by Porter Fox
Culbertson, Montana, 190–91
“Current Wars” over AC and DC current, 96
Curtain Falls (Minnesota), 130
Custer, George Armstrong, 175–76, 191
Custer, Henry, 220–21
Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)
aftermath of protests, 180–85
arrests of protestors, 178, 182, 183
completion, 180
court cases, 145–46, 171, 178, 185
environmental impact study, 146, 185
Missouri River and, 145, 146–47, 150
pipeline access road, 173
police reaction to protests, 145, 171, 174, 178–79
proposed routes, 146–47
size and capacity, 150
tunnel under Lake Oahe, 150, 179
US Army Corps of Engineers and, 146–47, 179
see also Energy Transfer Partners; Oceti Sakowin protest camp; Standing Rock Sioux Reservation
Dakota Indians, 118, 173
Dalrymple, Jack, 171, 179
Dalrymple, Oliver, 165, 171, 209
“Danny Orlis” series (Palmer), 139
Dark Island (New York), 76
Dart, Joseph, 88
“Dawnland” name origin, 39
Dawson Portage (Ontario), 126
Deere, John, 87–88
de Mons, Pierre Dugua Sieur, 10–12, 24, 29
Denis de La Ronde, Louis, 86
Department of Homeland Security, xvi, 171
Derby Line, Vermont, xiii
Detroit Automobile Company, 101
Detroit, Michigan, 23, 88, 100–101, 102
Detroit River, 83–84, 100–101
Diamond Pipeline, 179
DiCaprio, Leonardo, 151
Diggity Cove (New Brunswick), 42
Diggity Stream (New Brunswick), 37–38, 39, 41
Dixon Entrance (British Columbia), 8
D’Mello, Ian, 88–89
Dodge, John and Horace, 101
Doer, Gary, 91
Dofasco steel mill, 87, 89, 92
Dollier de Casson, François, 80
Don de Dieu (ship), 10
Downeast pipeline, 179
Drift Prairie, 149
drought in US West, 2014, 91
Dugua, Pierre, 10–12, 24, 29
Durant, William Crapo, 101
Eagle Butte (South Dakota), 170
Eagle, Jim, 126
Earthjustice, 171
East Grand Lake, 19, 31, 49–50, 53
Edison Machine Works, 96
Edison, Thomas, 96
Edmund Fitzgerald (ship), 75
Eisenberger, Fred, 90, 92
Ellicott, Andrew, 196
Ely, Minnesota, 112–13, 114–15
Emerson, Manitoba, 136
Energy Transfer Partners (ETP)
Dakota Access Pipeline construction, 146, 154, 181
Dakota Access Pipeline court cases, 145–46, 171, 178, 185
Dakota Access Pipeline financing, 150
eminent-domain laws used in Iowa, 146
Indian artifacts and, 146
private security firm, 170–71, 178, 179
Rover Pipeline, 179, 180
Trans-Pecos Pipeline, 153, 179
tunnel under river rejected, 179
English exploration and colonization, 9, 11, 44–45, 79–80
Ensign Lake (Minnesota), 116
environmental campaigns by Indian tribes, 153–54
see also Oceti Sakowin protest camp
epidemics and disease among Indian tribes, 38–39, 157–58, 160
Equinox (ship)
construction of, 69
description, 58, 61, 69
on Detroit River and Lake Saint Clair, 100–101
in Hamilton, Ontario, 87–89, 92
itinerary, 58
on Lake Erie, 99–100
on Lake Huron, 101
on Lake Ontario, 77, 87
on Lake Superior, 101–4, 105
mess hall, 59–60, 69, 89, 92
at Saint Lambert Lock, 58–59
on Saint Lawrence River, 69–71, 74–77
in the Welland Canal, 94–95, 97
see also freighters
Explorers Club (New York), 127
Fargo, North Dakota, 112, 145, 148, 165
Fetterman, William, 158
“Fifty-Four, Forty or Fight!”, 217
Fillmore, Millard, 163
Fitzpatrick, Thomas, 162–63
Flint, Michigan, 101
Folsom culture, 118
Ford, Henry, 101
Ford Motor Company, 101
Forest City, Maine, 43, 46, 47
Fort Berthold Reservation, 166
Fort Buford, North Dakota, 166, 168–69, 204
