Chelsea's Somebody

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Chelsea's Somebody Page 2

by Yvette Hines

  “I heard in town that five of your cattle held up traffic on East Highway.”

  “Asses,” Rick muttered then looked back at the letter in disbelief.

  “Whatcha got there?” His oldest friend, pointed a thick finger at the page. “I saw the delivery guy leaving when I pulled in. That some summons to court? You some baby’s daddy?”

  “If I were, you’d be called into question, too.”

  “Shiit. In the last two years, any fuckin’ you’ve been doing has been on your own.”

  Rick didn’t miss the shadow that crossed his friend’s features or the accusation in Stem’s voice. Not a new conversation between them.

  For a while now, he had begun to feel differently about the carousing with different women. He still hung out in the bars, but made excuses on why he needed to head home alone, no matter what hottie Stem selected for the night. The women would whine their disappointment. However, his best friend was man enough to satisfy them on his own. Stem enjoyed the wild nights and partying; he would probably never tire of it.

  “So, if it’s not a paternity suit, what is it?” Stem jerked his chin toward the paper.

  “An invitation of sorts.” Rick scanned the thick vanilla parchment with raised gold script—fancy.

  “For what?” Stem folded his thick arms over his barrel chest.

  They were both tall, but Stem was wide as a bear which served him well on his bull ranch.

  “A one-night stand at the Castillo Hotel in Austin.”

  Stem let out a high-pitched whistle. “That’s over an hour and a half drive east into the city. Someone wants to keep a night with you a secret from the good people of Lucky Valley, it seems.”

  He agreed. His land in Lucky Valley County wasn’t hidden knowledge. He’d taken over the place when his parents retired and moved closer to town. If someone wanted him, they could have come to him. However, there was only one person in town he could see going through such an expensive endeavor. Someone from Lucky Valley, but not quite of Lucky Valley.

  “I have a pretty good idea who it’s from.”

  Stem frowned.

  Rick read, “Someone you know desires a one-night stand with you at the luxurious Castillo Hotel in Austin. For this one night the individual, who prefers to remain anonymous, has ordered everything set up to your taste.” Pausing, he stared at his friend.

  “What in the hell? Who do you think it is?”


  “Chelsea McDaniels, Chelsea? The vet’s girl?”

  Laughing, at his friend’s stunned expression, Rick said, “The one and only.”

  “Shit. That’s one sexy woman. Every man in town has lusted after her, but there’s not one brave enough to go against her father.” Stem shook his head. He pulled his hat off his head and shoved the other hand roughly through his hair. “Have your ass one hell of a time.”

  Rick considered keeping the remainder of the letter to himself. A deep part of him, located north of his gut, didn’t want him to share. Didn’t want any other man laying hands on Chelsea. However, if she’d gone through all the hassle to have two ranchers in the sheets with her, he’d give her the fantasy. Maybe he’d put her up on a pedestal—unattainable—but now he knew, like any other girl in LV, Chelsea looked to have her heels in the air.

  Annoyed and a little disgusted, he said, “Well you’re in on it, too.”

  “You want me to go with you?”

  “Nope.” Rick finished reading the letter. “This invitation is for Rick Forrester, however, Stem Hadley may accompany as well.”

  “Well, I’ll be damned. Seems like we’re both about to get a premium cut of ass. Woo wee.”

  Turning away, so his friend wouldn’t see him grit his teeth, Rick fought the desire to punch something or tear the hulking man behind him down with his bare hands. No other woman had ever come between them. They’d fucked across Lucky Valley and multiple surrounding counties together. One more piece of ass shouldn’t make a difference.

  But it did.

  Stem chattered on about all the things he wanted to do to Chelsea, and each word made Rick ill. Just another woman.

  “So, when is this night supposed to happen?”

  Rick forced a smile as he faced his best friend. “Saturday night at eight.”

  “You think Chelsea understands what she’s getting herself into?”

  “I’m sure she’s heard rumors of our darker side. If not, she better be a fast learner.”

