Becoming The Red Witch: A Why Choose Academy Romance (Major Arcana Academy Book 1)

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Becoming The Red Witch: A Why Choose Academy Romance (Major Arcana Academy Book 1) Page 10

by Ana Calin

  And he does, one hand stimulating my pucker, the other possessively holding one of my butt cheeks as I come all over his face. Fuck me, I never imagined such sensations existed. I mean, I read in an online article once that stimulating the butthole while loving the lady parts can lead to simultaneous inner and outer orgasms, but I never thought it could be achieved with a virgin, without even penetrating her. The warlock is damn good.

  I realize it must be because of all the women he’s had, the world tilts. Dark feelings start to bubble up inside me, jealousy most of all. I can’t mean anything to Maverick, even though I’ve just owned him like a slave master. Maverick getting me off was only a prelude to him tricking me out of my virginity. I would lie back on the floor, my legs like jelly to each side, and I’d let him fuck me senseless. Sure as hell he’d be fucking me twice as dirty as he usually does others for the way I claimed his mouth.

  The mixture of frustration and fear explodes out of me like a black cloud spreading its tentacles out into the air. I can feel it clawing to the fabric of reality, but by the time I realize this dark energy is re-opening the portal, it’s too late.

  The warlock feels it, too. The last thing I catch a glimpse of is his intensely lustful eyes before he shoves me off of him. It happens so fast that I’m all dizzy when I land on the floor, naked but for my open shirt, the bra, and my socks.

  Maverick stands, shielding me, thick arms spread out at the swirling portal, muttering a banishing spell so powerful that it shakes me to my bones. The demons screech so sharply it pierces my brain. I screw my face and press my hands to my ears, seeing as if through water how the demon arms crawl out of the rippling fabric of the portal, their movements jagged as if someone were burning them alive.

  Maverick’s powerful voice rises, and I realize that’s what’s hurting the demons. Their cries rise in the air, piercing the forest

  The portal implodes with a deafening boom. The items on the counter and shelves fall and smash on the ground. The wind settles, and the air goes back to normal—as normal as it can be, because when Maverick turns around and looks at me, sprawled like a fucked wanton on the floor, I know my world has changed forever.


  I RETURN FROM THE BACK of the hut just as Lucia pulls up her pants. She wraps her shirt around her body, pushing her hair behind her ear and looking around at the buttons scattered all over the place. I linger in the shadows, regarding her like a ghost as she kneels down and gathers them, unable to keep images of wild sex with her from my mind. I imagine unzipping my pants, prowling over to her with my hard cock in my hand, watch her lift those pretty blue eyes to me as I put my cock in her face. Watch her lick her lips, ready to suck me off.

  I played out quite a few scenarios in my head of how I would seduce Lucia Reid before I settled on what I did today, which was meant to solve two problems at once—help her dive into her past, and reach her true essence, while also complying with the Lord Protector’s order. But I never imagined it would be as intense as it was. I never imagined she would own me the way she did.

  She comes to her feet and turns in my direction, shirt buttons in her hand. We stare at each other for moments before I remember myself and approach her with a shirt in my hand.

  “It’s not the prettiest thing, but it’s clean.” It’s one of my work shirts, grey and sack-like, but better than her torn one.

  Lucia takes it, blushing to the tips of her ears. Quite a contrast to the way she dominated me only minutes ago, like a lady of flames—which is what she is. I open my mouth to tell her what we got from her vision, but she interrupts.

  “Impressive how you closed down the portal. I thought only the Lord Protector could do that. I mean, that’s why you summoned him a few nights ago, isn’t it?”

  “His magic is more immediate than mine, but I have my powers.”

  “So he doesn’t have to know that the portal opened again, does he?”

  “It’ll be hard to keep it from him. He tends to find out about things quickly enough. He might be on his way here right now.”

  She drops into a wooden chair by the table, biting her lip nervously. I sit down across from her. Her eyes dart around, filled with shame. She bites her lip to keep from crying, and a flashback of my stone-hard, wet lips crushing the plump softness of hers hits me. It was like tasting the finest French wine for the first time. I fucked many women in my life, both Academy students and professors whose pussies overflowed for me, but I never had such intense chemistry with anyone.

