The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 146

by Stephen Jay Gould

  As I write this chapter at the end of the 1990's, the implication of punctu­ated equilibrium for higher-level theories about the pulsing and clumping of species in putatively stable communities through considerable stretches of geological time has become the most controversial and widely discussed “outreach” from the basic theory that Eldredge and I formulated in 1972. Whatever my own opinions on the major alternatives now under debate — and I confess to a somewhat cautious, if not downright conservative, stance retaining a maximal role for the null hypothesis of species as independent Darwinian individuals making their own way through geological time — I take pride in the role that punctuated equilibrium has played in building an intellectual context for making such a debate possible in the first place.

  One can't even pose meaningful questions about higher-level aggregations of species unless species themselves can be construed as stable and effective ecological or evolutionary agents — a status best conferred by punctuated equilibrium's recognition of species as true Darwinian individuals (see pp. 604–608). Under Darwin's personal view of species as largely arbitrary names for transitory segments of lineages in continuous anagenetic flux, such questions make no sense, and the entire potential subject remains undefined. (Some tradition exists for paleontological study of clumping in the distribu­tion of named species through time, but this literature has never achieved prominence because researchers could not shake an apologetic feeling that they had based their studies on chimerical abstractions. For reasons well be­yond accident or non-causal correlation, the beginning of serious and exten­sive research on this subject has coincided with the development and accep­tance of punctuated equilibrium, a theory that recognizes these species as genuine evolutionary individuals.)

  Precedents for studies of coordination above the species level can be found in such formulations as Boucot's (1983) twelve EEU's (ecological evolution­ary units) for the entire Phanerozoic, or Sepkoski's (1988,1991) three succes­sive EF's (evolutionary faunas) for the same interval. But these works address the different subject of how major environmental shifts, including (but not re­stricted to) the substrates of mass extinctions, impact biotas defined at the family level and above. The subject of temporal interactions among species as basic macroevolutionary units raises a different set of questions about the na­ture of the “glue” that binds such sets of Darwinian individuals together at time scales matching their average durations (as contrasted with global geo­logical changes that may coordinate — but probably not actively “bind” — biotas for intervals greatly exceeding the average lifespan of species). Some pioneering studies — most notably Olson's (1952) remarkable work on “chronofaunas” of late Paleozoic terrestrial vertebrates — have offered in­triguing suggestions about the potential “glue” that may bind species into evolutionary ecosystems. However, as stated above, the subject could not be readily conceptualized until punctuated equilibrium provided a theoretical rationale for viewing species as legitimate Darwinian individuals. [Page 918]

  The intense discussion of punctuational patterns at the level of species aggregations or ecosystems (extensive stability of species composition in re­gional faunas, followed by geologically rapid overturns and replacements of large percentages of these species) has centered upon two theoretical schemes and their proposed exemplars in the fossil record (see extensive symposium of 18 articles, edited by Ivany and Schopf, 1996, and entitled “New perspectives on faunal stability in the fossil record”). Working with the famous and maxi­mally documented Hamilton faunas (Devonian) of New York State, and then extending their work up and down the stratigraphic record for a 70 million year interval of Paleozoic time in the Appalachian Basin, Brett and Baird (1995) documented 13 successive faunas, each including 50 to 335 inverte­brate species, and each showing considerable stability both for the history of any species throughout its range (the predicted stasis of punctuated equilib­rium, see Lieberman, Brett and Eldredge, 1995, for quantitative evidence), and, more importantly in this context, in the virtually constant composition of species throughout the fauna's range.

  Each fauna persists for 5 to 7 million years until replaced, with geological rapidity, by another strikingly different fauna including only 20 percent or fewer carryovers from the preceding unit. As a defining attribute, 70 to 85 percent of species in the fauna persist from the earliest strata to the very end, remaining in apparently stable ecological associations (with characteristic numerical dominances of taxa) to forge a pattern that Brett and Baird call “coordinated stasis.” Eldredge (1999, p. 159) writes of coordinated stasis: “It is a true, repeated pattern, the most compelling and at the same time underappreciated pattern in the annals of biological evolutionary history.”

  Vrba (1985) found a similar pattern in the maximally different ecosystem of vertebrates in Pliocene terrestrial environments of southern and eastern Af­rica. The geologically rapid faunal replacement, following an extensive pe­riod of previous stability, occurred in conjunction with a 10-15 degree drop in global temperatures that lasted some 200,000 to 300,000 years, and began about 2.7 to 2.8 million years ago. In generalizing this pattern as the “turn­over-pulse hypothesis,” Vrba emphasizes the role of environmental disrup­tion in prompting the transition and, especially, the coordinated effects of both extinction and speciation as consequences of disruption — extinction by rapid change and removal of habitats favored by species of the foregoing fauna, and origination by fragmentation of habitats and resulting opportuni­ties for speciation by geographic isolation of allopatric populations. As an ex­ample of the role granted to increased propensities for speciation, as pro­moted by the same environmental events that decimated the previous faunas, Vrba links the origin and initially rapid speciation (at least three taxa) of the genus Homo to this Pliocene turnover-pulse, a proposition that has generated substantial interest and debate.

