Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)

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Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) Page 15

by J B Younger

  Xavier was standing outside waiting on his client. It was mid afternoon and the sun was warm on his skin, the smell of earth and tree’s seemed to calm him. It was always quiet before the chaos. This wasn’t how he had planned things. He learned early that he had to adapt and adjust. He saw the head lights of the limo as it came down the road. The long dark limo came to a stop a few feet away from him. The driver got out and walked to the back door of the limo. Xavier watched as the driver opened the back door, the shiny black shoes of his client hit the ground. Xavier watched as Pierre Bordereau stepped out of the car. Dressed in his expensive, designer Italian suit. He whispered something to the driver in French. The driver got back behind the wheel and drove off. Bordereau walked over to Xavier. “Well my friend, I had no idea you liked to live so far out. The drive was simply atrocious.” he said with just a hint of his French accent. “I expect everything I requested has been taken care of.” He was not asking but stating a fact. Xavier nodded and crossed his arms over his board chest. “Are you going to tell me what this is all about Bordereau?” The other man regarded Xavier with disdain. “No, I don’t suppose I will. Not until you decide to tell me what you have really been up to.” Xavier could feel his anger rising up like bile threatening to erode way all this control. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Bordereau met Xavier’s gaze. “I think you and I are beyond lying to each other. You have done some very sensitive work for me and my friends. I suppose you know me better than anyone. Let’s not pretend; you have no idea what I’m talking about shall we.” Xavier knew in that moment that Bordereau knew everything. He was going to have to tell the truth.

  “Okay, since you already know what I’ve been up to, there is no need to pretend any longer. This is about my brother Nicholas and revenge. The job you wanted hasn’t been compromised in any way.” He didn’t need to say anything else; he wasn’t going to say anything else.

  Bordereau looked at Xavier as if he understood everything. “Come, let’s go inside. I feel too exposed out here.” Xavier followed Bordereau inside. His anger was still rising, he had come clean and Bordereau still hadn’t said anything. It would be so easy to walk up behind the other man and slit his throat. He knew that Bordereau gave the air of being alone. That was far from the truth, he never went anywhere without back up. Xavier guessed that the limo driver was the body guard and he had a small army with him. So killing him was not a good idea.

  When they entered the house, Bordereau turned and looked around at the room they were in. His disapproval was palpable. “Could you have found a more unsuitable place for this?” Xavier moved to stand in front of the other man. “It’s remote, for what you have in mind it’s perfect.” Bordereau nodded as he continued to scan the room.

  “My son is dead, he hung himself. So you see we both want the same thing. Revenge. Ms. Elliott was the one female my son could not have. When she left he fell apart. I want to watch the life drain from her face, for my son.” Xavier took in what he was hearing, never saying a word about what Bordereau had just revealed. “My associate is getting her ready as we speak. Just so we understand one another. I need her alive long enough to get her brother here. After that I don’t give a shit what you do with her. Are we clear on that?” Bordereau sighed. “I suppose I don’t have much choice but to agree with your plans.”

  When Trace came back Camille was dressed and her face was made up. She was beautiful despite the black eye that he could still see through the makeup and the bruises around her throat. Trace thought to himself. As he looked at her following the flow of the black dress she was wearing. He smiled to himself; she had on flats he left out instead of the heels that went with the dress. Camille noticed that Trace had changed into a pair of black trousers, a black turtle neck sweater and his holster stretched over his wide back. He looked casual but he was armed to the teeth. She was sure the nine milometer wasn’t the only weapon on his person. “I think we’re ready to go.” He held out his hand. Camille was feeling stronger. If this was to be the end, she would walk on her own two feet. She held her head up and walked slowly past Trace’s outstretched hand. Trace smiled and followed her until she got out in the hallway and hesitated. “If you don’t mind I’ll lead the way.” Camille followed him without speaking. She was trying to conserve as much energy as possible. She was trying to figure out an escape plan.

  Everyone was loaded into the large cargo van. No one had spoken since they left Dillon’s house. Each man knew what he was suppose to do. Butch was driving with Zane riding shotgun. Butch took comfort in knowing no matter what happened these men had his back. His mind had gone back to the day he brought Trace home. There had been tense moments getting use to having a ten year old around. However, thinking back on everything he couldn’t have done any better by the boy. Everyone pitched in and helped him raise Trace. Yes there were signs that things had been much worse than he thought. Thinking back on it now, he realized that Trace was a big flirt and girls and women alike seem to like him and he them. Now, it was becoming obvious that Trace never showed an interest in any of them, other than the occasional flirting. He never brought anyone home, male or female. “You’re thinking too hard. Give it a rest.” Butch looked over at Zane who was looking straight ahead, with his arms crossed over his board chest.