  “Will you tell him? What happened between us?”

  “I won’t have to. The place is thick with the scent of you.” That came out darker than I intended.

  “Please, don’t tell him. We can say the scent is from one of the potions or something.” She grabs my hand over the table, her eyes hanging on mine. By the cursed realms, how am I to resist that? “The portal re-opened, the demons reached out, the earth shook and things fell and shattered all over the place.”

  “He won’t mistake your scent, Lucia.” My eyes slip into the cleavage of her—my— shirt, to the swell of her breasts. Her skin so white, so enticing with those innocent freckles, the woman is irresistible. My cock rises, but luckily I’m sitting down, so she doesn’t get to see how weak I am for her. How much power she wields over a warlock of Merlin’s bloodline.

  “I wasn’t myself,” she pleads, tears swimming in her eyes. “The way I acted, it felt like I was someone else, a completely different person.”

  I can believe that the fiery woman who rubbed her pussy in my face like a wanton queen, dominating me, subduing me, was a different person. The woman who owned me like that had Lucia Reid’s body, but what if it was a demon possessing her? The lava of hell is running through her veins, I felt it clearly while she had her vision of her past.

  “Why do you care so much what the Lord Protector thinks?”

  Shame twists the features of her face, and a mix of other tormenting feelings.

  “I, I have something with Silas,” she breathes, barely daring to. It hits me right in the chest, harder than I would have expected.

  “So it’s Silas that you’re worried about. You’re scared the Lord Protector will let him know that his first love interest after millennia of emotional numbness had no trouble putting her pussy on another guy’s face only a day after she showered him with passionate kisses. Are you in love with him?” That last one was an angry demand, but she doesn’t even register it anymore. She straightens her back, yanking her hand from my clasp. She looks daggers at me.

  “And how do you know about the passionate kisses?”

  Silence. Words are no longer necessary—I can see she’s putting two and two together.

  “You saw us. You were in the Lord Protector’s study.”

  I hold her gaze.

  “My God. He put you up to this, didn’t he? To separate Silas and me.”


  THEY DID THIS TO ME, Maverick and the Lord Protector, they set me up in order to separate me from Silas.

  “He was supposed to walk in on us, but I guess something went wrong.”

  I shudder as I imagine it—the door behind me creaking open, my beautiful Guardian Angel finding me straddling the warlock’s face. I scoff, my lips twisting. And I who worried like an idiot I would lose the affection of the Lord Protector, thinking he gave it to me in good faith, when in truth he’d been manipulating me the whole time.

  I grow sick as I think about how I put my trust in these men, how I felt at home among them. I should have known they’re bad, evil even—they’re supernaturals, more powerful than the strongest humans, and power corrupts. It makes you feel above other people, giving you the feeling you can play God.

  “Why did he do it?” I glare at Maverick over the table. “Why does he want Silas and me separated so bad?”

  “He wants Silas to focus on his job. He’s keeping the mortal realm safe from invasions from hell. Men like us can’t get involved with petty human feelings, Lucia,
you have to understand.”

  “Oh, men like you, yes? You can’t either? You were pretty humanly horny while you thrust your tongue into my pussy.” Anger makes me bold, and dark.

  Maverick clenches his square jaw, looking even more gangster-like with those nailing black eyes, the sharply chiseled cheekbones, and the dark stubble. I could ride that face all over again, this time as punishment.

  “Soon, you’ll have to give up human emotions as well, and ascend to higher levels. Actually, it’s unavoidable that you do. Supernaturals always attain higher levels of consciousness during their training.”

  Sure, because humans are so lowly, aren’t they. But I don’t say it, I just stare him down to make him feel like he’s nothing. “And why do I have to give up my emotional humanity? Does the Lord Protector have a well-defined task for me as well, am I to become his foot-soldier, too, when I master my powers?”

