Pleasure Planet

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Pleasure Planet Page 14

by Beverly Havlir

  She tore her lips from his. “What have you done to me?” she gasped as he went deep. “Ahhh.” The lust churning inside her was driving her beyond control, turning her into a crazed woman.

  He sat down on the bed, positioning her on top of him. Ava straddled him, her legs on either side of his. She shamelessly ground down on his hand. Sharp needles of pleasure attacked her from all directions. Lifting her breast to his mouth, she offered herself to him.

  Tristan took her nipple between his teeth and gently bit down. The shock of the pleasure-pain had her throwing back her head. He wrapped the long tresses of her hair around his free hand and tugged, arching her neck back. Then he feasted on her. There was no other way to describe the way he ate at her breasts, tugging, pulling and driving her out of her mind. The rough way he was treating her was exactly how she wanted it. She didn’t want slow or gentle right now. She wanted fast and hard. 97

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  Plunging her hands into his short, dark hair, she pulled him closer. He opened wide, pulling most of her breast in his mouth. Ava shut her eyes tightly, a willing participant in the furious ride. She needed his cock in her. Now. She fumbled with his trousers, moaning with more than a hint of desperation. When she finally eased his cock free from its confines, she made a delighted sound. The head was thick and red, a drop of clear liquid balancing at the slit. She licked her lips. She wanted him in her mouth so bad she was shaking with it. Scrambling off his lap, she knelt between his legs. She pulled the pants free of him and tossed them aside. His cock was a hard stalk of flesh that jutted from a nest of dark curls. He was long and thick, and he made her mouth water with longing. With a small moan of hunger, she fitted her lips over the broad tip and took him deep with a slow slide of her wet mouth.

  He groaned.

  Ava was aware of nothing else except the hard piece of flesh she was savoring. It pleased her enormously to slide him deep in her mouth and lave him with her tongue. She wanted him, all of him.

  Her eyes fluttered open and met his. Fine lines of strain etched his face, and he was looking at her with absolute concentration. Slashes of color appeared high on his sharp cheekbones. Wanting to drive him as crazy as this was driving her, she ran her lips sexily up and down his shaft, taking the time to lick the thick vein on the underside of his flesh.

  His hips came off the bed. Gripping his thighs tightly, she slid down and licked the two spheres at the base of his cock. She pulled one in and sucked, lingering over her caresses. Making her way back up to the tip, she took him deep, as deep as she could, and held him there for a moment. The slurping sounds she made were delicious to her ears. Did he realize how hungry she was for him? She was going insane with wanting him. She wanted his essence, to take that part of him deep within her. She wanted him to come in her mouth. Maybe that would assuage this terrible hunger that was now overtaking her. She was so lost, so steeped in pleasure that she didn’t notice the momentary stiffening of Tristan’s body.

  Tristan looked up as the door swished silently open. Logan and Jed stood on the threshold, wide-eyed and struck speechless by the erotic scene they’d discovered. Logan opened his mouth to speak, but Tristan shook his head, quieting him. So his men stood as silent witnesses, watching the beautiful creature between his legs devouring his cock. They weren’t unaffected. Their cocks had visibly swelled and were straining against their trousers.

  Tristan cupped Ava’s head and guided her movements, wordlessly urging her to go faster and take him deeper into her throat. She was a natural, her tongue skillful, her mouth a delightful cavern of temptation. The sight of his cock stretching her lips wide as she enjoyed herself was unbelievably erotic. His blood surged through his veins. 98

  Tristan’s Woman

  He pulled her up and positioned her on top of him. He took her lips in a hot kiss, lifting and squeezing the generous mounds of her breasts. He heard her whimper and felt her pussy brush against the tip of his cock. Her moan of frustration made him smile. Positioning her over him, he slid deep into her, sheathing himself to the hilt in one swift stroke.

  “Ohhhh,” she gasped.

