Walk to Beautiful: The Power of Love and a Homeless Kid Who Found the Way

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Walk to Beautiful: The Power of Love and a Homeless Kid Who Found the Way Page 1

by Wayne, Jimmy


  “Walk to Beautiful is a poignant, eloquently written book filled with vivid and memorable details that are so honest, moving, and intimate. It reminds me of the power of kindness, patience, understanding, acceptance, and endurance, but above all—love. And love should not be underestimated; it shapes, affirms, and blesses.”

  — Ms. Friday

  Jimmy’s sixth grade teacher (twice)

  “Curveballs, sinkers, and changeups—life has thrown them all at Jimmy Wayne, and he has not only managed them; he has hit them out of the park! When Jimmy and I first met, we were two guys from Bessemer City High School who had big dreams and little more. Jimmy’s incredible story in Walk to Beautiful is evidence that with faith and hard work, dreams still come true.”

  — Kevin Millwood

  Major League Baseball player

  “Incredibly engaging, emotionally charged—I rarely come across a book that turns my insides upside down. Walk to Beautiful did. From the beginning to the end, Jimmy’s gutsy actions and survival instincts grab your attention. Having finished the book, I read it again, making sure I was not just imagining the story. God has a plan for Jimmy Wayne!”

  — Sue Anne Wells, PhD

  Chairman and founder,

  Chattanooga Girls Leadership Academy

  Chairman and founder,

  Mustang Leadership Partners

  “Jimmy Wayne has written an extremely relevant book for our postmodern society and has done so with grace and love. Through his life’s story he explains why we need to be aware of the crisis of kids without homes, without love, and therefore without hope. If I actually had another biological son I would want him to be Jimmy Wayne. I love what Jimmy has become in spite of adversity and a horrible, tumultuous childhood. His love for Bea—without whom he would not be the guy I came to love on our tour and still remain good friends with—warms my heart. I am honored to have played a very small part in Jimmy’s life and stand in awe of his accomplishments and his courage in his fight for kids who need homes with love and stability. This is a great book. Sandy read it to me as we drove from Nashville to West Virginia. It made us cry, laugh, and feel pride in our ‘son’ Jimmy. Oh yes, I want to add . . . Jimmy, get a haircut, son. —‘Papa P.’ ”

  — Doug Paisley

  Brad Paisley’s dad

  “Jimmy’s story is our story. Struggle. Redemption. Hurt. Hope. It’s all there. If your story could use a better chapter, take inspiration from Jimmy’s.”

  — Max Lucado

  New York Times best-selling author

  “We were blessed to hear Jimmy Wayne’s stories as he shared them with our family at our home. Walk to Beautiful presents a challenge to all of us to live out the biblical charge to help children that are in need (Matthew 25:40). You can make a difference!”

  — Bubba and Cindy Cathy

  Chick-fil-A, Inc.

  “Walk to Beautiful is Jimmy Wayne’s unforgettably raw, honest, and yet tender story of how the power of one person changed the life of another. From despair to fame and on to self-actualization, Jimmy’s life and this story of untold significance reveal the plight of foster children and the homeless. Inspirational, moving, and powerful, a page turner to the very end!”

  — Anne Neilson

  Fine art gallery owner, artist, and author, Angels in Our Midst

  “Jimmy Wayne’s Walk to Beautiful weaves the complexities of life, love, faith, hope, and the eternal validity of the soul. This is a deep, down-in-the-gut story. A uniquely American tale of truth that exposes a shadow culture in our country in a way that cannot be rivaled by even the finest fiction. If a person is defined by his experience, then Jimmy Wayne and his story should be an example for all of us to believe that even the seemingly most insignificant actions can have a profound effect on the world and everyone around us.”

  — John Oates

  Hall and Oates

  Rock and Roll Hall of Fame member

  “This story peels back the stagnant skies and shows daily life at a street level—from the scattered trailer parks to the decaying mill villages. It challenges us all to take a close look at the faces we pass by each day, to listen to God’s still small voice, and yes, to ‘Bea’ somebody!”

  — Cindy Ballard

  Jimmy’s seventh grade guidance counselor

  “Jimmy Wayne’s story is a powerful example of how foster parenting can change lives. I invited him to our church to share his music and testimony, and the story of Bea Costner, to challenge us to get serious about adoption and foster care. The results were overwhelming! His journey will deeply touch your heart and challenge you to get involved in the lives of foster kids and orphans.”

  — David Chadwick

  Senior pastor, Forest Hill Church

  Charlotte, North Carolina

  “This book will break your heart and open your eyes. In sharing his tumultuous life story with such transparency, Jimmy Wayne illuminates the strength of the human spirit and the power of faith and love to change lives. His friend/mentor Bea Costner would be proud of the way he has carried on her legacy of compassion and kindness. From life as a homeless teen to country music stardom to working as a tireless advocate for foster children, Jimmy’s story is inspiring. Walk to Beautiful is a journey worth taking.”

