Demon Marked: Shadowguard Academy Book 2

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Demon Marked: Shadowguard Academy Book 2 Page 7

by Samantha Britt

  “Is your gut often your guide when dealing with a foe as formidable as a higher demon?” Victor asks, not unkindly, but a little skeptical.

  I can only imagine what he’s thinking right now. Logan Hendricks is well known because of who his father is, but he’s still young. He only has two years of Guardian experience under his belt. And I’m an academy student. Neither of us is easy to take seriously.

  “It is,” Logan replies.

  Victor and Logan stare at each other. The former’s stare is assessing, while the latter’s is confident. I’m forgotten about. At least, I think I am.

  “The girl knows the truth of what’s happening,” Victor breaks the silence. “She’s young and inexperienced. What makes you involve her in these dealings? And please, don’t tell me it’s because she’s your mentee.”

  I get the feeling Victor is excellent at reading both people and situations. He knows I’m not just here for training. He knows there’s something else we’re keeping from him. Just like he’s certainly keeping things from us.

  I don’t leave the question for Logan to answer. “I’ve drawn the attention of a higher demon, and we’re using his infatuation to our advantage.” The words slide from my lips with ease. I show no hint of the true discomfort I feel about the subject.

  “A higher demon?” Whatever he’d been thinking was the reason for my involvement, it certainly wasn’t that. “Why would a higher demon bother with a Guardian-in-training?”

  My expression is calm when I reply, “We haven’t figured that out yet.” Belial’s consistently elusive when I ask why he wastes time infiltrating my dreams.

  Victor shifts his eyes between me and Logan. Once again, he leans against the desk.

  “Who?” His attention settles firmly on me.

  “I’m sorry?” I tilt my head.

  “Who is the higher demon? Surely, you know his name.”

  I look at Logan. We hadn’t discussed sharing this piece of information, and I don’t want to do or say anything that could jeopardize this potential alliance.

  “I’m afraid we won’t be sharing that information today,” Logan states. “Not until we know you’re willing to work with us.”

  “You expect me to agree to align myself with a pair of children without having all the facts?” Victor scoffs, looking every bit the entitled leader he’s been for many centuries.

  “I expect you to form an alliance with us because we are the only Guardians who can help you,” Logan leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he levels his gaze on the vampire. “We’re the only ones who know the demons are up to something. We’re the only ones investigating them. With your help, we can find more evidence. We will hunt down these monsters and ensure my father cannot keep their crimes from the Shadowguard any longer. We will save future vampires, Guardians, and God knows who else from a horrific fate.” No longer trying to appear aloof or detached, Logan lets the hope swirl with determination in his expression.

  “Emboldening words,” Victor says. “and a heartening sentiment. But how do I know the higher demon hasn’t manipulated the girl as some sort of pawn?” Dark eyes return to me. “It’s never a good thing to attract the attention of a higher demon.”

  Uh… duh. I know that.

  “Extraction sigils have been used on me,” I respond, purposefully uncrossing and then re-crossing my legs to show even more thigh. “Whatever the demon wants, he thinks I’m harmless and hasn’t tried a demonic possession or manipulation. It’s that arrogance which will make him slip up. It’s the fact that people like to underestimate me which gives us the advantage.” I feel, more than see, Logan’s surprised, yet approving, glance. But I don’t take my eyes off Victor, not even to see my mentor’s elusive approval.

  A knowing gleam enters Victor’s eyes. Dark doubt gives way to subtle respect. “I believe I know exactly what tricks would get the demon to be forthcoming in a timely manner,” his eyes flicker to my bare thigh. “Should you be open to advice from an ally.”

  A smirk tugs on my lips. “So, you’re our ally?” My heart races with hope.

  A second passes. Then, he nods.

  “Yes. I, Victor Bloodbane, swear my loyalty to the both of you. Let us work together to end the needless loss of life of our peoples and force the dismissive and tyrannical Shadowguard to stand up and do what’s right by all of us. Let’s make them act.”

