In The Dark

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In The Dark Page 12

by Monica Murphy

  Maybe her mom raised her right? Taught her to be practical?

  So yeah. She’s not the typical spoiled rich girl. And I love that. I love a lot of things about her. But am I in love with her? I’m not sure. I don’t think so.

  Not yet.

  Ah hell, not yet?

  I could fall in love with her. I think I might be falling for her right now. Maybe it’s a good thing I’m leaving. Nip this crazy thing in the bud. Not like I have a chance with her anyway. My parents are already plotting my future and it’s like I have no say in it.

  Pushing all negative thoughts out of my brain, I open the passenger side door for Lucy and she slides gracefully into the car, her smooth, shiny legs the last thing I see before I shut the door. Shaking my head and willing my cock to behave, I jog around the front of the car and climb in, starting it and backing out of the driveway with an eagerness that turns my foot into lead and causes the tires to squeal as we pull out.

  “Gabe,” she softly admonishes.

  I reach out and rest my hand on her bare knee. “Just trying to show off.” I wasn’t but I don’t want to tell her I’m acting the damn fool, too distracted by her sexy legs that I can’t drive like a normal human being. Though I do tend to show off for her and she knows this. Hell, I think most of the time she appreciates it.

  “You don’t need to show off for me.” When I glance in her direction she offers me a soft smile. “You’ve already got me, you know.”

  Her words send an almost painful spark straight to my heart. Stupid to feel this way. Crazy to want her more and more every time I spend even just a few minutes with her. But I do. I feel that way and I can’t deny it. Can’t help but wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that we’ve never actually had sex. Could I be over this—over her—once we finally do?

  I’m hoping tonight is the night I finally come inside her versus on her so maybe I’ll find out.

  “Hope you like seafood,” I say as I turn onto the street where the restaurant is. It sits practically on the beach, with an amazing view of the ocean and the prices are out of this world expensive. Not that I care and besides, Lucy is worth it.

  She’s just about worth anything.

  “I love it,” she says enthusiastically.

  That’s my girl. She’s excited about everything. Looks like the nerves are gone, thank God. I appreciate the way she doesn’t act like some jaded bitchy snob who’s seen and done it all. Lucy seems to enjoy even the small things, and that just makes me want to do more for her.

  We pull into the parking lot and I put my car in park, climb out of the driver’s side and hand over the keys to the valet employee. The other guy is already opening the door for Lucy, sending an appreciative look at her backside before he lifts his head, his face turning white when he must see the death stare on my face directed right at him.

  That’s right, she’s mine. So quit looking at her ass because it belongs to me.

  Yeah, she also turns me into a caveman, which is all sorts of crazy.

  I rest my hand at the small of her back as we walk into the restaurant, offering a nod and a faint smile at the older gentleman who’s holding the door open for us. Leaning in close, I take a discreet whiff of Lucy’s hair, her skin. Damn, she smells fucking incredible. Swear to God she’s trying to drive me out of my mind and doing a terrific job of it.

  “It’s beautiful in here,” she whispers close to me after I gave my name to the hostess. We’re standing in the lobby, waiting for our table. The place is packed, we’re surrounded by all sorts of people. Young and old, big groups and couples, families and rich old folks who stare with disgust at the seemingly well-behaved children who stand nearby.

  The restaurant is equal parts tourist trap and old town established for those who live here. I read enough reviews on Yelp to figure that out real quick.

  “It is,” I agree, my gaze locked on her face. “But not nearly as beautiful as you.”

  Her cheeks turn the faintest pink and she lightly slaps my chest. “Oh, you and your over the top lines.”

  “I’m not exaggerating whatsoever,” I tell her, my voice solemn. “You look gorgeous tonight. I almost didn’t want to bring you here.”

  She frowns, a little furrow appearing between her eyebrows. I love that little wrinkle she gets. It’s adorable. “Why not?”

  I lean in close, my lips practically brushing her ear. “Because you look so fucking beautiful I don’t want anyone else to stare at you. I might get jealous and do something stupid. So I wanted to keep you all to myself.”

