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Demon Marked: Shadowguard Academy Book 2

Page 13

by Samantha Britt

  Across the room, Lex’s blue eyes land on me. They grow wide with surprise before quickly narrowing in suspicion.


  My foster brother excuses himself from a group of beautiful men and women before stomping toward me. I watch his approach, apprehension stiffening my shoulders. What is he doing here? And what is he doing conversing with vampires?

  Lex reaches my side. He grabs my wrist and pulls me to the edge of the room, behind a heavy oak bar filled with glasses of champagne.

  “What are you doing here?” he hisses, pushing me against the wall before taking a step back. Over his shoulder, I’m relieved to see we hadn’t caused a scene. In fact, not one person looks our way. I try to catch the eye of the bartender less than five feet from us, but it’s like he can’t see us…

  “Are we invisible right now?” I look at Lex’s arms, imagining what sigil he has up his sleeves. Literally.

  Lex grounds his teeth. “No, we’re not invisible, just forgetful.”


  “Yes. Andrew and I are here for reconnaissance on the pack we’re investigating. We need to mingle with guests, but we don’t want them to remember we were here once we leave.”

  Whoa. “That’s cool.”

  A flicker of amusement crosses his lips before they, once again, harden into a disapproving line. “What are you doing here, Aspen? Oh god…” Understanding illuminates his face. “Don’t tell me… you’re the Guardian who was seen kissing Prince Gage of the Woodlands?”

  How in the hell does he already know about that?

  My face is on fire, but I force myself not to turn away from embarrassment. “No, he kissed me.”

  “Aspen! What were you thinking?”

  “Hello?” I press a hand against my chest. “I didn’t do anything.”

  Lex acts like he doesn’t hear me. He cradles his forehead in one hand, muttering to himself about complicated foster sisters and ruined missions.

  “Stop it.” I jab him in the chest. “You asked me what I’m doing here. Well, it just so happens I’m on a mission with my mentor. And getting along with the lesser demons is part of our plan. So how about you don’t judge me for following orders?”

  Okay… kissing supernaturals wasn’t exactly mentioned in the briefing, but I’m not going to let Lex judge me for something that wasn’t my fault.

  Lex’s head snaps up. “Logan’s here?”

  I nod. “And Cortney.”

  “Cortney?” There’s no mistaking the alarm in his voice. He spins around and scours the crowd. “Where are they?”

  “I-I don’t know.” His behavior is making me nervous. “I was looking for them when I saw you.”

  “Why are you here?” He spins back to stare deep into my eyes, imploring me to tell him the truth. “Is this a Shadowguard sanctioned mission?”

  My heart misses a beat. I struggle with how to respond. I made Logan a promise I wouldn’t tell anyone about what we’re doing. Too many innocent lives depend on our success. I can’t risk telling Lex anything which might compromise our mission.

  Unfortunately, Lex knows how to read me better than anyone. He sees and understands my internal struggle like I shared it all out loud.

  “Damn it, Aspen.” He steps closer, tucking his head closer to not be overheard. “If this isn’t a Shadowguard mission, then the three of you need to get out of here now.”

  I search his eyes and see urgency.

  “Why?” I breathe. “What’s going on?”

  “We are on a mission.” He checks over his shoulders before continuing, “Andrew and I were sent here to note any prominent leaders or figureheads, and then pass that information over to the raid squad.”


  “A raid squad?” Might as well call them a killing squad.

  The Guardians chosen for such teams are the most violent and remorseless our society has to offer. They’re not usually dispatched unless the Council deems a demon threat is an immediate danger to humans or our society, and time cannot be spared to strategize an ordinary Guardian assassination.

  No, these threats need to be taken out as swiftly as possible. Unfortunately, there are often many casualties as a result.

  “Yes.” Lex touches my arm, guiding me toward a glowing red exit sign. “We’ve already radioed our intel. Andrew and I are set to leave the moment we get the sign. You need to get out of here before anyone sees you. I won’t even tell Andrew you were here.”

