Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3)

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Mail Order Bride - Westward Bound: Historical Cowboy Romance (Montana Mail Order Brides Book 3) Page 12

by Linda Bridey

  Dean couldn’t resist smiling at that image. “Yeah, that would be something to see.”

  “There’s that smile I miss so much! So, you’ll think about it?” Marcus said. “Just think about it? The fact is, Dean, I’ve always looked up to you. I harass you all the time about being so serious and working too hard, but I’ve learned how to be a good husband from you. I remember some stuff about Pa, but I was only fourteen when he died. You’re the one I’ve watched all these years, Dean. First it was with Sarah and now it’s with Tessa. I’ve also learned what it means to be a good father and not just the fun uncle, and that sometimes you have to be a father and not a friend. Okay, well that’s all I wanted to say. Just think about it.”

  Marcus went back to his horse and mounted Arrow. “Oh, and Dean?”


  “You don’t have to talk to Jack about that subject that’s so embarrassing for you. I already did it for you,” Marcus said, and rode away.

  Dean was so astonished at that last bit of information that Marcus had imparted that he just stood gaping after him for several minutes.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Maddie heard yelling outside in the drive by the barn and started coming out of the kitchen when she ran smack into Seth. He steadied her and said, “Sorry, honey. You gotta come see this.”

  Following her husband, Maddie came out on their porch and saw Marcus and Claire arguing. It was something about plants and hybrids, but it was past her comprehension.

  “All right. They’re arguing. What’s so exciting about that, Seth? They do it all the time.” She was slightly annoyed because she’d been going to do dishes and wanted to get done.

  “Shh!” Seth said as Marcus turned to walk away from Claire. “Watch this.”

  Maddie’s brow knitted in response to Seth shushing her, but she did what he asked.

  Even as Marcus walked away from Claire, he kept up the disagreement. Claire’s mouth never shut either as she followed him. The next thing they knew, Claire caught up to Marcus and grabbed a fistful of Marcus’ hair. Marcus groaned and turned around and Maddie would have interceded, but Seth stopped her.

  “Just watch.”

  Marcus grabbed Claire’s waist and hauled her to him and planted a hard kiss on her mouth. When he released her, they were both smiling. Then they resumed the arguing, but Seth and Maddie noticed that Marcus made sure to keep out of Claire’s reach.

  “It’s the damnedest thing, Maddie. It happens every time she pulls his hair and she does it a lot,” Seth said. “The first time I saw it happen, I thought for sure that he was gonna do something to her, but he just kisses her and then they get all mushy like that.”

  Maddie reached up and yanked on Seth’s hair.

  “Ow!” Seth said. “What did you do that for?”

  “Just doing an experiment,” Maddie said with a laugh.


  Claire stood back from the window and looked at it with a critical eye. Maddie had made curtains for their house and she was nervous about what Claire thought about them. Marcus stepped down from a stool he was standing on so he could hang them and said, “They look great, Maddie.”

  “Thank you,” Maddie said.

  “My fiancé is right,” Claire said with a huge smile at Maddie. She hugged and kissed Maddie. “Thank you so much for all of your help.”

  “You’re welcome. Curtains add the finish to any room,” Maddie said.

  Claire gave Marcus a wry look. “Tell him that.”

  Marcus shrugged. “I’ve never decorated, so I don’t know anything about it.”

  “That’s obvious,” Claire said.

  “Hey, I warned you that I wasn’t good at everything. This is one of those things,” Marcus said. “So when I tell you to do whatever you want with the place, I’m not being blasé, I’m admitting that you’re best equipped to do the job. I’ll help with whatever you want, but you’re gonna have to guide me.”

  Claire smiled. “So you’re admitting that I’m smarter than you?”

  “I’m admitting no such thing. I’m simply saying that in this particular area, I’m not experienced, so it’s better left to you,” Marcus said.

  “Well, at least you’re honest,” Maddie said.

  “I try. The only request I have is that you don’t reorganize my medicine and spices in the kitchen,” he said to Claire.


  “Because if you were to accidentally use the wrong thing when you’re cooking, it could kill you,” Marcus said matter-of-factly.

