Riding the Wave

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Riding the Wave Page 4

by Serenity King

  “I hated my dad for a long time, Tek. At a time that I most needed him, he wasn’t there for me. The only person I could lean on at the time was my father’s younger brother. My uncle Kadian is awesome. I wish he lived in the States all year round, but he spends most of his time in Jamaica. My father was Jamaican; I inherited his eyes. My grandfather was mixed, Caucasian and African-American. Apparently he was a man whore just like my father. My uncle is only about eight years older than me, and he has a different mother then my father. I just want to know…why, if he didn’t love my mother…why’d he marry her? And why, when I needed him the most, did he act as though I was invisible?” Josinia spit it all out in a rush.

  “Come here, baby,” he said, pulling her onto his lap and holding her tight. “You’ve had a lot to deal with in your lifetime. It’s not your fault. Some people are just selfish like that, only thinking of their own needs. Trust me, it was his loss. He missed out on having a relationship with his beautiful and intelligent daughter.”

  “My brain tells me that, but my heart just can’t seem to catch up,” she sniffled.

  Josinia buried her face in his chest and cried like a baby. She cried for all the times she hadn’t been given the chance to cry. She cried for the loss of her mom. She cried for almost hating her mom for leaving her alone. And she cried for this stranger who once again had given her so much, yet asked for so little in return. Josinia sat there on his lap for what seemed like eternity. She would have fallen asleep if her stomach hadn’t growled. Loudly.

  Tek chuckled. “Uh oh, I think someone is hungry.”

  “Oh God, that is so embarrassing,” she groaned into his chest.

  “Come on, let’s see what we can salvage of our dinner,” he said, getting up, placing her on her feet. “You can wear one of my shirts.” Josinia watched as he pulled on his discarded jeans, sans the underwear, and pulled out a white t-shirt for her. After she’d put it on, they walked to the kitchen and stopped dead in their tracks.

  There in the kitchen, sitting at the table, was someone with the identical face of her lover. Josinia shrunk behind Tek.

  “Tac, I thought you were going out?” Tek said.

  “I did. I’m back. Too tired,” he said. “You want to introduce me to your friend before she bolts?” He chuckled.

  “Not particularly, but I guess it would be the proper thing to do. Josinia, this is my twin Tac. He was just leaving,” Tek stressed.

  “Hello,” she said from behind Tek. She only had on Tek’s thin t-shirt that did nothing to hide what was underneath. She refused to parade around half naked in front of his brother. But damn, did his brother look good. Of course he did. They had the same face. Tek had said they were twins, but she’d had no idea that they were identical. Now, Josinia heard Tek’s brother’s laughter.

  “Josinia. What a lovely name. Tek, I had no idea you had company. I got in about fifteen minutes ago, saw this lovely meal, thought you’d blessed me with some food. My mistake. Take your lady back to bed. She’s embarrassed. I’ll fix you guys something light and call you when it’s ready.”

  Tek scowled at his brother.

  “Don’t worry, brother, I’ll be out of your way just as soon as I throw something together for the two of you to eat.”

  Tek turned to face her. “Josinia, baby, wait for me in the room—I want a word with my brother,” he whispered.

  “Okay,” she said without hesitation and made a beeline for his room.


  “What’s going on, Tac? It’s unusual for you to be in so early,” Tek said.

  “Nothing’s going on, Tek. Go enjoy your woman. She’s special, isn’t she?” Tac asked.

  “How’d you know?”

  “You’ve never brought a woman into your home, and she’s wearing that gold chain that you’ve worn around your neck since forever. Is she the one the chain belonged to?”


  “Good. Hold on to her, brother. God doesn’t make mistakes. I know you weren’t in love with her at the time, but there has to be a reason you two met up again. Don’t blow it. There comes a time in every man’s life where he has to reevaluate his priorities. Your time is now. I have a feeling that everything you’ve ever wanted in a woman is in that woman who just bolted into your room. Hell, Tek, you almost bit my head off when you thought I was looking at her,” he snickered.

  “That’s because you were looking at her.” Tek frowned.

  “Of course I was. She’s fine as hell. The point is you’ve never done that before. That tells me that whether you like it or not, you already have deep feelings for her. Like I said, hold on to her.”

  “She only wants tonight,” Tek murmured. “She’s had a lot of pitfalls in her life.”