  “He doesn’t have a task for you yet, but he will sure have one when you’re ready. The first step is to get you into the Academy. You need training, clear up your powers, learn to use them with ease. Even though, now that I know what you deepest essence is, I’m not sure you should go to that Academy and become one of us.”

  “And I thought I was winning your favor on that floor,” I mock, looking daggers at him.

  “You are a product of hell, Lucia,” he spells out without breaking eye contact. “Your essence is demonic, that’s why you can open portals, letting in hordes of demons. You’re a lethal weapon, that’s what you are. But don’t worry—” He stands and bends to me over the table, fists down. I can hear the wood cracking under his weight. “Those demons would rip the world apart, but they wouldn’t harm a hair on your head. You’re their ticket into the realms they have wanted to invade since the beginning of time, the mortal world and this magical place, the Thorny Forest, which is an outpost of Heaven, an interface realm between the mortal and the higher planes. The demons want to use you, not hurt you.”

  My eyebrows rise as I begin to understand. “You were down in that vision with me?”

  “And I would have let you dig deeper if it weren’t ripping your spirit from your body.”

  “And the only way you could bring me back was through sex?”

  “I needed to anchor you in this plane, so I gave you strong sensations that yanked your spirit back into your body. But I guess I could have done it differently, if the Lord Protector hadn’t asked me to prove to Silas that, virgin or not, you were just another human wanton.”

  “You bastard.” My eyes fill with revenge. “I swear you’ll pay for this, Maverick,” I threaten, coming up to my feet and leaning over the table to him. “I’ll make you suffer for doing this to Silas and me, if it’s the last thing I do.”

  The door opens, and the Lord Protector’s princely frame fills the doorstep. I can feel his presence behind me, his aura, through new—I suppose magical—senses. He gets a good look at Maverick and me staring each other in the face over the table, before Maverick’s coal-like eyes pan over to him.

  I turn around as well. I jut my chin out and fold my arms across my chest, not exactly trying to cover the visible black lace bra between the sides of the shirt Maverick gave me. He thought me wanton all along anyway, didn’t he, since he had Maverick seduce me like that.

  The Lord Protector’s bright hazel eyes move from the warlock to me, his nostrils slightly flared—he’s taking in the scent. My eyes become slits. Oh, how I wish I could hurt him, punish him for how he misused my trust. I felt so comfortable with him, I almost came to love him.

  “Carry on,” he says to both Maverick and me, and yet to neither in particular. “Lucia will have to be ready in a few weeks for her test with the Headmaster. And it won’t be easy. Use your time well.”

  He turns on his heel and leaves, the porch creaking under his steps. He doesn’t even look back, not once, as if he doesn’t give a damn about me. He only took my love to rip it up...

  The Lord Protector

  THE SMELL OF HER JUICES and her orgasm lingers in my nostrils, stealing my peace. I try to meditate myself into the higher realms, but I keep tossing and turning, my cock reacting, twitching, demanding my attention.

  I stalk to the study in a rage, trying to work, but it’s useless. Those long-forgotten instinctual urges burn under my skin. I reach inside my boxer shorts, stroking myself for the first time in—how long has it been? Hundreds, thousands of years?

  I thought myself a superior creature, but look at me now. Sprawled on my chair in the study like a pervert, jerking off while thinking of a freckled girl with hair like fire, imagining her sitting on my desk and opening her legs for me. Imagining pushing my rock-hard cock into her still virgin pussy.

  I cum hard in my hand, biting my lip so I wouldn’t make a sound, and leaning my head back. The first orgasm I’ve had in a felt eternity dies down, my body twitching in the aftershocks of pleasure, and a sense of guilt engulfs me—yet another lowly human emotion.

  What the fuck is wrong with me? What is it about the scent of her juices that turns me into an animal in heat? The jealousy when I think of her fucking Maverick’s mouth strangles me, too. Lust, guilt, jealousy—three of the lowest emotions that superior beings should be far above, and I’m drowning in a thick cocktail of them.

  “Argh!” I swipe the books and magics from my desk in fury. I’d been trying in vain to immerse myself in study, to deal with urgent matters, but nothing helps. She’s on my mind like a fucking virus.

