Enjoy the Ride (Winter Games Book 3)

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Enjoy the Ride (Winter Games Book 3) Page 28

by Dr. Rebecca Sharp

  “Fuckkk…” He swore as my lips closed over the tip of him. I sucked in just the head with a moan. He tasted salty and sweet—a caramel-coated cock. And hot. Very, very hot.

  His hands speared into my hair, pressing on the back of my scalp needing more. But I was enjoying this. I laved over his tip, flicking my tongue in and out of that groove, pressing into the softly firm texture of his head.

  The gym was huge and with no one in it, you could hear a pin drop on the ground. In this case, I could hear how hard Chance was gritting his teeth, soft groans escaping through the bars of his teeth.

  Like the first sip of a margarita, a burst of salt explodes on my tongue. That was my cue. Pulling hard on his head, I started to take him deeper until he was jammed against the roof of my mouth and the back of my throat.

  “Holy fuck, babe…” My eyes lifted to him. He never called me ‘babe’… not since before. I found that blue staring down at me and realized why; his stare showed just how completely and utterly disoriented he was by my touch.

  My sex throbbed in response, jealous of the attention my mouth was getting. I ran my tongue along the underside of his dick and the blue disappeared as Chance dropped his head back, another curse ripping from his mouth. His hands fisted into my hair, holding my head steady as he began to push inside my mouth. Short, relentless jabs that had his tip kissing the back of my throat with each entry.

  “So fucking incredible…” He trails off with a moan, his hips moving with an uncontrollable and erotic rhythm.

  The opening and closing of my airway seemed like it should be some sort of punishment: death or life. But it was anything but. It was consuming. Chance was out of control; he was desperate. And I loved it because it was all mine. My body loved it too. My tits pressed heavily against my scrub top, my nipples painfully hard against my bra. My sex clenched as though he could touch my G-spot from all the way up here. Tears beaded in my eyes—a reflex from the assault on my mouth.

  “Christ, Jess… only you.” His voice broke at the end and I moaned, the sound sending him over the edge.

  With a roar that echoed straight into my bones, he came against the back of my throat. I gulped, trying to swallow his release as fast as I could but still the hot thickness of his cum built up in my mouth.

  Chance grunted as he slid from my mouth, grabbing the towel he’d been using to wipe off his dick and cover himself back up with his shorts. I wobbled as I stood, licking a drip of saliva mixed with Chance from the corner of my mouth.

  “Take off your pants.” My eyes darted up at his demand. Dead-serious desire was etched across his features.

  “My turn?” I asked with a grin as anticipation shot through me.

  “You better fucking believe it,” he said with a growly voice that made me even wetter

  Hooking my thumbs underneath the waist of my scrubs, I began to slowly tease them down over my hips when the sound of his phone buzzing echoed through the room.

  “Fuck,” he swore as he pulled it out and I knew immediately who it was.

  “Answer it.” The angry glint in his eyes told me that he would really rather be eating my pussy right now than talking to Nick, but because I’d just told him he needed to let this go, he begrudgingly did as I said.

  “Yeah.” At least he answered. Being friendly would be the next baby step. “I’ve been busy.”

  My hands slid out of my pants and around my waist, waiting to see what was going to happen.

  “Fuck. Seriously?” That didn’t sound good. Chance’s hand came up to cover his mouth before he let out a tortured groan. “Yeah. Fuck. Yeah, I’ll be there in a few.”

  The pressure that had been building in my stomach fell away into a pit. He had to go see Nick.

  And I had no one to blame but myself.

  “This is all your fault,” he said as soon as he hung up. “He needs me to come over. Some shit is going down.”

  I wanted to ask for details; I also wanted his tongue inside of me. There was time for neither of those things.

  “It’s fine,” I said, putting my hand on his chest. From the look in his eyes, I knew he would more than make up for it later. “He’s your friend, Chance. You should be there for him.”