  “Well, change her mind. Let her know you can’t do anything about the past, but going forward, you plan on being there for her every step of the way. Not just with words but in actions too,” Tac said.

  “Who are you and what the hell have you done with my brother?”

  Tac laughed outright. “Go to your woman, brother. I’ll go over to the guys’ place. I have a key. I’ll give them a call and tell them not to disturb you this weekend.”

  “Tac. Thank you. I don’t know what’s going on in your life at the moment. I know it’s something. When you’re ready to talk about it…I’m here.”

  “I know you are. Go, before I call Mom and tell her she’s about to have a daughter-in-law.”

  Tek looked horrified. “Don’t you dare,” he cried. “I haven’t even gotten Josinia to hang out with me for more than one night, let alone talk about marriage. Besides, I don’t know if I’m ready for marriage yet.”

  “Oh, you’re ready. Trust me. You’ll see.”

  “If you say so. I’ll see you sometime tomorrow. Thanks again, man,” he said, walking over to his brother and embracing him in a brotherly hug. Then he turned and walked back to the room where Josinia was waiting.


  Josinia stood out on the balcony taking in the beautiful, glorious morning. She’d left Tek sleeping like a baby. It wouldn’t be long before he joined her. He loved the dawn as much as she did. Josinia and Tek and been dating officially for one year today. They were back in Myrtle Beach celebrating with all of their friends and family. It was a gang of them, too. They hadn’t all gotten together like this since Tek and Tac’s thirtieth birthday party…which was a blast.

  Needless to say, Josinia had not only stayed overnight, but she’d spent the remainder of her vacation with Tek, hanging out with his brother and friends. Gemini, Stephanie and Pamela had joined them on occasion. The guys had instantly won them over. Tek’s friends were GQ fine, all of different nationalities. Josinia had once told Tek that when they were all together, they looked like a pornographic poster ad. The bodies those dudes housed were unbelievable.

  Their first night together, as promised, Tac had left them a delicious dinner of buttered shrimp, rice pilaf, green salad, and a nice bottle of red wine. Tac was a damned good cook. He still cooked dinners for the couple occasionally.

  She’d met his parents, and he’d met her uncle, and her brother and sister. He hadn’t been too impressed with Tempest and had told her so. That was her man…not afraid to say what was on his mind. Josinia loved him very much and knew he loved her. Not only did he tell her each and every day, but he also showed her. He was always the attentive lover and friend. She sighed. She was really happy.

  “Mommy, I’m finally happy,” she said to herself.

  “I’m glad,” she heard the voice before she felt the arms that came up and around her waist. “I intend to make you happy for the rest of our lives.”

  “Hey you,” she said, leaning back into him. “That a pretty tall order. How do you plan on filling it?”

  “By marrying you, of course.”

  “Excuse me?” she croaked out.

  “I said by marrying you. Dr. Josinia Brown, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”


  “Not quite the answer I was looking for. Let’s try this again,” he said, turning her around to face him.

  “Dr. Josinia Brown, will you make me the happiest man on earth by becoming my wife?” he asked again, smiling down into her shocked eyes. “Listen, don’t let me have to use my powers of persuasion on you.”

  “I welcome the use of your powers of persuasion. They always leave me deeply fulfilled. If I say yes, can I still get…uh…those persuasive powers?” she asked, the merriment evident in her eyes.

  “Of course, baby. Anything for you,” he whispered huskily.

  “Then yes, Teksuen Montreal, I will marry you just as soon as you can get me to a church,” she said excitedly.

  “Woo-hoo!” he yelled, picking her up and spinning her around.

  “Tek, put me down; you’re crazy.” She laughed.

  “Crazy in love with you. Come on, sweetness—your ring is in the bedroom with my powers of persuasion,” he said with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

  “Take me to it, then,” she cried happily.

  “The ring or the persuasion?”

  “Both, you silly man.”

  “Your wish is my command,” he said, racing with her in his arms back to the bedroom, where he sat her down on the bed and presented her with a beautiful antique diamond engagement ring.

  “Tek, this is beautiful,” she whispered.

  “So are you. It belonged to my great-grandmother. My mother gave it to me to give to you when I told her and my father that I’d planned on proposing to you today. They’re here, you know. My mother claimed it was to make sure that I did it right.” He laughed. “In truth, she’s so ecstatic that one of her sons is getting married she couldn’t contain herself. By the way, she said to tell you she wanted grandchildren right away.”

