Broken Together

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Broken Together Page 39

by K. S. Ruff

  He nodded. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Dan took the lead when I veered to the right. This trail wasn’t lit by luminaries, but the palace lent just enough light.

  A groundskeeper met us at the base of the stairs. “Ms. Stone, the room is ready for you.”

  “Obrigada,” I replied.

  More stunned glances and gasps ensued when we entered the palace.

  Lexie tentatively touched the wall. “How could anyone possibly carve this fine of detail into an entire wall?” In varying ornate patterns, birds, flowers, and leaves had been carved into each and every wall. They’d been painted in deep burgundy, ivory, and gold tones.

  “Look at the ceiling,” Cenia murmured. The rose marble columns that lined the hallway were topped with fine filigree arches that rivaled the intricate walls. The lights hidden behind the columns offered a fine dusting of gold along the ceiling and floor.

  I walked toward the gold and ivory piano room at the far end of the hall. “We’ve reserved the palace through noon so you can explore all you want.” The piano room was my favorite room in the palace. Tall, arched windows framed the circular room that lie beneath an ivory and gold filigree dome shaped ceiling. The same intricate pattern that graced the ceiling filled the top portion of each window. The wood inserts were so finely carved it appeared as if lace valances were hung against the windows. Tall marble columns sat between each window supporting additional filigree arches painted in gold. More than anything, I wanted to lie on the floor and admire that room for a solid twenty four hours, just so I could see how the sun and the moonlight played through all the windows.

  “This is the most romantic room I’ve ever seen,” Shae noted reverently. “I may never leave.”

  “Me either,” Marie agreed.

  I glanced at my cell phone. “Father Ramires will be here in twenty minutes. I don’t know how long he’s staying, so you might want to get dressed.”

  My friends took turns ducking behind the privacy screens that were set out for us. One by one they appeared in the deep purple gowns.

  Lexie gave me a hug. “I love this dress.”

  “Me too.” Kimme spun in front of the full length mirror. “I feel like a princess.”

  I gave her a hug. “I’m so glad you’re here. I have a small gift for each of you.” I handed my friends the lavender gift bags containing the amethyst necklaces and earrings I’d purchased for them.

  “Thank you, Kri.” Shae hugged me.

  Marie offered me another hug. “I know you don’t want us to see you in your wedding dress, but can we at least help you get the other garments in order?”

  “Sure,” I agreed.

  Lexie pressed a small velvet box into my hand. “Here are the pearl tear drop earrings you requested.” They were the same earrings she wore on her wedding day.

  “Is that your something borrowed?” Kimme inquired curiously.

  I popped the lid open so I could admire the earrings. “Yes. The pearl necklace I’m wearing belonged to Rafael’s mother, so that’s my something old. The pearl headpiece is my something new. The pearl earrings are borrowed, and…” I wiggled my toes, “this Tiffany blue polish is my something blue.”

  “Oh my God! I love these shoes!” Cenia held up the jeweled Chanel sandals for everyone to see.

  Lexie frowned. “What’s that on the bottom?”

  Cenia turned the shoe over, gasped, and then grabbed the other shoe. “Rafael wrote you a note.” She giggled before handing me the shoes.

  “These stay on tonight,” was scrawled across the bottom of the right shoe. “Mrs. Garcia,” was written across the left.

  My cheeks heated. “That man…”

  My friends laughed as Marie finished the sentence. “… is crazy in love with you.”

  A light tap sounded against the door. “Kristine?”

  “Father Ramires,” I breathed.

  Cenia gave me a hug. “We’re going to explore this wing while you meet with him. We’ll move outside at five-fifteen but remain hidden until we hear Pachelbel’s Canon in D.”

  Lexie stopped short of the door. “If we’re walking ahead of you, who is walking the trail with you?”

  I frowned. “I hadn’t really thought about that. Dan and Kadyn should be in their seats by then. The trail is only a short distance…”

  She threw her hands on her hips. “With your luck, the Russian mafia or the SVR will kidnap you right out from under Rafael’s nose. I’ll walk with you until we round that corner behind all the chairs.”

