Love at First Kiss: Love Comes First Book One

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Love at First Kiss: Love Comes First Book One Page 6

by Turner, Olivia T.

  “You’re working late,” Arya says as she ducks down to see him.

  “Someone’s got to make the money while you two lovebirds slack off.” He’s smiling as he says it and I know he’s only kidding. Eli has been happy for us and he even confided in me, saying that he wants the same thing for himself. He’s twenty-eight and itching for a girl to settle down with.

  I just hope he finds one soon. I hope all of my brothers do. I want everyone in the world to experience the joy I’m feeling with Arya.

  Everyone should have a love story like ours.

  “You know, you’re never going to find a girl if you’re working all night,” Arya says. I love how she’s already giving him shit like she’s been a part of the family for years. She walked in and fit right away. “Come for a drink with us. Maybe you’ll meet someone.”

  Eli takes a deep breath and stares out his windshield as he thinks about it. “Nah. I’ll let you two lovers enjoy the night.”

  “You sure?” Arya asks. “We can help you find a girl…”

  He laughs. “I’m not that desperate. Yet.”

  “Well, when you are, let us know and we’ll help you.”

  We chat for a bit longer, say bye and then Eli peels off in his sports car.

  “He has to find himself a girl,” Arya says as we continue walking to the bar.

  “Yup,” I say with a breath of relief. “All of my brothers do.”

  I can see that I was just like them. Overworked, overstressed, and in desperate need of a new perspective on life.

  Arya gave me that perspective and I can’t thank her enough.

  I guess I’ll just have to settle for spoiling her rotten every second of every day for the rest of her life.

  Her hand slides into mine and it feels like home. She smiles up at me as I squeeze it and I swear my heart can’t take all of this love.

  It’s going to burst.

  That would be okay with me. It’d be worth it.

  Loving Arya is worth anything.



  One year later…

  “I don’t think so,” I say as the hostess holds up a grass skirt at the entrance to the luau.

  I’ve always had a thicker waist than the women you usually see on TV and in magazines, but now that I’m seven months pregnant, I’m not sure if that tiny grass skirt is going to fit around me. It’s gonna be a grass apron, not a skirt.

  “You’re in Maui,” the beautiful girl says as she tries again. “I’m afraid it’s the dress code for the night.”

  I look at Nolan in his ridiculous Hawaiian shirt that somehow looks incredible on him. Ugh. This is not fair. How come he gets to look like that and I have to look like this?

  All the tourists entering the luau are putting on the grass skirts and leis. “Fine,” I say with a sigh. My ankles are too fucking swollen to be standing here arguing with this girl.

  She smiles as she ties it around my waist and then wishes us a good night as we go inside.

  “It doesn’t even make it to my ass,” I say with a laugh—It’s either laugh or cry.

  “You look beautiful,” Nolan says as he wraps his arm around me and grips my thick hip. “You look like a hula dancer.”

  “Oh, please,” I say with a sigh. “I feel more like the pig on the spit.”

  The huge dead pig has an apple in his mouth as the locals slowly turn it over the fire. Why the hell did our vacation to Maui have to be in my third trimester? It couldn’t have been a couple of months ago when the baby weight made me extra curvy and filled out my breasts even more?

  Nolan takes my hands in his and turns me away from the spit. “Look at me,” he demands.

  I let out a breath as I meet his eyes. They’re so full of love. He always makes me feel so cherished and adored when he looks at me like this.

  “You are the most stunning, gorgeous, breathtaking girl on the planet,” he says as I try to look away. He squeezes my hands and my eyes dart back to his. “It’s true. You’re carrying my child right now and that makes you even more spectacular.”

  “I’m huge,” I say as I look down at my swollen belly. It’s touching his flat stomach. “I’m sure the people on the beach thought I was a beached whale.”

  Tears start stinging the back of my eyes as I remember them looking at me. I know I’m being ridiculous, but I can’t help it. The pregnancy hormones are driving my brain crazy and throwing my emotions all out of whack.

  Luckily for me, Nolan knows just what to say to get them back on track.

  “I love you. I love your big belly and in three months when it’s gone, I’ll love your new body and I’ll adore your new curves.”

  “I’ll have stretch marks.”

  “I’ll love those too. You’re carrying my child, Arya. You have no idea what that means to me. This beautiful body is our child’s home right now.”

  He places a comforting hand on my stomach and I already start to feel better.

  “Those stretch marks will be gorgeous because they’ll be proof that our child was safe and secure inside you. They’ll be there to remind me how brave you are. How amazing you’ve been. How strong and noble you are to have carried our child when he or she was too weak to carry themselves. I’ll never forget that, Arya. And a reminder of this time on your body won’t be looked at negatively by me. Ever. It will be the sexiest thing about you.”

  I have tears in my eyes again, but this time, it’s for a different reason.

  “You’re sure?” I ask as I squeeze his hands.

