Bernard Shaw

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by Holroyd, Michael;

  Hornet, The 38–40

  Horniman, Annie 170, 175, 302–3, 381

  Housman, A. E. 225, 601

  Housman, Laurence 347

  The Chinese Lantern 349

  Prunella 349, 391

  Howard, Ebenezer 488

  Howard, Leslie 714, 715, 741

  How He Lied to Her Husband see Shaw: Works

  How to Settle the Irish Question see Shaw: Works

  Huddart, Elinor 64, 125; Shaw to 65

  Hughes, Emrys 738, 740, 807

  Hugo, Leon 644

  Huizinga, Johan 522

  Human, Edwin 89

  Human, Grace (née Black) 88–9

  Humanitarian, The 192

  Humanité Nouvelle, L’ (periodical) 289

  Humières, (Vicomte) Robert d’ 290

  Hunt, Violet 394

  Hunterian Club 79

  Huntington, Archer Milton 474, 476

  Huntington, Helen 474, 475, 476, 477, 478

  Huntley, Raymond 511

  Hurst & Blackett (publishers) 46

  Hutchinson, Henry Hunt 229, 230

  Hutton, Finch 244

  Huxley, Aldous 574, 777

  Huxley, (Sir) Julian 704

  Hyde, Douglas 302

  Hyndman, H. M. 76–7, 89, 101, 105, 106, 364

  England for All 77

  Ibsen, Henrik 80, 104, 113, 157, 159, 188, 189, 775; see also Shaw: The Quintessence of Ibsenism

  A Doll’s House 50, 114, 146, 147, 158, 177, 178, 179, 213,435

  Ghosts 114, 158, 166

  Hedda Gabler 177

  The Lady from the Sea 144

  Peer Gynt 361

  Rosmersholm 145, 166

  When We Dead Awaken 634

  The Wild Duck (Canard Sauvage) 113, 214, 353

  Illesh, Bela 620

  ILP see Independent Labour Party

  Immaturity see Shaw: Works

  Inca of Perusalem, The see Shaw: Works

  Independent Labour Party (ILP) 154, 155, 283, 325

  Independent Theatre 158, 163–4, 214–15

  Inge, W. R. 637

  Inglis, Brian 760

  ‘In Good King Charles’s Golden Days’ see Shaw: Works

  Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism, The see Shaw: Works

  Ionesco, Eugene 389

  Ireland: Shaw on see under Shaw; Shaws in 313, 367–8, 380, 426, 463–4, 465–7, 512, 513–15; see also Dublin