  I chewed my bottom lip.

  Her eyebrows rose. “Are you suggesting that I can’t protect you as well as Kadyn or Dan? I earned a double black belt, I still spar, and I can still kick…”

  I cupped my hand over her mouth. “Father Ramires is standing right outside that door.”

  She licked my hand.

  I jerked my hand away. “Ewww. What did you do that for?”

  Her shoulders lifted in a delicate shrug. “You were messing up my makeup.”

  I just shook my head. “Fine. You can come back and help me dress, and you can walk me down the trail but not the aisle. Happy?”

  “Yep.” She grinned.

  I opened the door for Father Ramires. “Hi, Father, thank you for coming.”

  He clasped my freshly licked hand in his. “You look lovely, Kristine. How are you feeling?”

  I waited for the girls to leave. “Good. Elated, really.”

  His eyes warmed. “May I?” He extended his hand toward my tummy. Rafael told Father Ramires about the civil ceremony and the baby shortly after I returned to Virginia. Any embarrassment he may have felt was outweighed by his desire to have Father Ramires praying for our unborn child.

  I nodded.

  He pressed gently against my womb. “God, we pray your blessings for this unborn child, for your protection, and a healthy birth. Lord, who has blessed Kristine Annabelle Garcia with the joys of motherhood, grant her comfort in all anxiety and help her lead her child in the ways of salvation. Lord, who has chosen Rafael Tiago Garcia to know the pride of fatherhood, grant him courage in this new responsibility and render him an example of justice and truth. Amen.”

  “Amen,” I repeated softly.

  He promptly removed his hand. “Have you been fasting?”

  I nodded. I purposely avoided the pastries and the tea at the spa so I could take communion during the wedding.

  He eyed me thoughtfully. “I heard you stopped by the church to make your confessions on Thursday.”

  “Yes, Father.” We made our confessions shortly before our friends arrived.

  He smiled. “Is there anything burdening your heart that I should be aware of?”

  I shook my head. “I feel peace for the first time in a very long time. I’m very excited to begin this next chapter in my life.”

  “Splendid. Then we’ll proceed with the ceremony as planned.” He glanced at his watch. “Most of the guests have arrived. Can you be ready by five-thirty?”

  I walked him to the door. “I just need to step into my dress.”

  “Very well then. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.” His white robe billowed against the door when he stepped into the hall.

  Lexie squeezed through the door. “Jase stopped by to check on you, but he’s with Rafael now. Dan and Kadyn just left so they could join the other guests. That makes me your bodyguard.”

  My phone pinged. I glanced at the screen. “Charlie sent one of his inspirational texts.”

  She unzipped the garment bag. “I’m surprised he’s not here.”

  I helped her ease the dress from the bag. “Charlie’s in-laws were in a car crash over the weekend. They’ve been discharged from the hospital, but they still need help getting around.”

  She nodded, sadly. “I’ll add them to my prayers.” Charlie started sending Lexie inspirational messages when she had her kidney transplant. He was still texting her three years later, even though they’d never met in person. “What does Charli
e have to say?”

  I scrolled through the message. “Be assured of your Father’s blessing, his presence, his favor, and his surrounding grace. Who you are and everything you have is the result of his favor. He is your sun and shield, and his honor validates you. Your Father smiles on you with his compassion and his full blessing as you seek him. He has written this day of your life in his book. Be blessed in the name of the one who rejoices today in doing you good. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love, Charlie.”

  “He is a kind man.” She rolled her eyes at my dress before removing it from the hanger. “This is a wardrobe malfunction just waiting to happen.”

  I ducked behind the privacy screen so I could undress. The only undergarment I needed was a thong, since the dress had a built in bra. I wasn’t planning to wear stockings because I was wearing sandals, and I wanted my nail polish to show.