  The stunning smile he gives me tells me that no matter what, everything is going to be okay. He’ll always find me sexy. He’ll always find me beautiful.

  Besides, this man is way too obsessed with me for his feelings to sour.

  I should know that by now.

  “Okay,” I say with a sniff. “At least I’m not wearing that hideous Hawaiian shirt.”

  He laughs as I wipe my eyes on the back of my hands.

  “It’s not that bad is it?” he asks as we start walking toward the bar.

  “I was going to wear sunglasses because I was worried my eyes would start bleeding.”

  “Okay,” he says as he starts unbuttoning it. “How about I take it off.”

  “That would be an improvement,” I say as my mouth starts to water with every inch of his chest he shows me. “Inappropriate, but an improvement.”

  “Too bad,” he says with a laugh as he takes my hand again. “I think I’ve been naked in public enough for one year. Besides, I’m kind of liking it now. I might get a full suit made of this material.”

  “I’d pay to see that,” I say with a laugh.

  We walk around the beautiful luau with all of the torches and hula dancers setting the mood. The music is great and the drinks are flowing. Everyone is having a good time.

  Including me.

  Thanks to Nolan.

  He always knows just what to say. Just what to do.

  We’re going snorkeling with the turtles tomorrow and I can’t wait.

  I told him that I spent more money than I ever had—ten fucking grand—to help save them, so I definitely want to see them.

  Nolan thought the same thing. He donated a million to the cute little guys, which is way more than me, but at the time, was not even close in terms of our net worths. He had hundreds of millions, so one wasn’t a big deal. I had negative thirty thousand, so ten grand was huge.

  But it was all worth it.

  It got me here, with Nolan, and hopefully, I saved a few turtles in the process.



  Six years later…

  “Put the knife down,” Ryker shouts as I hold it up, ready to throw at any second.

  “Let the girl go first,” I say in the best badass warrior chick voice I can muster.

  He sneers as he glares at me. “You’ll find with me, Agent Kelly, that I don’t answer to—”

  I launch the knife at him. It summersaults across the ro
om, over the girl’s head, and lands right in the middle of his forehead—at least it will in post-production. Right now, we’re all just pretending I threw a knife instead of just waving my empty hand through the air. Gotta love CGI.

  “Cut!” the director shouts. Ryker and the girl head straight to the buffet, chatting like old friends as they walk.

  I search the crew until I find Nolan. He’s leaning against the wall, watching me closely with his arms crossed over his chest.

  He helped finance the movie, so they let him on set. So far, he’s been here every day that I’m shooting. I know he’s itching to throw a blanket over this skimpy dress, but my obsessive husband is behaving himself. For now.

  I’m nervous to see what he’s going to do when I have my kissing scene with Dr. Assassin tomorrow. Maybe they can use CGI for the kiss. Or at least to crop out my possessive husband as he charges onto the set, throws me over his shoulder, and carries me away.

  I run a hand through my hair and then strut over to him. He never takes his heated eyes off me, which is saying a lot because there are about a dozen stunning twenty-year-olds in bikinis for the next scene standing nearby. He doesn’t even glance at them.

  “What did you think?” I ask as my skin starts to tingle. It usually does whenever I get near him. It’s the anticipation of being touched by this gorgeous man who I love more than anything.

  “The dress is too short,” he says, sucking in a breath as he looks down at my body. “And too tight.”

  “Hey,” I say with a teasing laugh as I run my finger down his hard chest. “I worked my ass off, literally, to get rid of all that baby weight from the three kids you put in me. I’m celebrating that by putting on this skimpy dress with pride.”

  “That’s my body,” he says, practically growling as his eyes take me in. “I should be the only one that gets to look at it.”

  I lean into him and his tight arms that are crossed over his chest begin to loosen. He lets out a long breath and then wraps his arms around me. I breathe in his familiar comforting scent and try not to melt away.

  “Just think,” I say with a moan as his arms tighten possessively around me, “in a few months, you’ll be able to sit in a movie theater and see my body on the big screen.”

  He moans long and hard as he thinks about it. I’ll have to reserve an empty theater for a private screening, or he might start screaming at all of the men in the movie theater to stop staring at his wife.

  “I can’t wait for that,” he groans as he breathes in my scent. “These big tits in 3D IMAX? Where can I buy my ticket?”

  “In my trailer,” I say with a mischievous grin as I take his hand and start pulling him. I made sure that the crew positioned it at the end of the lot with as much privacy as possible. I knew that Nolan would be with me on set and help ‘entertain’ me through the long breaks and I didn’t want everyone hearing how much I enjoyed it.

  I look at him over my shoulder as I pull him and it fills me with so much love that I can’t help but give him a goofy grin. This man has been the best thing to happen to me.

  I gave him three children and he’s given me everything.

  We have it all. A wonderful family, thriving careers of our dreams, money, happiness, but best of all, we have each other.