Fort Fork, Alberta, 194
Fort Frontenac, Ontario, 81, 82
Fort Laramie Treaty (1851), 162–63, 164, 171
Fort Laramie Treaty (1868), 171
Fort Laramie, Wyoming, 159, 162–64
Fort Mandan, North Dakota, 196
Fort Phil Kearny, Wyoming, 158, 159
Fort Saint Charles, Minnesota, 141
Fort Union, North Dakota, 168
Fort Yates, North Dakota, 170, 184
France and European wars, 9
Franklin, Benjamin, 16, 51, 52, 133–34
Fraser River (British Columbia), 194, 220
Frazer, Montana, 192
Frazier, Harold, 179, 182–83
Freeman, Orville, 129
bulkers, 58, 93
canallers, 71, 92–93
in the eighteenth century, 86, 92
Le Griffon, 83–85, 124
on Lake of the Woods, 140
low water level effect on, 73
ocean freighters, 69, 93
steamers in the Great Lakes, 93
variations of lakers, 93
see also Equinox
French and Indian Wars, xv, 46
French River (Ontario), 44, 65, 125
Friday Bay (Minnesota), 131
Friesland, Minnesota, 209
Frontenac, Louis de Buade, Comte de, 81, 85
fur trade
Champlain and, 25, 30
coureurs des bois, 67, 84
Fort Union, North Dakota, 168
hats and, 25, 124–25
New France and, 25, 30, 46, 66–67, 100
North West Company, 194
voyageurs, 124–26, 129, 130, 134, 194, 196
Galinée, René de Bréhant de, 83
General Electric, 96
General Motors, 101
George M. Carl (ship), 71
Georgian Bay, 65, 66
Georgian College (Ontario), 88
Glacier National Park
Belly River Trail, 201
Browning as eastern gateway, 198, 206
clear-cut border, 203–4
Crown of the Continent ecosystem, 200, 202
floristic regions, 202
forty-ninth parallel and, 197, 203–4
Glacier Park Lodge, 206–7, 211–12
glaciers, 200
Going-to-the-Sun Road, 206
grizzly bears, 202
Saint Mary Ranger Station, 199
Glasgow, Montana, 193
Gneiss Lake (Minnesota), 121
Grand Dérangement (Great Upheaval), 46
Grand Falls (Maine), 17–19, 52
Grand Forks, North Dakota, 149
Grand Manan Island (New Brunswick), 15
Grand Portage (Minnesota), 114, 121
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, 104
Gray, Robert, 194
“gray zones” along northern border, 8
Great American Desert, 165–66, 206, 210
Great Lakes
erratic water levels, xvi, 73
geological history, 62–63
invasive species, 90–91
plant and animal life, 74
pollution, xvi, 90
shipwrecks, 75
see also spec
ific lakes
Great Lakes megalopolis, 88
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum, 75
Great Northern Railway, 206, 208, 209–10, 213
Green Bay, Wisconsin, 84–85, 88
Grenolle, 67
Griffon, Le (ship), 83–85, 124
Gun Lake (Minnesota), 131
Hamilton, Alexander, 16
Hamilton, Ontario, 80, 87–90, 92, 97
Happi, 145
Harding, George, 88
Haskell Free Library and Opera House, xiii
Hasselman, Jan, 171
Helena, Montana, 197
Henderson, John, 179
Hennepin (Friar), 82, 85
Henri IV (king), 9, 25, 29, 44
Hidatsa, 157, 162, 166
Highways of Progress (Hill), 208
Hill, James, 206, 207–11, 213
Hill, Louis W., 211–12
Homestead Act, Enlarged (1909), 210
Homestead Act of 1862, 165
Hudson, Henry, 64
Hudson’s Bay Company, 71, 148, 192, 217
Humphrey, Hubert, 128, 139
Huron Indians
about, 65
Brûlé and, 63–64, 65, 67
Champlain and, 26–27, 28–30, 44, 63–64, 66, 78
Idaho, 190, 213, 214
Idaho Light Foot Militia, 213–16
Île Perrot (Quebec), 62
illegal immigrants into Canada, 135–36
immigration, US crackdown in 2017, 135
Indian reservations. see reservations
Indian treaties
