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Flesh Page 11

by K B Everly

  Another laugh from the crowd.

  “Now, as I was saying. I watched the way you looked at Lucy when you thought no one was looking. She had your heart before you even knew she did, and man, what a beautiful heart that is. You’ve always been the one to put others above yourself. That’s how I know without a doubt, that you my friend, were made to guard my Lucy’s heart. I love you Sloan Jenkins.”

  Instead of them hugging it out like most would do, they stuck their tongues out at each other. I shook my head in amusement.

  She moved to stand by Hollis. “To Hollis. You have more devotion and strength than any man I’ve ever met. You fight to give her balance. You fight to keep her safe. You fight to make her feel loved. You are the body that holds all of you together and keeps you strong. None of this beautiful wedding would’ve happened if you hadn’t dragged Lucy into that investigation. It was incredibly dangerous, but hey, we got you and Vex out of it. Well, at least one of those was a good thing.”

  Hollis laughed a little louder than everyone else, and gave a mock seething Vex a nudge with his elbow.

  I watched as Claudia’s eyes glassed over when she moved towards Vex; blood tipped the corner of her eyes. She was doing her best not to cry, hiding her unshed tears behind her jokes. I smiled at her. She winked at me when she saw I was watching and shook her head like it was nothing. I knew better. Even with the jokes, Claudia was pouring her heart out to the men who captured her best friend’s heart. I was proud she’d managed to hold it together so far.

  “To Vex, I was just kidding about that last part,”

  He smiled at her and nodded. He knew that.

  “You, I haven’t known as long, but you have proven to be one of the most impossibly giving people I’ve ever met. You gave up Lucy in the beginning to protect her. Any time she needs to feel calm, to feel safe, you give her the power to feel those. Hell, you gave up most of your sanity trying to stay away from her, just so she could continue living a normal life. But one thing you never did, was give up. And, after all that giving, you’re finally getting something back. Cause let me tell you, love from Lucy is the best kind there is to get. You’re the soul of this bunch,” she turned to look at all of them. “Heart, body, and soul. You’re a perfect unit together, and I hope you never have to live any years apart.”

  Tears had finally begun to flood from her eyes, only falling harder when Vex and the other two stood and gave her a warm, group hug. Everyone clapped at her short speeches, some crying themselves at the sweet display. As they did, I didn’t know what possessed me to do it, but I looked to my other side where Diego sat.

  He was watching her the same way I had just been; with so much adoration and pride.

  When he caught me staring he raised a brow in question, and I suddenly felt as if everything that had been brewing between him and Claudia, didn’t bother me. I didn’t understand it. I guess by watching the fluidity of Lucy’s relationship with her three men this evening, it helped me to see that it wasn’t so bad letting someone else love the one I did. I could feel her warring emotions about him anytime she was around him. She connected to him as thoroughly as she did me, just on a different level. I knew it would make her happy if I agreed to what I knew she wanted. And far be it from me to keep Claudia from ever having the things that made her happy again.

  So, I leaned over and quietly told him, “If you want to be with her too, then I’m alright with it.”

  His face morphed to shock. I grinned and nodded, before turning back to Claudia as she moved to Lucy’s side. I laughed to myself, silently imagining the look he probably still wore on his face as Claudia did her last speech.

  Lucy reached up and grasped Claudia’s hand, a tissue patting at her own bloody tears.

  “Lucy Bryant, you are by far the most amazing person in existence. You are so kind, compassionate, and loving. It was no wonder that you needed three men, because you have so much love to give, one simply wasn’t enough. You have always been there for me through the good and bad. You’re the sister to my soul. I could not have survived this life as a vampire without you by my side. This happiness you have is way overdue and well deserved. I’m so unbelievably proud of you for taking the chance on these guys. If I could make any wish for you, it’d be that you stay this happy the rest of your immortal life, and that you’ll always be my friend. I love you with all my heart Lucy Anita Bryant. Forever.”