  “I know,” he grumbled.

  A few minutes later, we’d both gathered our stuff and were walking out the front door to the clinic, the lock clicking definitively behind us. We were parked at two separate ends of the lot, but before I could even pause to say goodbye, I felt his hand on the small of my back propelling me towards my truck.

  “You don’t have to walk me to my car. It’s right there.” My hand came up to brush a flurry that had landed on my nose. The way the snow was falling seemed like it was out of a movie—so light and perfect.

  “I’m walking you to your fucking car, J-bird,” he rasped. His protectiveness made my spine tingle. That was my Chance—bad boy, good man.

  He reached in front of me to open the back door so that I could toss my gym bag inside, but when I turned, instead of shutting it, his hands gripped my waist and lifted me onto the seat. Yelping, I fell back onto my elbows.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded breathlessly as a million naughty thoughts filtered into my brain.

  A grin spread over his face. “Miss Madison,” he drawls, “you’re so drenched for me that you soaked through your scrubs.” As if to emphasize what I already knew to be true, his fingers reached out and rubbed over the crotch of my pants, making them even wetter. “I told you I was going to have my tongue inside of you this afternoon, gorgeous, and after seeing that, if you think I’m going to leave you without a taste, you are sorely mistaken. Or do you want me to leave?”

  Now, it was his turn to lick his lips and it was like my sex could practically feel his tongue on me.

  “N-no,” I stuttered.

  “Good.” Then his hands reached for the waist of my scrubs, yanking them partway down my thighs. Lifting my legs, he wedged his head and shoulders in the triangle opening he’d created, climbing partway into the cabin to reach my core.

  Now completely exposed—and completely soaked—I could feel the cold gust of air that blew into the car. His hands gripped onto my thighs and pushed them as wide as the elastic of my scrubs would allow, opening me completely to his gaze. I barely registered his growl before his mouth swallowed my pussy whole.

  My upper body jerked completely up off the seat—like someone strapped a defibrillator to my chest and shocked me with a thousand volts of pure, electric pleasure.

  There wasn’t time—and he didn’t need it. His mouth knew every valley and crevice in my sex. My body was teetering on the edge, the shift from being horny to disappointed to being tongue-fucked threw my senses for a loop.

  I chanted his name as his tongue pushed completely inside of me and then pulled out so he could suck on my clit. The pattern repeated. Over and over. Harder and harder. Faster and faster. My nails dug into his scalp, crushing his face to me. His tongue curled inside of me and I froze. When it flicked over my clit, that’s what set my climax free. I screamed inside the backseat of my car as I came, gushing into his greedy mouth that stayed on me to make sure he got every last drop.

  “Fuck, I needed that,” he rasped against my pussy, extricating himself from the web of scrubs and thighs that he’d woven himself into.

  I couldn’t move. I heard him chuckle as he readjusted my pants for me while I lay lifelessly in the backseat of my truck. I laughed, too. That, I had enough energy for.

  His hands slid me back out from the car, holding me steady until I was on my feet.

  “You good?”


  He grinned and kissed my forehead. “I don’t know how long I’ll be.”

  “Take your time,” I encouraged softly.

  His neck bent down to my ear. “If it’s late, you better be in my bed when I get back.”

  My shiver ran all the way down to my toes. As though I had plans on sleeping anywhere else.

p; “If it’s late when you get back, you better wake me,” I counter.

  His lips slammed against mine for a brief second and then he was gone, jogging towards his Jeep while I stood there watching him like a lovesick high-school girl. I wondered how I’d fallen this far this fast. Especially when I’d been so determined not to.

  A snowflake blowing into my eye brought me back and I climbed into the driver’s seat and shut the door.

  This was what I hated about being alone now. Without Chance here, all I could think about was the fact that he still didn’t know the truth. I still hadn’t told him about our baby. It stung, but I was so afraid of what his reaction would be. Even though I knew we were building something new between us, something in the brightly charred remains of our past, I let it continue to be built on top of this secret—a giant hole beneath the foundation that could collapse the entire thing.

