Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4)

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Sweet Spot for Victoria (Men of Baseball Book 4) Page 12

by Faiman, Hayley

  “Started booking flights before I could finish my sentence. They’ll be here as soon as they can.”

  I whimper and nod.

  The doctor bursts through the door and a nurse ushers Carlos out of the room so that they can administer my spinal block, keeping me alert but numb from the waist down. The anesthesiologist assures me that all will go swimmingly and I nod, trying to stay calm. I need to stay calm for myself, for Carlos, and for my babies.

  There are so many people in the room, NICU nurses, a NICU doctor, my doctor, and extra helping staff. It makes me nervous and brings the reality of the situation crashing down around me. I start to shake, but once Carlos appears next to me, he takes my hand and presses a kiss against my forehead.

  “Calm down, morenita. You got this, hermosa,” he murmurs in my ear.

  I let his voice calm me. Tears start to fall from my eyes but Carlos doesn’t say a word. He just wipes them off with his fingers and keeps kissing my forehead.

  The doctor starts talking to me. He’s trying to calm me down, but I can’t hear the words he’s saying. I can’t hear anything over the blood rushing through my ears. It’s too early. These babies are coming too early and there is nothing I can do to prevent it.

  I pray.

  I pray for their health and their safety and when I hear a baby’s cry my eyes pop open and clash with Carlos’, who is smiling widely.

  “A girl, she’s so beautiful,” he murmurs turning to face the baby.

  A few moments later the nurse brings over the smallest baby I have ever seen. She lets me run my finger down her pretty little face.

  “We need to take her to the NICU to be checked out,” she mutters and I nod.

  “I’ll be there as soon as your brother gets here,” Carlos whispers to her.

  My heart soars at his soft words.

  A few moments later, I feel the pressure of the last baby release from my stomach and an even smaller baby is held up for me to see. He doesn’t look as good, or as big, as his sister. My heart starts to slam against my ribs in worry.

  “We need to take him now,” the NICU doctor says as he begins to push the little boy away from us.

  Carlos brushes my temple and tells me to be strong, that he’ll be back at my side as soon as he can. Then he’s off.

  Tears stream down the corners of my eyes and onto the hard table I’m lying on. I’m sure my makeup is a disaster, but I don’t care. All I care about are those two teeny tiny babies that are here way too early and can’t fend for themselves.

  I don’t see Carlos again until I am wheeled into my room. I spend about an hour staring out of the hospital window until he finally appears. He rushes to my side and takes me in a gentle hug. I feel his hand gently pet my hair before he lifts his head away and cups my cheek with his hand.

  “They are perfect, hermosa, so fucking perfect,” he mumbles.

  I completely lose my composure when a tear slips from his eyes.

  “They are?” I ask through my sobs.

  “The boy is only two pounds and five ounces, he is so tiny. The girl, she’s so strong, just like her mama. She’s three pounds and two ounces. They are going to be fine, Vic. They are on breathing machines and they will need to be here for a while, but they are fighters just like you,” he explains.

  I let out the air I didn’t realize I was holding in a whoosh.

  “We need to name them before everybody shows up down here,” I mutter. Carlos sits down on the bed next to me.

  “What about Lucia and Leonardo?” I suggest.

  They are names I have been mulling over in my head for days, I just haven’t had a chance to bring them up to Carlos before.

  “I love them. Luc and Leo,” he mumbles. I roll my eyes. He loves nicknames.

  A few moments later, my room is filled with people. Amalie and Jarrod arrive with food and smiles. Jackson and Maggie are there with presents. Pete and Libby even appear out of nowhere and I hug my best friend tightly.

  “It’s going to be okay. With you as their mom, no way are they not scrappy assed fighters,” Libby whispers in my ear.

  I can’t help it, I burst out into laughter.

  My girls surround me on the bed while the men huddle in the corner, obviously uncomfortable at even having to be in the hospital. I look around at all these people surrounding us.

  Our friends.