  “She’s not asking for much, is she?” Josinia snorted. She adored the beautiful Asian woman who would soon be her mother-in-law. Sachi had immediately taken her under her wing. She was like the mother Josinia missed so much. No one would be able to take her mother’s place…but she was happy she had someone to treat her like a daughter should be treated.

  “Stop thinking so much and let’s make love,” Tek said, sliding the silk robe off of her. “Dammit, Josinia, what’d I tell you about standing around on that balcony with nothing on underneath your robe?”

  “Oh shut up and make love to me,” she said, reaching between them, pushing his boxers down, and taking hold of his cock. His quick intake of breath stirred her on. “This belongs to me, you know.”

  “It’s belonged to you since we met again last year,” he groaned.

  Josinia flexed her fingers around him fully, palming him with her hand. “Yes, but now I get the papers on it,” she said, squeezing his cock for good measure.

  “Oh, baby, that feels good,” he said, eyes half-closed. “You don’t need papers, baby—haven’t looked at another woman since I’ve been with you. You’re all the both of us need. Oh man, that feels good.”

  “Does it now?” she whispered, circling the bulbous head with the palm of her hand, then traveling downward to cup his sack. He began pumping into her hand in earnest.

  “Damn, your hands are so fucking soft. They drive me crazy,” he moaned as if he was in pain. “Baby, I can’t wait.”

  “Good. Fill me,” she murmured.

  “Ride me,” he responded, kicking his boxers all the way off and flipping them so that she was on top of him.

  Going up on her knees, Josinia took hold of his erection, aligned his with her center and sank down on him, using her vaginal muscles to squeeze his cock in the process.

  “Oh my damn!” he yelled, surging up into her. “Ride it, baby, like you mean it.”

  And ride him she did. Planting both hands on his chest, she bounced up and down his cock, using every vaginal muscle she possessed to her advantage. It was a wonder they didn’t break the bed with the workout they were giving it. They were like two possessed beings racing toward completion.

  Tek had grabbed her hips, setting the pace. She loved when he took control. He liked to talk dirty to her. The best thing about her man was that he backed up every dirty word he said to her. He lifted up and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Head thrown back, she detonated all over his cock.

  “I love you,” she screamed out over her orgasm.

  “Love you too, baby,” he shouted, shooting his sperm into her. Each squirt of his seed set off another wave of orgasm through her.

  She collapsed on top of him. “You sure know how to give a woman a ride,” she panted.

  “I’m glad you think so. My turn, sweetness.” He chuckled, flipping her underneath him.


  “Again, baby. Just ride it out,” he said, thrusting back and forth into her. By the time he collapsed on top of her again, his cell phone was ringing.

  “Who could that be?” she said sleepily.

  Walking naked across the room, Tek picked his cell phone up off of the dresser and answered.


  “Did she say yes?” his brother’s voice came through the mouthpiece.

  “Tac?” he asked. He knew who it was—he was just jiving.

  “You know who the hell it is. Did she say yes or not?” he barked.

  “She said yes.” Tek had to hold the phone away from his ear and his brother’s shout of joy. Then he listened while he relayed the news to the guys. “Bye, Tac,” he said, disconnecting his call—only for the phone to ring again.

  “What the hell,” he grumbled.

  “Hello,” he yelled into the receiver.

  “Well hello to you too, son number one. Tell me, am I getting a daughter-in-law?” his mother said sarcastically.

  “Sorry, Mom. I thought you were someone else. Yes, you’ll be getting a daughter-in-law. Do me a favor—can you pass the news along? I’m turning off my phone. I would like to make love to my fiancée if everyone doesn’t mind. Love you all. Goodbye,” he said before disconnecting his cell and turning off the phone completely.

  “Oh my God! Tell me you didn’t just tell your mother we were going to be making love,” she cried, smothering her face in her hands.

  “I want you to myself for a little while longer before all the family and friends crowd in on us,” he whined, getting in bed beside her and pulling her into his arms.

  “Aww, that’s so sweet. Love you, baby,” she whispered, bringing her lips to his and giving him a kiss.

  “Love you too, sweetness.”

  The End.




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