Looking After Lindy

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Looking After Lindy Page 8

by Pepper North

  Working quickly, he picked up the plug and lubricated it. “Take a deep breath for Daddy. Now, blow it out,” he instructed. When her ribcage narrowed on her exhale, he firmly pressed the plug inside. Her buttocks tensed as her rectum tightened around the anal trainer that settled into place with a wide flange jutting out from the entrance.

  Josiah patted her bottom. “Go stand in the corner,” he said, helping her to her feet. He gave one buttock a soft slap to get her started when she hesitated walking with the plug inserted inside. He stood in place, watching her take baby steps to the nearest corner. “Put your hands on your head and lean in slightly to rest your forehead against the wall,” he instructed. He watched her awkwardly settle into place.

  “Good girl, Lindy. Ten minutes. I will come to get you when it’s time to leave your corner.” Josiah noted the time and noisily began to clean up the supplies on the bed. He made the bed and set Coco on Lindy’s pillow. Keeping his eyes on her, Josiah noted that immediately, her inner thighs began to quiver. The combination of the stimulating medicine he had spread liberally across her vaginal area and the anal plug stretching her rectum was causing his Little girl to be excited. Perhaps she would deserve a treat when he allowed her to leave the corner.

  Chapter 17

  Lindy heard Josiah cleaning up the bedroom for a while. That ointment he had rubbed into her skin was driving her crazy. It didn’t hurt. It just heat-tingled on her intimate spots. She could feel the wetness gathering between her legs. She had no idea how long she had been in the corner. The bed squeaked, and she knew he had taken a seat. She could feel his eyes on her, and she shivered in reaction. Her position with her forehead pressed against the wall thrust her bottom out. I think he can see everything. Her small buttocks were slightly spread apart, revealing the flange of the inserted plug. She crossed her fingers, hoping he couldn’t see that the tops of her thighs were beginning to shine with her juices.

  Ten minutes felt like forever. The muscles of her bottom flexed as she stood in the uncomfortable position with the uncomfortable plug in her bottom. She tried to stretch her leg muscles by bending one knee and then the other, but each movement made the plug in her bottom shift. She experimented again as the movement of the plug began to blend with her arousal from the salve. She lowered her hands slightly to cover her mouth as she tried not to moan in response to the stimulation.

  She froze when she heard his weight on the bed shift. Was he coming her way? Had he lain down to wait? Lindy wanted to turn around so badly. Her eyes focused on the patch of carpet she could see behind her as she looked down. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard the whisper of his leather shoes on the carpet. A flash of black appeared behind her. He was right there.

  “Hands on top of your head. Remember, Daddy needs to hear your sounds.” He waited for her to nod and move her hands.

  “Two more minutes, princess. I’m going to check your plug to make sure it fits correctly.” His hand pressed between her shoulder blades, holding her in position. The other hand stroked down her back, making her shiver in reaction to his warm, callused skin. She felt his fingers trail between her buttocks and grasp the plug to begin twisting and tugging at it. A low moan from the center of her tummy escaped from her tightly clenched lips.

  Josiah’s other hand lifted from her shoulders to trace a path down the center of the front of her body. His fingers brushed lightly over the curves of her breasts and down over her quivering stomach as Lindy held her breath. He’ll know I’m aroused. Good girls don’t get hot…and wet when something is in their bottom. His fingers reached her smooth mound. He caressed her briefly as if enjoying the hairless flesh. Then his fingers moved between her thighs. She heard the slick fluid crackle slightly as his fingers explored her pink folds. She tried to pull her legs together, but his feet had moved between hers to block her automatic movement.

  His voice poured over her. “What a responsive Little girl you are, Lindy! Daddy is very pleased to see you enjoy having something in your bottom. Do you want to know why?”

  Almost as if by itself, her head nodded eagerly. Lindy’s eyes widened in response to her own honesty. She thought desperately to come up with something to deny that she was responding to the unwanted invader.