  The two propositions — Brett and Baird's coordinated stasis, and Vrba's turnover-pulse — identify similar patterns in prolonged stasis and punctua­tional replacement for linked groups of species. However, the two formulations [Page 919] differ in proposed explanations for this common pattern. Brett and Baird identify rapid environmental turnover as the trigger for collapse of in­cumbent faunas, but tend to view the prolonged stability of each fauna as a consequence, at least in large part, of internal ecological dynamics. New fau­nas come together largely by migration of separate elements from other re­gions (rather than originating primarily by local speciation in situ, as in Vrba's model), but then maintain stability by ecological interactions. Vrba, on the other hand, tends to attribute both fundamental aspects of the pattern — prolonged stasis and abrupt replacement — to vicissitudes and stabilities of the physical environment. As noted above, she also attributes the construc­tion of new faunas to local speciation following fragmentation of habitats in­duced by environmental change, whereas Brett and Baird stress migration for the aggregation of new faunal associations. In Vrba's view, rapid physical changes induce the turnover by (at least local) extinction, and then also en­gender the subsequent stability as a propagated effect — because interspecific interactions play little role in regulating faunal stability, which must then arise as a basic expectation from punctuated equilibrium about the independent behavior of individual species. Ivany (1996, p. 4) accurately describes this aspect of Vrba's model: “stasis intervals between are in essence side consequences requiring no additional explanation beyond that required to ex­plain stasis in individual lineages.”

  The developing debate in the paleontological literature has focussed upon two issues of markedly different status. First, does the pattern actually exist — with sufficiently crisp and operational definition in any single case, and with sufficiently frequent occurrence among all cases — to warrant an assertion of evolutionary generality (see numerous examples and discussion in the Ivany and Schopf symposium, 1996, cited above)? I remain entirely optimistic on this point, if only because the “type” example of the Hamilton Fauna seems
well and extensively documented.

  However, and to confess a personal bias, my feelings of caution about unmitigated endorsement also arise from a substantial worry under this head­ing. If a capacity for individuation establishes the basis, or even just ranks as an important criterion, for status as an evolutionary agent in a Darwinian world, then our logical inability to render the faunas of coordinated stasis or turnover-pulse as coherent individuals does cause me concern. I do recognize that higher units of ecological hierarchies (see Eldredge, 1989) generally lack the coherence of individuals defining most levels of the standard genealogical hierarchy — because ecological associations cannot “hold” their component members as tightly as genealogical individuals enfold their subparts. Species, at a high level of the genealogical hierarchy, function as excellent Darwinian individuals because their subparts (organisms) remain tightly bounded by po­tential for interbreeding within, and prevention without. But ecological units like “faunas” must be constructed in a more “leaky” manner, for I cannot imagine a force that could hold taxonomically disparate forms together by ecological interaction with anything like the strength that species can muster [Page 920] to “glue” component organisms into a higher individual. However, and in re­sponse to my own doubt, the demic level of the genealogical hierarchy mani­fests a similar intrinsic leakiness because no strong “glue” exists, in principle, to prevent the passage of component parts (organisms) from one deme to an­other. Still, and after much debate, the efficacy of interdemic selection now seems well established, at least in certain important evolutionary settings (see pp. 648–652 and Sober and Wilson, 1998).

  Second — and more importantly in raising a theoretical issue at the heart of evolutionary studies — if the pattern of coordinated stasis and turnover-pulse does exist with sufficient clarity and frequency, then what forces hold faunas together at such intensity and for such long intervals, especially in the light of intrinsic capacity for “leakiness,” as mentioned above? (Theoretical debate on this issue has rightly centered upon the putative causes of coordination in faunal stability, not on the rapidity of overturn. All formulations agree in as­cribing quick transitions between faunas to direct effects of environmental perturbation.) Roughly speaking, two proposals of strikingly different import have dominated this debate. Some authors — in what we may call the “conser­vative” view, not for any intrinsic stodginess, but for envisioning no new or unconventional explanatory principles — hold that faunal stasis requires no active coordinating force at all, but arises as a side consequence of the envi­ronmentally triggered overturns themselves. (Vrba's formulation, as noted above, tends to this interpretation.) All active control then falls to the extrin­sic causes of rapid overturn, with the coordination in between merely record­ing the predicted behavior, under punctuated equilibrium, of species acting as independent entities. In other words, we see temporal “packages” of coordi­nated stasis because external forces impose coincident endings and beginnings.

  But other authors (see Morris, 1996; Morris et al., 1995) advocate active causal mechanisms, at the level of interaction among species, for holding the components of ecosystems together during periods of stasis — a notion gen­erally called “ecological locking,” and envisaging an explicit and intrinsic “glue” to build and then to hold the coordination of coordinated stasis. Mor­ris, for example, cites the work of O'Neill et al. (1986) on mathematical theories of ecological hierarchies, in advancing a “claim that ecosystems in frequently disturbed settings become hierarchically organized such that the effects of large, low-frequency disturbances do not propagate through the system and cause disruption” (Ivany, 1996, p. 7). Other proposals for “intrin­sic” mechanisms of coordination have invoked the general concept of “in­cumbency,” and tried to designate theoretical reasons why established associ­ations of species, even if non-optimal and only contingently or adventitiously built, may resist displacement by active mechanisms rooted in the behavior and construction of such aggregations.