  — Deborah Evans Price

  Music journalist and Billboard correspondent

  “Walk to Beautiful will open your eyes to the hurting people around you, but more importantly, to the opportunities to help others in large and small ways every day. This book will move you to action!”

  — Frank Harrison

  Chairman and CEO, Coca-Cola

  Bottling Co. Consolidated

  Chairman and cofounder,

  With Open Eyes

  “I was very touched by reading Walk to Beautiful. It is an incredible story, so well-written, and Jimmy Wayne is an inspiration. What a way God has of working things out. I guess if he can turn water into wine, he can certainly make lemonade out of lemons. It reads like a movie to me, and if so, I’ll be the first one in a seat to see it.”

  — Dolly Parton

  “For years, music fans from all over the world have enjoyed Jimmy Wayne’s musical gifts. In Walk To Beautiful, he gives us an even greater gift by sharing his unbelievable life story to remind us all that even life’s most extreme hardships can be turned to make the world a better place. Thank you, Jimmy.”

  — Pete Fisher

  Vice president and general manager, Grand Ole Opry

  “Jimmy Wayne’s story is as powerful as it is heartbreaking. Walk to Beautiful offers hope, inspiration, and incontrovertible proof that one person can make a difference.”

  — Cynthia Sanz

  Editor, People Country

  “Jimmy Wayne is the most remarkable and resilient man we know. He has achieved so much in his life in spite of adversity and has become an incredible man. We can all admire him for all he has accomplished. We are humbled to be called his friends.”

  — Tom and Gayle Benson

  Owner, New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Pelicans

  “This is truly a remarkable and inspiring story of a young man’s journey through rejection, abuse, and poverty to become a talented country music star. Everyone who reads this book or listens to his songs will feel his heartbreak and be encouraged by his overcoming spirit.”

  — Graeme M. Keith

  Chairman, The Keith Corporation

  “Beautifully written, honest, heartbreaking, an
d inspirational at the same time. Jimmy Wayne has a powerful life story and an amazing heart for God. He knows and acts on an everlasting truth: God does not make trash! His heart for our broken, scarred, and scared children in our foster ‘care’ system is inspiring, and we should all join him on this walk to help!”

  — Mary Landrieu

  United States senator

  “As a morning radio host of over thirty years, I know Jimmy well, but didn’t know half of the horrifying stories he tells. A radio station looking for local involvement could make a big difference by carrying the torch for Walk to Beautiful.”

  — Jim Mantel

  Morning radio host


  “We never tire of hearing incredible testimonies. Jimmy Wayne’s testimony is living proof that God is able to use the most painful experiences to affect people and change hearts and minds. Instead of allowing bitterness to take root in his heart, Jimmy has chosen to share his story and use the resources God has blessed him with to greatly impact the lives of others. We are proud to call Jimmy our friend, and we pray that this book will not only inspire people but will draw attention to children in foster care and promote positive changes that will give them a brighter future.”

  — Marcus and Cassi Smith

  President and COO,

  Speedway Motorsports, Inc.

  Vice chairman,

  Speedway Children’s Charities

  “Walk to Beautiful is proof to the power of perseverance and the pure will that one human being can possess. After reading this book, there is no doubt in my mind that Jimmy Wayne’s survival and success are destiny. His commitment to making a difference in the lives of homeless and foster care children is as inspiring as his story. God bless you, Jimmy!”

  — Carole Christianson

  Chief operating officer,

  Western Association of Food Chains

  “I loved this book. Jimmy’s story is moving and motivating. Read it and you’ll be ready to join him in changing the world for our children.”

  — Michael S. Piraino

  Chief executive officer,

  The National CASA Association

  “Words cannot adequately express how deeply impacted I was the first time I heard Jimmy Wayne tell his story. Because of the tragic and painful childhood that he experienced, and all that he has overcome, I knew his story would bring great hope to every resident in all of our Mercy homes. I am convinced that every person who reads the pages of this book will be both challenged and inspired to make a difference in the lives of others.”

  — Nancy Alcorn

  Founder and president,

  Mercy Ministries

  “This is such a compelling read. Jimmy takes you though his ups and downs. He makes you laugh and makes you cry. What an incredible journey. You won’t be able to put it down.”

  — Kerry Wolfe

  Director of programming,

  Clear Channel Media + Entertainment

  “A compulsive page-turner that tugs at the heartstrings while simultaneously demanding a call for action! Readers will be blessed by the inspiring story of Jimmy Wayne, who goes beyond overcoming adversity and leads by example.”

  — Lisa Rowland Brasher

  Executive vice chairman,

  Jelly Belly Candy Company

  Executive board member,

  Mission SOLANO Rescue Mission

  “Ignored, abandoned, and disregarded by both family and society, Jimmy had one match left to keep warm . . . and find the way! Walk to Beautiful is a riveting, poignant look into the complex world of children in the foster care system as seen through Jimmy’s eyes, words, and experiences. From unwitting victim to vocal advocate, his story underscores the flaws in the system, paints a face on these children, and becomes an effective plea for extending the dates where a child ‘ages’ out of the system from eighteen to twenty-one to give them a better chance. Finally, it shows that while love does not always conquer all, it does form the bridge to build the human soul.”