  Both girls erupted into a fit of tears, with Lucy launching herself up from her chair and into Claudia’s arms.

  Everyone stood and applauded. That was my girl. Well… I looked over my shoulder at Diego. His gaze turned to me, and he mouthed the words ‘thank you’ as we clapped. I bowed my head, then turned back to the crazy, hugging duo. Particularly to the stunning brunette vampire who blew me a kiss when she caught my eye.

  Our girl.


  The rest of the reception was absolutely perfect.

  I was so nervous that I would choke in the middle of those speeches. I’d written them last minute, like I do everything, and pretty much pulled it all out of my ass. I mean, I meant every word that I’d said, but I hadn’t expected such an amazing reaction from them all.

  Another thing I hadn’t expected, was the quiet conversation that seemed to pass between Brahm and Diego. I saw Brahm say something to Diego between one of the speeches, and then again they walked off to talk for a few minutes out of earshot.

  It didn’t seem like a bad conversation, since they both came back to the party smiling. Yet, something seemed different about them after they returned, and I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “May I have this dance, little love?” Abraham asked me, his hand held out waiting for mine.

  I smiled and set down my wine glass, sliding my hand gently into his. He whirled me around into the small dancing area. The song For Everything a Reason by Carina Round played over the speakers as we swayed. I lay my head on his chest and held on tight, loving that I could do this with him.

  “I know you saw me speaking with Diego,” Brahm said softly into my ear as his thumb rubbed little circles on the small of my back.

  I lifted my head and smirked. “You weren’t very subtle. I suppose you’re bringing this up, because you’re going to tell me what you talked about.”

  He nodded and pulled me away to spin me, then brought me back to him; my hands splayed across his chest on impact.

  “I told him if he wanted to be with you as well, then it was fine with me. That after watching the joy it brings Lucy to give all the love she has to more than just one person, I couldn’t imagine keeping that kind of joy from you if it’s what you wanted.”

  I halted our dancing and stared wide eyed at him. “You’re serious?”

  “I am. I know you care about him, Claudia. In fact, I can tell you’re falling in love with him. I am responsible for so much of the pain that you’re going through right now. If this is something you truly want my love, then I will move heaven and earth to let you have it. Though, I’m sure I won’t need to.”

  My heart swelled ten sizes bigger than what should be possible at what Abraham was agreeing to for me. He was not a man that shared, at all. For him to do this, showed just how much he truly loved me. I stood on my tip toes and kissed him. I was slow, but deliberate in that kiss; putting every ounce of gratitude and admiration I could muster into it.

  His hand slid up my back and into my hair as he kissed me back.

  I felt so complete in that moment. I had no idea that him giving his blessing would lift a weight I hadn’t known was pressing down on me. My steps felt lighter, and my soul felt free.

  I pulled away and palmed his cheek. “You don’t give enough credit to the happiness you are also responsible for. I don’t blame you for my pain, but I do gladly blame you for my joy. You are a good man, Abraham, and I love you so much for this.”

  He gave my forehead a quick peck and began to sway us once again, dancing us through the rest of the song and the next.
br />   I caught Diego’s eye over Abraham’s shoulder during the second song.

  The wide grin he aimed at me was what I’d like to think sunshine felt like. It’d been so long since I’d felt that warmth, but his smile was the only thing I knew to compare it to.

  They were mine.

  Chapter Fourteen

  It’d been a week since the wedding.

  The guys had surprised Lucy with a three-week honeymoon in Paris at the end of it, and I surprised her with a face full of Rainbow Dash glitter. She would normally have been pissed having to spit out a mouth full of glitter, but the excitement of the honeymoon managed to keep all that rage tucked neatly away.

  I hadn’t gotten to see Diego since the wedding, because the case with the new ring had heated up to wildfire level.

  Bodies were piling up left and right. With Hollis gone, Diego was left to work the case with Bishop. Normally, vampires weren’t part of his job. But since he was just about the best tracker next to Hollis, his expertise was needed.