  These admittedly somewhat fuzzy and operationally ill-defined proposals address, nonetheless, the core of a vitally important issue within the develop­ing hierarchical extension of Darwinian theory: how far “up” a hierarchy of [Page 921] levels do active causal forces of evolutionary change and stability extend? Do such causes generally weaken, or become restricted to peripheral impacts, at these higher levels? If so, can we attribute such diminution to increasingly limited opportunities for devising “glues” that might bind components into coherent individuals at these higher levels? Can “glues” for higher units in ecological hierarchies be strong enough, even in theory, to achieve the suf­ficient bounding (and bonding) that higher levels of the genealogical hierar­chy (like species) can and do attain?

  I do not know how this debate will develop, and how, or even whether, these questions can be operationally defined and activated. We remain sty­mied, at the moment, because so little thought, and so little empirical work, has been devoted to operational criteria for distinguishing alternatives — par­ticularly for defining the different expectations of coordination as a passive consequence of joint endings vs. an active result of ecological locking during intervals of stasis. Perhaps such distinctions can be defined and recognized in the statistics of faunal associations (varying strengths and numbers of paired correlations, similarities in joint ranges and relative abundances of groups of species: what numbers of taxa, and what intensities of coordination, imply active locking beyond the power of passive response among independent items to accomplish?). Given the notorious imperfections of the geological re­cord, and the daunting problems of consensus in taxonomic definition, I rec­ognize the extreme difficulty of such questions. But the issues raised are neither untestable nor non-operational, and the concepts involved could not be more central to evolutionary theory. Whatever the future direction of this debate, punctuated equilibrium has proven its mettle in prompting important extensions beyond its original purview, and in proposing a fruitful strategy of research, based on a new way of viewing the fossil record, that broke some longstanding impasses in paleontological practice. At the very least, punctu­ated equilibrium has raised some interesting and testable questions that could not be framed under previous assumptions about evolutionary mechanisms and the patterns of life's history.

  As a final note and postscript, either extreme alternative for the expla­nation of faunal stasis — passive consequence or active ecological locking — bears an interesting implication for the significance of punctuated equilib­rium. (Of course, I would be shocked if either extreme eventually prevailed, or if a future consensus simply melded aspects of both proposals into har­mony. I suspect that the reasons behind coordinated stasis are complex, mul­tifarious, and informed by other modes and styles of explanation as yet un-conceived.) If coordination arises as a passive consequence, then our original version of punctuated equilibrium, proposed to explain the pattern of indi­vidual species, also suffices to render this analogous pattern at the higher level of faunas as well — thus increasing the range and strength of our mechanism. But if coordination must be forged by higher-level mechanisms of active eco­logical locking, then punctuated equilibrium provided the basis, both logi­cally and historically, for regarding species as evolutionary individuals, the [Page 922] conceptual prerequisite for Darwinian theories of causation at the level of aggregations of species.


  General models for punctuated equilibrium

  If the distinctive style of change described by punctuated equilibrium at the level of speciation — concentration in discrete periods of extremely short du­ration relative to prolonged stasis as the normal and actively maintained state of systems — can be identified in a meaningful way at other levels (that is, with sufficient similarity in form to m
erit the same description, and with enough common causality to warrant the application in more than a meta­phorical manner), then general mathematical models for change in systems with the same fundamental properties as species might also be expected to generate a pattern of punctuated equilibrium under assumptions and condi­tions broad enough to include nature's own. In this case, we might learn something important about the general status and range of application of such a pattern — thus proceeding beyond the particular constraints and idio­syncrasies of any biological system known to generate this result at high rela­tive frequency.

  Many scholarly sources in the humanities and social sciences, with Thomas Kuhn's theory of scientific revolutions as the most overt and influential, have combined with many realities of late 20th century life (from the juggernaut of the internet's spread to the surprising, almost sudden collapse of communism in the Soviet Union, largely from within) to raise the general critique of grad­ualism, and the comprehensive acceptability of punctuational change, to a high level of awareness, if not quite to orthodoxy. But the greatest spur to converting this former heresy into a commonplace, at least within science, has surely arisen from a series of mathematical approaches, some leading to little utility despite an initial flurry of interest, but others of apparently endur­ing worth and broad applicability. These efforts share a common intent to formalize the pattern of small and continuous inputs, long resisted or accom­modated by minimal alteration, but eventually engendering rapid breaks, flips, splits or excursions in systems under study: in other words, a punctua­tional style of change. These proposals have included Rene Thorn's catastro­phe theory, Ilya Prigogine's bifurcations, several aspects of Benoit Mandel­brot's fractal geometry, and the chief themes behind a suite of fruitful ideas united under such notions as chaos theory, non-linear dynamics, and com­plexity theory.


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