  We’re even more in love today than we were the night that we first met.

  He’ll always be my leading man.

  We step into my trailer and before I can even close the door, Nolan is all over me. His tongue is in my mouth and his hands are making short work of this tight dress. It drops to the floor as he lifts me onto the counter and yanks off my wet panties.

  I gasp as he spreads my legs, pulls out his hard cock, and then sinks it in deep.

  “Oh, fuck,” I moan as I feel his powerful stiffness sliding in and out. It feels like pure happiness. It feels like blissful satisfaction.

  It feels like Nolan.

  It feels like the past six years and the next sixty.

  It feels like home.

  And it’s the only place I want to be.



  Twenty-five years later…

  Even after three decades together, it still drives me fucking mental to see a bunch of guys leering at my wife. They’re all staring at the stage where Arya is accepting a Best Actress award for her last movie.

  She’s wearing a gorgeous sparkling silver dress that shows off her unbelievable curves. It cost over ten grand, but I still want to rip the tablecloth off the table, storm up the steps, and wrap it around her to cover what’s for my eyes only.

  I’m so proud of my girl. She’s become one of the best actors in Hollywood and this latest movie is her best role yet. But still. Sometimes I wish I could keep her locked in the house. I know I can be a possessive asshole, but I don’t fucking care. She’s mine and I want to keep her all to myself.

  It killed me when she was in her twenties and thirties, seeing her on the big screen in her tight little bikinis that the directors made her wear. That happened until I broke the nose and cracked the jaw of a perverted director who wanted her to be topless in a film. The word got around quickly that Arya Hendrix was off-limits and she never had to show her skin again.

  I turn to the table behind me and lock eyes with an actor who’s watching her with a creepy grin on his pretty-boy face. He’s an upcoming star, but I don’t fucking care. I’ll knock him out in front of everyone. “Put your eyes on the table,” I growl at him.

  He tries to play all innocent, flashing me that million-dollar smile, but I’m not buying it.

  “Don’t fucking test me,” I whisper. He drops his eyes and I turn back around with a huff.

  Arya steps up to the microphone and starts thanking the crew and the other actors who worked with her on the film.

  I get lost in her gorgeous eyes and drown in her sweet soothing voice. I love this woman more than anything in the entire world.

  There’s nothing that means more to me than her.

  My brothers and I built up our business to be worth over ten billion, but I would burn it down in a second if I had to choose between Cline Corp and my girl. I would gladly live in a cardboard box if it meant lying next to my Arya.

  She thanks our three kids who are probably watching from home. They’re all incredible, just like her.

  “And lastly,” she says as she starts to get emotional. Tears sting my eyes when I see them in hers. We’re so in tune that I get emotional just from seeing her getting emotional. It’s unreal.

  “I would like to thank my husband, Nolan Cline.”

  People from all around turn to me and smile. I know a lot of them. I’ve financed some of their movies and I’ve been on set for all of Arya’s. They call me Arya’s Pit-bull. I wonder how I got that nickname…

  I keep my eyes locked on my gorgeous girl as she continues. She’s in her fifties and still the most spectacular woman who ever existed. Sometimes, I watch her when she’s sleeping and can’t believe that she’s mine.

  I can’t believe that I get to touch her hair whenever I want or that I get to make her smile. It baffles me that she chooses to be with me whenever she takes my big hand in hers.

  I heard once that the sign of a great relationship is when both partners think they got the better deal. I don’t know what Arya thinks, but I know that I got the better deal. I know it with every waking moment and I never take it for granted.

  “Nolan is my rock,” she continues from the stage. “And I don’t just mean that his stubborn head is as hard as a rock.”

  The crowd laughs as I grin at her. She wasn’t complaining about my ‘hardness’ in the limo on the way over here. Moaning and crying out, yes, but complaining, no.

  “You’ve been my whole world, Nolan,” she says as she looks into my eyes. “I don’t know where I’d be without you, but it wouldn’t be here and I wouldn’t be nearly as happy as I am now. We started off as pretend lovers, but there was never any pretending between us. I was taken wi
th you the second I saw you. And after the first kiss, well, I was in love. It was love at first kiss. And it’s only gotten stronger with time.”

  She rushes off the stage, clutching her latest award to her chest as she comes back where she belongs—in my arms.

  The whole place claps and cheers as I give her a big hug and plant a fat kiss on her soft plump lips.

  Fuck it. They can watch all they want.

  Everyone knows that Arya Hendrix is my girl.

  And she’s not going anywhere.

  The End!

  Eli Cline will be up next in Love At First Sight

  Olivia T. Turner’s complete list of books can be found at:

  Become Obsessed with OTT

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  By Olivia T. Turner

  A Mailing List Exclusive!

  When I look out my office window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her.

  I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her.

  She’s going to be in my office working under me.

  Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position.

  This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard.

  And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her.

  This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie!

  All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy!


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