Resurrection Dawn

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Resurrection Dawn Page 33

by Marc Secchia

  Bursting through a screen of foliage, Samodeé bugled a jubilant welcome. Red, Goldie, Gold, Platinum and Emerald reacted as if they had been stung. Mewling at the top of their lungs, they flitted over to mob Mama Dragon and their big sister. Emerald wriggled so hard she could not even fly. Alodeé had to execute a swift catch. Well, that was before Red’s enthusiasm knocked her right off Samodeé’s back. He caught her by the hair, Goldie by the leg and they wrestled her back onboard again.

  Not entirely appreciated.

  Red licked her chin twenty times in an apologetic frenzy. Oh, fine. Her forgiveness was far too easily bought, clearly.

  “Hold still,” she said.

  He sniffed at her backpack, flared his wings and bared his fangs.

  “Red, this is an important job,” she said. “Can you help?”

  Apparently not, but it was Emerald who pressed forward to show that he was a complete wuss and she was the brave one and … yep, she very nearly set off a minor draconic war. Samodeé calmed the overwrought dragonets while Alodeé touched the medbot probe to Emerald’s tongue to take a sample and set the algorithms running. Isska and Asmurti, her partners in crime, had prepped this recursive algorithm to yield a much faster rough result within about 10 mins or so, as opposed to the standard 3-5 hours for genetic matching. They had also hacked the med records to pinch Dymand’s genetic print off the Central database.

  Best friends ever!

  Sweet that they had turned into criminals just for her, too.

  Gold and Goldie now proceeded to insist that they provide samples as well, while Platinum gave her an uncharacteristically fiery-eyed glare and acted like Alodeé had stuck week-old carnoraptor meat underneath her armpits. She uploaded the two additional samples to her rascal friends via the interface – which actually worked through the usual interference, to her surprise.

  Now, the terrible wait.

  Poor Samodeé; she smiled on the outside while nearly dying on the inside. The sec the machine pinged, she nearly shed her scales. What? Speak to me, Alodeé.

  Shaking, she scanned the output. Ugh, come on, where’s the overall –


  Confirmed match to Dad. Mom, it’s 99.5% already.

  Holy Resurrection Dawn! Alodeé – her Mom let out a long, shuddering gasp – how’s this even possible? I’m delighted. Of course! But …

  No idea. Her Comms peeped. “Asmurti? Report.”

  “Stat. You slicing bits off your siblings out there, or what?” her friend’s tiny picture demanded. “99.6% match and rising as the recursion routine runs through. You want us to initiate full statistical analysis, all vectors?”

  “Please. Dad will – freak out! Yep, he likes the detail. Do it.”


  Samodeé put in, “Asmurti, do you think we’ll need a resuscitation machine on standby?”

  The image giggled; she heard Isska’s deeper laugh through the encoded link as well. “No, Samodeé, but I do think you’re mean to tease him and Tomaxx like this.”

  “We like to keep our men hopping, don’t we, Alomonster?”

  “Sure do. Just a little tease,” she said. “Won’t let them stew too long, anyways. Asmurti, any ideas or data that shed any light on how Mom could have had babies twelve years after she and Dad last … you know?”

  “Nope. You’re one freakishly amazing Dragoness, Samodeé – with respect,” her friend chortled. “Asmurti out.”

  Samodeé tickled her beneath the chin. “You are beyond terrible, do you know that?”

  “Yep. Got it from both sides, I guess.”

  She bugled, “Up to Settlement Central, everyone! Let’s meet the Humanoids!”

  “Funny bunch, for sure,” one of the other Dragons murmured, as best she could tell in her fledgling Pyromelodic.

  The Dragons picked up the pace, rising into the lightening violet hues of the day. Some flew slowly or even with support, due to their recent injuries and so the return journey took nearly four times longer to complete. By then, the equivalence values had ticked up to 99.8187%.

  Dad’s in trouble.

  Samodeé glanced down at her paw. Got a good view there?

  Tucked up in Mom’s paw, Alodeé peeked through a crack between her knuckles. I’m good. Let’s do this.

