Bridesmaid for Hire

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Bridesmaid for Hire Page 4

by Chance Carter

  Frankie didn’t break the silence again until we reached her apartment building.

  “This is it. Thanks for the walk,” she said dully. “We should definitely do it again sometime.”

  Without waiting to hear my response, she turned on her heel and sashayed up to the building’s entrance. I watched her for a second before I realized I was lingering. I never lingered. Then I turned toward home and tried to clear all thoughts of Frankie from my head.

  I thought about the way the light from the street lamps reflected on the wet pavement and lit up the whole sidewalk. I thought about the moisture in the air, how the forecast called for rain tomorrow, and about the poor performance of the Oregon Ducks this season.

  But then I caught my thoughts trailing back to that moment in the street when Frankie’s body was so close that my hands could have found the perfect spot on her ass to pull her the rest of the way. My lips could have trailed across her eyelids, her cheeks, before they claimed hers in a kiss unlike any she’d had before. I hated myself for wanting this girl. She was fake. She made her living tricking brides into thinking she gave a shit about them so that they’d shell out the extra cash to hire her instead of a regular wedding planner. Worst of all, she was good at it. A woman like that was the last thing I needed in my life, but I didn’t get a choice. How regular a fixture in my life she would be, I didn’t know, but any amount was too much. I’d spent only a few hours with the girl since we first met but she was already starting to tattoo herself behind my eyelids. That was a problem.

  I tried to shake myself out of it the whole way to my apartment, but it was no use. By the time I got through my front door I was hard as a rock.

  Frankie was good at pretending, but she wouldn’t have to pretend with me. I would make her cum over and over again until her legs turned to jelly and she didn’t have the energy to say even one word.

  I undressed in my room and got on the bed, wrapping my hand around my aching cock and squeezing at the base. Pleasure flooded my bones, and I groaned.

  I imagined Frankie bent over, pulling down a pair of lacy panties to reveal her juicy ass. I bet it was incredible, and the only thing that would make it better was a handprint or two. She played tough, but I bet in the bedroom she was submissive and sweet, which was my favorite way for a woman to be. She’d take my dick in her mouth and look up at me with innocent eyes, begging me wordlessly to guide her, to take her mouth as I saw fit. And I would. Submission from a girl like Frankie was the most delicious morsel a man could get. I wanted to own her body, have her call my name over and over again as I plunged deep inside of her.

  My hand slid up and down my pole, picking up speed as my visions got naughtier and naughtier.

  Frankie’s silky mane spread across the pillow, her legs tossed over my shoulders as I plowed her into the mattress. She would have a rasping moan. Girls with voices as sultry as hers always did, and I could practically hear it.

  Frankie taking my cock from behind, breasts swinging beneath her and her ass pink from how hard my groin slapped against it. She’d have hips soft enough for me to squeeze my hands right into them, flesh spilling between my fingers.

  My cock was so swollen now that I could barely get my whole hand around it. Heat pooled in my balls, and I gritted my teeth, one final image driving me over the edge.

  Frankie on her knees, mouth open, waiting for my cum.


  I seized up as a shot of cum squirted from my cock, followed by another and another. Stars blinded me. All my hair stood on end. It was the most intense orgasm I’d had in a long time, and it took me a couple of seconds before I remembered to breathe. I sucked in a big gulp of air and let my head fall back against the headboard, sweat prickling my forehead.

  I’d naively thought that jacking off to the thought of Frankie would ease some of my lust for her. Now I just wanted her more.

  That meant it was more important than ever for me to stay away from her.

  Chapter 6


  Who the hell did he think he was? Sure, Levi Wheeler was wealthy. And sure, he was also incredibly sexy. But did that make him king of the world? Not in my book, but apparently in his.

  I stormed all the way up to my apartment and slammed the door when I got inside. I’d played it cool as we parted ways outside, but I was fuming mad. Admittedly, it wasn’t all Levi’s fault.

