by J B Younger
With this new revelation, it was as if he had come alive again, the dull ache and numbness was slowly going away. He touched his face and when he looked at his fingers, they were wet, he was crying and for the first time in six years, he would finally be able to put his beloved brother to rest. He would take his time and do it right there could be no mistakes. He would come up with a plan and then set the wheels in motion.
Five days after her attack Dillon and Camille arrived at his house in the afternoon, he had quickly taken her to her place to pick up some clothes and anything else she might need. Camille had fallen asleep during the ride; he lived an hour outside the city. When he pulled into the driveway Camille woke up, a little dazed and sore she rubbed at her eyes and then looked up at the two-story villa styled house. She turned to look at him. “Wow this place is huge. Whose place is this? It’s mine he said with a smile. A smile that had her wanting to jump him if she could. No one ever made her feel the way Dillon did, just one look and she was ready to get naked with him. He got out of the car, walked around to the passenger side and opened her door. He slipped his arm around her shoulders, just enough to support her as she got out of the car, being careful of her wound.
Once inside Dillon helped Camille over to a large sofa. Camille looked around amazed at how spacious the room was and how masculine the decor. There was a large stone fireplace with pictures of Dillon, his father and mother and pictures of Butch, Zane and Daniel. The picture that caught her eye was an old picture of her standing in front a large painting. It was the first time she had entered a contest at school and she’d won first place. If she remembered correctly it was Dillon who had taken the picture. Now it was front and center on his mantel. She couldn’t help but be touched. She looked up into those green eyes. They weren’t giving anything away. Like why he still had that picture of her after so many years.
This place is great she said wondering why she had never known he had a house. “Thanks I brought it a few years ago before dad died.”
As nice as it was having Camille in his personal space, he needed to get serious. “I called Danny the day after your accident to let him know what happened to you. I told him to stay put I had things under control.” Camille bit her bottom lip. “Was he really mad? Dillon gave her a sinful smile. “What do you think? I half expected him to meet us at the hospital but it seems they couldn’t get a flight out for a few days. He said something about the weather being too bad for travel; of course he has been calling and checking in.” Dillon kept it to himself that each time Daniel asked to speak with her; he made up some lame excuse. She would find out soon enough. He wanted to keep her all to himself for as long as possible.
Camille laughed aloud she was nervous and a little scared. I hope he stays put and finishes his vacation; I will be fine she said her voice a little shaky. Dillon put his hand over hers and their gazes locked. Your damn right you will, he said. The heat from his hand had her whole arm on fire. She could only imagine what it would be like having his hands all over her body.
He stood up and reached for her hand. “Come on let’s get you upstairs so you can take a nap, you must be tired.” She was tired she thought to herself, she was tired of wishing for something she could never have but in the last couple of days, she had begun to re-think things. Dillon hadn’t left her side the whole time she had been in the hospital. He watched TV with her and eat with her. She was going to hate it when it was time to go back to her life. This was the most time she had ever spent with Dillon alone and she wanted more. She had to snap out of it, it wasn’t likely that she would get what she really wanted.
Dillon led her upstairs and into a large master bedroom, she knew it was his. There was a large four-poster bed with a handmade quilt on it. Walking over to the bed, Camille ran her hand along the quilt. It felt soft and comfortable from years of wear. She turned to look at him; it’s made of old clothing. It was more of a statement than a question. Dillon nodded. “Yeah my mom made it for me about a year before she died. She saved every piece of clothing I ever had.” Camille reached out and touched Dillon’s arm. She was a very special woman; I wish I could remember her she said. He just reached out and cradled her face in his hand; her skin was like the softest silk. “How could you, I was nine and you were one. Sometimes I don’t remember her myself.” He dropped his hand and stepped back. You get some rest, I’ll be downstairs in my office he said his voice sounding huskier than usual. That was the most he had ever said about his mother. Camille knew it wasn’t a subject he liked discussing. What she knew about his mother was from the way people talked about her. She was loved by everyone all over town and people still remembered her.
