The Structure of Evolutionary Theory

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The Structure of Evolutionary Theory Page 237

by Stephen Jay Gould

  Stebbins, L., 167, 570

  Steinheim planorbids, 373-381

  Hyatt’s original plate on, 375

  sterility, Darwin’s argument about, 129-132

  stickleback fish, 883

  Stidd, B. M., 977

  Stimson, J. A., 977

  structural constraint. See also exaptation; miltons; positive constraint; spandrels

  features with nonadaptative origins as, 1246-1249

  homology of, across scales, 930-931

  by physical laws, 1180-1182, 1211 (see also Kauffman, Stuart; Thompson, D’Arcy W.) spandrels and, 1293-1294

  structuralist-functionalist dichotomy. See also convergence vs. parallelism

  Agassiz’s structuralist argument and, 276-278

  Bateson and, 412

  continuing relevance of debate on, 278-281

  convergence vs. parallelism and, 1075

  Darwin’s addition of history and, 253-254, 257, 258-260, 278-279

  Darwin’s argument for primacy of adaptation and, 255-260

  Darwin’s debt to both poles of, 330-332

  debate between Cuvier and Geoffroy and, 312

  formalist version of natural theology and, 260, 271-278

  functionalist version of natural theology and, 262-271

  Goethe and, 290-291

  mechanisms of selection and, 179

  national traditions and, 252-253

  Owen’s place in, 313n

  Paley’s functionalist argument and, 266-271

  spatial claim and, 247, 255

  stabilities and, 678-679

  temporal claim and, 255-256

  structuralist tradition. See formalist tradition

  struggle, Darwinian concept of, 469, 470. See also biotic competition Stufenreihe, 1016

  Stylopoma species, 787-789, 867-870

  subcellular selection. See germinal selection; hierarchy theory

  substantive variation, 400-401

  “sufficient stability,” concept of, 602-603, 606-607, 620-621, 799-802

  superfecundity, 13n, 125n

  supraorganismal selection. See higher-level selection Swalla, B., 1145

  Swift, J., 53

  sympatric speciation models, 780

  synergism, 218-219. See also interactions among levels

  cell selection and, 697-698

  gene selection and, 692-695

  among levels, 679

  of positive constraint with natural selection, 1040-1045

  species selection and, 733, 735, 738, 743-744

  systematic mutation, 151, 456-458, 463

  Systematics. See also taxonomy

  cladistic revolution in, 605

  Mayr and, 531-532

  systemic mutation, 68, 939

  Tabin, C. J., 1104, 1172

  Tamarin, R. H., 995

  “taxon-counting,” 793, 1324, 1325


  Agassiz and, 271-278

  basis of primary ordering and, 1280-1286

  in Darwin, 113

  De Vries’ restructuring of, 431-433

  of exaptive pool, 1277-1294

  Lamarck and, 179-181, 183-186

  properties of taxonomic groups and, 805-810

  viviparity and, 943

  Taylor, P. D., 892-893

  technological development, patterns in, 957-960

  “tectology,” 209

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre, 352

  Telford, W. H., 1163

  Templeton, A., 347

  temporal claims. See also geological time; tiers of time; time scales

  Goethe and, 286-288

  structuralist-functionalist dichotomy and, 255-256

  “tendency theory,” 911-912

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 1283-1284

  “terminal addition,” principle of, 367

  terminological issues

  adaptation and, 662, 671, 1229-1231

  “aptation” as term and, 1051, 1233, 1234

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  terminological issues (continued)

  concept of cause and, 626-627

  concept of constraint and, 1025-1027

  exaptation and, 662, 671, 1229-1234

  historical origin vs. current utility and, 671-673

  meaning of individuality and, 597-613

  nonadaptive features and, 1246-1270

  power of words and, 1013-1014

  “preadaptation” as term and, 86, 1231-1232

  sorting vs. selection and, 659, 670-671, 783-784

  theory-bound nature of concepts and, 620-622, 1032-1037, 1057-1061

  testability criterion, and theory of punctuated equilibrium, 75, 790-791, 811, 839-840, 841, 945-946