  He gritted his teeth as the heat in her pussy enveloped him once more, holding still until he got used to the unusually high temperature inside the slick walls. The combination of moisture and heat sent pleasure skittering up his spine, threatening to overload his senses. Grasping her hips, he guided her up and down. Soon, it was she who took up a fast rhythm, bouncing up and down his cock, stretching up until only the tip was left in her pussy before plunging deep again and again. By the Gods, she was a natural sensualist. His glance slid to his comrades. They had a clear view of his cock sliding inside Ava’s pussy again and again. A thick surge of lust welled inside him at the admiration in their gazes for his woman. Ava threw her head back and moaned.

  “Look,” he rasped.

  She followed his gaze, twisting slightly to look over her shoulder and promptly froze. “Tristan?”

  He didn’t cease pumping his cock in and out of her wet pussy while he gauged her reaction. “They’ve been watching you, Ava,” he whispered roughly. “Watching as you take your pleasure on my cock. First in your mouth, then in your pussy.”

  Her breathing was shaky. It was obvious she was torn between wanting to go on, and discomfort at discovering they were being watched. But he didn’t stop the mindblowing strokes in her pussy. He tunneled in and out, varying his speed and depth, making every effort to stop himself from spilling at the heat surrounding his cock. He watched her eyes glaze over with pleasure, watched her wrestle with her inhibitions. Gradually, she fell again under the spell of the desire surging through both of them, and her hips started moving once more.

  “That’s the way, Ava,” he whispered as he tongued her nipple. “Show them how much you enjoy fucking me. They’re mesmerized by your beauty, hypnotized by the sight of your pink pussy swallowing my cock over and over again.” He sucked the delicate skin at her throat. “Does it excite you more knowing that they’re watching you?” She whimpered. His fingers tightened on her hips. “Does it?” he repeated roughly. At her nod, he smiled with satisfaction. Lifting her in his arms, he shifted on the bed so that she was facing the door. “Look at them.” He could see Logan and Jed reflected on the darkened window of the ship.

  Her eyes flared with surprise, shadowed by temptation.

  “Look at them and let them see you. It’s all right,” he soothed when she made a small protest. “It’s all right to let them see. If they could feel the heat from your pussy, they’d never last. You’re so hot, you feel so good.”


  Beverly Havlir

  Ava tore her gaze away from him to look at the two men watching them fuck. A tight fist of desire curled inside Tristan. She had that lost look of somebody so immersed in pleasure, so lost in the moment, she didn’t care who saw her. He slipped a finger between her lips, stifling a groan when she immediately started sucking. He heard a choked moan, and didn’t know whether it came from Logan or Jed.

  “Play with your nipples,” he commanded, never ceasing in fucking her willing pussy. Her small hands cupped her heavy breasts, her fingers pinching and pulling at the stiff tips. “Tell me what you’re feeling, Ava. Tell me what you want.” He kept his gaze on the images reflected on the window, at the graceful line of Ava’s back and beyond that, his men’s rapt gazes as they watched her undulate on his lap.

  “Fuck me, Tristan. Fuck me hard and deep,” she sobbed brokenly. At her impassioned plea, Logan began to rub his stiff cock. Jed wasn’t faring any better, his fists clenching, affected by the sight of the woman bouncing hungrily on Tristan’s lap.

  Tristan gritted his teeth as the pleasure swelled inside him. He was going to come soon, he could feel it. The heat was tremendous. Cupping the plump cheeks of her ass, he lifted her higher and plunged deeper, the sweet sound of her moan reaching his ears. He lost awareness of the two watching. Now he was intent on pushing them both over the edge. Ava was making sexy, torture
d mewling noises above him. It spurred him on. The ride was furious, rough and fast. He gritted his teeth, feeling the beginnings of her orgasm. Her pussy tightened and contracted on his cock and he almost lost it. He didn’t let go of his control until he heard her scream and felt her shudder violently. Only then did he give one mighty thrust and shoot off deep inside her pussy.

  Afterwards, Ava was slumped over him, her face shiny with sweat. He hugged her tight, his flesh still pulsing deep inside her. He drew back, feeling her stiffen. “What’s wrong?”

  Her cheeks were a deep red. “Those two men…” she trailed off and took a deep breath. “They were watching us.”