  Well, it was Levi’s fault, but not in the same way it was his fault for being a piggish jerk. I was just as angry at myself because despite him being one of the world’s least pleasant human beings, my heart flipped when he looked at me, and I couldn’t stop checking him out every time my eyes happened to pass his way.

  I hated him. I. Hated. Him.

  The fact that I also lusted after him was just the icing on the whole cake. It proved I had the worst taste in men.

  I remembered there was half a bottle of Pinot Grigio in my fridge and the world suddenly became a little more bearable. I went to the cupboard to grab a glass but decided to skip it. Who was I kidding?

  I slumped down on the couch with my bottle and sipped away at it like it was a bottle of beer, staring at the blank TV screen and replaying the night’s events in my mind.

  That moment when I stood up to him I’d been so close to slapping him. I was a little tipsy, and that always tended to bring out the worst in me, which was funny since so did Levi. That meant booze and the best man were a deadly combination. Good to know for the future.

  Trust me, you’re nothing special.

  That stung a little. I didn’t know if Levi meant his words to hit so hard, but it brought back thoughts and memories I didn’t care to revisit. Instead, I let my mind wander to the sly tilt of his lips as he casually inquired whether I would take it lying down. Whatever it was. Fire had shot through my veins, and I was sure he could tell.

  His eyes were like coal mines. They were dark, impossibly dark, but also hot, and made me feel small and powerless. His lips and nose could have come straight off a Roman bust, all straight lines and perfection. When I stood close to him—a grave tactical error—I caught a whiff of his spicy, masculine scent and my body lit up.

  I chugged back more wine and felt it burn down my throat.

  Why did he have to be so mean? I felt like a stupid schoolgirl even asking myself that question, rather than the successful professional woman I was. How was it fair that one man’s arrogant attitude could reduce me to a sniveling child?

  I wouldn’t allow him to take up this much room in my head. I couldn’t. I had bigger things to worry about.

  I finished up the wine and staggered to the kitchen, placing the bottle on the counter before locking up for the night. I fell into bed with all the grace of an elephant doing ballet, and within a couple of minutes, I was blissfully asleep.

  I couldn’t remember why Val insisted on hiring a single saxophone player for her wedding, instead of the band I suggested, but this guy was killing it. I stood off to the side and watched the crowd clap and cheer as the sax man rocked back and forth, up and down, dancing all over the stage.

  Someone handed me a cone of cotton candy. A cotton candy stand? I didn’t remember signing off on this. There was no way Val would have wanted cotton candy at her wedding. It wasn’t a damn circus.

  I turned to the person who’d handed it to me, and my heart thudded to a halt. It wasn’t that Levi was standing there, looking impossibly tall and devilishly handsome in his tux, it was that he was smiling at me. He had a beautiful smile.

  “Hey gorgeous.” He plucked a piece of cotton candy from my cone and plopped it into his mouth.

  “What’d you just call me?”

  “Do you want to dance?”

  He was behind me now, at my ear. My skin prickled as his hand came around my waist, resting just above my belly button. I craved more of his touch, all of it. But why was he being so nice? Had everything gone topsy-turvy at the wedding? Should I find Val and make sure she married the right guy?

  “No,” I managed to say, turning around.

  Levi had the audacity to look disappointed.

  “Why not?” He grabbed another puff of cotton candy and held it out for me.

  I opened my mouth, but instead of feeding it to me, Levi slid the piece around my lips. It tickled, and left a sticky residue where it melted.

  “Is it because you want to do something else?” Levi inquired in a deep, sensual voice.

  The next thing I knew he was kissing me. He licked the sugar from my lips and pulled me close, swaying in time to the saxophone that now seemed impossibly loud.

  Just as I began to feel overwhelmed, the music stopped. We weren’t in the reception hall anymore. We were in a hotel bedroom, and I was missing both the cotton candy and my clothes. Levi was naked too, and he held my face in his hands and kissed me like the sky might fall if he let go. In this topsy-turvy world, it very well might.