  The insult to the Shadowguard doesn’t sit well with me. After all, I’ve been taught for years to respect the peace keeping organization.

  But I bite my tongue.

  Victor is officially our ally, and the Shadowguard failed him when they did not investigate his missing brethren. I can’t begrudge him his anger.

  Logan gets to his feet. I untangle my legs and do the same.

  Victor thrusts his hand in front of Logan, and the pair shake hands.

  “Thank you, Victor. Your help will make all the difference, I know it.”

  “Let’s hope so,” the vampire returns. “And let’s hope you manage to extract useful secrets from your admirer, Miss Van der Klay.” He extends his hand. Surprised to be included in the official agreement, I place my palm in his.

  “I’ll do my best.” And I mean it. I can’t draw sigils, and I’m not as good a fighter as Logan. My sole contribution to our mission is getting information from Belial. And I’m determined to do my part.

  Looks like I didn’t need to seduce secrets out of the vampire after all.

  We shake hands.

  “We should rejoin the rest of my guests.” Victor releases my hand, straightening his tuxedo jacket before running a hand over his sleek hairstyle. “Though, stealing away with a beautiful young woman isn’t unusual considering my reputation, the fact you are a Guardian-to-be makes it much more scandalous.” He gives me a wink, falling back into the playful male I first met in the gallery.

  “We’ll go first,” Logan steps closer to my side and holds out his elbow.

  For a moment, I eye his arm in surprise, then I wrap my hand around his forearm.

  Victor’s attention rests where we touch, a knowing smirk covering his lips. “Good idea. Perhaps it will add more mystery to the woman who left with me, only to return with another.” I receive another wink.

  “Logan’s my mentor.” Victor can tease me about so many things and I wouldn’t care, but I draw the line at Logan.

  He’s my mentor. No matter how attractive I find him, nothing can happen between us. And joking about it is nothing short of inappropriate.

  Unfortunately, I suspect that’s exactly Victor’s point.

  “Oh, I know dear.” The vampires eyes twinkle with unveiled amusement, and I get the distinct impression my words have only fueled his desire to mess with me. “Trust me… I know.”

  Chapter Eight

  A sweet, rich fragrance fills my nostrils. My fingers curl and tangle in thick blades of grass, replacing the soft support of the mattress in my dorm. Without opening my eyes, I know exactly where I am.

  The Mediterranean Sea gives the air a briny scent, mixing in with the fresh blooms of the jasmine bush behind me. Belial has brought me to this location several times. I’ve never left the States, so the details of Rhodes come solely from him. Though, I’m certain his memories of the island are from a long time ago. The popular tourist destination is all but abandoned whenever my dreams are pulled here.

  With a sigh, I part my eyelids.

  Belial’s handsome face and vibrant purple irises are the first things I see. He breaks into a broad grin, and I have to remind myself that he’s a monster. “Hello, little mountain. Did you miss me?”

  I sit up, shielding my eyes from the glare of the setting sun. While the locations of my hijacked dreams alternate between the same few locations, there are aspects which change from time to time. For example, the time of day. I’ve been here in the middle of the day and when the stars are high in the sky. But I’ve never witnessed the breathtaking sight of the sun setting over the shimmering Mediterrane
an water. It’s almost beautiful enough to trick me into believing it’s real.


  “Hello, Belial.” I straighten the flowing pale blue skirt he’s imagined me in. Not since the first time he infiltrated a dream has he put me in something even remotely scandalous. And even then, the nightgown had covered all necessary body parts. But the silky material, coupled with waking up in his bed, had been way too intimate for my liking.

  I don’t know if Belial realized that and cared enough to not make me uncomfortable again, or if he just likes seeing me in dresses. Either way, I appreciate the nod to modesty.

  Belial sits on a familiar stone bench. Shadows from an Aleppo pine tree hide part of his face, but I feel his intense stare on me.