  “Daddies enjoy loving their Little girls here,” he whispered into her ear as he began to move the plug entirely in and out of her rectum as his fingers in the front traced her tingling flesh.

  “Nooooooo!” she wailed. She struggled to convince her mind that she didn’t find the idea of his huge penis invading her body and stretching her tight channel erotic. But her mind knew the truth as she fantasized about accepting her Daddy in this forbidden spot. When Lindy’s hands moved from her head to curl against the wall, her Daddy didn’t correct her. Lindy could hear her breath coming roughly in and out of her open mouth as the sensations he was creating in her body built to an unbearable level.

  With a cry, Lindy’s body seized into a massive orgasm that overwhelmed her. She felt her knees buckle as the waves of pleasure rocked her body. Strong arms wrapped around her body and lifted her away from the wall. She collapsed against his chest, holding on weakly to his shirt with her fingers. When he sat on the bed, rocking her body slightly to comfort her, Lindy held on to him like her rock as the emotions buffeted her. She felt him lean over to open that fateful drawer before pressing something against her lips. She opened her mouth and sighed in relief as she sucked contentedly on the pacifier. Her Daddy knew her so well.

  Chapter 18

  Lindy held on to her Daddy’s hand tightly. After her corner time, her Daddy fed her a hot breakfast in her highchair. Then, she had a lot of time to play and explore the nursery while he talked on the phone to his friend in the Secret Service. They would arrive tomorrow morning to examine the counterfeit bills and to interview Lindy. They were contacting the local police in Lindy’s town to gather information about the group where Sam had invested his money.

  They had walked to Shelby’s house after getting a phone call inviting them for lunch. Now, standing at the back door, Lindy’s stomach felt funny. She liked being Little at her Daddy’s. He takes such good care of me. Lindy looked at him from the corner of her eye and found him looking down at her.

  “You’ll be fine, Lindy. Shelby is a very good Little girl. She’s wanted a friend for so long,” Josiah said. He squeezed her hand once more as they heard the door being opened.

  A tall man holding a slender brunette in his arms opened the door. “Thank god, you got here. We’ve had to corral Shelby for the last half hour. She was sure she needed to come show Lindy the way to our house.” He laughed as he set Shelby down on her feet.

  Immediately, the brunette went through the door to hug Lindy. “Hi, Lindy. I’m so glad to meet you. We have a little time to play before lunch. Do you want to come see my nursery?” she asked, bouncing on the toes of her pink sneakers with excitement.

  “Hi!” Lindy said shyly. “I don’t know. Maybe I should stay with my Daddy, um, with Josiah?”

  “You don’t want to do that. They’re going to talk about boring stuff. Don’t you want to see my toys?” Shelby’s tone started to deflate from eager to disappointed. She had been sure that the new Little girl would want to play with her.

  “Hi, Shelby! Lindy is a bit overwhelmed. She hasn’t been Little for very long. Perhaps you could introduce her to your Daddies and give her a few minutes to relax? I’m sure she’ll want to play later.” Josiah put his arm around his Little girl, who had plastered herself against his side after Shelby’s enthusiastic hug.

  Shelby’s face immediately brightened. “Oh, you’re just shy. I thought you didn’t like me. That’s okay. I’m shy sometimes, too,” she shared.

  The big man behind her laughed. “Shelby, sweetheart, you have never been shy a day in your life.” He laughed again at the surprised look on her face. He stepped back and motioned for them to come into the house. “Come in, Lindy, and bring your new Daddy with you. I’m Beau. Jeremy’
s working in the kitchen. He’s making lunch for all of us.”

  Jeremy took Shelby’s hand and held it securely when she tried to bounce forward to be close to Lindy. He leaned over and said, “I’ll make you a bet. If you give Lindy until lunch for her to get used to everything that’s new, I bet she’ll be ready to go see your nursery then.”

  “Really? All the way to lunch?” Shelby looked at him incredulously.

  “Just till lunch. Then, she’ll be ready to play,” he reassured her. “Can you be that good of a friend? Someone who will wait for a bit to let her acclimate?”

