Pleasure Planet

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Pleasure Planet Page 2

by Beverly Havlir

  “I’m going to give you pleasure you’ve never experienced before. I promise you that. I know you’re used to getting exactly what you want, exactly when you want it. That may not be the case this week. I’m going to test you. And as with any test worth its merit, there will be rewards as well as punishments. Real punishments, not playacting. I’m going to take you beyond the limits you’ve set with your conscious mind. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Aria surveyed the handsome man before her. This lovely specimen of male human perfection was giving her the “script” for their luscious little game. He was laying out the rules by which he would pretend to be her lord and master. Slowly she nodded, smiling slightly. She did feel at somewhat of a disadvantage since she was now naked and he was fully clothed. Still, she knew men, at least human men, found her quite attractive and she was proud of her firm, strong body.

  She had paid a pretty penny for this week! She might as well relax and enjoy it. Obviously, his posturing was all an act, how could it be otherwise? Though, he had sounded so serious as he gave his little speech. “Punishments”, indeed! The fellow wouldn’t dare to really punish her! She’d have the whole planet shut down! Let him play his games. She would stand up to him, play by play. If Ronan was reading her mind as these thoughts scrolled through it, he gave no indication. Gently he forced her to sit down on the couch. Kneeling between her knees, he spread her thighs with his large hands.

  “A few rules, my love. You will address me with respect. You will call me Ronan or Sir. You will thank me for each thing I do to you, whether you like it or not. You will obey each directive immediately or you will be punished. Do I make myself clear?”

  As he spoke, Ronan was staring at Aria’s silvery pubic curls, which had been perfectly colored to match the hair on her head. She found herself blushing furiously as 10


  he impassively eyed her bared pussy, the delicate folds peeking from under the curls. She tried to close her legs but his strong hands were upon her. He knelt down so that she could feel his breath against her skin. She felt her blood stirring like metal to a magnet. She knew she was wet and this embarrassed her all the more. She wouldn’t put up with this! Fantasy was one thing, but this was entirely too real for her taste or comfort. “I demand a refund!” she snapped. This new feeling of a loss of control made her words more sharp than she intended. And even as she protested, she couldn’t ignore the sexual desire blooming through her at this man’s dominant display. Still trying to hold onto her dignity she added, though with less conviction, “This is outrageous. You’re holding me against my will.”

  “Oh, Aria. Aria. Hush now with this foolishness. I told you before,” his voice was slow and patient, as if he were trying to explain something to a small and somewhat stupid child. “There is no one to whom you can appeal. I own you now. You can stamp those pretty little feet all you like. You can demand whatever you want, but it’s not going to get you anywhere. Except over my knee for a good spanking. Now, I’m being more than patient because we’ve only just begun and I can see you are little slow.”

  “How dare you!” This was too much! Slow?! She had been in the top one percent at university and she ran one of the largest corporations in the galaxy! Slow?! The audacity! When she got this straightened out, this Erosian would never work in this spa or anywhere else again! She would see to it. She stared at him now, aware that he was reading her mind as plainly as if she were speaking aloud. This infuriated her all the more, and impulsively, she slapped his face.

  Ronan’s head twisted, his eyes registering his surprise and pain. Apparently, her impulse hadn’t articulated itself in her mind and Ronan was caught by surprise. Aria held her breath, the first trickle of real fear dripping into her veins. Touching his cheek, Ronan stared at Aria for a moment. His golden eyes looked darker, almost brown. He seemed to be gathering his thoughts. Finally, he said, “You still do not understand, Aria. I can see words are wasted on you, though you humans must rely on them so heavily. Very well. I’ll stop explaining. What is that human expression, ‘actions speak louder than words’?”