  We were on the bed. My core sizzled and I rubbed against him, desperate to relieve some of the ache. I couldn’t think of anything but how good his cock was going to feel, how bad I wanted it.

  I burned. I ached. I needed.

  Levi filled me, all of me. He was in my body and my mind, and waves of sensation broke across every inch of my skin. The pleasure built as he claimed me, plunging into me over and over until I thought I might burst with the need for release.

  He whispered things in the dark. Dirty things.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first night we met. After I saw your face, only your sweet pussy would do.”

  Sweet things.

  “I can’t believe I’ve never told you how beautiful you are.”

  Confusing things.

  “Don’t forget to validate your parking.”

  He rolled me over and entered me from behind, my face pressed into the pillow as he controlled the pace of every thrust and made it count. I swirled into an abyss of pleasure. He fucked me so hard I was sure the whole hotel could hear us, and I didn’t care. There wasn’t a single thing that mattered to me more than the pleasure his hard body promised mine.

  Suddenly, I broke. Everything turned dark and then exploded into color.

  But I wasn’t finished yet.

  There was more inside of me, and my core still throbbed with my need for him. I could go on like this for hours, for days, and it would never be enough. But Levi wasn’t going anywhere. He pounded me, shaking the whole bed with the force of his thrusts.

  I screamed as another orgasm ripped through my body and set me on fire. I was close to another, and I stretched for it. Close. So...close...


  I jolted awake, panting breaths echoing through the room as I tried to get my bearings.


  My phone danced on the bedside table, and I shot my hand out so quickly I nearly knocked it off. What time was it? Who was calling me?

  I looked at the caller ID and panic gripped my chest. It was my Mom. Had she sensed I was having a sordid dream from thousands of miles away and called to snap me out of it? My face burned.

  No, of course not. I was still on edge from the dream, and I was letting it get to me. I took a couple of deep breaths and answered in my cheeriest voice.

  “Good morning!”

  “How is my beautiful Francesca?” Mom asked. “Did I wake you up?”

  “Uh, no, not at all.” I tossed the blankets off and got to my feet. “I’m just making coffee.”

  “Your father said it was too early to call, but I told him if that girl is asleep at nine thirty on a Friday, I’d be a bad mother if I didn’t call her. There’s only so much I can do for her when she’s so far away.”

  “I appreciate the thought,” I said, laughing on my way to the kitchen.

  I was going to need a strong cup of coffee to get over the shock of my abrupt awakening and the horror of the dream that had come before it.

  “How’s Dad?” I asked.

  Mom sighed. “He says he feels as fit as a fiddle, but we all know that’s not true.”

  I heard my dad’s croaking complaint in the background. “I’ve never felt better!”

  “Let me guess.” I balanced the phone against my shoulder and started filling the machine with water. “He didn’t like the outcome of his surgery consultation.”

  “He liked it just fine until they told him how much it was going to cost.”

  “Those doctors are always trying to trick people out of their money!” Dad called.

  Mom’s returning shout went directly into the receiver and made me wince. “The only thing they’re trying to trick you into is not dying!”

  “How much is it, Mom?”

  “Part of it is covered by his insurance, but we’re going to have to shell out close to ten grand.”

  “Do you have that much money to spare?” I filled the coffee machine with coffee and set it to start while I waited for Mom’s answer.

  I heard rustling and figured she was walking to another room where my dad couldn’t listen. He was used to being the provider, and ever since his breathing troubles started, he’d been trying to convince us all it was less of a problem than we knew it to be. When it came back that he was going to need surgery, I knew right then he would go down swinging before we could even get him onto a table. They’d probably have to knock him out and drag him into the operating room.

  “I think I can extend our line of credit at the bank, maybe take out a small loan,” Mom said finally. “Your father loathes the idea, but what am I supposed to do? Let him die?”

  “No, and you’re not going to take out a loan either,” I said. “Let me pay for the surgery. Business has been good, and I’ve got just enough tucked away in savings right now to help you guys out.”