  “I can be a really good friend,” Shelby rushed to confirm his statement. Her normal, cheerful attitude returned in a flash. “I’ll go get a puzzle, and we can work on the island while you all cook.” She rushed down the hall.

  Beau entered the kitchen, shaking his head at his Little girl. She’d make friends with Lindy if it killed her. Everyone was just standing in the kitchen. “Let’s give Jeremy some room. He gets crazy with the pots and pans sometimes. Josiah, why don’t you sit here at the kitchen island, and Lindy can sit here. We’ll chat as Jeremy finishes up whatever smells so good.”

  Everyone had just gotten settled, and Jeremy was getting drinks for everyone when Shelby ran in with BJs by her side. The abandoned puppy was Shelby’s shadow. She loved the kind Little that had rescued and adopted her. Eating everything anyone gave her, BJs was growing quickly. She was almost grown by now, but BJs’ big paws hinted that she had more growing to do.

  Lindy immediately slid from the stool at the island next to Josiah and kneeled on the floor. “Hi, puppy. You’re so cute. Will you let me pet you?” she asked, smiling as BJs awkwardly tried to turn her way in the middle of her sprint into the kitchen. Sliding on the smooth kitchen floor, BJs landed on her tummy and slid up to Lindy. Bounding up to her feet, the puppy began to lick Lindy’s face in excitement.

  Lindy giggled with joy as she petted the wiggling, almost grown puppy in front of her. Shelby dropped to her knees next to them, and BJs turned to lick her face, too. Instantly the ice was broken between the two Little girls. Beau and Josiah’s eyes met, and they both nodded.

  “Did I miss something?” Jeremy asked dryly.

  “I’ll tell you later. It looks like everything is good now,” Beau explained, tilting his head toward the two Littles.

  Josiah quickly motioned the two men into a small circle and explained about finding Lindy and the new discovery of what they believed was counterfeit money. Beau began making a list of security measures they should institute. He would take care of notifying the other men who were part of SANCTUM. Several would come immediately to help reinforce the settlement. Jeremy would monitor the perimeter security devices so Josiah could concentrate on his Little girl.

  “Are you sure she’s your Little girl?” Beau asked, glancing over at the two girls playing fetch with BJs’ red rubber ball that had appeared from somewhere.

  “There is no doubt in my mind. I knew instantly.”

  Beau and Jeremy nodded. “It was like that for us too,” Jeremy answered. “She’s a beautiful Little girl. We’ll help settle this threat against her. SANCTUM is the safest place for her to be.”

  After lunch and some playtime in Shelby’s nursery, the three Daddies realized it was very quiet in the nursery. Josiah walked in to reclaim his Little girl to head home. He found all three of them asleep in Shelby’s crib. Stepping back into the family room, he motioned for Jeremy and Beau to follow him. The three men stood by the open railing of the crib, and everyone took a picture. Shelby’s arms were wrapped around Lindy’s waist with BJs snuggled in between their legs. It looked like the three were going to be fast friends.

  Josiah picked up his Little girl and cradled her body against his with her head on his shoulder. She woke up enough to kiss his neck and murmur a soft, “Daddy.” Looping her arms around his neck, she snuggled into his warmth, and her eyes closed once again. “Can I trouble one of you to drive us home? I’d like to let her sleep.”

  “Definitely. She’s had a tough go of it. Sleep is good for Little girls,” Jeremy said, leading Josiah to the back door where their keys hung.

  Chapter 19

  Beau escorted the men in dark suits to Josiah’s house the next morning. Josiah was pleased to see that his friend in the Secret Service had joined the investigators. “Cavender! I’m glad to see you.” Shaking hands with all three men, he thanked them for coming and introduced Lindy. She was wearing another outfit that was a bit too big, making her look even more petite than she normally would. While she napped after her playdate with Shelby, Josiah had spent time online at Gordon’s ordering clothes that would be express mailed to the post office box he had rented in the nearest town.