  “That’s for damn sure.” Stem headed out the door, then paused and turned around. “You sure you’re all right with this?”

  Rick could almost hear a long ago conversation. They’d been nineteen and had driven down to Del Rio for the weekend of fishing. One night, after too many beers, they’d talked about what woman they’d choose to settle down with. Stem had named a celebrity ranked hot at the time. However, Rick had confessed he could see himself wakin’ up every morning beside Chelsea McDaniels. Time to put that dream away.

  “Yea, I’m good with it. See you Saturday, my friend.”

  Stem gave a brisk nod. “Saturday. Since you’re on the way, I’ll pick you up.”

  “Works for me.” As his friend barreled down the porch, Rick looked at the invite again. “Chelsea, you better know what you’re askin’ for.”


  Chelsea knew what she asked for. Standing in front of the mirror at the lingerie store in Barton Creek Square, she turned from one side to the other, attempting to see the skimpy, lace white, thigh length nightie from all angles.

  Cute and sexy. Would the two men she aimed to please find it naughty? Hell, she didn’t know much about what turned a man on. If she had, she wouldn’t have had to arrange a night like that evening.

  “Chelsea, are you planning to live in there?” Siann called from outside the dressing room door.

  Nervous about running into Rick and Stem once she’d been notified the invitation had gone out, Chelsea had taken a few days off and stayed in Austin. Yesterday she had pleaded with her friend to come into the city and help her shop. After she settled on what to wear, they would be gathering all the essentials for her disguise for her anonymous night. In a county populated with as many Black, Hispanic, and Native American people as White, she doubted the Twin Towers of Pleasure would be able to make her identity.

  The Castillo concierge promised that the room would be set up with other items she had requested.

  “I’m coming out. Hold your horses.” Opening the door, Chelsea moved into the private hallway and twirled. “What do you think?”

  “I think you look sweet and innocent.” Siann smiled. “That would work on a wedding night, not a fuck-me night.”

  “Shh. Keep your voice down. If I wanted everyone to know my business, I could have stayed in Lucky.” Chelsea stomped her foot and peeped under the stall doors. No feet. The doors to the mall opened moments before they arrived and not many people were in the stores.

  “No, you could not.” Her friend paced around her. “Deciding to sleep with two men isn’t a crime, but if you do it in our county in some Motel Three it makes you a cheap hussy like Monica.”

  Laughing, Chelsea had to agree. The two rinky-dink motels near them were located between town and the outlying ranches. So all the good Christian folk passing by on their way to church on Sunday morning got to see those doing the dirty walk of shame to their cars. Monica held the Sunday walk crown.


  “I found this. Try it on.” Siann shoved a bundle of blue lace at her.

  Going back into the room, she stripped out of the first outfit and tried on the next. She gasped. “Oh, my word. It’s sheer!”

  “Come out and stop cowering.”

  Snatching the door open, Chelsea said, “Don’t you think something should be left to the imagination?”

  “Hell, no. They will love it.” Siann winked. “Now get dressed so we can pay for that and find a spa in the city for some much needed waxing.”

ing back in the room, she called out, “I shaved my legs this morning. I’ll do it once more before they arrive.”

  “Honey, I ain’t talkin’ about ’cha legs.” Siann’s slow drawl made her Texas twang more pronounced.

  Chelsea’s face went hot—the sexy teddy was extremely see through.


  “Good evening, Mr. Forrester and Mr. Hadley. I am Jenson Sathermore. Please follow me.” The concierge led them to an alcove to the left of the main check-in area. The short, small-framed man took a seat behind a marble-topped desk.

  Stem’s eyes widened and jaw slackened at the sophistication of the surroundings. With the healthy income their ranches pulled year after year, they could afford to stay at luxurious places like this, but they never did. Rick wondered if he’d been cheating himself out of the finer things in life. Not that he’d give up his country life, but once he married, he’d learn to play with his hard-earned riches. Make it a habit to put on his nice pair of boots—the ones without shit on them—at least once a month and treat his woman to an evening on the town.