  Maddie and Claire looked at each other and smiled.

  “Ladies, I’m being completely serious. There are certain plants that are poisonous if they’re not used correctly, so please don’t rearrange it, Claire,” Marcus said. His voice and face were devoid of all humor.

  “All right,” Claire said. “I won’t.”

  “Thanks.” Then Marcus was all smiles again as he said, “So what’s next on the list?”

  Maddie said, “Well, I think we do need to reorganize the cupboards so there’s room for actual dishes.” She turned towards the kitchen and uttered a short cry of fear.

  Black Fox stood in the doorway between the parlor and kitchen. Maddie was rooted to the spot. She’d never seen anyone like Black Fox before and was scared speechless. Claire went right over to Black Fox and hugged him.

  “Hello, brother,” she said to him.

  Black Fox wasn’t a big hugger, but he returned Claire’s embrace. “Hello, sister.”

  Claire said, “Black Fox, this is my sister, Maddie.”

  “Hello, Maddie,” he said.

  Maddie found her voice and said, “Hello, Black Fox.”

  Marcus watched them with amusement. Black Fox said something to him in Lakota that made him smile even more broadly.

  Maddie said, “What did he say?”

  “He said that he sees why Seth loves you so much. You’re a beautiful woman,” Marcus answered.

  Maddie blushed. “Thank you.”

  Black Fox started looking around the house and laughed. He said, “Silver Ghost is becoming tamed, I think.”

  Marcus smirked at his brother and said, “You’re just jealous because I can keep warmer in the winter than you and I have more room.”

  “I keep warm just fine,” Black Fox said and winked at Maddie. “I hear you do, too.” Then he left and Maddie turned to Marcus.

  He looked at where Black Fox had just been and then back at Maddie.

  “Just what is my husband telling him?” she wanted to know.

  Marcus shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  “I’m going to go find out,” she said, and stomped out of the house.

  “What about the cupboards?” Claire called after her.


  The night before the wedding, Claire lay wide awake in her bed in Seth and Maddie’s house. She was nervous and happy. Soon she would be marrying the man of her dreams, the man she’d loved for three years. She couldn’t believe it sometimes. There were nights when she’d dream that he was gone and she was left alone.

  Then she’d see him the next day and all of her fears would abate. He’d assigned a whistle to her just as he had the rest of the family members. She would hear it and rush outside to find him waiting with a smile on his face. Her heartbeat would skitter in her chest and she’d feel warm all over.

  Then he would say something smart to her and irritate her. Just when she was getting angry, he’d compliment her on something. She had found out what Seth had meant when he’d told her that she would have her hands full with Marcus. He could be charming, annoying, and kind all in a matter of minutes and sometimes she didn’t know if she was coming or going.

  He knew it, too. There were times when she thought it was no wonder that people got annoyed with him. There were also times when she understood why they all loved him. She saw that he sometimes purposely made himself the butt of a joke and acted offended to make other people laugh.

  Claire had also come t
o know what passion felt like and couldn’t seem to help herself around him. For all of his good humor there was something virile and intoxicating about him, and she craved his touch. He was willing to give it up to a point, but she knew that if it hadn’t been for his restraint, her virtue would not still be intact.

  In regards to the redecorating of his house, he’d been true to his word and left her do almost anything she wanted except for anything with his medicine and spice rack.

  She knew when Marcus was serious or when he was just grousing about something and when it came to the safety of other people, Marcus was dead serious. He was also very protective of her and had shown that on a couple of occasions when they were in his family’s camp.

  Claire had been gathering some kindling for a fire the one morning when a young brave had surprised her. He had made inappropriate advances towards her. She’d rebuffed him, but he wasn’t getting the hint. Marcus had snuck up behind him and grabbed him from behind. Marcus held a knife to the brave’s throat and warned him that if he ever came near Claire again he’d slit his throat from ear to ear.

  Then he’d pushed the brave away and kicked him in the backside so hard the other brave had hit his head on a tree and fallen to the ground in a daze. Marcus had rolled his shoulders and turned to Claire. She saw the fierce light of battle in his eyes and had been a trifle scared. Then Marcus had blinked and smiled and he was her sweet, funny man again.