  Irish Academy of Letters 598, 600, 672

  Irish Independent 796

  Irish Literary Theatre 302, 303

  Irish National Theatre Society 302

  Irish Statesman 512

  Irish Times 26, 28, 29, 381, 513

  Irrational Knot, The see Shaw: Works

  Irvine, William 484

  Irving, (Sir) Henry 190, 197, 199–210, 221, 274–5, 276–8, 302, 308, 587

  Irving, Laurence 746

  Isaacs, Harold 653, 654

  Izvestia 621, 622

  Jackson, (Sir) Barry 510–11, 529, 534, 568–9, 576, 639, 711, 749

  Jackson, Frederick, Shaw to 368

  Jaeger, Dr Gustave 93–4, 95

  James, Henry 86, 147, 327, 386–7, 388, 453; Shaw to 386, 387

  Guy Domville 327

  The Saloon 386, 692

  James, William 77

  Japan, the Shaws in 655–9

  Jazz Singer, The 705

  Jeans, (Sir) James: The Mysterious Universe 704

  Jerome, Jennie 421

  Jewish Chronicle 733

  Jitta’s Atonement see Shaw: Works

  Joachim, Joseph 139

  Joad, C. E. M. 632, 777

  John, Augustus 346, 535, 782; portrait of Shaw 523, 525

  John, Dorelia see McNeill, Dorelia

  John, Gwen 353

  John Bull’s Other Island see Shaw: Works

  Johnson, Amy 711

  Johnson, Dr Samuel 54, 73

  Johnson-Hicks, William (later Viscount Brentford) 395–6

  Johnston, Denis, Shaw to 12

  Jones, Barry 706, 723

  Jones, Daniel 547, 799

  Jones, Henry Arthur 158, 172, 191–2, 227, 303, 452; Shaw to 169, 253, 288, 308

  Joyce, James 380, 574, 581, 598–600

  Finnegans Wake 599–600

  Ulysses 468, 598

  Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’) 739–40

  Joynes, J. L. 71

  ‘Joy Riding on the Front’ see Shaw: Works

  Justice 120

  Kaiser, Georg: Gas 510

  Kalich, Bertha 517

  Kaufmann, R. J. 389

  Kaye, Danny 779

  Kearley, Hudson (Viscount Devonport) 489

  Keats, John 334

  Keeble, (Sir) Frederick 476, 478

  Keeble, (Lady) see McCarthy, Lillah

  Keene, Cliff, Shaw to 406

  Kennedy, Clara M., Shaw to 640

  Kennet, Kathleen see Scott, Kathleen

  Kennet, Lord see Young, Hilton

  Kennington, Eric 555

  Kerensky, Alexander 613, 614, 615

  Kerr, Deborah 737

  Kerr, Philip see Lothian, Marquis of

  Keynes, John Maynard (Lord) 499, 694–5, 726, 736, 737, 777; Shaw to 736

  The Economic Consequences of the Peace 483–4

  ‘A Short View of Russia’ 626

  Khalatov, Artashes 621

  Kilgarriff, Malachi J. 27

  Kilsby, Albert James 366–7, 409, 413, 414, 419, 496

  Kilty, Jerome: Dear Liar 591

  King, (Sir) Truby 669

  King, William Mackenzie 729

  Kingsley, Mary: Travels in West Africa 273

  Kingsmill, Hugh xiv

  Kingston, Gertrude 278, 407; Shaw to 167, 279

  Kipling, Rudyard 281, 601

  Klagemann, Eberhard 707

  Klein, Robert 730

  Kneller, Godfrey 726–7

  Koestler, Arthur 720

  Korda, Alexander 713, 742, 768

  Krishnamurti, Jeddu 649–50

  Kruger, Paul 281

  Krupp, Friedrich Alfred 314

  Krynin, Dmitri and Mrs 625–6

  Kyllmann, Otto 531; Shaw to 592, 634, 672

  Labour Leader 353

  Labour Party, British 86, 154, 321, 324–5, 332, 358, 393, 481, 540–2, 556, 667–8, 704; see also Independent Labour Party

  Labour Representation Committee 325

  Laden, Alice 754–5, 757, 759, 760, 762–3, 764, 771, 787–93 passim

  Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, Chevalier de 650

  Lambert, J. W. 682

  Lanchester, Waldo 774–5

  Lane, (Sir) Allen 703, 704, 803

  Lane, (Sir) Hugh 468

  Langner, Lawrence 509–10, 528, 534, 639, 665–6, 694, 715, 749; Shaw to 694

  Langton, Basil 738

  Larkin, James 778

  Laski, Harold 492, 560

  Laughton, Charles 714

  Laurence, Dan H. 813

  Lawrence, D. H. 318, 560, 574, 581

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover 641–2

  Women in Love 490

  Lawrence, Frieda 711

  Lawrence, Gertrude 779, 786

  Lawrence, T. E.: Shaw introduced to 525; asks Shaw to read Seven Pillars 525; and Saint Joan 525, 526, 527; relationship and correspondence with Charlotte 534–6, 552, 555, 558, 634; and Shaw 536, 537, 538, 539, 564; Cherry-Garrard on 538; as model for Private Meek 636; on Shaw in 1920s 687; proposed as member of Irish Academy 598; death 602; mentioned 477, 641; Shaw to 525, 526