  Lexie helped me step into the dress, but she stopped just short of my stomach. Her eyes flew to mine.

  I laughed at the astonished look on her face. “Surprise!”

  The dress fell to the floor as Lexie rose. “You’re pregnant?”

  “Nineteen and a half weeks,” I confirmed.

  She flung her arms around me. “Kri! I’m so happy for you!” Abruptly, she held me at arm’s length. “Are you okay? Is the baby okay? I mean, everything is going to be okay, right?”

  I laughed. “The baby is fine. We just want to wait on the announcement until I’m a little further along.”

  Her eyes darkened. “I’m going to kick that man’s ass. He should have married you the second he learned you were pregnant.”

  “He did,” I assured her. “We were married in a civil ceremony shortly after we discovered I was pregnant.”

  Her arms folded across her chest. “Why am I just now hearing this?”

  I bent down to retrieve my dress. “We’ve only been married a few weeks. I know I should have told you, but it’s been a little crazy between Maxim’s election, graduation, and the wedding.”

  She turned me around so she could untangle the pearls draped across my back. “I don’t care how busy you are. That would have required a five minute phone call.”

  “Yeah, right.” I fastened the sandals before stepping out from behind the privacy screen. I stood in front of the mirror. “Do you think this is too revealing?”

  She eyed me critically. “I can barely see your tummy, and that’s just because I’m looking for it. Honestly, I doubt anyone will notice. They’ll be too busy gaping at that neckline and the back of your dress.”

  I laughed. “That’s the part I was worried about.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “Oh! In that case, I think you’re fine. The dress is a little steamy, but it’s also very romantic. You look stunning, Kri.”

  Cenia rapped on the door. “We just received the ten minute warning, so we’re going to head down the trail. Your bouquets are on the table right outside the door.”

  “Thanks!” I gave Lexie another hug. “Shall we?”

  She linked her arm in mine. “Absolutely.”

  My breath caught when I saw my bouquet. Carefully, I brought the breathtaking display of white calla lilies, deep purple roses, lavender, and white wisteria to my nose. “This smells heavenly.”

  “Mmmm,” Lexie agreed. Her eyes were barely visible above her bouquet.

  “When did I start enjoying flowers?” I wondered aloud.

  Lexie peeked through the main door while I gathered my train. “All clear.”

  Our heels clicked against the stone terrace and the short flight of stairs leading into the gardens. Thankfully, the trail was hidden behind bushes and trees. Although we couldn’t see anything beyond the trail, we could hear the string quartet playing Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring.” The rest of my bridesmaids would be waiting at the fork in the trail until they began playing Pachelbel’s “Canon in D.” That was their cue to walk down the aisle.

  I glanced up at the sky. The clouds glowed deep purple and orange in the early morning dawn, but the landscape was still dark. I could make out the shapes of bushes and trees, but the flowers would remain hidden until the sun crept over the hillside. The lush forest surrounding the palace grounds smelled fresh and earthy. A few rambunctious birds chirped over the music.

  The deep, rich tones of the cello wafted through the trees. A violin followed, then another, and finally the viola. Pachelbel’s “Canon in D” evoked so much longing, I stopped walking. “It’s time.” Suddenly, it didn’t matter that Rafael and I were already married. My heart raced, and my nerves scattered.

  “I love you, Cuz.” Lexie maneuvered her way around my bouquet so she could give me a hug. She hurried around the bend, so she could watch the other girls walk down the aisle. She reappeared a few seconds later. “Two down, three to go. Will you be okay, standing here alone?”

  I inched closer until a large shrub was the only thing blocking me from view. “I’ll be fine. Rafael has men patrolling the palace grounds.”

  She nodded her approval before joining the other women.

  I took a deep breath and blew it out. Still, my heart raced. Why was I so nervous? “We’re already married,” I scolded myself. That didn’t help.