  Pulling an envelope out of the desk drawer, Jenson removed a golden key and a card. “The bypass key to the elevator to our deluxe suites floor, and the key for your suite.”

  Rick accepted the items. “Can I assume we notify you if we need anything?”

  The concierge gave a smooth nod. “That is correct, sir. The manager has given me charge of your stay. Your room is ready per the lady’s request. I doubt you all will lack for anything this night. Whenever you desire your meals, call my line. It is cordless and always with me.” Jenson took a card from his pocket and passed it to Rick. “We will have your order prepared and delivered.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate your service,” Rick told him. Chelsea had gone to a great deal of trouble and expense for this one night.

  Another slow bow of the man’s head. “The other member of your party has already arrived.”

  Rick’s heart rate kicked up. His mind played images of Chelsea in bed awaiting him…them.

  After thanking the concierge again, they moved toward the bank of elevators.

  Stem let out a hard breath once they were riding upward. “I feel like maybe I should have picked up a suit or something.”

  Rick had the same feeling. However, he pushed it aside. “I think if Chelsea wanted anything other than who we are…ranchers, she’d have found herself one of them college boys she went to school with.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” Stem leaned a shoulder against the golden metal wall.

  “Damn straight.” Rick would give Chelsea what she wanted—a no-holds-barred night.

  Moments later, they exited the elevator on the eleventh floor. The four doors there, spaced wide apart, attested to the size of the suites.

  When they arrived at 1104, the room that matched the engraving on the key, Rick took a deep breath and let it out slow as he inserted the key. The lock disengaged.

  As he took hold of the handle, his hand trembled. Shit, Rick, get it together.

  He didn’t want to look weak and emotional before his best friend. Any other night with any other woman, he reminded himself.

  “You all right?”

  Damn it. Stem had picked up on his odd behavior. “Peachy as pie.”

  To prove it, he shoved the door open wide and entered a spacious front room with a long white couch and matching love seat. And stopped.

  “Holy smoke!” Stem declared.

  His friend had taken the words right out of his mouth. Neither the furnishings nor Austin’s evening skyline glittering past the expansive wall of windows was enough to take their attention from the bed on the upper level—or the woman tied to it. Not any woman. Chelsea.

  The door snicked closed behind them.

  Drawn like lions to prey, Rick and Stem matched one another step for step, maintaining a slow, steady progression up the four stairs to the sleeping area.

  She has done her research.

  Whoever bound her to the bed had propped her up on pillows in direct line of sight to the door. If he hadn’t known it was Chelsea, he wouldn’t have recognized her. She wore a long, straight black wig, which reminded him of an Asian woman’s hair. Chelsea usually alternated between wearing her own soft brown hair curly with a flower or straight. He preferred it curly, natural.

  A half mask covered most of her face, revealing her mouth, coated with clear gloss, and her jawline. As he moved closer, he met her eyes and a spark of disappointment hit him. Chelsea had gone far to conceal her identity. She’d hidden her lovely hazel green eyes behind brown contacts.

  She remained silent as she stared from him to Stem.

  His mouth watered at the thought of licking the length of her long, bare brown legs. Unlike her mask, hair, and contacts, the sheer blue gauze posing as lingerie didn’t hide anything.

  “Ah, shit, baby doll, how fortunate are Rick and I to have all your loveliness on display for us.” Stem’s hands clenched and unclenched as if he tried to keep from reaching out and grabbing her.

  “Stem is right. You are one beautiful sight.” Rick took a moment to allow his gaze to travel along the body that had inspired many wet dreams during his teen years. More since Chelsea had returned to Lucky Valley.

  With her arms restrained above her head, her breasts spilled out of the halter revealing two blackberry disks drawn tight into twin peaks. Whether from the slight chill in the air or excitement at seeing him and Stem, Rick didn’t know.

  Her flat stomach and narrow waist led to the flare of her hips. Nothing subtle about Chelsea’s curves. The woman had wide hips, proportioned to her thick ass. He couldn’t wait to see, touch, and hold.