  “It’s been a few days,” I say when he doesn’t speak. I hate awkward silences. Especially with him.

  His cunning eyes and smug, though affectionate, smiles always make me feel like I’m at a disadvantage. Like he knows something I don’t.

  Which is undoubtedly true. The original demon has lived for thousands of years. There’s plenty he knows that I don’t. My mother’s true identity being one of them.

  “So, you did miss me?” The white of his smile shines in the shadows.

  “The opposite, actually. I enjoyed sleeping without your interruption.”

  “Oh, little mountain.” His soft, persuasive voice caresses my cheeks. “When will you stop lying to yourself?”

  Belial knows I find him attractive. What red-blooded female wouldn’t? Still, I hate how easily he sees through my pathetic attempts to view him as nothing more than a monster—a creature who harms innocent humans and is most likely orchestrating the creation of a Guardian-turned-demon army.

  It’s safe to say the most dangerous monsters have the prettiest faces.

  “How about when you stop messing with my head?” I challenge, relying on my evening’s persona as a confident and bold young woman to finally get information from him. Nothing else has worked with Belial. No matter how hard I try, I can’t get him to tell me anything about the Guardian abductions. But maybe if I flirt with him a little—give in to this deadly attraction he elicits from me, I will have success. It’s worth a shot.

  “But where’s the fun in that?” He rises from the bench and closes the distance between us, offering me a hand.

  “My lady.” This close, his perfect smile is nearly blinding.

  Normally, I would reject the offer and stand up on my own. But tonight is all about trying a new strategy.

  Belial’s eyes flash when I place my hand in his. This is the first time I’ve willingly made contact with him.

  His fingers wrap around mine, and he helps me to my feet.

  “You had a busy night.” He doesn’t let go, and I don’t try to step back. Our torsos are closer than they’ve ever been.

  No. That’s not true.

  A blush mars my cheeks as I think about the unwanted kiss we’d shared weeks ago. Belial hasn’t tried to replicate it in a dream, and I hate myself for wondering if it would feel the same if he did.

  I clear my throat, hoping to hide my embarrassment. “How would you know about my night?”

  His free hand lifts into the space between us. My eyelids shutter as his forefinger brushes against the skin under my eye. “You look tired, and I waited hours for you to join me in sleep.”

  He waited?

  I’d always assumed Belial could just pop into my mind the moment he knew I was asleep.

  “You’re asleep too?”

  He nods. “How else do you think we share a dream?”

  Oh gosh… I don’t know. Some kind of creepy demon power I’ve never heard of?

  “I just assumed it’s one of your abilities.” As an original higher demon with unfathomable power, there are countless things he can do.

  Though, I have to admit, I’m pretty surprised to learn he has to be asleep to infiltrate my dreams. Not only that, but he waits for me. I’d assumed a higher demon would have more important things to do than wait on an eighteen-year-old girl to fall asleep.

  “Hm.” Belial hums noncommittally then changes the subject. “You still aren’t heeding my warnings about staying away from the Hendricks boy.”

  “No,” I confirm. “I’m not.”

  In the first dream we shared, Belial had warned me working with Logan would be dangerous. He’d asked me not to do it.

  At first, I thought the higher demon just wanted to keep us from succeeding. I’d thought he wanted to stop us before we found evidence the Shadowguard would need to act against the demons.

  But after thinking about all that’s happened and how Belial’s helped me in the past, I can’t deny he genuinely seems to care about my safety.

  Why? Only he knows.

  But even with his warning, I refuse to stop helping Logan. Too many lives are in danger.

  Belial sighs like I’m an exasperating child. He releases my hand. Turning, he begins to walk down a well-worn path. It’s the same one we walk each time he chooses this location for our dream.

  “It is one thing to investigate,” he speaks, facing forward, but the breeze carries his words back to me. “But it is entirely foolish of you to enter a house full of vampires and other unsavory lesser demons.”

  Every muscle in my body tenses. I stare at his back with disbelief.