He needed to get some distance, clear his head because at the rate he was going his self-control would be gone in no time. Camille stood on tip-toe and touched her lips to his; he didn’t pull away, so she deepened the kiss. She felt his arm go around her waist as he gently pulled her closer. She was not sure what she was doing, the only thing she was sure of was she wanted him anyway she could have him. Even though her side hurt like hell there was no way she was going to stop.
The kiss surprised Dillon, he felt her hesitation at first and then she became bolder. He needed to stop before things got out of hand, but she tasted so sweet and when he felt her tongue in his month, he couldn’t have stopped even if he wanted to. Camille tugged at his hair trying desperately to get closer to him. Finally, Dillon gained some control and broke the kiss; her groan was the only sign of her displeasure. When he looked at her face, she astounded him with her beauty. Her kiss swollen lips, and the desire he could clearly see in her big brown eyes, was enough to bring any man to his knees. Even one as jaded as him.
“What was that Cam? She moved to put some distance between them. I want you she said barely above a whisper she was not looking at him, her heart raced and she felt light headed, she was actually saying out loud what she had only dreamed about. She was holding her breath she had to tell herself to breath or she was going to pass out.
He moved in closer, turning her around and placing his finger under her chin, lifting her face up. He needed to see her face; he needed to know what she was thinking. “Cam, where is this coming from? She had waited for this since she was sixteen years old. She knew how Dillon felt about commitment and love she also knew about his sexual preferences. This would be no strings attached casual sex, nothing more. She took a deep breath she would just say it before she lost her nerve. “I said I want you. We can keep things casual.” She waited for what she said to sink in. However, now that she could hear the words out loud, she felt silly and embarrassed.
“I have to ask why me?” He had a thousand different reasons why they should be lovers; he needed to know where her head was. Camille searched her brain for the right words. “If you’re not attracted to me just say so. I mean I know I’m different from the women you usually have sex with.” She had thrown the ball back in his court the little minx was smart. “My attraction to you or lack thereof is not the point. Just so were clear I am very attracted to you but this is not about me.” She knew what he wanted he was not going to let her off that easy. She took a deep breath. “I’ve been attracted to you for what seems like forever, and after that kiss that first night I was home. We’re both attracted to each other. I know you think it’s a big step for me, but I have thought about this, I know what I want.” How could she tell him all the things he made her feel without completely scaring the hell of out him. She needed him to see her as a woman and not his best friends little sister, the little girl he used to tease about her glasses, braces and anything else he could think of.
Dillon studied her face for a long while before he said anything, he was going straight to hell for the thoughts he was having, about them naked and sweaty rolling around in his bed. With his cock buried so deep inside her; they both would be wild from the pleasure, but he had no right to say yes. “Cam, I want to. You have no idea how badly I want to, but nothing can happen between us, there are a
lot of reasons this isn’t a good idea. The biggest one being you deserve much better. I’m not the type of man you need. The kind of sex I’m into; makes me a nasty bastard to say the least. It’s just not a good idea for us to become lovers.
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and stepped back. “I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He turned and left the room before he really lost his mind and did something even stupider than just thinking about fucking them both into a coma.
Had he lost his mind? Having her in his home was driving him insane and she had only been there for twenty minutes. He’d wanted her for years and now she was there. Nevertheless, he would not cross that fine line no matter how much he wanted to. Correction no matter how much he needed to. He should have thought this through and taken her to his apartment in town; it was where he took the women he slept with. The thought of Camille being there gave him a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He brought her to the one place he had never brought another woman. This was his home, his safe place. If he were going to bring Camille anywhere, it would be to the place he felt the safest and most at home.
Camille closed her eyes, but sleep wouldn’t come easy. Dillon had just refused her little proposition. He did not give her much of a chance to say anything after he said no; it seemed he wanted to get as far away from her as possible. She should have known he would never have agreed to them being lovers. She wondered how fast he would have run if he had known she was still a virgin. She turned over on her good side and tried to forget about everything. Finally falling asleep.