broken treaties, 151, 154, 164, 171
Fort Laramie Treaty (1851), 162–63, 164, 171
Fort Laramie Treaty (1868), 171
government land grabs and, 161–62, 164
numbers of, 164
power of treaties as supreme law, 154
see also specific tribes and nations
Indigenous Environmental Network, 169
International Niagara Commission, 96
Iron Lake (Minnesota), 130
Iron Range, 110, 112, 120
Iroquet, 26, 64
Iroquois Confederacy, 26
Irwin, May, 76
Isle Royale (Michigan), 85
Itasca State Park (Minnesota), 135
Jackson, Andrew, 217
Jake’s Northwest Angle, 137–38, 139–40, 141–42
James Bay, 91, 98
James, Doug, 155–56
James, Jewell Praying Wolf, 153–55, 156, 172, 181, 224, 225
Jamestown, Virginia, 25, 44–45, 64
Jardine, W. M., 110
Jay, John, 16, 134
Jay Treaty (1794), 16, 35
Jefferson, Thomas, 138, 165, 190, 194–95, 196, 197
Champlain and, 45–46
La Salle and, 78–79, 80, 84, 87
missionaries and missions, 45, 67, 80, 84
Saint-Sauveur colony, 45
John A. France (ship), 72
John Birch Society, 214
Johnson, Lynda Bird, 128–29
Kahshahpiwi Lake (Ontario), 116
Kaministiquia River (Ontario), 111
Kekekabic Lake (Minnesota), 116
Kennebec River (Maine), 18, 52
Kenora (steamer), 140
Kerouac, Jack, 219
Keweenaw Point (Michigan), 85
Keystone XL Pipeline, 91, 170, 180, 199
Kirke, Lewis and Thomas, 67
Knife Lake (Minnesota), 117
Kootenay River (Idaho), 213
La Batte, Helena, 172–73
La Bonga, 125
La Bonne-Renommée (ship), 10
Lachine Rapids, 57, 63, 78, 79, 80
Lac La Croix, 115, 117, 121, 126, 129
Lac-Saint-Louis (Quebec), 61, 62
Lake Agassiz, 78, 117, 149
Lake Champlain, 28
Lake Erie
Equinox and, 99–100
geological history, 63
La Salle and, 80, 81–82, 83–84, 99
shipwrecks, 75
lake freighters. see freighters
Lake Huron exploration, 66, 67, 84
Lake Huron geological history, 63
Lake Michigan geological history, 63
Lake Michigan water levels, 121
Lake Nipissing (Ontario), 44, 65, 125
Lake Oahe, 150, 183–84
Lake of the Woods
“Danny Orlis” series (Palmer), 139
fishing business, 140
Northwest Angle and, 133, 137–38, 139
physical geography, 140, 141
steamships and ferries, 140
Treaty of Paris and, 52, 134, 135, 138
Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 52, 138–39
Lake Ontario exploration, 66, 80, 81, 87
Lake Ontario geological history, 63
Lake Saint Clair, 84
Lake Superior exploration, 67, 103
Lake Superior geological history, 63, 78, 102
Lake Traverse Indian Reservation, 172–73
Lake Winnipeg (Manitoba), 78, 120, 125
La Salle, René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de
death, 85
early life, 78–79
first expedition, 80
Fort Frontenac, 81, 82
Le Griffon, 83–85, 124
Gulf of Mexico reached, 85
Lachine Rapids, 79, 80
Lake Erie, 80, 81–82, 83–84, 99
Lake Huron, 84
Lake Ontario, 80, 81, 87
Louisiana named, 85, 195
Mississippi River, 80, 85
in Montréal, 79–80
Laurentia, 62
Laurentian Divide, 116, 200
Laurentide Ice Sheet, 63
La Vérendrye, Pierre, 141
Le Griffon (ship), 83–85, 124
Lemhi Pass (Idaho), 196
Lewis and Clark expedition, xv, 53, 165, 195–97, 200
Lewis, Meriwether, 169, 195, 197
Lewis Range (Montana), 198, 200, 204, 212
Lincoln, Abraham, 88
Lindsay Island (New Brunswick), 42
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, 174–77
Little Ice Age, 12
Livingston, Robert R., 195
Loon Bay (Maine), 17, 18, 22
Louisiana, 46, 85, 179, 195