  “It’s not right; he never brought any girls home. I never caught him fooling around in his room with a girl or boy.” Butch shook his head as he continued to watch the road. “I think he was a lot more fucked up than I ever realized. Zane turned to look at his friend. “You’re right I never saw him interested in anyone in particular. Whatever happened to him with that bitch; is not your fault. Whoever he has become because of the shit that was done to him. That’s not your fault; you did the best you could. We were all there to help, he could have come to any of us for help, and he didn’t.” Butch knew Zane was right, he just couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe he could have done more. “When did you first suspect that something wasn’t right with Trace?” Butch asked as he kept his eyes on the road. Zane knew where this was going. He had kept what he suspected to himself, he didn’t have enough proof it was just a gut feeling. “The day of the shooting at the hospital. He seemed a little too jumpy. It wasn’t enough to go on.” Zane looked over at his friend and saw the toll this was taking on him. They all shared so much together, but he and Butch shared much more. They knew each other well. “Butch, I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner.” Butch held up his hand to stop what was coming. “You were right not to say anything. I wouldn’t have believed you without proof anyway. So don’t apologize.” Zane nodded his agreement and didn’t say anything else about it. He thought about what was going to happen when they caught up to Trace. He knew Butch would never be able to take the shot. The one thing he knew he could do for his friend was take that decision out of his hands.

  Butch slowed the van down and pulled over to the side of the road. He turned to look at Daniel and Dillon. “This is where we leave you two. We will signal you when we are in position, you don’t go in until you hear from us we clear?” he asked.

  Daniel moved forward to take the driver’s seat. “We’re clear, everyone stick to the plan.” Zane, Butch and Archer exited the van. Zane turned to look at them as he slung his rifle over his shoulder. “We got it; we’ll see you on the other side.” He turned and headed off into the night. He was just a shadow moving at a dead run. Dillon moved to take the front seat. He and Daniel watched as they disappeared into the night. Daniel put the van in gear and got back on the road. It took them less than forty five minutes to find the farm house. Dillon spotted the limo in the distance. He spoke into his com-link. “We have company, black limo right before the ridge.” Zane’s voice crackled over the com-link. “I have visual, I’ll check it out. Wait for my signal.” Daniel slowed the van; They wouldn’t go in until they heard from Zane. He and Dillon would be going in without their eyes and ears. The com-link crackled again. “Archer and I are in place, we will move in. We wi
ll be in place and have visual when the two of you go in.” There was silence for what seemed like forever. When the com-link came to life again, they heard the breathless voice of Zane. “We’re clear, watch yourself the threat has been neutralized. They were professionals and my guts says they weren’t alone. I took out two.” Dillon looked at Daniel something wasn’t right, but they didn’t have time to figure it out. They both removed their com-links and there obvious weapons. Each of them was still armed, but if they were searched the other weapons wouldn’t be found.

  Let’s do this Dillon said as they exited the van. They walked slowly down the road leading to the farm house. Scanning their surroundings as they went.

  Dillon knew they might not come out of this alive; he was prepared for that possibility. He would gladly sacrifice himself for Camille. As they got closer to the house, they saw a dark figure emerge from the back of the house. As they got closer they both recognized Xavier walking towards them. He had a gun in his right hand. “Gentleman, so good of you to come. Let’s take this to the barn. As Dillon and Daniel walked ahead, Xavier fell in behind them. When they entered the barn it was a dimly lit open space. They both looked around for Camille. She wasn’t there. Movement in the corner caught Dillon’s eye. A well dress man stepped into view, Daniel recognized him instantly. “What the hell is going on? What is he doing here?” Dillon gave Daniel a confused look. Daniel leaned in and whispered. That’s Camille’s instructor from Paris, Pierre Bordereau he said. “What the hell is he doing here?” Daniel shook his head from side to side. “I have no fucking idea, we’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Mr. Elliott and Mr. McLaughlin it is a pleasure to finally meet the two men I’ve heard so much about. Your sister spoke highly of both of you, while she was in Paris. Dillon’s patience was wearing thin, he was sick of the polite talk. He wanted to know where Camille was; he needed to see for himself that she was alright. “Where is Camille?” Bordereau gave Dillon an incredulous look. “Your little whore will be along shortly. Don’t worry I will allow both of you to say your goodbyes.” Dillon made up his mind Bordereau would be the first to die.