  Claire lay in her bed and looked at her engagement ring as the moonlight caught it and was reminded of the night Marcus had proposed to her. He hadn’t said that he loved her, but that hadn’t mattered to her at the time. She’d told Tessa about being disappointed that Marcus hadn’t said the words to her yet, but Tessa had just chuckled and told her not to worry.

  It had been the same way with Dean and her when Dean had proposed. It wasn’t until later that Dean had declared his love for her, but it had been worth waiting for. Tessa said to pay attention to the way Marcus looked at her or the tone of his voice and she’d hear it. Claire hoped and prayed that she would actually hear the words someday.

  For now, though, she’d settle for becoming his wife and making a home with him and their daughter. She smiled as she thought about the little baby who she’d come to love so quickly. Marcus was very generous with his daughter and left some of her care to Claire when she was with them because he said it was good experience for when they were married. He’d taught her so much about childcare and Claire felt that he had much more to teach her about a lot of things.


  That same night, Marcus sat on his porch whittling again. Aiyana slept peacefully in her new cradle that Seth had made for her. Marcus whistled as he worked. His keen ears picked up the sound of a horse coming down the lane to his house. The horse snorted and he recognized Dean’s horse Twister’s whicker.

  Dean dismounted and dropped Twister’s reins to the ground. The horse stayed in place as he was trained to do. Dean came into the lantern light and Marcus smiled at him. “Hey, Dean. Have a seat. Want a drink?”

  “Okay,” Dean said, and sat next to Marcus.

  “Be right back. Mind your niece for me, okay?” Marcus said and pointed to the cradle that sat on the porch before disappearing into his house.

  Dean looked down at the baby and smiled. Everyone was right, she was adorable. As if sensing Dean was there, Aiyana woke up and looked at him. She gurgled happily and reached her arms out to Dean. Unable to resist her, Dean picked her up and put her on his lap and looked at her closer. Her gray eyes watched him closely, and then Dean saw Marcus’ smile when her lips curved upwards. He laughed when she did.

  Marcus watched from the doorway and felt his heart swell as Dean talked to the baby and told her how pretty she was. He went out onto the porch and sat Dean’s drink on the porch floor next to Dean’s chair. Settling back into his own chair, Marcus took a drink of the whiskey he’d poured and said, “So what do you think?”

  Dean said, “I’d say that you have one beautiful daughter, Marcus.”

  “Thank you,” Marcus said.

  Dean laid Aiyana back in her cradle and Marcus gave her a rattle that Owl had made for her to play with. Instead of rattling it, Aiyana decided to chew on it.

  Dean laughed and Marcus was reminded of how much he missed his big brother. Dean relaxed in the chair and took a swig of his drink. He was silent for a little while and Marcus didn’t say anything. He knew that Dean sometimes had to work himself up to saying something and when he was quiet like that, it was usually something important.

  Marcus had just set his drink down and picked up the piece of wood he was working on when Dean cleared his throat and said, “I wanted to thank you for talking to Jack for me. It’s much appreciated. I’m trying to come to grips with all of this other stuff, Marcus, Lord knows I am, but I’m just not there yet.”

  He looked at Marcus then and Marcus knew what was coming next. “I just can’t stand up with you tomorrow. I’m sorry.” Dean got up and left then.

  As Twister’s hoof beats faded away, Marcus sat back in his chair. Tears trickled from the corners of his eyes.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Unlike his brothers, Marcus had no anxiety about the wedding that was going to begin momentarily. Instead of sweating with trepidation or playing with his suit, Marcus kept winking at Maureen and entertaining everyone. Geoff and Maureen had given their blessing, which had overjoyed Claire and Marcus. When they saw Claire and Marcus together the day they’d arrived in Dawson, they’d known they’d made the right decision.