  — Paul Christianson

  Executive vice president, sales,

  Aqua-Zone Systems

  © 2014 Itzy

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by W Publishing Group, an imprint of Thomas Nelson.

  Published in association with Anvil II Management, 17721 Rogers Ranch Parkway, Suite 150, San Antonio, TX 78258.

  Thomas Nelson titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use. For information, e-mail [email protected].

  Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

  This is a work of nonfiction. The stories and anecdotes in this volume are true accounts drawn from the author’s life experiences and have been reconstructed as the author has remembered them, to the best of his ability. In some cases, for the sake of the narrative flow, he has combined more than one conversation or adjusted chronology. Some names and details have been changed to protect identities.

  ISBN 978-0-7180-3155-8 (IE)

  ISBN 978-0-7180-2185-6 (eBook)

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Wayne, Jimmy, 1972- author.

  Walk to beautiful / Jimmy Wayne with Ken Abraham.

  pages cm

  ISBN 978-0-8499-2210-7 (hardcover)

  1. Wayne, Jimmy, 1972- 2. Country musicians—United States—Biography. I. Abraham, Ken, author. II. Title.

  ML420.W296A3 2014




  14 15 16 17 18 19 RRD 6 5 4 3 2 1

  In memory of Bea Costner

  In His early years, Jesus was a carpenter—and, to me, it is no coincidence that Bea also worked with wood. I love you, Bea!


  Prologue: FTW: Twenty-Seven Years Earlier


  1. Big Time!

  2. Back Home


  3. Life with Carroll

  4. Vance Street Vice, Mayhem, and Murder

  5. Matinee Madness

  6. Hangover Street

  7. Ghost Tales

  8. I Think I Know How Jesus Felt

  9. Foster Kid

  10. Hungry

  11. Baptized

  12. Grandpa’s Place

  13. A Light in the Darkness

  14. Money for Mama

  15. Sparkles

  16. The Nightmare Begins

  17. Sante Shoot-Out

  18. On the Run

  19. Facing the Bullies

  20. Faith Farm

  21. Doctor Death

  22. Didn’t She Always Come Back?

  23. My Worst Birthday Ever

  24. Bumping into Angels

  25. Family Affairs


  26. The Most Beautiful Woman in the World

  27. My First Band

  28. It’s Not Where You’ve Been; It’s Where You’re Goin’

  29. Working Inside

  30. Country Bust

  31. Nashville Novice

  32. Good-bye, Jimmy; Good-bye, Bea

  33. Some Dreams Really Do Come True

  34. You Never Know

  35. Who Me? A Country Star?

  36. House of Cards

  37. Exposure

  38. Second Chance


  39. Walking Away or Walking Toward?

  40. Walk On!

  41. New Friends, Snakes, and a Dog

  42. Pie Town

  43. Not Complainin’, Just Explainin’

  44. First Steps to a New Journey

  Epilogue: Be Somebody!





  I SAT SULLEN AND SHIRTLESS TOWARD THE END OF THE day, alone in my room at the county home where Mama and her fourth or fifth husband had dumped me. My biological dad had left when I was a toddler, and Mama had already abandoned me several times as well. I’d lost count by now how many men she’d had in my fourteen years. A year earlier, Mama had married off my then-fourteen-year-old sister, Patricia, to an older, abusive man.

  So I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised when Mama ordered me out of the car at midnight in a bus station parking lot back then. I was barely thirteen years old; I stood there by myself, hundreds of miles from home, as I watched her pull away into the night with her lover. More recently, she and her husband had deceived a judge into designating me as a ward of the state. No doubt the judge thought the group home, known as Faith Farm, would be a safer, healthier environment for me than living in the chaos, drugs, alcohol, and other blatantly immoral behavior that constantly swirled around Mama’s home.

  He was wrong.

  I hated my life. I hated living. I hated everything and everyone. I just wanted to die.

  FAITH FARM WAS AN OLD FRAME HOUSE WITH CREAKY wooden stairs, so I turned off my heavy metal music so I could hear anyone coming up the staircase. I knew that if a staff member caught me doing what I was about to do, I could get into serious trouble. None of the other foster kids were around. It was just me, the evening sunlight, a small jar of black ink, and a sewing needle I’d found. I wrapped some thread around the tip of the needle so it could soak up some ink, like the wick on our old kerosene heater. I dipped the needle into the murky, dark liquid and watched it saturate the thread.

  Carefully, I drew the needle out of the ink and then pushed the needle into my skin slightly above my left breast. Ouch! I screamed silently as the pain seared into my chest. It felt like a pinprick, but the burning sensation didn’t disappear. Again and again I stuck the makeshift tattoo needle into my breast, the ink-soaked thread leaving an indelible mark as I pulled it through my skin.


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