  Our family.

  We are all from different socioeconomic backgrounds, from different cities, states, and yet we’re best friends and most importantly family.

  My eyes catch Carlos’ and he smiles. I return his smile. I am finally calm. I am at peace. We have this. With all of the support and love surrounding us right now, how could we not? We will conquer whatever comes our way, no matter what it is.


  One Year Later

  I GRAB A BEER AND twist the top off before taking a long pull. I need it today. Today my babies turn one year old. Victoria has been up my ass to make the day perfect, as if I wouldn’t want the day to be perfect myself.

  Crazy fucking woman.

  Jarrod slides up next to me, twisting the cap off of his own beer before looking down at me with a grin.

  “Birthday parties—who thought of all this shit?” he mumbles.

  I laugh. Amalie’s parties are over the top. In fact, they had a fucking petting zoo at Clara’s birthday last year. Complete with pony rides.

  “Women,” Jackson grumbles.

  I grin because the man is surrounded by women, just as he’s always wanted. Their second baby is a girl, a few months younger than my twins. We’ll be partying again here shortly.

  “You guys are a bunch of whining pussies,” Pete barks with a wide smile.

  “Can you believe they’re one? Seems like only yesterday I was scared out of my skull that they wouldn’t make it at all,” I murmur.

  “Knew they would make it, knew they would be perfect,” Jackson says, surprising me. He had faith that I didn’t necessarily possess there at the beginning.

  I gave good false bravado for Victoria’s sake, but when I had to take her home and leave them there at the hospital, it almost killed me. I prayed every night that they would be okay.

  It took three full months before they could come home and join their family. That was the hardest three months of my life. Victoria was a goddamned trooper, but she was a mess the entire time. I let her be a mess. I didn’t try to talk her up or tell her everything would be fine because I didn’t know if it would be.

  We made it, because we stuck together, but it was a rough fucking road every step of the way.

  I wouldn’t change one thing about us. About our lives and about our road to get to where we are today. My family is everything. My Vic is the air I breathe and my kids are my fucking world. Everything we’ve gone through has lead me to where I am today.

  I watch Victoria chase after Lucia and I smile. She’s my hellion. She’s my little spitting image of Victoria and she’s going to turn my black hair grey as a teenager; but she’s also going to make some man indescribably happy—after she drives him indescribably insane. He’ll have to be good enough for her, of course, and I’m going to make sure that he is; me and her brothers that is—along with her self-appointed uncles and cousins.

  My girls are going to have a tough road to adulthood and finding love, but the men they settle with will appreciate all the work they had to put in to get them. My girls are worth all of it and more.

  “You do realize that this youngest daughter of yours is full of piss and vinegar, do you not?” David asks, a bemused look on his face.

  “I do,” I agree with a grin. “What did she do to you?”

  “I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she held out one hand and put the other on her hip. Fuck me, she looked exactly like Vic, it frightened me. Then she looked right into my eyes with those golden ones of her own and said mo-mo dabi’. That little girl requested fucking cash.” He bursts out laughing, as do the other men surroundi
ng me. She would request cash, too. I totally buy his story one hundred percent.

  Victoria through and through, right there.

  “She probably wants to buy makeup. I swear she takes mental notes every morning. She toddles in and sits right on the edge of the bathtub every single morning and watches Vic intently while she puts on her makeup. I’m fucking terrified of her growing up,” I confess.

  David nods as if he completely gets me. He must sense my fear.

  “I wish they would never grow up. I wish they would stay young and innocent forever. It’s fun, them being babies and then toddlers. I never realized how much fun it really was,” he says, staring at his own toddler, Gage.

  “We’re lucky sons-of-bitches,” Pete murmurs as he takes in his own wife.

  Libby is due any day now with their second baby. I glance at my friend and watch as his eyes soften on his wife. He’s taking her in as she plays with their daughter Lillian, who is rough and rowdy, just like Pete. Another minute goes by before the man can’t handle it anymore and stomps off toward his wife, wrapping her in his arms.