  He sat next to Aria on the couch. She wrapped her arms protectively around herself turning her head away. As if lifting a pillow or a small child, Ronan easily pulled her across his firm thighs so that her bottom was lifted for the hand that now fell heavily across it. Aria screamed. This was no pretend spanking by a pretend pirate. It was a very real, and very hard swatting! Aria tried to slip from his lap but he held her down, gripping her head between his knees, and keeping one hand firmly against the small of her back. In addition to the sting of his hard palm against her, Aria felt humiliated to be held down in this ignoble position. Again and again he smacked her ass until Aria finally went limp from the struggle and tears were streaming down her soft cheeks. Only then, did Ronan pull her up onto his lap and cradle her, smoothing her tears with his fingers and kissing them away. In a soft voice he said, “You see, my love. I will 11

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  punish you if you disobey me. The sooner you learn that, the better things will go for you. Now, what do you say?”

  Aria sniffed loudly. She didn’t answer.

  “I said,” Ronan took her chin in his fingers and forced her to look at him, “what do you say? You are to thank me for each action, whether it be punishment or pleasure. And remember to properly address me.”

  Aria started to struggle against him, her eyes flashing, but her very sore and tender bottom made her think the better of it and meekly she said, “Thank you, Ronan.”



  Chapter Two

  Ronan stood with Aria still in his arms, and carried her into the bedroom. Most of the room was filled by the large bed, raised high on a dais. It was draped with pretty, bright silks over a canopy of black iron-like material. The drapes parted of their own accord as they approached and Ronan laid his slave girl on the bed. The mattress immediately conformed to her body’s contour. It was quite the most comfortable thing Aria had ever lain upon. If she hadn’t been so disconcerted and overwhelmed by what was happening to her, she would have curled up and gone right to sleep. Sighing, Aria closed her eyes, fatigue suddenly weighing her down. The space flight had taken its toll. It had been a long day and the moons over Eros were already setting. Her bottom still stung from the spanking and yet, at the same time, she couldn’t deny the heat of arousal in her sex. That spanking had loosened something in her. Something wound tight and held very close inside of her. Once she had gotten over Doran, she had fancied herself very much in control. While she had had many lovers over the years and considered herself experienced, she also felt she was impervious. No man could actually reach her heart, and this had suited her perfectly.

  This week was to have been just another enjoyable diversion in a series of sexual releases that a woman of her position and responsibility needed in order to relax and work at the top of her form. Now she gently rubbed her sore bottom. That spanking hadn’t been a playful swatting. She would probably bruise! How dare he? She knew she should feel more outrage than she in fact did.

  She also knew this man, this alien, whatever he was, could see into her mind. Past her mind it seemed, and into her secret fantasies. He had treated her in a way no man had ever dared. And she couldn’t deny it—it was thrilling, in a certain way, to know that at last there was someone who dared to stand up to Aria Loran, founder and Chief Executive Officer of Travel Kits Universal. Certainly, no one would have dared in any other circumstance. And yet, she was conflicted. It felt too real. It was real, she reminded herself, gingerly touching her tender bottom.

  Ronan left Aria alone for a moment, returning with a glass of something to drink. He handed it to her silently and Aria sniffed at it. The scent was something fruity, perhaps fermented, like a wine or mead. It was a dark magenta color, pretty against the pale gold of the cup. “What is it?” she asked.

  “It’s another Erosian wine. Made from a grape that grows in our moun
tainous regions to the north. Hopefully it is pleasing to your palette.” She sipped the drink. It was delicious! Greedily she drank the entire cup. Her head felt heavy and her body was 13

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  suddenly beyond fatigued. Ronan pressed her gently back against soft pillows as he took the empty cup from her limp hand.

  As her eyelids slid down, her last conscious vision was of the brightly colored silk canopy fluttering gently in the soft ocean breeze coming through an open window.

  * * * * *

  Aria came awake abruptly. The room was dark, though a hint of stars splashed some incandescent silvery light through the window. For a moment, Aria had no idea where she was. Her body felt delicious, perfectly relaxed. As her mind cleared, she recalled where she was, smack in the middle of this adventure, too sleepy to feel the slightest apprehension.