Dillon went to his office and closed the door hoping that distance would calm his raging hard on. The thought of being inside of Camille made him crazy with lust; something he hadn’t felt in a long time. He could not remember ever having an unquenchable need for a woman. He powered up his computer hoping to get some work done and to take his mind off the woman in his bed. He really needed to get his head together or the hard on he had been sporting ever since he brought Camille to his home was liable to drive him insane. Just then, he heard the knock at the back door. He was expecting it. Butch and Zane entered quietly; neither of them ever seemed to make a sound. Which made them even more deadly, they could walk up to a target way before he or she ever knew they were there.
Butch entered the room looking around before heading for the bar. Zane sat down on the couch; Zane never wasted energy talking unless he had something important to say. So where is Camille Zane asked. “She’s upstairs sleeping. So what have you found out about Bordereau?”
While Butch poured himself a whiskey, Zane pulled the file out of his jacket pocket. “It seems he has been a very bad boy in the past. Charged several times with simple battery; he likes beating up on women. They never pressed charges though. He is a trust fund baby; rumor is he hates to work so he spends his time chasing women, drinking and drugs. His old man always cleans up behind him making sure there are no scandals to tarnish the family name. Camille was the one that got away at least that’s the rumor floating around. No one knows what happen between them and if someone knows they aren’t talking.”
Dillon gave Zane a puzzled look. “Why do you say that? I dug a little deeper when you asked us to check him out; I figured it was about Camille he said never taking his eyes off Dillon. Sometimes Zane got right down to it. Butch finished off his whiskey and put the glass on the bar. “My money is on this guy for the mugging, no one has seen him in weeks.” Butch said. Dillon looked both Zane and Butch. “My gut says it wasn’t Bordereau he isn’t that good. Whoever this is, was careful not to leave any evidence, No prints nothing. He thought Camille would be an easy target, it smells of a professional.” Butch poured another drink. “I see what Z is saying, but I still think that Bordereau is someplace close watching like the sick fuck he is.”
Dillon was quiet for a while, he knew they had a point, he trusted Butch and Zane with his life and if they were right, he would trust them with Camille’s life as well. “Let’s say for argument sake your right, which means he will try again. We need to find Bordereau. I called Danny and told him about Cam. My guess is after he was able to get a flight out; I can expect him any minute.” Butch groaned. This is going from sugar to shit in a damn hurry he said. Zane stood and gave Dillon the file. “What do you want us to do?” Dillon ran his hand through his hair. “This isn’t your fight; I’m not even sure that it’s anything to worry about yet, I can take care of whatever this is on my own.”
Zane stepped right in Dillon’s face. “Let’s not kid ourselves, we know how you feel about her, and she’s been your weakness for years. Once you get your head out of your ass and realize what we already know then we can get down to business.” Butch laughed as he watched Dillon. “Yeah man, it’s going to take me and Z to keep you from getting stupid and killing somebody.” Dillon had to laugh at that one he had two of the most lethal men he knew standing in his office and they were worried about him killing someone.
Butch was straightforward; he would let you know exactly what he was going to do to you. Then there was Zane quiet and deadly, he never hesitated when it came to a kill he would pull the trigger and then sleep like a baby. Each man was deadly in his own right, but together they were damn near unstoppable.
They knew him well and they were right Camille was his weakness, threatening and intimidating Cam’s boyfriends when she was younger. If she shed so much as one tear, he was ready to kill someone. Dillon ran his hand over his face and sighed. They were right he would need them to watch his back and help him stay focused.
All right Dillon said. Butch clapped his hands to together, with a big smile on his face. Glad we cleared that up; I think we should stay for dinner he said. Zane nodded his agreement. Butch turned to head for the kitchen. Zane stood and was about to follow Butch, when he turned back to Dillon. “Oh by the way we put Dexter in charge of the office, we all know he’s the best choice.” Dillon tried to hide his smile; Dexter was the most intelligent person they knew. He was also the most organized, and they had been talking about giving him more responsibility. He would do fine, most of the men they hired thought Dexter was strange, scary and deadly so they gave him space but they also admired him and would do whatever he told them to do, no questions asked. Putting Dexter in charge freed them up to take care of whatever was going on with Camille. If there was anything to begin with. He couldn’t ignore that ache in his gut that told him something wasn’t just right with Camille’s mugging. He always listened to his gut; it had saved his ass on many occasions.