  “Gabe. Be serious.” Her voice is soft, as are her eyes. I could stare into them all night.

  Damn it, I sound like a complete goner.

  “I am serious. We can leave if you want.” I take her hand and lock our fingers together. I’m suddenly desperate to walk straight out of here. Desperate to get her back to her house and tear off that dress. See what she’s wearing beneath it. Hopefully nothing. “Go back to your place.”

  She firmly shakes her head. “I’m starving.” As if on cue, her stomach growls and she giggles, resting a hand over her stomach. “See? I need to eat.”

  “Then we’ll go back to your place right after?” I squeeze her hand as she nods slowly but surely.

  “Yes. I want to spend as much alone time with you as I can get.” Lucy presses a quick kiss to my cheek. “Maybe if you’re lucky I’ll give you a blowjob on the drive back,” she murmurs against my cheek.

  Ha. Fuck. I hope to God I’m that lucky. Though I’m already feeling pretty damn lucky.

  I’ve got Lucy by my side, as my date. And that’s worth enough luck to last me a lifetime.

  Lucy came through on her promise—I received that quick blowjob on the way back to her place. Her enthusiasm, the knowing smile she flashed me just before she made a dive for my lap, her fingers undoing the zipper and reaching inside for my cock, all of it sent me right over the edge and quick.

  Doesn’t help that she has the sexiest mouth I’ve ever had the privilege to kiss. Who can withstand something like that? No guy I know. I think she might’ve left a lipstick stain on my dick, what with how dark the lipstick color she wore.

  The moment I pulled into the driveway of her house—it’s weird, I never see the garage open, we never go in the garage and I never see Lucy drive a car—we’re practically running into the house, my hands at her waist as she hurriedly unlocks the door. She has a hell of a time, what with her shaking fingers and I wonder if she’s nervous again.

  I also wonder if she’ll let me do what I want to her tonight. What I want to do with her I mean. It’s Wednesday night. I leave first thing Friday morning with the family. I know Lucy and Sydney are going to lunch tomorrow, just the two of them and that’s fine. I get that my sister wants some alone time with her new friend.

  But damn it, I want all the alone time I can get with Lucy. That I’m jealous of my sister’s lunch date with my…I have no idea what to call Lucy…is ridiculous.

  And telling. Of what I’m not exactly sure. I don’t know if I’m capable of examining my feelings for Lucy so closely. Those feelings…

  They kind of scare me.

  When she finally unlocks the door I practically shove her inside, my hands still at her waist. She shuts and locks the door and turns within my grip to face me, a sly smile curling her lips. “Eager much?” she murmurs.

  I bend down and kiss her, those perfect lips of hers parting just for me. I take advantage, sweeping my tongue into her mouth, deepening the kiss for a long, hot minute before I finally break away. “Always eager for you, Luce.”

  Her eyes glow with pleasure. “You know just what to say, don’t you? I swear my nickname for you is perfect.”

  I frown. “You have a nickname for me?” I’ve never heard her call me anything but Gabe or Gabriel before.

  She nods, looking extremely pleased with herself. “I do. From the moment you started watching me, I thought of you as Mr. GQ.”

  “Oh, really?” I s
tart to chuckle, then suck in a harsh breath when her hands land on my chest and she slowly starts to unbutton my shirt.

  “Yes, really. It’s perfect. The first time I saw your entire family, I thought you all looked like you stepped out of a magazine. All of you are abnormally attractive, with your perfect faces and hair and clothes. And you were the most perfect of them all. You do realize that, right? How freaking gorgeous you are?”

  Yeah, yeah Shep has given me endless shit about my pretty face, as he calls it. Asshole. I’ve used this so-called pretty face to my advantage more times than I can count. But knowing that Lucy thinks I’m good looking fills me with pride. I can’t help it.

  “I’m far from perfect,” I tell her as I step closer to her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into me. Her fingers fumble over the buttons on my shirt and she gives up trying to unbutton it, offering her mouth for me to kiss. “And besides, you’re the gorgeous one.”

