Hope Flames

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Hope Flames Page 2

by Jaci Burton

Page 2

  Author: Jaci Burton

  Yeah, some watchdog you are, Daisy. Daisy wasn’t exactly what one could consider a personal bodyguard, unless excessive licking and an overabundance of affection counted as weaponry.

  Emma led the officer into the exam room and flipped on the lights, then turned around and knelt down, trying to calm her stupid, raging heartbeat. She smiled at the dog. “Okay, Boomer. Let’s take a look. ”

  “Boomer. Sit,” the officer said.

  The dog sat and she examined his leg. He whimpered as she pressed on it. After finishing the exam, she lifted her gaze to the police officer. “Officer McCormack, I’d like to get an X-ray of this leg. I don’t think anything’s broken, but I want to be sure. ”

  He nodded. “Okay. ”

  “You can come with me. It’ll calm him to have you there. ”

  She brought them back to the X-ray room, and he helped her get Boomer on the table while she got his leg in place for the X-ray.

  “So, you bought Dr. Weston’s practice?” he asked.

  Again, that voice of his. Deep and seriously . . . unnerving, but not in a bad way. It was doing something to her nerve endings she found decidedly . . .

  Uncomfortable wasn’t the word. She just noticed his voice. And so did her body. “Yes. I bought it right after he retired. ”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t think I got your name. ”

  She looked up at him and frowned, then realized she’d been a complete moron and hadn’t bothered to introduce herself. “I’m so sorry, officer. I’m Emma Burnett. ”

  “Nice to meet you, Emma. Are you new in town?”

  “Actually, I grew up here. My parents live over on Willow. ”

  He nodded. “Did you go to Oakdale High?”

  “No. I went to Hope High. ”

  “Oh, okay. The Burnetts on Willow. Your sister is Molly Burnett, then, right? She dated my friend Carter Richards in high school. ”

  Hope was such a small town. Everyone knew everyone else. “Yes, Molly’s my little sister. Did you go to Hope High, too?”

  “No. I went to Oakdale. ”

  That’s why she didn’t recognize him right off. He’d gone to the high school nearer to the county line. “Your name sounds familiar to me, too. Did you play football for Oakdale?”

  “Yeah. Wide receiver. ”

  Now she knew why she recognized his name. He’d been some kind of football star. She remembered reading about him in the newspaper. He’d been good. But they hadn’t known each other back then.

  “So this is your clinic now?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir. ”

  She grabbed the film and slid it in.

  “Luke. ”

  She looked up. “Excuse me?”

  “Call me Luke. Not officer, and definitely not sir. Too formal. ”

  He’d cracked a smile. He had a quirky, kind of off-kilter smile, and greenish-blue eyes that went really well with his dark hair. He had a rugged face, a square jaw, and, again, that really sexy mouth.

  Not that she was looking at him in that way, because she didn’t do that anymore. She and men were definitely off-limits. She’d learned her lesson the hard way.

  But that didn’t mean she couldn’t be nice to her clients. “Okay, then, Luke. Let’s get this X-ray going. I need you to position his leg here for me, then if possible, ask him not to move. ”

  “No problem. Boomer—stay. ”

  Boomer lay perfectly still as they went behind the screen so she could take the shot.

  “Good boy. ” Luke said to Boomer after the X-ray was taken. He swept his hand over the dog’s back and neck, showing care and affection.

  She liked seeing that in a dog’s owner.

  “Just one more film and that should do it. I need to turn him this way. ”

  Luke helped her, and she couldn’t help noticing his hands. Strong. Big. Masculine, with a fine sprinkling of dark hair on his forearms. He hadn’t worn a coat inside, and he had some serious upper arm muscles peeking out from the sleeve of his uniform shirt.

  But she wasn’t looking, and she definitely wasn’t interested, despite the pinging in her nerve endings that conveyed otherwise.

  Chemistry couldn’t be denied. But that was biology. She had a choice, and she already knew what her choices were these days regarding men.

  She took Luke behind the screen and captured the second X-ray.

  But he did smell really good, though it wasn’t cologne. Shampoo, maybe? Or soap? Did they make scented soap for men? She had no idea.

  But she wasn’t interested, so it didn’t matter what kind of soap he used.

  “Are we done?”

  She looked at him. “Yes. Yes, we are. ” She turned one way and he went the other, so they bumped into each other. He reached out for her arms to steady her, and she found herself staring up into those amazing eyes of his.

  “Sorry,” he said with a deep laugh that Emma felt all the way down to her stomach. And maybe even a little lower.

  “No. It’s my fault. ” He took a step back and she moved around him.

  He had her acting like a teenager all filled with raging hormones. Ugh.

  “Just wait here a second with Boomer so I can make sure we don’t need to retake any shots. ”

  She hurried out of the room and took a deep breath when she got into the reading room.

  What was wrong with her? She’d had male customers all day long. Some had been really good-looking, too, yet none of them had affected her like Luke was doing now.

  Likely because she hadn’t been alone with any one man all day. That had to be it. She never put herself in a position to be alone with a guy. And though Luke was a police officer, owned a dog, and seemed all nice and trustworthy, she knew better than to trust any man.

  She’d been naïve and trusting once, and it had cost her dearly. She was never going to be that stupid again, no matter how gorgeous a man was, or how nice he seemed.