  The mattress gently cradled her body. Though she lay naked with no cover, the room’s temperature was perfectly suited to her—warm but fresh with the soft breeze scented by the Erosian Sea.

  She felt hands, strong but gentle against her, smoothing the muscles in her thighs and calves. Ronan was stretched out alongside her, though she couldn’t make out his features in the semi-dark. She felt his fingers, which gently prodded her to turn over onto her belly. She complied, feeling too peaceful and pleasant to resist. His strong fingers kneaded the muscles of her back and buttocks, eliciting a sigh of sleepy pleasure from the young woman.

  She felt as if she were melting back into the bed, a pool of liquid peace. When he gently shifted her to her back, Aria only moaned softly, half asleep. She came awake though as the man pushed her legs apart. His fingers brushed lightly against her spread sex. Instinctively Aria tried to close her legs, but found to her surprise she could not! He wasn’t holding her down or even touching her legs at all but she couldn’t move them.

  “It’s a force field,” he whispered as he leaned over her, nuzzling her neck with his nose and lightly running his lips down the curve of her collarbone. “Completely harmless. It just renders you, ah, more compliant to my wishes.” His kisses were like little whispered love songs, singing along her throat, her collarbone, her breasts. His lips closed lightly over a nipple. She felt his tongue, hot and sweet, against the tender tip.

  Aria was able to lift her head as Ronan moved to a position between her still-spread legs. She saw in the pearly light that he was dressed in some kind of sleep garb. It looked to be of light cotton or linen, the shirt cut with a deep V that showed a broad bare chest. She licked her lips at the beautiful sight of him, realizing that she would have liked to tell him to strip. He presented as a gorgeous human specimen, whatever his real species might be.

  Aria closed her eyes, succumbing at last, for what choice did she have? His tongue was like velvet, sliding softly against her sex, teasing out the moisture, making it flow. 14


  Yes, this was what she had paid for—perfect attentions, lovingly given. The fact that she couldn’t close her legs, even if she had wanted to, made it more exciting. She was this man’s captive, on a strange planet, completely removed from her entourage of servants, employees and friends. No one could rescue her, if that was what she needed. No, she didn’t need rescuing. She needed his lovely tongue, licking hot and hard against her. Though she couldn’t close her legs, she found she could arch her hips, and she did so, angling herself to best receive his oral offering.

  “Yes,” she hissed, low and insistent, as he continued to take her closer to the edge of release. “Yes, do it!” He did, skillfully bringing her to climax and then, after only a moment’s respite, doing it again.

  Just when she felt she couldn’t take another kiss, another smooth heated stroke, the force field was released and she was able to move again. Curling on her side, Aria breathed deeply, feeling the deep languor of sexual satiation settle over her like a net. Ronan slid up next to her, unfolding his body next to hers. He was still in his sleep garb. Aria found herself wondering sleepily if the Erosian was fully functional as a human male.

  Ronan laughed quietly and said into her ear, “Fully, my dear. As you shall soon experience. But not now. You are only dreaming now, my love. Go to sleep, go to sleep.” His voice was soothing as he hummed a quiet little tune, something almost familiar, something from long ago that sent Aria into a deep and dreamless sleep. It was, after all, only the first night.


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  Chapter Three

  Breakfast was sumptuous. In addition to Aria’s favorite summer fruits, there were fresh muffins, rolls and croissants, and something not unlike the eggs of New Earth, made into a delicious omelet with some kind of mushrooms. The coffee was strong and hot, with fresh cream.

  Aria had awoken to the pale orange sunlight of this planet, feeling unusually refreshed. Ronan was nowhere in sight, but she found the bathroom on her own and stepped into the shower. She was perplexed at first, as there were no knobs or familiar control panel, but after a moment, water sprayed hot and fast from the ceiling and walls of the shower stall. She realized the soap and shampoo were already in the water mixture and so she lathered up. At the precise moment she was ready to rinse, the water became clear. She made a mental note to explore the technology for her company. For now, though, she contented herself with her toilette and then went to find the man she had “purchased” for the week.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.” Ronan was sitting at the table, sipping a cup of something fragrant and hot. He was dressed now in white linen pants, rumpled and loose against his strong body. He wore no shirt. Aria saw that he was darkly tanned and his muscles rippled as he lifted his cup.