  My pulse spikes with fear, but not on my behalf. “But what about Cortney?”

  I don’t ask about Logan. He’s a trained Guardian. He will get himself out of this. But what if he and Cortney have been separated? I need to find her to make sure she’s okay.

  I try to step around Lex, but he blocks me with his larger frame. I could fight my way past him, but that will take time—precious time we may not have.

  Lex places his hands on my shoulders. “I’ll find Cortney. If anyone on the squad sees me, they’ll be surprised I didn’t leave, but it won’t cause a huge stir. You, on the other hand…”

  I swallow back my objection. He’s right. I can’t afford to be seen searching for Cortney. Fear for my friend makes my bottom lip quiver. “You promise you won’t leave without her?”

  “I swear, Aspen. Now, go.” He gently pushes me toward the exit.

  I brace myself for an alarm when I press the door’s bar. Nothing happens.

  “Magic.” Lex says behind me. I glance back and see his glowing palm lowering to his side. “Get back to the academy. We’ll talk later.”

  Every second I wait is a second Lex is with me and not searching for Cortney.

  That thought propels me through the heavy metal door, and I run.

  Chapter Sixteen

  These halls resemble those near the offices. No priceless artifact or image is in sight. I ball my heavy skirt in one hand and run through the empty halls as fast as possible. The path I follow twists and turns. I lose track of where I am in relation to the entrance of the museum, and I fear I may be running in circles.

  I stop and place a steadying hand against the wall, giving myself the chance to breathe and think. Logan had sent Joshua away with the limousine but catching a taxi won’t be too hard in this area of the city. I just need to get outside.

  But the thought of leaving Cortney and Logan behind doesn’t sit well in my stomach. I decide that once I get outside, I will stay out of sight and wait for them as long as possible.

  I have the feeling Victor’s text message must’ve had something to do with the raid. If the supernaturals are aware of the Guardian’s impending arrival, it’s even more important for all of us to get out of here. The museum could easily turn into a bloodbath.

  Feeling more composed, I grab my skirt and continue down the halls. A fire escape door is up ahead. Through the glass window, trees greet me. I watch for a few seconds, but there’s no sign of the raid squad.

  I push the door, and a shrill alarm pierces my eardrum.


  I rush through the door, closing it behind me, and the horrible sound stops.

  Thank God…

  Hopefully, the alarm only sounded in the immediate area around the door. I doubt it would blare through the entire museum. At least, I hoped not.

  Bushes rustle behind me. I spin around and yelp when I see three mundane demons step out of the greenery. Their red eyes glow eerily in the dark, and the breeze carries their horrible scent to my nostrils.

  For a moment, I think their arrival is a coincidence. They grumble unintelligibly to one another. Once again, I’m shocked to see mundane demons working together like a team. Their kind is notoriously violent and selfish. They don’t get along with one another, often competing for victims.

  But that was before higher demons starting call the shots.

  I press against the museum wall, thankful none of the spot lights illuminate the space where I stand. I pray my dark hair and dress will allow me to be overlooked.

I watch the demon in the center scan the surroundings, displaying more intelligence than I expect of his kind, when his evil eyes land on me.

  He growls, and his two friends’ necks snap in my direction.

  Double shit.

  I jiggle the door handle behind my back, unsurprised to find it locked. Looks like I’ll be making a run for it.

  In the blink of an eye, I bend down and free my feet of my heels, then take off.

  Grunts and the sound of heavy footfalls tell me at least two of the monsters are in pursuit. And they’re gaining on me. I’m faster than a normal human, but without a sigil to enhance my speed, I have no chance of outrunning them. The best I can do is buy myself time until I figure out what to do next.

  I pump my arms faster. By sheer will, my legs aren’t tangled in the heavy skirt. I push past their restricting material, hearing the seam around my hip tear with my elongated strides. I grab hold of the corner of the building and use it to quickly change my direction. Behind me, I hear clawed feet scrape against the pavement as they try to mimic my maneuver. I assume it slowed them down, but I don’t dare waste time by looking back to check.