  Diego called me a few times explaining that he’d pretty much been staying at the station every day, so he could wake up and immediately get back to work once the sun had set. Sometimes, he skipped resting all together, and locked himself and a few other STFs in a light-tight room to continue investigating.

  I hated how little rest he was getting, but I knew he needed to get this done. Those girl’s lives depended on it. I just wished I could do more to help.

  My memories surprisingly hadn’t triggered since the night before the wedding. I wasn’t sure why they’d suddenly stopped, but I had a feeling that it wasn’t the end of them. Something in the back of my mind told me that it was far from over. That the closer Diego go to solving this case, the closer I’d be to getting back the rest of my memories. The ones that Brahm continued to warn me about that could potentially unwind my mind completely.

  It was enough to keep me on edge.

  “What’s eating you tonight?” Beck asked with a snappy tone as she sat at her vanity next to mine and started fixing her makeup.

  I gritted my teeth together hard. I was so not in the mood for her tonight.

  I reached over and grabbed my makeup brush, holding up the pointed end in her direction. “You see this wooden handle?” I asked her, shoving the point closer to her when she looked at me. “I will straight up murder your ass if you don’t leave me alone tonight. Got it?”

  Beck looked at the brush, then back at me with a hint of worry, before finally rolling her eyes and turning back to the mirror. “Shit, someone needs a tampon.” She muttered, then continued doing her makeup without another word.

  I blew air into my cheeks and dropped the brush back onto the vanity. When I rested my chin on the palm of my hand, I caught Autumn and Sammy staring at me from the corner of my eye. Autumn wore a pleased smirk and Sammy silently clapped her hands with a big smile aimed at me.

  I smirked, quite happy with myself as well.

  A knock at the door sounded, just before a voice came through the closed door.

  “Claudia, it’s Diego. You got a few minutes?”

  I immediately stood and grabbed my silk robe, wrapping it around me and going to the door.

  When I opened it, he was there leaning against the doorway in his STF uniform. He gave me a sexy smirk at my robe, then nodded his head in the direction of the bar where Abraham stood expectantly.

  “What’re you doing here? I’ve missed you this last week,” I said to him as we walked over.

  He said nothing as Brahm walked around the counter with a red drink that had a pink straw in it, and handed it to me. Then he gently grabbed my elbow and led me towards the stairs. I gingerly sipped the drink, not entirely sure what it was.

  Mmm. Bloody Shirley.

  “What’s going on? Why is nobody talking?” I asked them as we ascended the steps. This was starting to get weird.

  “We’ll tell you when we’re away from wondering eyes and ears, love,” Brahm said quickly, giving me a small smile.

  I was so confused about what would make them act so strangely, when it hit me. Maybe they were taking me upstairs to have their way with me.

  My eyes lit up and I looked excitedly between them. “Are we about to have a threesome? Cause that totally explains the drink and the funny way you’re both acting,” I stated.

  Diego snorted, and Brahm sighed.

  “Not this time, love. I’m not entirely sure Diego and I are there quite yet.”

  I groaned. “Man. You guys are no fun.”

  We walked into the room and Brahm shut the door and locked it, then leaned against it. Diego took his place on the love seat in the corner and undid his vest. I decided I might as well get comfortable since they weren’t planning on ravaging me like I hoped.

  I plopped down next to Diego and looked between him and Brahm expectantly.

  When Diego had his vest off and was comfortable, he rested his elbows on his knees and turned to me. “We didn’t want anyone to hear what was going on, because we can’t have anyone know about what I’m about to ask you to do.”

  Uh oh. This can’t be good. I nodded my head and sipped my drink a little faster through the straw.

  Diego looked to Brahm, who nodded in affirmation, then looked back at me.

  “Bishop has asked me to find someone to go undercover at Delirium. We’ve been trying to avoid having to do this specific operation until it was necessary. Well… it’s necessary now. Our leads have dried up in all other places other than there. Unfortunately, the only way we’ll get anywhere other than the main room where you girls had Lucy’s party, is if we want in on the ring.”