Lubec, Maine, 3–5, 6, 11, 14, 32
Lummi Island (Washington), 153
Lummi Nation, 153, 154
Lummi Reservation, 223–26
Machias Seal Island, xiii, 7–8
Mackenzie, Alexander, 194
Mackenzie Pass (British Columbia), 194
Mackenzie River, 78
Mackinac Island (Michigan), 84
Magaguadavic River (New Brunswick), 16
Acadian community, 46
author’s youth in, xvi–xvii
fishing industry, 4
see also specific locations
Maine Department of Marine Resources, 4, 6
Maine Woods, The (Thoreau), 53
Man Chain (Ontario), 116
Mandan, 157, 162, 166, 196
Manistee (ship), 100
Manitoba, 133, 136, 148
Marie de Médicis, 9, 44
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 64
Mataafa Storm of 1905, 75
Mather, Cotton, 38
Mattawamkeag River (Maine), 33
Mattawa River (Ontario), 65
McCormick, Cyrus, 88
mechanical reapers, 88
Medicine Line, 191–92
Médicis, Marie de, 9, 44
Middlebro, Manitoba, 136
Miles, Nelson, 191
militia groups, 213–16
Milk River, 121
“Millennium Plot,” 20
Minneapolis, Minnesota, 133
Arrowhead region, 110, 118, 120
border surveys, 120–21, 138–39
east–west differences in, 133
European settlers and their descendants in, 112, 209
Iron Range, 110, 112, 120
Minnesota State Fair, 112
see also Boundary Waters; Northwest Angle
Minnesota Iron Company, 110
Mississippi River
course in Minnesota, 133
geological history, 63, 78
headwaters, 134, 135, 138
La Salle and, 80, 85
runoff and water levels, 91
Missouri Escarpment, 149
Missouri Plateau, 149
Missouri River
course, 196
Dakota Access Pipeline and, 145, 146–47
dam construction in 1960s, 183
headwaters, 189, 197, 202
junction with Yellowstone River, 168, 169
Lewis and Clark expedition, 195, 196, 197
Northern Boundary Commission survey and, 204
overland trails and, 160
runoff and water levels, 91
Missouri Trench, 149
Mitchell, John, 134–35
Mohawk Indians, xiv, 26–29, 70
Monroe, James, 195
Montagnais Indians, 26, 28–29
Big Sky Country, 189, 192
clear-cut border at forty-ninth parallel, 203–4
early settlers, 192, 210
landscape, 189–91, 192–93
militia groups, 215
population density, 189–90
Cartier and, 63, 64, 70
Champlain and, 63
La Salle and, 79–80
monument to Saint Ann, 125
Saint Lambert Lock, 57
Monument 1, 54
Monument Brook, 18, 54
Moose Island (Maine), 14
Mormon Trail, 160
Mount Akamina, 204
Mount Baker (Washington), 219, 221, 225
Mount Boswell (Alberta), 204
Mount Desert Island (Maine), 45
Mount Hood (Oregon), 196
Mount Sefrit (Washington), 218
Mount Shuksan (Washington), 218, 222
Mudro Lake (Minnesota), 131
Nashua, Montana, 192
National Geographic Society, 113, 127
National Guard, 145, 170, 214
National Lawyers Guild, 171
Nevis Island, 93
Newell, Mike, 59–62, 69, 92
New England, population growth, 45
New France
border with New England, 24, 46
fall of, in 1763, 46
fur trade and, 25, 30, 46, 66–67, 100
population in 1650, 45
as social experiment, 12
see also Champlain, Samuel de
New Orleans, 183, 195, 217
Niagara Escarpment, 95
Niagara Falls, xiv, 63, 93, 95–97
Niagara River, 80, 81, 95–96, 121
Nicolet, Jean, 67, 124
Nooksack River (Washington), 218, 220, 222, 223
Norse landing in Nova Scotia, 9
North American Water and Power Alliance, 91
North Bay Outlet, 63
North Dakota
effects of oil price collapse, 166, 167–68
extreme weather, 149
landscape and geology, 147, 148–49, 164–65