  The Dragons glided quickly down toward the plascrete apron of the Spaceport, which really ought to be called the Dragonport nowadays. Certainly, the Dragons that used it outnumbered the Humanoid vessels by a couple of orders of magnitude.

  Spying out Dymand and Tomaxx with her exceptional Dragon eyesight, Samodeé directed the dragonets toward them. She had alerted Emerald to a ‘game’ they planned to play. The men waited together with a number of Dragons on the apron near Controller Yazin’s tower. Asmurti whirred up to them in her hover chair, along with Maruski and Isska, who had sprouted no less than eight legs for the occasion. Far too flexible for their own good.

  Her Comms link came alive. Isska said, “Oh look, Samodeé has little ones? What do you call baby Dragons, Dymand?”

  “Eh?” he spluttered.

  Tomaxx said, “They’ve got four wings and – Holy Resurrection Dawn! That one’s –”

  Her Dad’s mouth opened in a perfect, round ‘O’. “My – what the – Alodeé?” He spouted a stream of colourful imprecations. “Surely not? Alodeé?”

  Her boyfriend echoed, “Alodeé?” at a soprano pitch of amazement she would have sworn no man his size could ever produce.

  Wicked laugh!

  The two men gasped and vied with one another to zoom off to totally the wrong conclusion, while Alodeé tried very hard not to kill herself laughing. Emerald really did look a great deal like her, didn’t she? Similar size, too, which was the genius of this little joke. She might better have slugged Tomaxx in the gut with his own photonic hammer, the way he responded. Which, ah …

  Guiltily, she squirmed inside her Mom’s paw.

  “One min,” Samodeé chortled. “I’m having far too much fun with this.”

  Changed your tune a touch, Mom?

  Dymand and Tomaxx gasped again as one through the Comms link her co-conspirators had established. “It is her!”

  Then, they stared at one another and spluttered, “You heard that?”

  Men in stereo.

  Touching his temple, Tomaxx said, “I … yep. I believe you do the same?”

  “I do!”

  The dragonets landed alongside Samodeé, staring curiously at the two men. They stared right back, especially at Emerald, who preened, looking mightily pleased with the effect she was having. Dymand had something approaching a coughing fit as it clearly dawned on him what this might mean. The Dragoness opened her paw.

  “Surprise!” Alodeé said brightly, standing upright.

  Tomaxx looked rather more relieved than she felt ready to forgive just now. After all, it was entirely possible that she’d sprout two pairs of wings one of these or those days, too. One great reason to try to figure out how this Dragon business worked, but … not just yet. Tomorrow’s job.

  Today was for celebrating.

  Dymand choked out, “Samodeé, explain?”

  So many emotions! So brittle, so lovely that a note of hope immediately touched his voice as he gazed at the curious dragonets. Gold ruffled his wings importantly, while Red acted aloof. Goldie and Platinum, perhaps sensing the gravity of the occasion, peeked from behind Samodeé’s legs. Emerald rubbed against Alodeé’s legs as if to stress how similar they looked – very similar, judging by Tomaxx’s huge eyes!

  With a rasping inhalation, Mom said in a rush, “They’re ours, Dymand. I … I don’t know how. Born just a couple of weeks ago – tell him, Alodeé.”

  “Ours?” he croaked.

  Clearly, his mind was going, ‘One, two … uh, four … five! All mine?’

  She said, “Isska and Asmurti helped me prep a medbot to run genetic testing just now, on the way up. We are – well, you can see on my holo here, up to 99.8301% certainty that you a
re the father of these dragonets. We –”

  “Give me that scan! Twelve years – it – it just doesn’t –”

  Dymand stopped rasping and growling as he and Tomaxx pored over the data. His breath hitched as the Oraman pointed out the bottom line figure.

  A tear dripped onto the screen.

  Oh, Dad! Awesome, right?

  “Five is … amazing!” he gulped. “That’s, like, quintuplets? Samodeé! This is just the most incredible news! I mean, who would have thought, after all this time – aren’t you just the most – I’m overjoyed, obviously!” He capered over to throw his arms around her nose. “You! How do I even hug you properly? You rascals, you led me to believe – and this? You’re all mine?”