  “I beg to differ,” she whispers against my lips just before I kiss them. “You look like a male model.”

  Instead of kissing her some more I start to chuckle. “Funny you mention that. My best friend always tells me I’m too damn good looking.”

  “Really? Is he a jealous hideous troll?”

  I laugh harder. “No, not even close. The guy gets all the women he meets. Well, he used to.”

  Lucy lifts a brow. “Why can’t he now?”

  “Because he met a girl who rocks his world.” I press my lips to her cheek, let them drift down, kissing along her jaw. She tilts her head back, offering me better access. “He changed his manwhore ways and hasn’t looked back since.”

  “So he fell in love.” Her voice is soft, a little shaky.

  “It can happen, even to guys like Shep,” I tell her, my mouth close to her ear.

  She stiffens, her hands gripping the fabric of my shirt. “His name is Shep?” She sounds like she wants to laugh.

  I lift my head to study her. She looks genuinely curious—and a little baffled by my friend’s ridiculous name. “Yeah. Family name, his mother’s maiden name is Shepard. He’s a great guy. Lots of fun.” Talking about him makes me realize I miss Shep. I miss Tristan too. Hell, I miss Jade and I don’t even know her that well but she has a sassy mouth and keeps Shep on his toes. He needs that.

  I also miss all the guys who work at the gambling house. The very last place I want to go is Texas. I’d rather stay here with Lucy until school starts and then move back. I’m only a couple hours south of Santa Augustina, where I go to school. I could drive my ass up there, no problem.

  But duty calls. And family duty—and the family business—always comes first.

  “You have a lot of friends then?” Lucy’s question pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “Enough.” I touch her hair, thread my fingers through the thick, silky strands. She has beautiful hair. I love touching it. “How about you?”

  She slowly shakes her head. “I prefer to keep to myself most of the time.”

  I frown. I don’t like thinking of her as friendless. I hope that’s not the case. “Shy?”

  Shrugging, she tilts her head to the side. “I guess. I don’t know. I’m always so busy you know? With school and wo—school. Lots of homework and stuff.”

  Sounded like she was going to say work. Does she work? There’s no shame in that. Hell, I’d admire her for having a solid work ethic. I don’t have one beyond the gambling house and that was born out of pure greed.

  Oh, and boredom. The main reason we started the gambling house was because we wanted something to do beyond going to class and playing the occasional game of soccer. There’s only so much partying and fucking girls that we can stand. Shep and Tristan grow bored easily. So do I. The difference is both of them will never really have to work a day in their lives and their fathers won’t force them to either.

  Mine on the other hand, is forcing me to take over the family business, something I have zero interest in. Dad is in charge of the business, Mom’s in charge of finding me a wife. Those are their ultimate life goals. Me taking over the family company and marrying well, providing two point five children to my parents so they have a couple of kids to dote on and boom. It’s done.

  It fucking sucks.

  What sucks worse? How little I know about Lucy. She goes to school—but where? Where exactly does she live? And does she really have a job? So many questions, so many fine details I’d like to learn about her but she’s private. Even a little shut off. She wanted to keep this as light as possible and I’m respecting her wishes.

  Despite how difficult it is for me to keep this light. I want more.

  “Hey.” Lucy’s soft voice brings me out of my thoughts and I look down at her, offering her a smile. “You okay? You seemed a little lost in thought.”

  I need to focus on what’s important tonight. The fact that my time with this girl is limited makes me anxious. Like I need to hold onto every single second we have together and make them perfect.

  “I’m good.” I kiss her, reaching up to cup the side of her face, tracing her cheekbone with my finger. A soft sigh escapes her and her eyes flutter closed. I know she loves it when I touch her like that. She seems to love it when I touch her period. “How are you?”

  Her eyes open and she smiles but it’s shaky at best. “I’m okay. Like I said, a little bit nervous.”