  I can hear Gordon hovering outside the study doors, eavesdropping. He must have heard my cry of frustration, but I don’t give a shit. I pace the study, thinking of the past days.

  Lucia has been with Maverick every single day, and she hasn’t protested having to see him again after what he did to her. She’s kept a professional attitude towards him in the most admirable way. She’s been a good student, doing what he told her, practicing, meditating, getting a grip on her powers—powers that he warned me about. He thinks she’s determined to hone her skills in order to take revenge for what we did to her. He says she’s growing darker, more mysterious and harder to read. More dangerous.

  But I can’t blame her. What we did to her was worthy of high school bullies—I told him to take her virginity before the other guy did, then tell said guy, who would leave her, and break her heart. How sick is that? Two powerful supernaturals, one of them ancient even, doing this to a nineteen-year-old VIRGIN girl. I run my hands through my hair, falling into despair.

  I finally drop onto the Marseille couch, emotionally exhausted. I‘ve never been through an emotional rollercoaster before. It’s scary and fascinating at the same time. It’s like you’ve been looking down at lab mice your whole life, and then one morning you wake up in their skin, feeling their feelings, thinking their thoughts. I’m in the skin of a jealous human man, dying to fall on my knees in front of the girl whose warm love I’m dying to have for myself. I wish I were the one who licked her pussy for the first time. I would have done it with affection.

  And I could have made it happen that night. I should have been the one to seduce her. I should have done my own dirty work, but I was too proud.

  Now I’m stuck with some of the most difficult decisions I’ve ever had to make. Maverick is convinced the girl shouldn’t go to the Academy, because she’s a child of hell. He’s gone deep in research, and now he’s got an idea what the Red Witch might mean—indeed a Trojan Horse.

  But if I don’t get Lucia enrolled in the Academy, she’ll end up in hell because that’s where creatures with her essence belong. And both Maverick and I know she isn’t evil. She’s an orphan who’s craved love all her life, and who’s given it unconditionally. I myself felt her love envelop me that night, I basked in the trust she wrapped me in, I took delight in how blissfully at home she felt in my arms. I can’t forget that night.

  No, I can’t do this to her. I can’t literally send her to hell. But that means hiding her true nature from the Headmaster, and ensuring her
enrollment. I feel my irises burn as I stare through the window, trying to pierce the night and see as far as the warlock’s hut. He’ll let her go before the witching hour—still not safe to put her through a ritual, her powers might be too dark to contain—but I still don’t like them being alone together.

  The warlock may tell me what he will, he may play all cool and tough and detached, but I see those coal eyes of his light up with forbidden lust when he looks at her. I can imagine her working on her concoctions, her back at him, while his eyes roam lustfully all over her body. He is her mentor, and she needs him, so there’s no way I can order them apart now. I played that card with Silas already.

  My teeth clench so hard my jaw hurts—I wanted to separate her from Silas because, deep down, I was jealous, but all I’ve accomplished was to push her into the arms of another.



  The warlock’s hut emerges from between gnarled branches. It looks like a sleepy little place in the middle of a magical forest, with smoke billowing up from the chimney. That’s where Lucia Reid is, the sweet girl I fell in love with, working on her potions—that’s how Maverick and the Lord Protector intend to ‘sell’ her to the Headmaster and the Academy Board. As a mortal witch with a talent for potions.

  Only that they don’t yet know what I know. That the Headmaster and the Board will test the girl’s abilities themselves. She’ll have to make a potion right in front of them, instead of bringing one along that they would test on site. I was on my way to tell the Lord Protector, but I couldn’t help coming here first.

  My heart still pumps pain through my veins from the images Maverick sent to me via a crystal globe. A ‘movie’ from his hut, of my sweet Lucy writhing onto his mouth like a wanton. She begged to talk to me the next day in the garden, shadowed me, clinging to me, but I couldn’t even look at her. I just walked away from her without a word, while she clung to my arm. But today I had an epiphany. And I’m here to share it with her.


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