  I peered around the bush. A light smattering of fresh lavender and deep purple rose petals dusted the runner beneath Lexie’s feet. While soft, the palace lights illuminated the terrace where everyone was sitting. My eyes widened when I saw all of the people. Rafael, Father Ramires, our groomsmen, and bridesmaids stood waiting for me. How could this fairytale wedding belong to me?

  I shrank back behind the bush. Why did I insist on walking alone? This wasn’t a small courtyard filled with strangers. This was nearly everyone I knew and a bunch of people from the police force. Within seconds, they would be watching me walk down that aisle. They would be listening while I spoke my vows and declared my love for Rafael.

  The baby kicked right where my hand rested with the bouquet. I dropped the train. Ever so slowly, a smile replaced the stunned look on my face. That was an honest to goodness kick… the first kick I’d ever felt. I couldn’t wait to share the news with Rafael. “Okay, little guy, walk me down the aisle.”

  I took a deep breath before straightening my train. I pressed my hands against my stomach behind my bouquet. Slowly, but surely, I stepped into the clearing. My feet stalled when everyone stood, so I took another deep breath and fixed my eyes on Rafael. The music carried me the rest of the way.

  With a tender smile, Rafael offered me his hand. He bowed slightly as he brought my fingers to his lips. “You have stolen my heart all over again.”

  I cupped his face in my hand. “As you have stolen mine.”

  Father Ramires waited for the string quartet to finish playing Pachelbel’s “Canon in D.” “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Rafael Tiago Garcia and Kristine Annabelle Stone in marriage.” His warm brown eyes sought ours. “I ask you to state your intentions for the sacrament of holy matrimony.”

  Rafael spoke first. “I, Rafael Tiago Garcia, come here freely and without reservation to join Kristine Annabelle Stone in holy matrimony. I promise to love, honor, and cherish her all the days of my life.”

  Father Ramires smiled.

  I took a deep breath before reciting the lines we’d been asked to memorize. “I, Kristine Annabelle Stone, come here freely and without reservation to join Rafael Tiago Garcia in holy matrimony. I promise to love, honor, and cherish him all the days of my life.”

  “Will you accept children as gifts from God and raise them according to the laws of his church?”

  Rafael and I grinned at one another. “I will.”

  He nodded his approval. “Let us pray.”

  Rafael and I knelt on the padded kneeler.

  Father Ramires rested a hand on each of our shoulders. “Heavenly Father, Rafael and Kristine have declared their intentions to enter into holy matrimony. Their lives reflect your love in countless ways
, from the love you rain down on them, from the family and friends who surround them, through the love and compassion they’ve shown others, and the love that has long been reflected in their relationship. On this glorious morning, I lift them up unto you, so that you may strengthen their love for one another, for you, and for others. Allow your love to shine through them today and always. I pray this in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit; who live and reign as one God forever and ever.”

  “Amen,” we replied.

  Rafael offered me his hand as we stood.

  Father Ramires reached for his Bible. “Our meetings over the past few months have shed some light on the hardships you have faced, your character, your faith, and your relationship. After some reflection and prayerful consideration, I have chosen three scripture readings that should prove especially meaningful to you.” He opened his Bible. “First, from the Old Testament, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12: ‘Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up the other; but woe to one who is alone and falls and does not have another to help. Again, if two lie together, they keep warm; but how can one keep warm alone? And though one might prevail against another, two will withstand one. A threefold cord is not quickly broken.’ This is the word of the Lord.”

  “Thanks be to God,” we replied. Our guests offered the same, customary response.

  Father Ramires sought another page in his Bible. “And now a reading from the New Testament, Colossians 3:12-14: ‘As God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.’ This is the word of the Lord.”

  “Thanks be to God,” we replied once more.

  Purple clouds gave way to orange as the sun peeked behind the palace.

  Father Ramires sought one final bookmark. “The Holy Gospel reading from John 15:12-17: ‘This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. I do not call you servants any longer, because the servant does not know what the master is doing; but I have called you friends because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. You did not choose me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.’ This is the Gospel of the Lord.”


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