  “Alright, Bordereau get on with it. You wanted this so let’s not deviate any more than we already have from the plan.” Xavier said as he grew increasing tire of the show.

  Bordereau nodded and stepped back. Xavier looked towards the barn door. Daniel and Dillon followed his gaze and there in the middle of the open entrance was Camille and Trace. Dillon’s heart sank when he saw her. She was thin and the makeup she was wearing didn’t hide the black eye she had along with the bruises around her neck. In that instant Dillon wanted to level the barn around their heads. Yes she was alive, but what in god’s name had she been through in the last forty eight hours?

  Daniel knew his baby sister had been through hell, seeing her this way was killing him and he could feel Dillon’s rage. Camille and Trace came forward slowly. Dillon tracked their movements; he saw Trace’s hand at Camille waist. He looked back up and met Camille’s glazed stare. Dillon started for her and Daniel grabbed his arm. While Xavier stepped in front of him. “I understand you’re anxious, but we play this my way.” Dillon tapped down his rage. He let his dark side come to the forefront, he needed to be calm. He focused all his rage, so when the time came he would unleash it all. He wasn’t going to worry about what was left in its wake. All that mattered was getting Camille out alive.

  “Trace bring our lovely guess over here. I want you to search our friends.” Trace did as he was told; Xavier took Camille’s arm to keep her steady as Trace walked over to Dillon and Daniel. He felt their anger; it was coming off their big bodies. It was like a wave of heat that hit you all of a sudden. He patted Daniel down first, then Dillon. “Their clean.” he stepped back as he met both men’s angry gazes. He knew even if he had the chance to explain, they would never understand. He needed to stay focused, his dream was so close. In a few short hours he would leave life as he’d known it behind. For the first time in his miserable life, he would re-create himself into someone he could tolerate.

  Bordereau stepped up and slapped Camille across the face hard enough that she fell to the dirt floor. Daniel and Dillon both rushed to Camille. Xavier and Trace both pointed their weapons at them. Trace reached out and helped Camille to her feet. Xavier smiled. “Do you feel it? That impotent feeling of helplessness. Now you feel just a small amount of what I have felt for the last few years. Dillon was the first to speak up through gritted teeth. “I going to kill you.” Bordereau gave Dillon a look of disgust, as he shook his head. “My colleague and I have something in common. That impotent rage of not being able to help the ones we love. For him it was his brother, for me it was my sweet boy. My son is dead because of this little slut. He felt real remorse for what happened between them. It was his profound remorse that killed him. He left the rehab center I sent him to. When I finally found him he was dead; he hung himself. I hired Xavier to find her and kill her. How could I let her continue to exist? When it was her fault. The thought of her walking the earth while my sweet boy didn’t was almost more than I could bare.”

  “You’re as sick as your son was, if you’re blaming Camille for what your son did to her. She didn’t deserve to be attacked.” Dillon didn’t understand people at all, because his son wouldn’t take no for an answer, Camille was to blame. Dillon was glad he was dead; it saved him the trouble of hunting him down and killing him.

  Daniel stepped forward. “You and I have unfinished business because of that piece of shit you called a brother.” Xavier nodded and moved closer. “Yes we do, I’ve searched for a long time to find you. Who knew all it took was killing your sister. Daniel growled his body tensing. This son of a bitch was going to die. He wouldn’t hesitate to pull the trigger this time.

  Dillon walked over to Camille ignoring Bordereau’s protest. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her close. Her body was trembling. He whispered in her ear, his voice low. “I love you, It’s always been you. I’m going to get you out no matter what. Do you understand?” Camille knew what he was saying, her heart sank because he was saying goodbye, and he was going to do whatever he needed to do to save her. The tears began to fall and her vision became blurry. “I love you to; you get us both out of this. I...I don’t want to live without you. You hear me.” Dillon didn’t want to live without her either, she was his light. If there was a choice to be made then he would do whatever it took to get her out alive no matter the risk to him. He nodded his agreement and kissed her long and hard. He didn’t want an audience for this but what choice did he have. Camille felt a strong hand wrap around her upper arm, and then she was pulled away from Dillon. She turned to give Trace a murderous look. When she turned around again she met her brother’s steady gaze. He nodded slightly, the gesture was meant for Camille and no one else. She was ready to fight for her life and the lives of her lover and brother.