  I duck into a walkway leading to the center of the museum grounds. Up ahead, a man leans against the building, smoking a cigarette. The door beside him is propped open, and I want to cry out in relief.

  Instead, I shout, “Hey, you! Get inside!”

  The man’s head snaps up. They glow violet, marking him as a vampire. The colorful irises widen in shock, and that’s when I know he’s seen the demons. His form blurs, sharpening again once he’s inside the museum. He reaches for the door, and my heart lurches in my chest.

  “Wait!” I reach out desperately. I’m less than fifteen feet away, but I don’t know how far the demons are. Judging from the vampires horrified stare, they aren’t too far behind.

  He begins to pull the door.


  It clicks shut. Through the glass, I see his regretful expression just before he spins and runs away, arms waving wildly in the air.

  Momentum sends me crashing into the door. The impact stings, but I ignore the pain, spinning around to face the oncoming danger.

  I was wrong about only two demons following me. All three mundane demons sneer at me, stopping a decent distance away, but not far enough to hide their hideously frightening faces or sharp horns.

  I guess this is it… I guess this is how I die.

  The cold glass chills my skin as I press against the smooth surface. Through the door, I hear frantic shouts. The vampire must’ve warned those inside about the uninvited guests. Still, I don’t expect anyone to come help the unarmed academy student. Not in a timely manner, anyway. I’m on my own.

  I watch one of the demons lick his lips with a forked tongue, leering at me in anticipation. I force my attention to a different demon, determined if I am going to die, I won’t let it be by that sadistic demon’s hands. I’ll ram my head into a concrete wall and break my neck before I let him touch me.

  The center demon meets my defiant stare. He hisses under his breath, but the wind carries some of his words to me. “Know this one… a favorite… don’t touch…”

  My spine straightens. Could these demons work for Belial?

  I can think of no one else who would instruct demons to leave me alone. If that’s what the demon said, that is.

  I could be totally wrong in my interpretation of his words, but the fact none of them make a move to attack me tells me I might be right.

  With a voice that sounds far braver than I feel, I call out, “What are you waiting for? Attack me.”

  The more sadistic-looking demon bristles at my taunt. A clawed foot moves forward, but the center demon stops the advance with a firm palm to the chest.

  The sadistic demon growls, displeased.

  The two speak in guttural tones, and I recognize it as the demonic language. Some of the sounds and vowels resemble incantations and spells used by Guardians, which makes sense considering both languages stem from the ancient language of the divine creator.

  I don’t speak the demonic tongue, but I can read their body posture and vocal inflections easy enough. Clearly, the first demon wants to attack, but the latter is demanding he stand down. The third demon watches me with scrutiny, but he doesn’t look inclined to either attack or leave me be. That one is completely indifferent. I don’t know if I should be relieved or terrified.

  “Summon the master.”

  The sadistic demon’s words make me jolt back in alarm, banging my head against the glass. I wince and rub the sensitive spot, careful not to take my eyes off the threat in front of me.

  Seeing my reaction, the sadistic demon’s lips curl back into a horrible smile, revealing black and yellow teeth. The sight makes me gag.

  “Done.” The center demon grunts.

  I don’t understand him at first, not until a black cloud of smoke billows behind them.


  I know in my bones that he’s the form I see standing in the middle of the swelling cloud.

  Every thought in my head shouts in alarm. My chance to escape dwindles with every passing second. If I want to get away, now is the time to act.

  The original demon’s arrival has drawn the mundane demon’s attention. I shuffle to the side. There’s a space between the buildings, leading to the park. With less lights, maybe I’ll be able to hide before the demons notice I’m gone.

  I grip the skirt in my hand, trying to hold it still to minimize the sound of beads clinking together. I make it less than two steps before a power unlike anything I’ve ever felt travels over my body, freezing me in place. This power reminds me of the times Belial had taken away my ability to move, but this oppressive feeling is so unlike anything I’ve experienced before. Belial might’ve used demonic magic against me, but it never felt this evil… or dark.