  “Why?” I hold her face with both hands and lean in to kiss her, my lips lingering, as are hers. I don’t want her nervous, but I think I might know what’s making her feel that way.

  And that sends a jolt of hope through my veins. I want her so fucking bad. I want to know every part of her. Meaning, I want to be her first.

  But does she deem me worthy? This is after all, just a summer fling. She’s reminded me of that numerous times. Why would she give a guy she’ll never see again her virginity? It doesn’t make any sense.

  Though I want that honor. Damn it, I want it. The way I feel about Lucy…I’ve never experienced this before with another girl. Ever. It’s always been about fun and quick satisfaction. I rarely dated a girl for a long period of time. Hell, two dates in a row is a long period of time for me. I just don’t do it. Why waste my time?

  Not like I have the choice anyway. If people think arranged marriages don’t exist in this country, they haven’t met my parents. My future wife and our future marriage isn’t just a union of two people, it will be a business merger.

  And that sucks balls, man. Talk about heartless. Sydney’s set up for the same thing and I hate that. She deserves someone who’ll love her.

  So do I.

  I realize Lucy still hasn’t answered me and I drop a kiss on her forehead, breathe deep her delicious scent. “Why are you nervous, Luce?”

  She releases a shuddery breath. “Because tonight is special. One of our last nights together, Gabe, and I want to make it good.”

  “It’s always good between us. Just having you with me makes it good.” I kiss her again, loving how easily she opens to me. All shyness is gone. She is open and adventurous and sometimes shockingly wild. I fucking love being with her like this.

  “You are too sweet,” she says with a sigh.

  “So are you.” I claim her mouth, not wanting to talk any longer. More like I want to show her how I feel and not tell her with a bunch of words she might interpret as meaningless. Not that they are, I mean every word I say but actions speak louder.

  They always have.

  “Let’s go to your room,” I tell her, taking her hand and leading her toward the staircase. “We can get naked and spend the night together.”

  Lucy starts to laugh, a nervous titter that makes me think she could be seriously considering giving me her virginity. If that’s even a thing. Is that how it’s phrased? Hell, I don’t know how to act. What to say. I should accept it like the gift that it is. I know that.

  This girl…she’s starting to mean everything to me.

  More than I care to admit.

  I’m sha
king. Like, literally shaking and I take a deep breath to calm my frazzled nerves. Gabe’s acting like this is no big deal as he leads me up the stairs toward the room I’ve stayed in the entire summer. The room where Gabe and I have done numerous things to each other over and over again, all of them wonderful and dirty and exhilarating.

  Who knew being so expressive, so free with my sexuality, would feel so damn good? I mean, I had a clue. I’m not totally ignorant. Sex is supposed to feel good. And when you’re with someone you care about it feels really good. But I was so wrapped up in fear from the constant lectures Mama gave me that anything to do with sex frightened me. I could kiss a guy. Let him grope me a little and then grope him a little in return but that was it. I wouldn’t allow myself to take it any further.

  I was too scared.

  With Gabe, I’ve tossed fear out the window. He makes everything so fun and adventurous and amazing. The way he looks at me, the way he touches me, how easily I come for him, it’s just…wow. If he can make me feel this wonderful when we just mess around, imagine how it will be when we have actual intercourse.

  And that’s what I’ve been doing. Imagining letting him do that to me. Letting him have me. We’ve come this far, what’s the point of holding on to that one little thing? I want it, I want Gabe to be my first. And I hope it’s going to happen tonight. It’s just difficult bringing the subject up.

  Hey Gabe, I’m giving up my V card just for you!

  Oh hey, Gabe I think you can finally stick your dick in me now. I see you’re up for it. So am I. Finally, right?

  Just do me.

  I frown. No, none of those approaches will work. I’m being silly. My head tends to turn to crazy thoughts when I’m nervous and I can tell I’m in a full-blown moment of anxious energy right at this very moment…

  “Hey.” He stops at my room’s doorway, lifting our linked hands to his mouth and brushing a kiss across my knuckles. “If you don’t want to do this, I’m okay with that.”


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