  She realized she was staring and looked toward the food. Seeing the delicious spread, she sat, quickly loading her plate with fruit and bread, accepting Ronan’s offer to fill her cup. “Well, good morning to you, Ronan. Or should I say, ‘Sir’?” The man’s admonitions of the night before—how she must address him with respect and thank him for every act—seemed silly now in the light of day.

  Ronan smiled blandly and said, “As you wish, Aria. Nothing has changed since last night. I’ve been planning our agenda for today.”

  “Oh?” Aria grinned at him. He could pretend he was her master all he liked, but surely, they both knew who was paying whom.

  “Yes. Today we are going to explore your difficulty with letting go. Your intense need to control all situations at all costs.”

  “I’m sure I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Aria said coldly. “Unless you’re referring to the fact that I control a virtual empire of businesses that span over one hundred planets throughout the galaxy. Or the fact that I haven’t felt the need to mate or sign a marriage contract with a man.” She looked at him defiantly, waiting for his cowed response.

  “No, actually. I wasn’t referring to that. At least not directly. I was referring to the way you always hold your heart in check. To the way you never completely give of 16


  yourself, no matter how intimate a situation might appear to be. And beneath that to your, as yet mostly unexplored submissive nature and desires. That, I think, is the key to setting you free.”

  Aria felt herself flush and she turned away. “I wasn’t aware I needed ‘setting free’. You overstep your place, Sir.”

  Ronan smiled gently at Aria, putting his large hand over her much smaller one. His voice was soft, even compelling, as he said, “Aria, my dear. Please. You needn’t fight me at every turn. I’m not some competitor for your business or even a lover seeking your permanent attentions. This is your week. If you choose, we can just make it about easy sex and simple satisfaction.

  “But you fascinate me. I don’t mind telling you, I petitioned for your assignment. Your profile is so complex. Most of the humans I see are after a simple ‘good time’. Forgive my bluntness, but they just want an attractive partner to fuck their brains out for a week and then send them on their way. Not that there’s anything wrong with that
. I appreciate the human need for release and simple pleasures. I even admire it.

  “But there was something different about you. Perhaps it’s because you’re such a high-profile success story—beautiful and independently wealthy—with a high intelligence and a very curious nature. And an underlying, and as yet unexplored, submissive streak that draws me to you, makes me want to test you. To help you release that very sexy aspect of your personality that no other being has tapped into.”

  Aria was staring at him, her breakfast forgotten. “That was quite a speech,” she remarked. She had been pleased with his rather glowing description of her, but she was used to the accolades that went along with success. More, she was intrigued with his references to her sexual submissiveness. The brain scans and profiling these Erosians did obviously went far deeper than what kind of sex toys someone liked.

  “I admit,” she said slowly, “that your rather dominant behavior since I’ve arrived has been very exciting. I mean, you’re right, I’m not used to anyone telling me what to do, or ‘forcing’ me to do it. I’m certainly not used to having my bottom spanked!”

  She blushed a little, recalling how the sting of the spanking had somehow transmuted itself into sexual heat inside of her. She recalled the intense orgasm of the night before, and that was only his fingers and tongue! What would his cock be like?

  Remembering that he could hear her thoughts as if she spoke them aloud, she felt the heat creep up her cheeks, but Ronan only smiled slightly. “Go on,” he encouraged.

  “Share with me. What was it like to be held by the force field, unable to stop me, whatever I chose to do?”

  “It was,” she stopped, searching for the words. “It was exhilarating. Yes, it really was! To know that I couldn’t get away from you, no matter what you did, was very arousing for some reason. I felt so feminine, so sexy, so desired. It was,” now she grinned, seeing his point, “freeing.”


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