  “We are, you know,” I say nodding to Victoria.

  “Yeah, I know. The fuckin’ luckiest,” Jarrod murmurs before he’s off and heading toward Amalie. She is cradling their newborn baby in her arms, baby number three for them.

  “Don’t know any other men as lucky as we are,” Jackson mutters before he’s off to Maggie’s side, too.

  We are complete and total pussies.

  I wouldn’t want it any other way either.

  The party is over.

  My babies are one year old.

  I feel a bit of sadness, but mostly I feel pride and happiness.

  There was a time when I thought they wouldn’t make it. It was touch and go for a little bit, but a year later, they are so strong, so vibrant, so full of life, and always full to the brim of energy.

  Once all of the party-goers left, Carlos instructed me to take a nice hot bath. He told me he would get all of the kids ready for bed and tucked in. Honestly, he probably just wanted to get laid and needs me to calm the fuck down after the craziness of the past week. I don’t blame him. I have been kind of crazy. It isn’t every day your rambunctious twins turn one year old. I had to make the whole affair perfect.

  “Morenita,” he murmurs, walking into the bathroom where I am currently soaking in the tub. His voice is low and dripping with need.

  “Los,” I groan, knowing exactly what he needs, because I need it too.

  “Come to bed. Get in the middle. Hands and knees. Show me that gorgeous fat ass of yours,” he instructs. A chill runs through my heated body.

  Oh, yeah.

  I practically fly out of the bathtub and dry off as quickly as possible before I dive into the center of the bed and get into position—like fucking lightning.

  I’m on my knees, my ass in the air, waiting for my man.

  “So fucking gorgeous, my Chile Pepper,” he murmurs from somewhere behind me. I don’t dare try to steal a look. I want all the good stuff coming my way, I don’t want to ruin a thing.

  “You’ve lost even more weight,” he mutters.

  I try not to laugh. I’ve been dieting, trying to get this baby weight gone, and every time I lose another pound I rejoice and Carlos bitches about how my ass is shrinking away again.


  I yelp, not expecting the slap to my ass that Carlos delivers. When his large hand begins to rub the tender skin, I feel the heat shoot straight to my pussy. I moan, unable to hold myself back.

  “Face on the mattress. Give me your hands,” he orders. I quickly position my chest and cheek on the mattress before bringing my hands to my lower back.

  “Mmmm, hermosa,” he hums.

  I feel something soft wrap around my wrists and I know it must be the soft rope he bought online a few months ago. He’s become quite fond of online sex toy shops and has been ordering from them like a madman lately.

  Something cool drips down the crack of my ass and it is my turn to moan. I know something forbidden yet delicious is coming and I can’t wait.

  “You done being a psycho bitch about birthday parties being fucking perfect, Vic?” he asks.

  The edge to his voice should frighten me, but it doesn’t.

  I trust my husband implicitly.

  “Maybe,” I mumble, like the true smartass I am.

  “Mmmm. Maybe you’ll be done after I fuck you nice and hard,” he grumbles. I can’t help my pussy from quivering at the anticipation.

  Something smooth and cool slides through the crack of my ass before it presses slightly against my clit and then returns back. I gasp when I feel it pressing against my back entrance and Carlos chuckles as he gently guides it inside of me. I gasp when it is fully inside of me and begins to buzz.


  A vibrating butt plug.

  I’m going to fucking die.

  I am quickly turning into mush.

  A pile of want and need.

  “Please,” I beg unable to wait a second longer.

  Carlos answers my silent prayer, my pleading, when he fills my pussy with one long, smooth deep thrust.

  “Perfect. Tight. Wet. Fucking hell, morenita,” he groans.

  I feel one of his hands slide up my spine and bury in my hair, his fingers twisting, and holding on tight. His other hand holds onto the rope between my wrists.

  “I need more, I need you,” I cry out when he doesn’t move immediately.

  I want to cry.