Camille awoke to the most wonderful smell, as she stretched and sat up, she had almost forgotten about her side but the pain was there. She got out of bed and found a robe lying over the back of a chair. When she held it up to her face, she inhaled Dillon’s scent. She wrapped the robe around herself, letting his scent flow all over her. It was earthy with a hint of the outdoors, a purely masculine scent.
As Camille made her way downstairs, she heard male voices she rounded the corner at the foot of the stairs she knew what she would see, moving toward the kitchen. She had to smile at the sight of Dillon, Butch and Zane in the kitchen cooking no less. She just stood and watched them moved around each other; it was obvious they had done this many times the way they seemed to be in sync with each other, each man knowing where the other was. It was a fascinating sight to see. Camille cleared her throat and that got the men’s attention.
Dillon looked up to see Camille standing in the doorway, wearing his favorite robe, it made his dick hard wishing like hell it could be him wrapped around her body instead of that damn robe.
He smiled at her and she rewarded him with a big smile. “Something smells great.” Butch just laughed as he went back to chopping onions. Zane placed a cup of hot tea in front of Camille as she sat at the kitchen table, Camille looked up at Zane he smiled and nodded before turning around. “Thank you Z.” she had always liked Zane he never said much but he always seemed to know things. “Can I help with anything?” They all smiled at her. Dillon
moved toward the table with a large bowl of salad. Its okay Cam we got it he said flashing that killer smile at her. Zane sat a bowl of pasta on the table and butch carried the grilled chicken. They eat, talked and laughed Camille had forgotten just what great cooks they all were. It was a must, since none of them seemed to be interested in settling down with one woman.
When dinner was over, butch and Zane started clearing the table. The doorbell rang and then there was a hard knock. Dillon was on his feet weapon in hand and Butch and Zane were moving into place. Dillon turned to her and put his finger up to his lips, he signaled Zane and Butch to move into place. Zane took Camille by the arm, they moved into the pantry that had a hidden door in the back of the small room. Butch was behind Dillon, once they were in place, Dillon opened the door. Daniel stood there with his gun drawn. “What took you so long?” he put the safety on and tucked the gun in his pants at the small of his back.
Dillon and Butch lowered their weapons. Daniel stepped past Dillon as he entered the house. Dillon followed him into the kitchen where he saw Camille standing there, wearing Dillon’s robe. Daniel walked over and pulled her into an embrace. She melted into his arms as she wrapped her arms around his waist. She winced slightly as he squeezed her hard. He loosened his grip, he stepped back fearing he may have hurt her. That’s when he noticed the fading black and blue ring around her left eye. The sight of it made his chest ache.
Zane watched Dillon carefully he knew this could get out of hand if Daniel insisted that Camille leave with him. Butch came back in from where he had been outside checking things out. “Everything’s clear. When Daniel turned back to his sister, he checked her from head to toe. “How are you feeling? Here sit down.” Camille had to smile at her brother he always babied her whenever she was sick. “I feel fine we just finished eating the guys made dinner. Where is Tina?” I dropped her off at home it was a long flight, I had trouble getting my tickets changed and the weather turned at the last minute or I would have been here a lot sooner he said. “I am so sorry you cut your trip short.” Daniel leveled her with a stern look that said where he was supposed to be. “Let’s get your stuff together I’m going to take you home with me.” Dillon stepped forward. “Listen Danny I don’t think that’s such a good idea. She’s safe here the only people that know about this place are in this room.” Butch cleared his throat. Everyone focused on him. “I didn’t have time to tell you I brought Trace in on this; he is on the hill behind the house.” Trace was the youngest person in their security company and he and Butch were cousins. Dillon gave Butch a look that had him shrugging his shoulders. “What? He’s almost as good a shot as Zane and I thought we might need him. You know he can be trusted. From where he is on the hill he can see the house and anyone who approaches. Though I’m not sure why he didn’t call us he saw Daniel coming in.” Fine Dillon said sounding more than a little irritated.