  tetrapods, 1171-1172, 1213


  catastrophists and, 482-483, 484-485

  creationists and, 988-990

  hardening of Modem Synthesis and, 576-584

  persistence of error and, 762

  punctuated equilibrium in, 976, 994-999

  textual comparison

  incoherence of gene selectionism and, 625-632

  as methodology, 521-522

  Theissen, G., 1094, 1095

  theistic hypotheses. See also British functionalism; continental formalist tradition; creationism; natural theology

  coral model and, 21

  evolution as science and, 23

  orthogenetic theories and, 352, 356, 384-385

  thesis, antithesis, and synthesis, 23-24, 590-591. See also science, evolution as

  Thom, René, 922

  Thomas, R. H., 1163

  Thompson, D’Arcy W., 144, 274, 315, 411

  aptive triangle representation and, 1058, 1059, 1060

  causality and, 85, 1187-1189, 1207-1208

  empirical approach of, 1189-1196

  femur example and, 211, 1196

  Goldschmidt and, 463-464

  historicism and, 1205-1207

  Kauffman’s “order for free” and, 1208, 1209

  limitations admitted by, 1196-1200

  On Growth and Form, 42, 676, 680, 807, 1181, 1182-1208

  scales in nature and, 676, 680

  structuralist critique of Darwinism in, 1200-1204

  theory of form, 52, 1054-1055, 1058, 1059, 1060, 1182-1208

  Thompson, P., 977

  Thomson, W. (Lord Kelvin), 147n

  argument on geological time, 69, 480, 492-493

  contemporary reaction to ideas of, 69-70, 494, 498-502

  Darwin’s response to, 69, 492, 496-502, 1334

  “The Doctrine of Uniformity,” 492-493

  Lyell and, 494-496

  Thurow, L. C., 962, 964-966, 977

  Tickle, C., 1104-1105, 1172-1173

  tiers of time, 1320-1332

  catastrophic mass extinction and, 1340

  fractality solution and, 1323-1326

  interactions among, 1329-1330

  as nonfractal, 1326-1332

  number of, 1327-1328

  paradox of the first tier and, 1320-1322, 1328-1329

  punctuated equilibrium and, 1339-1340

  Tiffany, L. H., 577, 578

  timeless vs. historical antinomy, 191

  time scales

  levels of selection and, 674-675, 704

  tiers of time and, 1320-1332

  Tinbergen, N., 572, 573

  Tomarev, S. I., 1123, 1126-1127, 1128

  tortoises, of Galapagos, 193

  “tradeoffs,” 1029, 1291-1292

  “transilience,” 347

  Traub, J., 975

  Travisano, M., 932-933

  tree of life metaphor, 146-147, 228, 1334-1336, 1342-1343


  anagenesis and, 78, 777

  biomechanical advantage and, 79, 889-890, 950, 1270-1271

  causes of, for Darwin, 240-246

  directional speciation and, 725-731

  Gryphaea heterochronocline and, 1040-1045

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  implications of punctuated equilibrium for, 886-893, 986 />
  role of species in, 715

  stasis analogs in clades and, 936-939

  study of, 936-937

  Whitman’s claims for, 388-389

  triangular models. See aptive triangle; Galton’s polyhedron; tripod model

  trilobites, 754, 769, 844-845, 865, 993, 1039, 1315

  triploblasts, 1161-1162

  tripod model, 11-12, 15. See also minimal commitments of Darwinism Trueman, A. E., 855