  I’ll do anything he asks right now.

  I am too full, too wanton, too fucking — everything.

  “Then you’ll have me, heromosa. So fucking perfect. So fucking mine. Every goddamned sweet and spicy inch of you,” he murmurs before he pulls out of me and slams back inside.

  I feel my cheek and chest slide across the bed, but I close my eyes, exhaling in sweet relief.

  Carlos uses my body, uses me, but pleasures me all at the same time. He feels so fantastic slamming in and out of me, his punishing force freeing. I can feel my pussy tighten, the pulsing of my release close, but yet too far away. I whimper, knowing that I will not come until he allows me, until he forces it from my body, until he completely frees me.

  “Do you want to come, morenita?” he asks, his voice teasing. He knows that I do.

  After almost twenty years together, he knows exactly what I want, but the cruel bastard wants me to tell him. He loves to hear me beg; he loves to have his strong, spicy, wild wife at his knees – begging.

  “Please, please, Los, please, baby,” I beg shamelessly.

  I want to come and I am not too proud to beg the peacock of a man.

  His hand leaves my wrists and slides around to my clit. I almost cry tears of relief when his fingers gently press against me. I do cry out when he begins to rub firm circles and then I groan when he gently taps me. I come screaming his name along with whatever else leaves my mouth on a sobbing, crying rampage.

  Carlos releases my hair and grabs my hips roughly, wrenching them even higher before he begins to fuck me so rough, I swear to Jesus he is going to rip me in half. I wouldn’t care if he did either. It feels so good, my pussy still pulsing around his hard cock. He grunts and stills, his cock filling me with his come. I shiver beneath him and then sigh when my wrist restrains are released and he collapses on top of my back, his cock still buried inside of me and his lips gently caressing the back of my neck.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up, my dirty girl,” he grumbles.

  He gently slides the butt plug out of me before he carries me into the bathroom. My relaxing bath is a distant memory as he starts the shower and cleanses me of sweat and lube.

  “I love you, Los,” I whisper as I curl into his body once we are back in bed, my head resting against his chest.

  “Te adoro, Victoria,” he murmurs against my hair, wrapping his arms tighter around me.

  “This life wouldn’t be worth living without you right here by my side,” I confess. Carl
os groans.

  “Don’t make me fuck you again,” he grumbles.

  “What, like it’s such a fucking chore?” I bark, sitting up and narrowing my eyes on him.

  “Fuck, I love it when you get all bitchy, baby.”

  I roll my eyes and lay back down, exhaustion fully setting in.

  “You’re crazy,” I mumble.

  “Crazy for your bitchy ass. Now go to sleep,” he orders.

  I do, but not because he told me to. I’m fucking exhausted. I have four children, two of them one year old twins, and five a.m. comes pretty damn early after your husband literally fucks you into the mattress.

  I close my eyes and feel Carlos’ lips brush my temple, his strong arms wrapped around my body, holding me close, tight, lovingly and even sweetly.

  I meant it when I said that this life of ours wouldn’t be worth living without him by my side. Nights with him make the insanity of the days worth it.

  Watching him love our children makes me want to be a better mother and wife.

  He’s that damn good.

  Never loses his cool, always there when the kids or I need him.

  He’s my everything.

  Since I was fourteen years old, he’s been my everything.

  I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with this man who has been there for me through it all. Growing old with him won’t be a chore, it will be my greatest blessing, other than our children.

  I cannot wait to see what the rest of this beautiful life holds for us.


  Also by Hayley Faiman

  Men of Baseball Series —

  Pitching for Amalie

  Catching Maggie

  Forced Play for Libby

  Russian Bratva Series —

  Owned by the Badman

  Seducing the Badman (April 2016)

  Notorious Devils MC Series —

  Rough & Rowdy (March 2016)

  Follow me on social media to stay current on the happenings in my little book world.



  As an only child, Hayley Faiman had to entertain herself somehow. She started writing stories at the age of six and never really stopped.


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