  Minorities 535

  The Mint 535

  The Seven Pillars of Wisdom 525, 526, 534–5, 786

  Lawson, Cyril 45, 60

  Lawson, Elizabeth 60

  Lazarus, Robert 798

  League of Nations 318, 458–9, 651, 723

  Lean, (Sir) David 742

  Leavis, Dr F. R. 575

  Lecky, James 61

  Lee, Eliza 13, 14

  Lee, George John Vandeleur: childhood 12, 13; appearance 12; pioneers ‘The M
ethod’ 12–13; founds Amateur Musical Society 13; with Bessie Shaw 12, 13, 14, 19, 40, 55; and Sonny 13, 17; sets up ménage à trois 15, 16, 18; sends Shaw to Central Model School 20–1; lack of literary interests 23; musical successes in Dublin 26, 28–9; publishes The Voice 27; changes name 27; ‘unmasked’ by Stewart 28, 29; moves to London 29, 30, 31; infatuation with Lucy Shaw 14, 38, 40; Shaw writes Hornet criticisms for 38–40; decline 40–1; on friendly terms with Shaw 41; drops dead 41–2; Shaw’s impersonation of 129, 280; as model for Professor Higgins 437–8

  Lee, Jennie (later Baroness Lee of Asheridge) 805

  Lee, Robert 13

  Lee, William 13, 14

  Lees-Milne, James 779, 785

  Legion of Decency 708

  Lehár, Franz 440

  Friederika 713

  Leigh, J. H. 310

  Leigh, Vivien 737, 765, 766, 768

  Leighton, (Sir) Frederick 84

  Leighton, Margaret 737

  Lenin, V. I. 509, 614, 615, 617, 618, 619, 628, 650

  Lenina, Krupskaya 624

  Lenormand, Henri-René 530

  Leonard, Father Joseph 523

  Lerner, Alan Jay 768, 796

  Levey, (Sir) Michael 808

  Levey, R. M. 29

  Lewes, G. H. 193

  Life of Goethe 24

  Lewis, Cecil 539–40, 550, 705, 706, 707, 755

  Sagittarius Rising 539

  Lewis, Cecil Day 632

  Lewis, ‘Dooshka’ 550

  Lewis, Howard 663

  Lewis, Percy Wyndham 172, 597

  Liberal Party, British 155, 281, 283, 311, 321, 323, 324,395,399

  Liberty (magazine) 565

  Lichnowsky, Prince 446

  Lillie, Beatrice 639

  Limbert, Roy, Shaw to 723

  Lin Yutang 653, 654

  Lindberg, Colonel 565

  Little, Mollie 549

  Little Review 598

  Litvinov, Maxim 622, 625, 626, 627

  Lloyd George, David (1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor) 399, 400, 443, 454, 459, 471, 481, 482, 489, 505, 513, 620, 755

  Locke, W. J. 452, 459

  Lockett, Alice see Sharpe, Alice

  Lockett, Jane 65

  Lockhart, Bruce 718

  Lodge, (Sir) Oliver 336

  Lodge, Thomas: Works 79

  Loewe, Frederick 768, 796

  Loewenstein, Fritz 758–9, 760, 761, 762, 763–4, 777, 791

  London, Bishop of 447

  London County Council 230–1, 323

  Londonderry, Lady, Shaw to 102

  London Dialectical Society 75, 82, 98–9

  London Dock Strike (1889) 107

  London Figaro 79

  London Government Act (1899) 233

  London Music in 1888–89 As Heard by Corno di Bassetto see Shaw: Works

  London School of Economics 229–30, 243, 290, 396, 492, 782

  London Symphony Orchestra 139

  Lopokova, Lydia (Lady Keynes) 604

  Loraine, Robert 355, 358, 359, 466, 474, 601

  Lothian, Philip Kerr, 11th Marquis of 619–20, 626, 627, 556, 565

  Louis, Joe 606

  Love Among the Artists see Shaw: Works

  Low, Barbara, Shaw to 176

  Low, (Lady) Ebba, Shaw to 530

  Lu Hsun 653–4

  Ludecke, Kurt: I Knew Hitler 722

  Ludwig, Emil 722

  Lunacharsky, Anatol 621, 622, 623, 624

  Lusitania, SS 266–7, 280, 455

  Lyth, Jisbella 678–9, 790

  Lyttelton, Edith 405, 416, 417, 570, 571; Shaw to 11–12, 405, 421

  Lytton, Edward Bulwer (1st Baron): The Coming Race 507

  Lytton, Neville 351

  MacCarthy, (Sir) Desmond: views and reviews on:

  Androcles and the Lion 409, 433–4

  The Apple Cart 575

  Back to Methuselah 511

  Captain Brassbound’s Conversion 278

  Geneva 724

  Getting Married 365

  John Bull’s Other Island 311

  Major Barbara 335

  Misalliance 388

  Saint Joan 522, 524

  Shaw’s unpopularity 454

  The Shewing-up of Blanco Posnet 381

  Too True to be Good 639

  McCarthy, Liliah 339–40, 345, 348, 350, 407, 417, 465, 474–6, 477, 478, 479, 529; Shaw to 345, 348, 467, 679, 744, 770

  MacCarthy, Peter 802, 803, 804, 805

  Macdermot, Norman 568

  Macdona, Charles 684, 685

  MacDonald, James Ramsay: member of Fabian Society 107; hostile to Webb 323; Shaw campaigns for (1918) 481; loses election 482; attitude to Russia 613; political career in 1920s 540; Shaw’s attitude to 540, 541, 542, 630–1, 667, 710; and Mosley 541; on The Intelligent Woman’s Guide 558; caricatured in The Apple Cart 573; at Hardy’s funeral 601; portrayed in On the Rocks 680; mentioned 324, 325, 396, 615; Shaw to 282

  Macdona Players 568, 684

  MacGowan, Kenneth, Shaw to 707

  Mackail, Margaret, Shaw to 37

  Mackenzie, (Sir) Alexander 137

  McLachlan, (Dame) Laurentia 606–10, 672–4, 690

  Macmillan (publishers) 48, 50, 69, 71

  McNeill, Dorelia 86, 535

  McNulty, (Matthew) Edward 16, 21–2, 25, 26, 31, 33, 34, 35, 49, 73, 96; Shaw to 95, 185