  Belial continues walking away. I’m thankful he doesn’t glance back. It gives me time to compose my expression and find words.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I begin to follow him.

  “No?” This time, he shoots me a smirk over his shoulder. “Is that why you were rendered speechless?”

  Damn it.

  Do I try to keep denying it? Or do I figure out how in the heck he knew where I went in the first place?

  I opt for honesty. “How’d you know?” I pick up my pace so I can hear his answer.

  “Because I can smell them on you.”

  “What?” I almost stumble. “You can smell me? Even in a dream?”



  I knew I should’ve showered before falling into bed, but I was so tired. Logan and I had stayed at the party until one in the morning, mingling with other vampires and lesser demons so that it didn’t look like we’d just gone there to meet with Victor.

  “The Hendricks boy is searching for help from the vampires, isn’t he?”

  It’s eerie how Belial seems to know everything.

  “Even if he was, you know I wouldn’t tell you.”

  Belial stops and faces me. “Why won’t you heed my warning to stay away from that boy? He’s reckless in this pursuit. There’s no reason you should go down with him.”

  I draw up just short of running into him, but my balance is thrown off. Belial grabs my arms and steadies me.

  I step back. His hands fall away.

  “You know why.” We’ve had this same conversation each time he’s appeared in my dreams. “Demons are hurting my people. I can’t sit back and do nothing to stop them.”

  Belial tucks his hands into the pockets of his fancy slacks. Human gestures like that make it even harder for me to remember he’s the enemy and not a friend. No matter how many times he saves my life.

  “You’re an adolescent. This burden shouldn’t fall on your shoulders.”

  I bite my lip, resisting the urge to correct him. To Shadowguard society and the human world, I’m legally an adult.

  “Ah.” Belial’s grin returns. “Your birthday has passed.”

  “What?” My jaw drops. “How—”

  He waves a hand toward my face. “You must work on hiding your thoughts from your expression. It’s your one weakness.”

  I blush, both from embarrassment and mortification. “It’s not my only weakness,” I mutter without thought. Immediately, I wish I could take it back.

  “What do you mean?” His eyes narrow and his eyes travel over me, looking for any sign of injury or ailment. “Has something happ
ened? Are you hurt?”

  I cross my arms and avert my gaze. The peaceful sea is a much safer sight than Belial’s concerned expression. Why can’t he just act like the monster he really is?


  The use of my real name shocks me. My gaze returns to his, and his stare pierces through me.

  “What’s happened?”

  “It’s nothing.” I shift my stance, uncomfortable with how intense and worried he appears. I shouldn’t be such a point of concern to a demon. Especially not a higher demon.

  “Then it shouldn’t be difficult to share.” Belial won’t back down.

  I sigh. What’s the point in keeping my failure a secret? It’s only a matter of time before he figures out the truth anyway. He has countless spies and minions to give him all the information he needs.

  “I turned eighteen,” I tell him, staring at the ground, “and my magic never awakened.” I close my eyes, as if hiding from his reaction will make the news any less embarrassing to share.

  But Belial says nothing.

  After several seconds, I crack one eye open.

  Belial looks at me with a small, amused smile. “Is that all?”

  My eyes fly open. “What do you mean, ‘is that all’? Not possessing magic is a huge problem for a Guardian.” Surely, he knows that.

  He shakes his head, a bemused smile still pulling on his lips. I get the distinct feeling he is laughing at me, and that makes my blood boil.

  “What’s so funny?” I snap.

  “You.” He tilts his head and watches me like I’m a great amusement.

  I give him my most menacing glare. “Nothing about me is funny.”

  “On the contrary, most of what I know about you amuses me greatly.” He reaches for my hand, but I step back and keep my arms firmly tucked across my body.

  “Whatever.” I spin on my heel and follow the path back to the stone bench. I have no control over when these dreams begin or end, but I can control whether or not I go along to see whatever spectacular view he wants to show me this time.


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