  Tsutsui, N. D., 1284

  Tucker, V. C. T., 997

  Tudge, C., 1023

  Tudge, C., 992-993

  Turner, J. R. G., 784

  turnover-pulse hypothesis, 865, 918-920

  Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel

  two-factor theory of Lamarck. See Lamarckism

  Typical Forms and Special Ends in Creation (McCosh and Dickie), 280-281

  underlying developmental regulators. See arthropod and vertebrate developmental homologies; deep homology; evolutionary developmental biology; Hox genes

  undulation, law of, 362

  unemployments. See manumissions

  uniformitarianism, 44-45. See also Lyell, C.; scope, as Darwinian principle

  catastrophism and, 52, 58, 61, 162-163, 481, 1303-1306

  in Darwin’s work, 94-96, 480-481, 491, 1296-1303

  Dobzhansky and, 455

  focus on earth-based sources of mass extinction and, 1303-1306

  geological change and, 479-502

  impact model and, 1312

  inference in history and, 103, 105-106

  Kelvin and, 494-496

  Lamarck and, 176-177

  Lyell’s methodological assumptions and, 481-482

  non-progressivism and, 468-470

  textbooks and, 582

  uniformity of state. See isotropy of variation

  U. S. Supreme Court decisions, 981

  unity of science movement, 503

  Unity of Type. See also structuralist-functionalist dichotomy

  Darwin and, 64, 251-252, 254-255, 329

  Geoffroy and, 299-300

  as research program, 300

  use and disuse, principle of, 267, 360-361

  van Tienderen, R H., 1035

  variation. See also directionality of variation; efficacy, as Darwinian principle; internal constraint; isotropy of variation

  copiousness of, 60, 141-143

  as criterion for individuality, 609-611

  Darwinian requirements for, 140, 141-146, 443-445

  Darwin’s categories of, 334-335, 337

  fluctuating vs. mutational, for de Vries, 430-431, 437, 441-442

  higher-level selection and, 647, 651, 658, 665-666

  isotropy of, 60, 61, 144-146, 168, 413, 444-445, 1027-1028, 1275

  large pushes from (see saltationism)

  meristic vs. substantive, 400-401 (see also Bateson, William)

  “rigid sphere” of, 431

  small extent of, 143-144

  syllogistic core of natural selection and, 125n

  Veith, I., 574

  Venice, Cathedral San Marco in, 1249-1258

  Vermeij, G. J., 950-951


  Hox gene in evolution of, 1164-1165

  skull as modification of, 318-319, 1112, 1113

  “vertebra” for Owen vs. Geoffroy, 317-318

  vertebrate archetype. See also arthropod and vertebrate developmental homologies

  Darwin and, 337-339

  Geoffroy and, 82-83, 299-306, 320, 321, 1091, 1092, 1101, 1106-1117

  Owen and, 65, 316-326, 328-329

  Vertut, J., 955-956, 978

  Vetruvius, 1136

  vibratory theory of heredity, 67, 402n, 410-411, 412, 456

  Villee, C. A., 995

  viviparity, 942-946

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  von Baer, K. E., 275, 331n, 687, 740, 941, 1021