  McRory, Desmond 610

  Madge, Charles 632

  Magazine of Music 81, 131

  Magny, Jules, Shaw to 109

  Magrath, J. F. 803

  Mahaffay, Rachel, Shaw to 3

  Major Barbara see Shaw: Works

  Malvern Festivals 568–9, 575–7, 639, 684, 775

  Man and Superman see Shaw: Works

  Manchester, William 314

  Manchester Guardian 434, 449, 471, 574, 772, 790, 797, 799

  Mann, Thomas 287, 361, 445, 575

  Manners, (Lady) Diana 456

  Manningham-Buller, (Sir) Reginald 801, 802

  Manns, August 139; G.B.S. to 132

  Man of Destiny, The see Shaw: Works

  Mansfield, Beatrice 183; Shaw to 220, 260, 265, 531

  Mansfield, Felix 182

  Mansfield, Katherine 534, 632

  Mansfield, Richard 181, 182–3, 196, 198, 256, 261

  Marshall, Julian 31

  Martin, Kingsley 682, 736, 740; Shaw to 102, 736, 779

  Martin-Harvey, (Sir) John, Shaw to 379

  Martyn, Edward 302

  Marx, Eleanor 77, 90–1, 95, 344

  Marx, Karl 76, 77, 89–90, 103–4, 298, 650

  Das Kapital 77, 79, 268, 617, 700

  Mary, Queen 408, 768

  Masefield, John 225, 347, 388

  Campden Wonder 349

  Nan 349

  Massingham, Henry W. 121, 122, 172, 190, 255, 457

  Masterman, Lucy 394

  Matchworkers’ Union 107

  Matteoti, Giacomo 566

  Matthews, W. H. 234, 237–8

  Maude, Cyril 219, 220, 313

  Maugham, W. Somerset 388

  Maupassant, Guy de: Yvette 165, 166, 167

  Maurras, Charles: Jeanne d’Arc... 525

  Maxwell, William 672; Shaw to 567

  Mayer, Louis B. 713

  Meisel, Martin 362

  Mendelssohn, Felix 133, 137

  Meredith, George 48, 158, 391

  Meher Baba 713

  Millionairess, The see Shaw: Works

  Mills, James Porter 427–8, 443, 448, 748

  Millward, Jessie 221, 223

  Mirabeau, Honoré 76

  Misalliance see Shaw: Works

  Mitchenson, Joe 742

  Mommsen, Theodor: History of Rome 270, 271, 272

  Montagu, Ivor 632

  Montefiore, Eade 422

  Mooney, Thomas 661

  Moor, Ethel 524

  Moore, George 116, 119, 158, 172; Shaw to 484

  A Mere Accident 119

  Moran, Lord 342

  Morgan, Charles 639

  Morgan, Margery 172, 344,

  Morley, John 48–9, 71, 184

  Morley, Robert 741, 742; Shaw to 319

  Morning Post 336, 577, 682

  Morris, Jane (née Burden) 86, 345

  Morris, May 96, 107, 127–31, 140, 142, 145, 149, 175, 179, 345

  Morris, William: on children 6; as member of Socialist League 77; meets Shaw 72; influences Shaw 56, 83, 85–6, 89, 108, 127, 226, 529, 607; in ‘Bloody Sunday’ demonstration (1887) 105, 106; impressed by Shaw 558, 772; on autocrats 671; reviews Fabian Essays 107–8; his gatherings at Hammersmith Terrace 56, 106, 127, 140; death 131; mentioned 93, 119, 161, 325, 327, 345, 574, 606, 650; Shaw to 106–7, 124

  Mortimer, Raymond 478

  Mosley, Cynthia (Lady) 564, 580

  Mosley, (Sir) Oswald 540–1, 564, 580

  Mottl, Felix 195

  Mozart, W. A.: Don Giovanni 25

  Mrs Warren’s Profession see Shaw: Works

  Mudie’s Library 117

  Muirhead, James F. 454

  Munthe, Dr Axel 244, 257

  Murray, Alma, Shaw to 158, 293

  Murray, Gilbert 316, 317, 318–19, 384, 388, 534, 651, 720, 723, 742, 777; Shaw to 10, 312, 343,363

  Hippolytus (trs.) 310

  Medea (trs.) 349

  Murray, (Lady) Mary, Shaw to 473

  Murray, Stephen 684, 685

  Murray, T. Douglas: trs. Procès de Jeanne d’Arc (Quicherat) 523

  Musek, Karel, Shaw to 509

  Music-Cure, The see Shaw: Works

  Mussolini, Benito 543, 565–7, 626, 720, 722, 743

  Musters, Harold 495

  Musters, Judy (née Georgina Gillmore) 254, 267, 357, 413, 414, 495, 791

  My Dear Dorothea see Shaw: Works

  My Fair Lady 768, 796, 803

  Nash, Walter 667

  Nathan, (Sir) Matthew 466

  Nation (& Athenaeum) 370, 449, 457, 518

  National City Bank, Dublin 781, 795, 796

  National Gallery, London 60, 84

  National Gallery of Ireland 22, 25, 468, 782, 798, 802; purchases from Shaw Fund 807–10

  National Library of Ireland 468, 785

  National Peace Council 446

  National Provincial Bank 795

  National Reformer 98, 100

  National Trust 785, 794

  National Vigilance Association 188

  Nethercot, Arthur H.: biog on Besant 99

  Nevinson, H. W. 574, 639; Shaw to 471

  New Age 358

  Newbolt, Henry, Shaw to 473

  Newcombe, Bertha 239–42, 247

  New Philharmonic Society 28

  New Republic 528

  News Chronicle 770–1, 796

  New Shakespeare Society 76, 204

  New Statesman (& Nation) I, 431–3, 434, 449, 556, 604, 682, 703, 736–7, 740, 786–7

  Newton, Commander C. P. 641, 644

  Newton, Isaac 726–7

  Newton, Robert 742

  New York: the Shaws visit 662–5

  theatres: Empire 529; Garrick 491; Henry Miller 723; Herald Square 181; see also Theatre Guild

  New Yorker 782

  New York Herald 528, 546


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