  Tristan gently pushed her hair back. “Does it bother you?” She bowed her head. He tipped her chin up. “They enjoyed it as much as we did, Ava. You shouldn’t be ashamed. You were so beautiful, lost in the throes of pleasure. I was proud to have them witness that.”

  She buried her face in his neck. “I’ll never be able to face them, whoever they are.”

  He chuckled, feeling relaxed and replete. “They’re my comrades, my second-and third-in-command. We’ve been together for a long time. They’re like my brothers.” He paused. “I like it that they watched me fucking you, giving you pleasure.”

  She mumbled something he didn’t understand.

  “It was exciting, was it not?” he asked softly. “It excited you, knowing that they were so affected, so aroused.”


  Tristan’s Woman

  Her lashes lowered, hiding her eyes from him.

  He smiled. “You aroused them, Ava. They watched you play with your breasts and they almost couldn’t help themselves. It’s natural to revel in somebody’s admiration. Don’t be embarrassed.”

  She released a sigh, the sound a mixture of acceptance and resignation. “It’s all your fault. You’ve turned me into a wanton hussy.”

  Possessiveness welled inside him and he pulled her close. “We’ll get your brother out of the High Council’s compound. Then I’m taking you back to Karn’al where you belong.”


  Beverly Havlir

  Chapter Five

  Ava walked into the operations room of the ship, her fingers intertwined with Tristan’s. Hot color flooded her cheeks at the sight of the two men standing in the middle of the room.

  She made herself look them in the eye as Tristan performed the introductions, refusing to look away. Both men were tall and built, with muscles that rippled with obvious strength. Logan was older, his face harsher, but there was a sensuality inherent in the firm slash of his lips. Jed was younger and very good-looking, charming and confident, judging from the sensual light that lurked in his deep green eyes. Sexual tension thickened the air, but it was gone quickly. The men were once again looking at her with polite regard. She flushed, confused by the tightening of her nipples under the tunic. A low, insistent throbbing started in her pussy. Ava didn’t see the grin that Tristan quickly stifled. He turned to his men. “Her brother is the other energy spike we’ve been picking up.” Logan and Jed nodded. “He’s being held inside the High Council compound.”

  He walked toward a three-sided, complicated-looking console. It was full of buttons that blinked incessantly. Tristan pressed one in front of him. Ava’s eyes widened as a realistic-looking, three-dimensional map of Eros came up between the three men. Tristan examined the map. “We need to get in and out without alerting the guards.”

  Logan grunted. “I’m in the mood for a fight. Why don’t we take the whole lot of them on?”

  Jed’s lips curved. “Sounds like fun to me.”

  Tristan shook his head firmly. “Ordinarily, I’d be all for it, too. Except we got word that a Pagan cruiser has been spotted heading here.”

  Logan grinned with relish. “Even better.”

  “We can’t wait for them to get here. We get Ava’s brother and we get out.” Tristan cocked an eyebrow at Jed. “Anything from the subterranean probe?”

  “Negative,” Jed replied. “I found no other way in. Like I said, one way in, one way out.”

  Ava watched this exchange with interest. Tristan was every inch the commander, his bearing tall and straight, inspiring confidence with his strength. Jed and Logan were no less intimidating, their casual confidence a clear indication of their skills in combat. Logan gestured to the towers. “Guards are changed every four hours. One guard stays inside the tower, one patrols the walkway. It takes five minutes to walk from one end to the other.”


  Tristan’s Woman

  Tristan placed his palms on the console and leaned in. “Weapons?”

  “Very primitive,” Jed replied. “They have a variety of them, from laser to oldfashioned, bullet-equipped guns.”

  Tristan considered the map for a moment. “We go in here.” He pointed to the corner tower before turning to Jed. “Can we lock on to the energy signal?”

  “It fades in and out. There’s too much interference in the compound,” Jed replied.

  “They’re using some sort of low-level signal to jam electronic devices.”

  “So we can’t just teleport out of there after we find him?” Logan asked.

  “Negative.” Jed pushed some more buttons on the console. “We’re going to have to do this the old-fashioned way. We have to retrieve the target and get some distance away from the compound to teleport back here.”