  The Emperor: This card represents a powerful leader who demands authority and respect. He protects and defends his loved ones.

  SIGHING, I OPENED THE FRIDGE in search of some water and something to snack on until Chance woke up. He’d gotten home late from Frost’s. After just crawling into bed and pulling me to him, he kissed that spot on my neck, right under my ear that was so sensitive before mumbling something and passing out.

  I watched him sleep this morning like a creeper. It was just for a few minutes, but I woke up and couldn’t stop myself.

  Who knew I’d be back here?

  Who knew I’d be waking up in Chance’s bed again like eight years hadn’t gone by?

  Who knew my heart could fall so easily back in love with the one I’d hurt, the one I swore I’d never love again?

  Love wasn’t an avalanche. It wasn’t set off by one romantic moment underneath the stars. Maybe for some, but not for us. No, love was this morning, waking up next to Chance with the thought that this was where I was meant to be. It wasn’t sudden or jarring. It was just the culmination of everything that had happened since he’d come back.

  It was like waking up in the morning, taking a deep breath, and knowing that even though you’d been asleep all night long, your body had still kept you alive. Your body breathes and beats regardless of whether you think about it or not. Throughout the years apart and over the last few weeks, my heart had kept my love alive even when my mind believed such emotion was dormant and then impossible.

  And I woke up this morning to take that deep breath and realize that I’d loved him all along.

  My head turned to the side as I heard shuffling downstairs.


  “Up here,” I answered, biting back a smile as I popped the top on a can of sparkling water.

  Shirtless and his sweats hanging low on the V of his hips, Chance came straight for me, my back up against the fridge and his mouth slammed down on mine for a deep demanding kiss that ended far too soon, in my opinion.

  “Morning, J-bird,” he rasped.

  “Morning,” I breathed, suddenly itching to blurt out that I still loved him and demanding to know if he felt the same.

  How could he though? Without knowing…

  “What’s for breakfast?” His thumbs rubbed over the skin between my shorts and tank.

  I hummed. “Good question.” It had snowed all night and showed no sign of stopping this morning. Aside from cereal, I wasn’t sure what we really had in the house.

  “I know,” he said with a grin.

  Heat pooled in my stomach and then in my cheeks before he chuckled and stepped back to adjust himself in his pants.

  “Can’t say I don’t love the way you think, J-bird, but that I’ll be having later,” he assured me as he strolled over to the cabinet next to the stove and began to pull out a fry pan and griddle. “I stopped at the store on my way back from Frost’s last night to grab food. Figured we’d be snowed in which means that today, I’m cooking for you.”

  My mouth fell open and I quickly brought the can of water to my lips, murmuring, “You can cook?”

  “Oh, baby, can I cook.” He winked at me. “Between Channing and me, one of us had to get the cooking gene and it definitely wasn’t her.” I had to agree with him there; his twin was notoriously terrible in the kitchen. “Frittatas and chocolate chip pancakes comin’ right up.”

  My stomach growled its approval as I planted my elbows on the counter. Oh, I was going to watch this. I didn’t know if there was a sexier sight than this half-naked man standing over the stove as he made me food.

  If I hadn’t come to terms that I loved him before, this moment would have sealed the deal.

  “Well, looks like there will be tons of great powder for us tomorrow,” I mused lightly, watching the snow continue to pile up outside the window.

  Chance nodded, pulling out a bunch of vegetables from the fridge that I somehow completely overlooked.

  “Do you want me to help you cut those up?”

  One eyebrow raised up at me. “I dunno, J-bird. The last time the two of us were in this kitchen together, you tried to club me with a rolling pin. I’m thinking I should probably not give you a sharp instrument this time.”

  I rolled my eyes and laughed even as he pulled the knife out and moved the cutting board to the side of the island so that I could chop up the red pepper and onion.