  Or how good he smelled.

  Besides, this was the year of her career and nothing else. And so far, day one had been spectacular.

  Chapter 2

  LUKE HAD BEEN a cop long enough to know two things were certain. One, when things were at their worst, more bad shit tended to pile on, and two, never judge a book by its cover.

  The first came true tonight when he’d been chasing the crackhead he’d pulled over for a speeding ticket, only to have the moron bail and run on him. He and Boomer had taken off on foot in pursuit, and Boomer had ended up wrenching his leg in a hole in someone’s front yard. Good thing he’d called in for backup—the suspect had been located hiding in someone’s shed. Asshole.

  The book with the pretty cover was currently taking an X-ray of Boomer’s leg. Dr. Emma Burnett was beautiful, but not in that fashion-model, take-your-breath kind of way. Her dark brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail, though some of it had escaped and framed her face. Her eyes were chocolate brown, framed by thick, dark lashes, and she had those full kind of lips that a man would want to spend hours kissing. She also had a body he’d be more than eager to pat down. Nice curves in all the right places, for sure, if a guy was in the market for a woman, which he wasn’t.

  He had plenty of women popping in and out of his life these days, which was just the way he liked it. In one day, out the next. The out part was the best part.

  Though right now the only thing that mattered to him was his dog. Dogs were the only creatures that were truly faithful. Women? Fun to play with. Definitely not fun to spend the rest of your life with. He’d tried that once.

  Epic fail.

  “The X-rays took just fine,” Emma said when she returned to the room. “I just need a few minutes to review them. I’ll be right back. ”

  “Sure. ”

  She led Luke and Boomer back to the exam room.

  He watched her walk out, disappointed the lab coat hid her backsid
e. Based on the front of her, he’d wager she had a great ass, though he didn’t see someone like Emma Burnett as a one-night-stand type. Too bad.

  Hell, he hadn’t seen her in town at all before today, hadn’t even realized the clinic had opened up again. Good timing.

  She came through the door a few minutes later. “I have good news. Nothing’s broken. ”

  He finally relaxed. “That’s great. ”

  “Boomer does have a sprain, though. I’m going to give him an anti-inflammatory injection and suggest you keep him calm. Which means no heroic police-dog activity for at least a week. ”

  Luke looked down at Boomer and scratched his ears. “He’s not going to like being off duty that long. ”

  Emma squatted and ran her fingers through Boomer’s fur. “I’m sure he won’t, but it’s a short period of time for recovery, compared to what could happen if he hurts himself while he’s still trying to heal. ”

  “Understood, Doc. I’ll make sure to take good care of him. ”

  “I’m going to wrap his leg, which will offer him some stability and ward off swelling. You can take it off after twenty-four hours. I’m also going to give you some anti-inflammatory meds. Give those to him once a day. They’ll help ease any discomfort he might feel. ”

  He watched her work. She was competent, and Boomer lay there like he was at a spa, his tail thumping while Emma talked to him in that soft, sweet way that females spoke to dogs. Boomer was eating it up, especially when Emma gave him a treat.

  “He’s going to want to come here every day now,” Luke said.

  Emma laughed, and Luke felt the twist of that sweet laugh all the way down to his balls.

  “Yeah, I’m very popular with the canine crowd. ”

  “I imagine you’re very popular with every male, human and canine. ”

  She lifted her lashes, and he saw the blush creep on her cheeks. Surely she was used to being complimented, but she looked away just as quickly and got down to business.

  Interesting. He didn’t see a wedding ring, but maybe there was a boyfriend and she thought he was hitting on her. Who knew? He was the last person to understand women.

  After the shot and bandaging, Emma walked him to the front desk.

  “What do I owe you?” he asked.

  She looked over at the computer. “You know what? I have no idea. Rachel handles all the accounting. ” She turned to him. “We can send you a bill. ”

  He frowned. “I can drop by tomorrow and settle up. ”

  “All right. Thanks. ”

  “No, thank you. You saved me a trip farther north to the other clinic. Boomer was in pain, so I’m glad you’re open and running. ”

  “It was my pleasure. ” She went to the desk and pulled one of her cards. “If you have any problems, or Boomer doesn’t seem to be getting better, give me a call, or bring him back in. ”

  “Will do. Thanks again, Emma. ”

  She blinked, looked at him as if there was something she wanted to say, then nodded. “You’re welcome . . . Luke. ”

  EMMA BALANCED THE dog carrier in one hand while nudging away Daisy’s excited attempts to push through the door leading into the house from the garage.

  “Daisy. I know. I’m hungry, too. Just give me a second to turn the knob, and it’ll be dinner time. ”

  Her purse drooped off her shoulder, the carrier tilted sideways, and Daisy barked. The pup whimpered.

  “Hang on, guys. ” She turned the knob and Daisy bolted inside, her toenails tapping on the wood floor as she disappeared into the darkness of the house.

  She hit the switch and the hallway was bathed in light. She laid the carrier on the dryer long enough to punch the button, dropping the garage door closed. Daisy came bounding back to lick her hand and give her a hopeful stare, and the puppy cried again.

  “I know, kids. I feel exactly the same way. I could use a bath and a glass of wine, but I’m sure that’s not first on your agendas, is it?”


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