  Last, he allowed his attention to rest on her sex behind the see-through clothing. Its bareness stunned him a little; he’d never taken Chelsea for a woman who would have the guts for a full Brazilian. However, he hadn’t believed she’d ever invite him and Stem to her bed either. Wonders would never cease.

  “Good evening, gentlemen. I’m glad you decided to join me tonight,” she said, her voice low, sultry. Still Chelsea’s, but different—a seductive teasing sound that could make a man come by hearing it.

  Since he’d been half erect from the moment he’d received the invitation, Rick struggled to keep himself reined in tight.

  “Evenin’. I don’t think I’ve ever been given such an invitation before.” He refocused on her face.

  “I sure haven’t,” Stem chimed from the other side of the bed.

  “I hope it wasn’t too…forward.” With a slight hitch in her voice, she lowered her eyes for a brief moment.

  The real, sweet Chelsea still resided in there.

  She continued, “I hope it will be worth it for you both.”

  “Are you sure about this, darlin’?” Rick watched for any sign she’d changed her mind about seeing the night through. He would respect her wishes, no matter how hard his cock pressed against his zipper.

  “Yes.” She licked her lips then smiled. “I’m sure.”

  Smiling back, Rick said, “Before we get started, do you have a name, princess?” If she chose to play the role, then he would go along with it.

  “Princess, darlin’, sweetheart, baby doll…any endearment will do.”

  Was there any significance to the fact she didn’t suggest some false name? He shouldn’t think too deeply on it. Assign more meaning when none might be there.

  “I believe anything you cowboys need can be found on the nightstand.”

  Sure enough, condoms, lube, and a paddle lay there. Oh, yeah, as the invitation stated, everything to his and Stem’s taste.

  “You seem to have us at a disadvantage, sweet pearl. You’ve been able to do your research on us…but we have nothing on you.”

  Her pink tongue darted out, moistening her lips. He gritted his teeth to keep from leaning down and taking that taunting member into his own mouth.

  She glanced to Stem then off into the distance. “Does that matter?”


  “Hell, no, darlin’, it doesn’t. You set this night of pleasure up, and we’re here to give you what you want.”

  Damn it, Stem. Rick wanted to throttle his best friend for cutting him off. To him and maybe even Chelsea, this was a night of fun, but no matter how much he kept reminding himself of that, Rick wanted more. Maybe not his settling down dream, but he at least wanted to know the moment meant more than three warm bodies having a happy ending.

  “Good.” She latched right onto Stem’s words. “Shall we get this started?”

  “We sure can,” Stem answered.

  “Well, y’all can see me,” she began. “What does a girl have to do to see two sexy nude cowboys…?”

  Rick swallowed at the heat blazing through her brown contacts.

  “Say the word.” Stem snapped the buttons of his Western style shirt apart before he finished speaking.

  Her eyes flicked to Stem.

  “Nice. Very nice. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a chest more massive than yours, and the light dusting of hair is very sexy.”

  Did a blush tinge his friend’s cheeks?

  What the hell? This is insane. Rick shook his head.

  “I believe you’re next, Rick.” She gave a saucy tilt of her head and a small smile.

  Slower than his friend, he slipped each button through the accompanying hole. He never looked away from her as he shucked his shirt from his shoulders, letting it fall to the floor without care.

  Silence grew as Chelsea’s gaze roamed his bare torso then lifted to meet his. “Wow, if I’d have known you were packing so many rippling, tanned muscles I’d have tried to get you out of your clothes a long time ago.”

  “I’d say the same to you, if I knew who you were, my sweet pearl. I can see all your luscious curves. Maybe we’ve wasted too much time.” Rick played along with her ruse, but meant the last part. Instead of keeping away from Chelsea, he should have let his feelings be known. Maybe they wouldn’t have ended up in a hotel with his best friend in tow.

  He had to put that out of his mind. For the moment.

  “Possibly.” A shadow came over her face. Regret? Then, in a blink, a smile stretched her mouth. “Let’s not waste tonight.”


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