finish showering.” He drew the curtain closed again. Instead of giving up, I closed the toilet seat and perched my happy butt down.

  He yanked the curtain back open; this
time a little further. It took all my concentration to keep my eyes firmly planted on his, not letting them drift downwards.

  “No. I am not going anywhere until you tell me what has you bugging out!”

  He squinted his eyes at me and pulled a deep breath in. This time my attention did waver to his chest for a moment. Could you blame me for the slip? The man was sexy; especially with water running down his delectable skin.

  Unfortunately, he caught the slip.

  I’d seen him shirtless a few times, and usually he brushed my staring off with a smug grin. His reaction this time was one I didn’t expect, though.

  His hand snaked out in a flash and grabbed my arm. He hauled me into the shower then pushed me through the spray of water and up against the tiled wall. I swallowed hard as I felt his wet, naked body pressed against me. He anchored me to the wall with his hips and threaded his fingers through my hair beneath my ears. His eyes stayed locked on mine, and his chest heaved with every breath he took. My wet clothes had become like a second skin, and I felt his hard length pressed against my stomach. I don’t know how I managed to keep my eyes on his with that there.

  “I am not in the mood to talk about anything that happened to me last night, Claudia. I am the maker; you are the progeny. That should be enough to tell you that I do not take you disobeying me lightly,” he said in a husky growl.

  I scoffed. “Since when have I ever obeyed you? Why suddenly do you feel the need to establish your dominance over me? Was it really that awful?”

  His fingers tightened in my locks. Anybody else would have been terrified being in the position I was in with Brahm; even though he was naked. But, I was hopelessly turned on. He was never like this with me. In all honesty, I’d never seen Brahm naked before now. Well, I did in my dreams. Who wouldn’t when their maker looked like a sexy, British model?


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