  We fell into easy conversation from there, the past weaving into the present and secured with smiles and laughs as though this had been us for the past eight years—waking up and making breakfast together.

  “I think those are good, babe,” he said with a low voice, kissing the crook of my neck as he reached around and pulled the cutting board away from me. “Thank you.”

  My whole body warmed at his words.

  This might not have been our past eight years, I thought as I swallowed over the thick lump in my throat, but I would do whatever it took to make sure that it would be our future for the next eight years and the forever that followed.

  Drying off my hands, I was about to offer to help him mix the pancake batter when my phone began to vibrate against the counter.

  ‘The Emperor’ read across the screen.

  If it was anyone else I would have ignored it, but I hated declining when one of my brothers called. I didn’t get to talk to them too much but we always tried to touch base at least once a week since I moved back here.

  Chance looked over his shoulder at me as I picked up.


  Miles’ voice boomed from the other end of the line, “Baby J!”

  I bit my lip and grinned at the stupid nickname they called me; I wasn’t a baby.

  “Hey. What’s going on?”

  “Just on the way back from a job,” he said with a Southern twang that I’d lost most of during high school and hadn’t quite recovered when I was back down there for college. “How’s everything goin’ up in Winter Wonderland? I heard y’all are in for a pretty big dump this weekend.”

  “Oh yeah.” My eyes flicked to the white outside the window. “It’s been coming down all night with no end in sight.”

  He sucked in a loud breath. “Makes you wish you stayed in Texas with your favorite brother.”

  “Not quite, but I do miss you,” I replied with a laugh, catching Chance’s penetrating stare and his lips that mouthed ‘who is it?’ briefly before I turned away from him. I couldn’t look at him and focus on this conversation at the same time.

  “It’ll be good for the mountain tomorrow,” I consoled Miles, not that he knew how good it was going to be. My brothers were warm-weather kind of guys, especially because of their work. “So, you just finished a job? How’s work been going? You said Evans was giving you shit last time we talked.”

  Dom Evans was the owner of the construction company that my brothers worked for. Despite the fact that they were probably the best and the most meticulous out of everyone, their boss still treated them like crap.

  “Ahh… yeah… ‘bout that…” he began ruefully and I knew that he and Mick had done something—not stupid
, because they weren’t reckless, but they’d done something.

  “What did you do?” I demanded, twirling the edge of my tank in my fingers, feeling Chance’s glare still on me.

  “Well, Baby J, Mick and I may have quit Evans Construction last week.”

  “What?” I screeched.

  They’d been working there for three long years now but agreed that they wanted at least five before they left and looked for another job. They wanted to hone their craft and they didn’t want to look like flighty millennials for leaving even though Evans was a dick and, among other things, rarely ever paid them on time or for extra time that was spent on a project.

  “Well, we told him we were quitting. Gave two weeks. Fucker said he didn’t want them and told us to get out, so yep, that’s how that rodeo went down.”

  I groaned. “And you’re just telling me now? What the hell, Miles! So, where are you working?”

  “Well, you were busy with the new job and all and we didn’t know what we were doin’ quite yet. Today though, we just finished up our last job for Evans.”

  “But… he told you to leave. Is he even going to pay you for it?” I blurted out.

  “Probably not,” Miles laughed ironically. “But it was adding a laundry room onto this old lady’s house and I knew that Evans would have her waiting another month and a half before sending a different team out to finish it, so Mick and I just did it; she had hip surgery. It was going to be a real problem if she kept having to go out into the separate garage to get it done. It was the right thing to do. Plus, she baked us fresh coffeecake so I can’t complain.”

  The sudden urge to cry pricked at the back of my eyes; we were all raised that way—to do the right thing—but that didn’t mean I wasn’t affected by how beyond decent my brothers were especially when the credit for the work went to someone who treated them like crap.

  “So, what are you going to do?”


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