  “You know your business isn’t with Danny, it’s with me. I was the one who put a bullet between your brother’s eyes; he was a sick fuck who preyed on women. My friend is a good man, even when the woman he loved was murdered he couldn’t take the shot. There was no way; your brother was walking away from what he did.” Xavier shook his head. “That’s very noble of you to take the blame for your friend, but the people from the town told me what happened and who shot my brother.” Daniel cleared his throat. “I wanted to kill him, after I saw what he did to Melina I tracked him down and when I found him, he was covered in her blood. Hiding in a cave on the outskirts of town. Ranting and raving about how it was her fault. It doesn’t matter who took the shot, all that matters is he needed to be taken out. He was a sadistic bastard.” Daniel watched the murderous look on the other man’s face. Daniel wanted to push Xavier into doing something stupid. His brother was his weakness, That wound needed to be opened again.

  Bordereau moved grabbing Camille by the hair and pulling her back. She screamed and struggled. Daniel and Dillon pulled their weapons. “Back off, I’m going to kil
l her.” He had his gun at the side of her head. It looks like we have a Mexican standoff Dillon said. As he aimed his gun at Bordereau, he knew he could take the shot. But Bordereau could still shot Camille. He was hoping Zane would take the shot, But if he didn’t do something soon Camille would be dead. “Listen let’s not get carried away, let’s calm down. If you kill her, I will kill you. Have no doubt.” Bordereau began to back away with Camille, his dark eyes darting back and forth between Dillon and Daniel. The hand with the gun was beginning to shake. “You stay back, I am going to kill her and there is nothing you can do to stop me, you can kill me. I have nothing else to live for. Camille started to struggle with him; he was having a hard time holding her and the gun. “Hold still you little bitch!” he screamed at Camille. Dillon could see that Daniel and Xavier were squaring off; he didn’t know where Trace was. He would worry about him later. He began to move forward with his gun aimed at Bordereau’s head. Just then he saw the red dot he was hoping for. Zane had a clear shot. Dillon slowing shifted his position to give Zane the space he needed. He held his breath until he heard the shot ring out. He watched in slow motion as Bordereau’s head kicked back and his hold on Camille loosened, she pulled away and ran toward Dillon, as bordereau’s body crumpled to the ground. Dillon caught Camille in his arms, there was no time. He had to get her out of there. He turned just in time to see Daniel and Xavier exchange blows. “Get Camille out of here now!” Daniel yelled as he took a blow to the of his face. Just then Dillon saw dark figures coming toward the barn. “Danny, we have company you need to finish this now!” They heard gun shots. Dillon knew it was Butch and Archer they both took out two of the four men. Dillon grabbed Camille and started for the entrance to the barn. They stopped short when they saw Trace standing there with his gun drawn. Dillon pushed Camille out of the way. “You son of a bitch, you should have run when you had the chance.” Trace laughed, it was a harsh sound. “My job is not done yet, Camille is still alive. I don’t get paid until the job is finished.” Dillon gave him a hard look. That’s not going to happen he said as he started to walk slowly towards Trace. “That’s close enough Dillon. I will kill you, make no mistake.” Camille watched in horror as the two men stood there aiming their guns at each other. Suddenly she heard two gun shots, when she turned. She saw her brother on his knees and Xavier on the ground. She watched as Butch helped him up. He’d been shot. Before she could think about it, Dillon’s voice got her attention. She turned to see Dillon moving toward Trace. Trace looked at her then Dillon. Camille got to her feet and began to move toward the two men. “Trace, please you don’t have to do this.” For the first time she saw the sadness in his eyes, just before he leveled his gun at Dillon. The determination in his expression said everything. Time stood still as the two men aimed their guns at each other. Trace dropped his gun and kicked it away, as he smiled at Dillon. “I know you want a piece of me, don’t you?” Trace said in a taunting manner. Dillon narrowed his gaze. He should just shoot him and get it over with. No he would show him, what happened to someone who took what was his. He dropped his gun and kicked it away. The two men started toward each other. Trace took the first swing. Dillon avoided the blow just barely; he swung and caught Trace in the side. Knocking the wind out of him. Dillon took advantage and ran at Trace, tackling him and knocking him to the ground. Trace kicked Dillon flipping him over his head. Trace Jumped to his feet and went after Dillon. They went at each other again. Dillon took a kick to the gut, knocking the wind out of his lungs. He gave Trace a round house kick to the head, knocking him to the ground. He shook his head trying to clear it. Now he was bleeding. His rage was coming to the for front and he was seeing red. Dillon punched him in the face breaking his nose. The blood gushed from his nose. He screamed and ran towards Dillon. He changed direction at the last minute. He dived for his gun snatching it up. Dillon scrambled for his gun, when he realized what Trace was doing.


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