  Tristan grunted. “Fine. We go in, get our target and get out. We have to make it to a safe teleporting distance with a minimum of fuss. We don’t want the Pagans alerted of our activities.”

  “That’s too bad,” Jed drawled in mock regret. “I’m just itchin’ for a fight.”

  Logan muttered his agreement, but they didn’t oppose Tristan’s plan. Ava spoke up. “I want to go with you.”

  “No,” Tristan answered without even looking at her.

  She bristled at being dismissed so easily. “He’s my brother.” She lifted her chin.

  “You don’t have the right to stop me from going.”

  Logan and Jed looked on with foolish grins on their faces, waiting for Tristan’s answer. He shot them a quelling glare before facing her, his stance one of exaggerated patience. “It may get messy down there. My men and I need to focus on retrieving the target, not have to worry about your ass.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “My ass will be perfectly fine. I’m not a dimwit. I know enough to stay out of danger.” She felt a moment of trepidation as his eyes hardened but she refused to back down. She wanted to go, dammit.

  “You will do as you’re told and stay here on the ship, awaiting our return.” His tone and countenance didn’t change, but just the same Ava swallowed the lump that suddenly lodged in her throat.

  She gritted her teeth in frustration. “Kell does not know what’s going on. If I’m there, he’ll come without resistance.”

  Jed’s lips curved in amusement. “I don’t think he’ll be in any position to refuse us.”

  Ava shot him an irritated glance. Men. They were all the same. They stuck with each other, like some sort of primal tribal thing. She turned to Tristan. “I’m asking you again. Let me go with you. I haven’t seen my brother in a long time. I won’t be any trouble, I assure you. Kell will understand better and come willingly if I’m there,” she reiterated.

  Tristan’s dark, inscrutable gaze stayed on her for long moments before he sighed.

  “Fine. But you will do exactly what we tell you. If you lag behind or we run into trouble 103

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  because of you, I won’t hesitate to take you back here in a second, do you understand me?”

  Pleased at her small victory, she nodded eagerly. “Thank you.”

  “We’ll be ready to go as soon as it turns dark,” Tristan informed them. “Ava, you’ll find some clothes in my quarters.” His eyes traveled down her bare legs. “Much as I like the sight of you with only that tunic on, you’ll need more clothing than that.”

  Her cheeks flaming, Ava shot
him a glare that promised reprisals later, before she walked out with her head held high. As soon as the door swished closed behind her, Logan chuckled.

  “With all due respect, Tris, I think having some pussy has made you soft.”

  Jed grinned, nodding in agreement. “I agree.”

  A smile played around Tristan’s lips. “It’s hard to say no to her. She’s something else.”

  “We know. We were there, remember?” Logan murmured.

  “I take it that you haven’t told her about the Ritual of Acceptance?” Jed asked carefully.

  Tristan grimaced. “Not yet. It’s too early to tell if she’s it for me.”

  Logan’s eyebrow rose. “Will you be able to let her go once we take her back to Karn’al?”

  He sighed. “I don’t know. I haven’t exactly given it any thought.”

  “Somebody will claim her, if you don’t,” Logan reminded him. “The policy to procreate is of the utmost importance. She’ll be placed on the list for immediate claiming.”

  A sigh blew from Tristan’s grim lips. Procreation was high up on the Prime Ruler’s list of goals. Due to the near extinction of their race, unclaimed Karn’alian women were required to submit to the harvesting of their eggs to match with male donors so that scientists could proceed with procreation experiments. The thousands of Karn’alians expected to be brought back home were needed to expand the gene pool. But the Prime Ruler had made it clear that artificial reproduction was to be the last resort. He wanted breeding done the natural way. As a result, Karn’alian men were required to claim women as their mates as soon as possible. As soon as Ava arrived on Karn’al, she would be placed on the claiming list. That gave him pause. The thought of some other man laying a hand on Ava brought an odd sense of tension in him.

  “Logan’s right,” Jed spoke up. “A little pussy on the side is fine, but when we take her back, you know she’ll be claimed, unless you claim her as yours first.”


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