  Mom protested for a whole five minutes, but we both knew there was no other way. Kids weren’t cheap, and they’d raised four of them. My brothers both had families of their own, and my sister was fresh out of college and broke as a joke. It had to be me.

  I finally convinced Mom to let me help them and then swiftly moved the conversation along so she wouldn’t dwell too much.

  “It’s good that you called ‘cause I could use your advice on something.”

  Mom perked up. “What is it?”

  “A troublesome groomsman,” I stated bitterly, watching the last drips of coffee fall into the pot. “My latest client’s fiancé has asked his brother to be his best man, but he’s far from the best of anything. He’s the rudest person I’ve ever met.”

  “I doubt that. You’re getting soft over there on the west coast. He’s probably nothing compared to half the people here, your father included.”

  “Hey!” came a distant yell.

  “Don’t let him have his way,” Mom continued. “Give that man a run for his money and never let him see you with anything less than a big, shit-eating grin, you hear me?”

  “She’s right, sweetheart!” Dad chimed in.

  I laughed and wished I could be there to hug them. I always missed my parents, but I especially missed them when I needed pep talks like this.

  We caught up about what everyone in the neighborhood was up to and whether I was getting enough to eat, and ended the call with a promise to talk soon about Dad’s surgery. Only half an hour of talking to my parents had improved my mood significantly, even if I still felt weird about my dream.

  It was bad enough I had to be around Levi in the real world. Did I have to dream about him too?

  Worse, did I have to enjoy it so damn much?

  Chapter 7


  I took a sip of my coffee and leaned back in my chair, frustrated. The Black Mountain Brewery office was my oasis. At least, it was supposed to be. It occupied the two floors above the brewery, and the tangy smell of toasting hops perfumed the main floor offices and meeting rooms. The executive offices were on the top floor and were, for the most part, odor free.

  Garrick and my dad and I each had a private space joined by a communal lounge.

  I spent a lot of my time in the lounge. Its black leather couches and polished black marble floor made it feel like a volcanic cave. A couple of years ago we commissioned a local artist to paint a mural of the Cascade Mountains on the inside wall. Across from it, a wall of glass looked east toward the city, with Mount Saint Helens and Mount Hood in the distance. I met clients in my office but did my best work here, at the small glass desk propped in front of the window. Anytime I needed a break I could just look up and stare out at the craggy, snowy peaks. Just like I did now.

  The sunlight gilded the young leaves of the maple trees below the window, and a gentle breeze urged them to stir and dance. The rippling leaves and fresh spring grass held the promise of a beautiful summer to come. But even this scene didn’t boost my mood.

  I was distracted. My thoughts kept looping back from figures and spreadsheets to Val’s curvaceous wedding planner. With Dad and Garrick out at meetings all morning, by all rights, it should have been a productive, relaxing day. A quiet day. But one comment from Garrick this morning about how Frankie and Val had plans today was enough to steal my concentration.

  I kept thinking about her lips, her long, silky hair and how it would feel wrapped around my fist. I didn’t understand it. I despised this woman—why couldn’t I get her out of my head?

  I plunged back into work with a frustrated sigh and shoved Frankie far out of view.

  Just as I was getting into a groove, I heard the elevator buzz up to the top level. Dad and Garrick’s boisterous conversation announced their arrival long before the doors slid open, and I turned my head to greet them as they walked into the lounge.

  They stopped talking and smiled when they saw me.

  “Hey bro,” said Garrick.

  “How was the meeting?” I asked.

  Garrick and Dad strode to the coffee pot and each poured a cup. Both added milk, and Dad stirred in some sugar, something he only did at work since he’d never get away with it in front of my mother.

  “Boring,” Garrick replied, taking a tentative sip of his coffee. He sidled over to the far couch and sank down with a sigh. “You wouldn’t believe how eager the reps were to get our support. Apparently, nobody else will touch them. It’s a hard time for new music festivals at the moment.”


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