  They’d also seen that Marcus and Claire’s relationship was not dignified. They argued and played more than anyone they’d ever seen. The first time they’d been witness to the “hair-pulling thing” as Seth called it, Geoff’s eyebrows had almost touched his hairline. Seth had laughed and told him, “It happens all the time. I don’t know what it is. Maddie’s pulled my hair a couple of times like that and it just hurts. It’s weird.”

  They’d known that Marcus could be a clown, but they didn’t realize just how much until they watched him with the kids. They liked to play tag and Marcus was rarely “it” because they couldn’t catch him. He ran, rolled, or jumped to avoid their touch. They had never heard Claire laugh so much. Claire had forbidden anyone from telling Marcus her middle name and no matter how much he bugged her about, it she wouldn’t tell him. It was just another one of the strange things about their relationship that only they understood.

  Maddie’s morning sickness wasn’t terrible, but Marcus kept supplying her with the brew that calmed her stomach and she was grateful. One morning, Marcus surprised them all by showing up to cook breakfast. Geoff was impressed with his whistling as Marcus cooked, and complimented him on it.

  Marcus had told him that he was whistling because he was wooing Maureen and Geoff had just laughed. Then while he knew the women were occupied making wedding plans, Geoff had whispered in Marcus’ ear, “If you hurt my daughter in any way, shape, or form, I’ll kill you. Understand, laddie?”

  As a man who now had a daughter of his own, Marcus did understand and assured Geoff that he would take good care of Claire. Mollified, Geoff had gone back to being good-natured and Marcus had breathed a sigh of relief.


  Marcus’ Indian brothers attended the wedding. They sat in the back of the church and watched the people around them. There were a lot of people and they realized that Marcus had a lot of family on both sides. Dean also sat in the back. He wouldn’t stand up with Marcus, but at least he’d shown up.

  Black Fox and He Who Runs kept throwing him dark glances, which Dean returned. Marcus wasn’t oblivious to the animosity and sent his Lakota brothers some sign language that told them he didn’t want any trouble on his special day. After that, they ignored Dean.

  Marcus’ suit was not quite traditional. Instead of a tie, he wore an elaborate necklace of turquoise beads and gold. It was very ceremonial in appearance and perfectly suited him. Claire had insisted he
blend his two cultures and he had appreciated her thoughtfulness. At one point while he waited for Claire to appear, Marcus almost started whistling, but Seth stepped lightly on his foot and said, “Not now, little brother.”

  They didn’t have a flower girl, but Mikey served as their ring bearer and he did a splendid job. He gave Seth the rings with seriousness. Seth smiled as he remembered how Mikey used to call him “Unc Shush” and ruffled the little boy’s dark hair as he left to go sit with his father.


  While Marcus was having a good time, Claire was on the verge of a panic attack. Her sisters had their hands full trying to calm her down. She was having doubts, not about her feelings for Marcus, but about her ability to make him happy. They were shocked at the way their normally intelligent sister was falling apart.

  “What if I’m not a good wife? What if I don’t please him, and you know what I’m talking about! What if he hates my cooking or I don’t wear something he likes? I don’t know if I’m going to be good at gardening or sewing or anything!” she said.

  Maddie giggled at her and said, “Claire, we see the way he looks at you. I think he’ll be happy with anything you do. He might argue with you, but the two of you like to argue, so it’ll be fine.”

  “Listen to Maddie, Claire. Every bride feels like this, but as soon as you see him at that altar all of your fear will fade away. I promise,” Tessa said.

  Claire said, “Are you sure?”

  Tessa hugged her and said, “Positive.”

  Then Geoff was there and it was time to go.


  Marcus had been watching Maureen play with Aiyana when Seth nudged him. Marcus looked up the aisle and saw Claire. She was resplendent in her white dress. Marcus’ gaze trailed over the way it fit her to perfection. Then he looked up and caught her eye. He saw the fear there and sought to assuage it. Claire saw that big smile of his and felt her anxiety begin to fade. When he arched an eyebrow at her and softly whistled her special whistle, she began to laugh a little and she was no longer afraid. Geoffrey sent Marcus an admonishing look, but Marcus’ gaze was riveted on Claire’s. Geoff looked at Seth, who just shrugged and rolled his eyes.


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