  Vonnegut, K., 382

  voting for women, argument against, 372

  Vrba, E., 27, 41, 43, 705, 1008, 1225

  antelope studies and, 78, 866

  emergent character approach and, 657-659, 660, 661, 662-663, 667, 673

  exaptation as term and, 86, 1232-1233

  turnover-pulse hypothesis and, 865, 918-920

  Waddington, C. H., 256n, 584

  Wagner, P. J., 77, 730n, 733-735, 764, 805, 817-820, 1095

  Wake, D. B., 875, 879, 1080

  Wake, M. H., 875

  Wallace, A. R., 131-132, 199-200, 567

  biotic competition and, 471

  Darwin’s principle of divergence and, 227, 228, 233, 243, 248-249

  De Vries and, 429, 431, 440, 441

  Kelvin and, 496, 497, 500-501

  levels of selection and, 64, 136, 544

  Ternate paper (1858), 64, 227, 233, 336

  Ward, P., 1311, 1315

  Warren, R., 1099, 1165-1166

  Warsh, D., 977

  watch analogy, 262-263

  wave-like evolution, law of, 362

  Weatherbee, S. D., 1167

  Webster's Third New International Dictionary, 973-974

  wedge metaphor. See also biotic competition

  in Darwin, 69, 473-474, 1299

  geological extension of, 474-475

  Wei, K. Y., 831, 842, 873

  Weigel, D., 1093-1094

  Weiner, A. M., 1240-1241

  Weismann, August, 197-208, 214-224. See also germinal selection

  Allmacht of selection and, 63, 197-201, 215, 219, 223-224, 505, 567

  Eimer and, 358-359

  evolution in ideas of, 199, 200-201, 208-214

  Haeckel and, 210

  hierarchical model and, 36, 50-51, 63, 136, 197, 219-224, 249-250, 587, 596

  Lamarck and, 201-203

  Roux’s theory and, 212-213

  Spencer and, 197-198, 199, 204-205, 206, 207

  synergism and, 218-219

  Vorträge über Descendenztbeorie, 207-208, 219-224

  Weiss, H., 956

  Weiss, K. M., 1034

  Weller, J. M., 978

  Wells, W. C., 137n-138n

  Werren, J. H., 691-692

  Wessells, N. K., 996

  West, R. M., 833

  Westoll, T. S., 817, 818

  whales, 204-205

  Whatley, R. C., 832, 843

  Wheeler, W. M., 568-569

  Whewell, William, 104, 315-316

  White, M. T. D., 764, 866-867

  Whitehead, A. N., 57-58, 192, 1214

  Whiteman, H. H., 1039

  White River Chronofauna, 861-865

  Whitman, C. O., 67, 362, 462, 466, 1038

  Hyatt and, 382-383

  orthogenetic theory of, 67, 383-395

  role of natural selection for, 354, 355

  Wiester, J. L., 987

  Wiggins, V. D., 831

  Wilkins, A. S., 1146

  Willey, A., 1079

  Williams, E., 987

  Williams, G. C., 42, 136, 878, 882, 883-884, 915, 916, 1054, 1230-1231

  Adaptation and Natural Selection, 550-554

  anagenesis and, 723n

  codical hierarchy and, 641-644

  gene selection and, 72, 613, 616, 617, 631, 632-633, 641-644

  group selection and, 71, 521, 547, 550-554, 585, 648-649

  normalizing clade selection and, 78, 713, 714, 883-885

  species selection and, 646, 704, 706, 707

  Williamson, P. G., 769-771, 796, 845, 853, 867

  Willis, J. C., 450

  Williston’s law of reduction and specialization, 902

  Willmer, P., 1107

  Wilson, A. C., 1061

  Wilson, D. S., 600, 625-626, 636, 648, 650, 654-656, 678-679, 681, 683, 690

  Wilson, E. O., 583-584

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  Wilson, H. B., 923

  Wimsatt, W., 632n

  Winklemann, H., 991-992

  Wistow, G., 1242, 1244-1245

  Woodruff, D., 27

  Workshop on the Evolutionary Synthesis (Boston, 1974), 519

rld’s fairs, 462

  worm, as example, 94-95, 103

  Wray, G. A., 941-942, 1122, 1155, 1156, 1162

  Wright, Sewall, 519, 520, 732, 1177. See also genetic drift

  hardening of Modern Synthesis and, 70-71, 522-524, 574

  “island model,” 525-526

  “shifting balance” theory and, 523-524, 554-556, 702

  “Wright’s Rule,” 74, 732-735, 887

  Wynne-Edwards, V. C., 42, 71, 136, 521, 547-550, 585

  Xenopus, 1119-1122

  Xiao, S., 1158

  Yacobucci, M., 1215

  Yang, X., 767, 859-861

  zebrafish, 1110-1111, 1129-1130

  Zeitgeist, 29-33, 172-174, 972, 1332. See also cultural influences

  zen genes, 1163

  Ziegler, A. M., 753

  “zootype,” 1151

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