  Lindy stood slightly behind him, peeking out at the official-looking men who had come to interview her. She knew Josiah would keep her safe, but these men looked so stern that she was afraid she was in trouble.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what Sam was doing. I tried to warn him that no one could guarantee his investment would have the returns those men promised. When his money was gone, I wanted him to just walk away, but he was too stubborn.” Her eyes filled with tears as she remembered her brother.

  The posture of the men relaxed as they looked at the distraught young woman before them. Josiah suggested they all take a seat. When everyone was seated, one man pulled out a notebook and a pen to make notes. He began by asking if they could see the money to make sure it was counterfeit. If it was not, they would have to leave the case to the local police to apprehend the men threatening Lindy.

  Josiah stood, and Lindy jumped up next to him. He took her hand and said to the men, “We’ll be right back.” He led Lindy back to his office so he could get the money from his safe. She stood right behind him. Pulling the money from the safe, he set it on the desk and wrapped his arms around her waist. Josiah kissed her softly. “It’s okay, princess. These are the good guys.” She nodded slowly but didn’t move any further from him.

  Returning to the waiting men, Josiah handed the open package to his friend. “I’m afraid we touched the wrapping and the sealed package.”

  “You didn’t open this sealed packet of money?”

  “We did not,” Josiah replied. “I remembered my counterfeit training at the police station. I didn’t see the anti-counterfeit measures on the back of the bill, so I called you.”

  The men examined the outer wrapping of the package as well as the vacuum-sealed packet of money. “Good catch. We’ll open this in the lab to test the ink and paper, but I’m sure we’ll find this is mediocre counterfeiting at best. Skilled counterfeiters are much more technically close to real currency. My guess is that this is an inexperienced group, and this is one of their first attempts to print money. We need to find these guys before they figure out how to create money that is much tougher to spot as fake.”

  The oldest man looked carefully at Lindy. “Lindy, you are the only witness we have. You’ve seen the men who held you. Would you be willing to help me create some pictures of the men who kidnapped you?”

  She looked wildly at Josiah. “I don’t know if I can remember what they looked like.”

  “If you can’t, that’s my fault. I’m the artist. It’s my job to help you remember. Will you let me try to help you?” he asked.

  When Josiah nodded at her, Lindy swallowed deeply before agreeing to try. Josiah held her hand as the gentleman created the first picture. It was a long process, but he was very patient with her as they worked. When they finished, he showed Lindy the picture, and she nodded enthusiastically. “That’s him! It looks just like him!”

  The three men looked at the drawing they had created. Josiah’s friend exclaimed, “I’ve seen that face before. He pulled out his phone and searched for several minutes before turning his phone around for Lindy to see. “Is this him, Lindy?”

  Her hand immediately clapped over her mouth as she gasped aloud, “MMMmmmmm!” Her voice was muffled by the hand h
eld tightly over her mouth. She allowed Josiah to pull it away, and she repeated, “That’s him. That’s the man who was going to cut off my fingers!”

  Josiah looked sick and picked Lindy off the couch to hold her on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her to hold her close.

  She twisted around to look at Josiah’s face. “Daddy, that’s him. He was so mean.” Her eyes widened. In her excitement, Lindy had forgotten these men were not SANCTUM members.

  “It’s okay, Little girl. We know about Josiah’s lifestyle. Some of us understand more than others,” the artist said, nodding at Josiah’s friend.

  Cavender, who had been quiet through all the questioning and the construction of the artist’s sketch, reached into his pocket to pull out his phone. Scrolling through the screens, he smiled at the image before handing the phone to Lindy. “Lindy, this is my Little boy, Rafe. Even when he is at his naughtiest, he is the love of my life. Perhaps someday you’ll get to meet him.”

  Lindy looked at the handsome, middle-aged man with the happy twinkle in his eye. “I think I would enjoy that.”

  The artist had been busy while they were talking. “Lindy, look at this group of men. Do any of them look familiar?” He turned around a laptop to show her five additional men pictured on the screen in what were obviously mug shots.

  “All of them were in the house with me, except that guy.” She pointed to the second man from the left. “I never saw him.”


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