  I understood what he was trying to tell me, but what I didn’t understand was why? Why did this involve me?

  “And you’re telling me because…” I prodded.

  He sighed and ran his hands down his face, then looked at me seriously. “Because, the only way we’re getting into that ring is with you. Rogue likes beautiful women. While his ring is centered around the unwilling human populace, some of the clients prefer the entertainment from vampires. We would need you to go there in search of a job as a dancer, then somehow convince Rogue that you’re a prime candidate to entertain his clients.”

  I stopped and stared at him in shock. Then I turned to Abraham, who had a grim look on his face as he gazed at me. I turned to the drink in my hand and downed the rest of it, before finally finding my voice.

  “Won’t he recognize me?” I asked them. I couldn’t help but worry that the moment I say him, I’d fall into another one of my fits and be plagued with more memories.

  Brahm walked over and squatted in front of me. “It’s possible, but I doubt it. For one, he may think you’re dead or long gone from this city. And two…” his brows creased as he paused, then his eyes flicked to my hair.

  I gasped and clutched at my long, brown curls. “Nooo. You want me to change my hair?” I looked back and forth at them in horror. I loved my long hair.

  “I promise the dye would be temporary and your hair will grow back. You may need to adopt my accent as well love. Better to change as much as possible, just in case. You were an emaciated little human by the time he got you. You’ve filled out into your beautiful curves since becoming a vampire and your attitude is nothing like it was. I guarantee all the changes will be enough.”

  I wanted to cry at the aspect of facing this vampire again. I thought I’d rid myself of him for good. Now, it terrified me to have to face him once more.

  “Isn’t there a single damn female in your unit that could do this?” I asked, grasping for one last Hail Mary before agreeing to anything.

  They both shook their heads.

  “We have them, but none of them would be convincing enough,” Diego supplied. “The job would require actual dancing. The women on the force aren’t exactly meant for that sort of movement. Fighting? Absolutely. Dancing? Not on your life.”

  I groaned. Deep down, I knew they wouldn’t ask me to do any of this if
they weren’t desperate. Diego did say they had avoided going this route until absolutely necessary. I knew this was important. I didn’t want any more human girls going through what I had. I didn’t even remember everything yet, and it was still some of the worst memories I could imagine.

  I took a deep breath in and out. “Alright. Whatever you need of me, I’ll do it. For those girls.”

  Diego sighed with relief and grabbed my hand to place a kiss on my knuckles. “Thank you, querida,” he whispered against them. “I’ll be listening to you the whole time. The moment something goes sideways, we’ll be there. They won’t even know we’re surveilling them. All we need is proof that Rogue is there, and is our guy behind all this, and your job is done.”

  I nodded, not entirely confident I could make this happen. But then again, teasing men was my specialty. If anyone could go in there pretending to be an exotic dancer for hire, it’d be an exotic dancer. I just hoped they wouldn’t let it get to the point I had to do anything for the clientele other than dance.

  “Claudia, are you even trying to sound British, or are you just making up pronunciations?” Diego asked me as I practiced speaking.

  I was sitting in the bathroom as the stylist Abraham had called in finished changing my hair. He and Diego leaned against the walls working with me on how to pronounce as much as possible with an English accent. Apparently, I was sounding less Jude Law and more Borat by the second.

  “I can’t help it that your accent is fucking hard to do! Why do I have to be British? Why can’t I be French, or Spanish?”

  Diego raised his brow at that last one. “Spanish, huh? Say something to me in Spanish then.” He waved his hand in invitation.

  “Yo quiero Taco Bell?” I asked with a smart-ass grin lighting my face.

  Brahm’s shoulders began to shake as he held in his laughter; his hand over his mouth smothered out the sound.

  “Cute. But not good enough,” Diego said, his tone amused. “And your French sounds like a cheesy, American made French film where the star just says ‘Oui! Oui!’ over and over like it’ll make her sound more French.”


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