  Samodeé beamed, “Well, I just – this is Red and Platinum … come out, darling and meet your father. Here’s Emerald …”

  “Daddy?” Red chirruped, in Pyromelodic.

  Speech came early. What took her breath away, however, was the way that Red sniffed her Dad’s hand, before moving immediately to make friends with him, demanding a back scratch. Absolute certainty. Emerald did the same, giving him a cursory one-sniff approval before moving in for a cuddle of her own.

  Her father took a sec to whack her arm. “You troublemaker! Can’t believe you didn’t breathe a word about this. What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?”

  “I guess that officially makes you the father of the Dragon,” she grinned.

  “I am. I am!” He danced off again.

  Wow, Dad. Happy much?

  Tomaxx stooped to kiss her cheek. “You so had me going there, Alo – you little brute!”

  “Brute?” Leaping up to grab his shoulders and planting her feet above his knees, she deposited an emphatic kiss on his lips. Grief. 64 cents height difference? If ever a relationship needed a ladder for kissing … she growled, “None of this on-the-cheek nonsense, Tomaxx. I’m very demanding. Comes with being the daughter of a Dragoness.”

  “Huh,” he said, “we still need to check your genetics, don’t we? What if you have additional crystal elements in your DNA, Alodeé?”

  “What are the chances?”

  Her boyfriend tipped her chin to point her at Emerald. “Is that even a question?”

  They both chuckled as Dymand danced by, grabbing Alodeé’s arm. “Come on, isn’t this just the best day in galactic history? After all, what would Resurrection Dawn be without a real resurrection story?”

  “That’s for sure, Dad!” she cried. “Come on, everyone! Join in!”

  With that, there was a very silly family dance involving five delightful dragonets, one overjoyed father, a totally awesome Dragoness of Emerald, Mister Scrummy-to-the-Maxx and … Alodeé.

  Alodeé the Dragon? That would be freaking amazing!


  About the Author

  Marc is the bestselling author of over thirty-five books and is published in five languages. Born in South Africa, he lives and works in Ethiopia with his wife and 4 children, 2 dogs, a rabbit and a variable number of marabou storks that roost on the acacia trees out back. On a good night you can also hear hyenas prowling along the back fence.

  When he’s not writing about Africa or dragons, Marc can be found travelling to remote locations. He thinks there’s nothing better than standing on a mountaintop wondering what lies over the next horizon.

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  Other Books by Marc Secchia

  Call me Dragon: Spill-your-coffee hilarious!

  Blitz the Devastator has never done a decent day’s devastating in his life. Fireless, artistic and shunned by his Dragon Clan, he struggles to pillage even the meanest village. A future full of misery and failure beckons.

  This much is true until the day the burly brown Dragon successfully – imagine that – kidnaps the Princess Azania. As a black Princess of T’nagru, this spirited beauty is by definition the most unforgettable woman in the seventeen realms. Knights errant, men-at-arms and sundry Princes expire at her feet in drivelling worship.

  Unfortunately, they all want his scaly head on a platter shortly thereafter. Goes with the territory.

  To Blitz’s consternation, the royal nuisance refuses to behave herself and be a typical pampered Princess. With humour, unconventional flair and the odd stomp of her diminutive slipper, she sets out to reform her Dragon.

  One question remains. Who will save the Dragon from the Princess?

  Call me Dragon

  I am Dragon

  Thunder o Dragon

  Santaclaws: Discover the true origins of Santaclaws in this seasonal Dragon tale.

  When a boy brings home a Christmas miracle to his suffering family, everything will change. Wishes are different when it comes to Dragons. Wishes take wing and come true.

  A Dragon for Christmas: Santaclaws #1

  A Hatchling for Springtide: Santaclaws #2

  A Fledgling for Summer’s Rising: Santaclaws #3

  A Talon for High Summertide: Santaclaws #4

  A Fang for Autumn’s Richness: Santaclaws #5

  A Dragoness for Winter’s Storm: Santaclaws #6

  Shapeshifter Dragons: Be the Dragon!