  Unfathomable evil lives deep within the caster of this magic, and I dread what he plans to do with me now that I’m stuck.

  “Aspen Van der Klay.” A chill courses down the length of my spine, traveling to my lower limbs, making them feel weak. If it weren’t for the spell holding me in place, I think they would give out beneath me. “Fancy seeing you here. What an unexpected treat.”

  I try to shout for help, but Azazel has robbed me of my voice.

  The original demon mutters an incantation, and my body turns towards him. My chin rises, and I’m forced to meet his gaze.

  Azazel’s deceptively handsome face is enhanced by a wide smile. Platinum blond hair shimmers under the accent light mounted on the side of the museum. He looks genuinely pleased to see me. If only that happiness wasn’t accompanied by holding me against my will with dark magic, I might not mind his presence so much.

  Evil practically seeps out of Azazel’s pores like sweat after a lengthy run. He’s dressed in a midnight black ensemble, and I don’t miss the hilt of a sword poking out of the scabbard strapped across his back. He’s here for a fight.

  “Are you alone?” Azazel lazily scans our surroundings, but no one is around except for his three minions and me.

  “Master,” the sadistic demon inches forward. “The girl is a Guardian. I can smell her tainted blood.”

  The fact I can’t move makes his leering stare and malicious grin much more frightening.

  “I am well aware, mundane.” Azazel doesn’t spare the demon a glance. My eyes flicker between them, and there’s no mistaking the flash of frustration as it crosses the mundane demon’s horrible face.

  “We came here to end Guardians. We should eliminate her.”

  If they could, my eyes would grow so wide they’d look like they were about to fall out of my head. What Guardians are the demons here to kill? This is a supernatural gala… Guardian’s aren’t on the guest list, not even me and Logan. Unless…

  Oh no.

  Lex… Andrew… the raid party.

  The demons know the Shadowguard’s plan. They know Guardians are set to attack the gala at any moment.<
br />
  I struggle against the invisible hold keeping me in place, wanting to scream in frustration when I can’t break free.

  “She will not be touched.” Again, Azazel doesn’t bother to look at his minion. He’s focused on me, and I hate the way his smile grows when I try, and fail, to free myself. “My brother is fond of this one, and I’m interested in learning why.”

  A knot of cold dread gathers in my chest. I’m determined not to leave this museum with him. Not alive. A tingling sensation starts in my fingertips. The tiny stabs travel through my palm and up my arm. I take a deep breath and try to control my emotions. I can’t let fear distract me. I won’t stand a chance if it does.

  “But Master, we—” The sadistic demon doesn’t have the chance to finish his plea.

  His head is cut clean off. I hadn’t even seen Azazel reach for his sword. He wipes the black blood off his weapon, then returns it to his sheath. Belatedly, I realize globs of demon blood had splattered across my chest.


  “Anyone else care to defy me?”

  Both of the remaining mundane demons shake their heads.

  I guess that tells me what kind of leader Azazel is.

  “Now,” the original demon leans toward me. “Back to business."


  Azazel spins around, as do his minions. I have to settle for shifting my irises since I’m still unable to move my head.

  Logan stands in a third-floor window. He lifts a hand and a glowing blue orb flies across the night air. All three demons duck and move out of the way.

  But the power wasn’t meant for them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The orb hits my chest, sending me crashing into the door. The glass shatters, and the sounds of panic and battle flows loudly out of the museum. Either the raid squad has arrived, or other demons have launched an attack. Either way, this night is going to hell, fast.

  I gasp for breath and struggle to get to my feet.

  Wait… I can move!

  “Get him!” Azazel’s smooth voice morphs into something dark and cold. The temperature drops ten degrees. Furious power trails off every inch of the original demon, and I’m terrified there will be no escaping this confrontation. Not if Azazel doesn’t want to let me go.


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