  Five allied series of bestselling epic Dragon adventures. Prepare to wing away to a unique world of mighty Dragons and volcanic Islands above the deadly Cloudlands! In chronological order (Island-World timeline):

  Dragonfriend series: Dragonfriend, Dragonlove, Dragonsoul and Dragonstar

  Scrolls of Fire series: The Dragon Librarian, The Dragon Loremaster

  Shapeshifter Dragon Legends series: The Pygmy Dragon and The Onyx Dragon

  Shapeshifter Dragons series: Aranya, Shadow Dragon, Song of the Storm Dragon and Beautiful Fury

  Shapeshifter Dragons linked book, read after Song of the Storm Dragon or after Beautiful Fury: Chaos Shifter

  Standalone Books: Dragon Thief, Tytiana

  Set in the same world as the Shapeshifter Dragons series, join Zhialeiana in an oceanic adventure with Whales and Sea-Dragons:

  IsleSong series: The Girl who Sang with Whales, The Girl who Loved the Whales and The Girl who Swam with Whales, after which this series connects with Shapeshifter Dragons above in Dragons of Sea and Sky, coming soon.

  Mister Drainpipe: The power of dignity and redemption.

  Contemporary literary fiction. A wrenching story of a homeless man living in a drain in modern Ethiopia.

  Mister Drainpipe

  Whisper Series: Enter the canyon maze!

  Conjured by the sadistic Warlock Sanfuri, Whisper faces a stark choice. Run with his message, or die. Bound by the Warlock’s unbreakable magical imperative, Whisper is forced to navigate the tortuous pathways of a labyrinth twenty miles deep, riven by Dragon-infested canyons and scorched by sunstrike. An extraordinary legend is born.

  Whisper Alive

  The Equinox Cycle: Amputee, survivor, heroine!

  Trapped in a car wreck, crushed by a train. In seconds, Zaranna’s world is torn apart and she must start life anew, as a survivor. A double amputee. Yet why does this promising equestrienne remember a flash of sulphurous fire and a crimson paw hurling her mother’s car onto the train tracks? Why does a tide of beguiling butterflies flood her increasingly chaotic dreams?

  As Zaranna Inglewood adjusts to life minus legs, plus gorgeous Alex, the paramedic who cut her body from the wreckage, she learns the terror of being hunted. Relentless and inimical, the enemy lures her to a world where dreams shape reality. Equinox. A world of equinoctial storms; lashed by titanic forces of magic, dominated by the Pegasi and their centuries-old enmity with Human Wizards and the Dragons. This is a world where a
girl can Dream her destiny. Where her soul can fly, or be chained forever.

  She is Zaranna, the Horse Dreamer. Survivor. Fighter. A girl who doesn’t need legs to kick an evil fate in the teeth. All she needs is courage – the courage to Dream.

  The Horse Dreamer (Equinox Cycle Book 1)

  The Shioni of Sheba series: Discover ancient Ethiopia!

  Unique African historical fantasy adventures set among the myths and legends of ancient Ethiopia.

  Shioni of Sheba #1: The Enchanted Castle

  Shioni of Sheba #2: The King’s Horse

  Shioni of Sheba #3: The Mad Giant

  Shioni of Sheba #4: The Sacred Lake

  Shioni of Sheba #5: The Fiuri Realms

  Shioni of Sheba #6 – The Night of the Hyenas

  Shioni of Sheba #7 – The Secret of the Simiens

  Shioni of Sheba #8 – Storm over Sheba

  Shioni of Sheba Box Set – Books 1-5

  Epic fantasy (New Adult and Adult readers) Epic length tales of unique worlds and powers.


  The Legend of El Shashi

  Foreign language editions

  Italian – Dragonfriend, Il Drago Pigmeo, Aranya

  Spanish – Dragonfriend, Aranya, El Dragón Pigmeo, El Bibliotecario Dragón, Tytiana

  Portuguese – Aranya, Shadow Dragon, The Pygmy Dragon, The Onyx Dragon

  Chinese – The Pygmy Dragon (US, China) Aranya (US, China)




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