Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600–1900

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Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600–1900 Page 136

by Shirane, Haruo, ed.

  Ancient Rhetoric (guwenci; J. kobunji) school; and Ogyū Sorai

  Ancient Studies (kogaku) school

  Andō Tameakira

  Andō Tsuguo

  An’ei era

  An’ei-Tenmei era

  anejorō (elder sister; courtesan rank)

  Another Reply to Tayasu Munetake Futatabi kingo no kimi ni kotaematsuru no sho; Kamo no Mabuchi)

  Anrakuan Sakuden

  aoba (evergreen leaves)

  aohon (blue booklets)

  Aoki Kon’yo

  aragoto (rough) style

  Arai Hakuseki

  Arakida Reijo

  arashi (storm)

  Arashi Sangorō (Raishi)

  Arashi Sangorō II

  araumi (wild sea)

  ariake (early dawn; seasonal word for autumn)

  Ariwara no Narihira

  Ariwara no Yukihira

  asagiwan (blue lacquer bowl)

  Asai Ryōi

  Asano Naganori

  ashigaru (foot soldiers)

  ashika (sea lions)

  Ashikaga Mochiuji

  Ashikaga Shigeuji

  Ashikaga Takauji

  Astringent Fan (Shibu-uchiwa)

  atarashimi (newness)

  ato (site; aftermath)

  atsuki hi (hot sun; hot day)

  atsumete (gathering)

  Atsumori (nō play)

  awaré (pathos; emotional essence)

  aya (design)

  ayashi (suspicious)

  Backpack Diary (oi nikki; Matsuo Bashō)

  Backpack Notes (Oi no kobumi; Matsuo Bashō)

  Bakin. See Kyokutei Bakin

  bakufu (shōgunate). See also Tokugawa shōgunate

  bakufu-domain system

  Ballads for the Age of Great Peace (Taihei gafu; Dōmyaku Sensei)

  bamboo, kuretake

  Ban Kōkei

  Bando Hikosaburō V

  Bando Mitsugorō III

  Bando Mitsugorō IV

  Bando Tamasaburō

  Bashō. See Matsuo Bashō


  Battles of Coxinga, The (Kokusenya kassen; Chikamatsu Monzaemon); kabuki version of; and loyalty; and puppet theater; woodblock illustration of

  Behind the Brocade (Nishiki no ura; Santo Kyōden)

  Benkei Aboard Ship (Funa Benkei; Kanze Nobumitsu)

  Benten the Thief (Kawatake Mokuami)

  Bian He (Pien Ho)

  biwa (lute)

  biwa hōshi (traveling minstrels)

  “Blooming of the Golden Flower,”

  Blossoms and the Moon (Kagetsu sōshi; Matsudaira Sadanobu)

  Bo Juyi

  bonbu (ordinary humans)



  Book of Documents (Shujing)

  Book of Songs (Shijing); as guidance; and human emotions; and Kokinshū; purpose of poems in

  “Botan tōki” (Account of a Peony Lantern)

  Buddhism: ascetics of; austerities of summer of; customs of; cycle in; deva-kings of; display of images in; in kana booklets; and karmic causality; and karmic retribution; lay monks of; and love; and medieval religious narratives; moral self-control of; and nativist literature; New Pure Land sect (Jōdo shinshū) of; Nichiren sect of; priests of; Pure Land sect of; Shingon sect of; and Shinto; Shura (realm) of; study of; in The Tale of Genji; temples of; texts of; values of; Way of; and wild poetry; Zen

  Buddhist tales

  budō-mono (samurai plays)

  bungo songs

  bunjin (Ch. wen-ren; literatus): definition of; ideal of; and zuihitsu

  bunjin (literatus) movement; and Chinese poetry

  bunjinga (literati painting). See also nanga

  Bunka-Bunsei era: and bunjin consciousness; and comic fiction; as high point of early modern culture; kabuki theater during; kanshi poetry groups in; ninjōbon in; and oral storytelling; and popular culture; and reforms; yomihon in

  bunke (branch family)

  bunraku (puppet theater); dolls of; golden age of; history plays in; influence of; status of playwright in; three elements of

  Bunyabushi chanting style

  bushidō (Way of the samurai)

  Buson. See Yosa Buson

  butsuga ichinyo (object and self as one)

  buyō (kabuki dance style)

  Calendar Maker, The (Daikyōji mukashi goyomi; Chikamatsu Monzaemon). See also Five Sensuous Women

  calligraphy; Chinese; and illustrations; and painting; and poetry; by Ryōkan; taught to women; three stages of

  Cao Zhi

  chanoyu (tea ceremony)

  Characters of Old Men in the Floating World (Ukiyo oyaji katagi; Ejima Kiseki)

  Characters of Worldly Mistresses (Seken tekake katagi; Ueda Akinari)

  Characters of Worldly Young Men (Seken musuko katagi; Ejima Kiseki)

  Characters of Worldly Young Women (Seken musume katagi; Ejima Kiseki)

  Charcoal Sack (Sumidawara; Matsuo Bashō)

  chaya asobi (teahouse entertainment)

  Cherry Blossom Calendar, Eight Laughing People (Hanagoyomi hasshōjin; Ryūtei Rijō)

  Chichi no shūen nikki. See Journal of My Father’s Last Days

  chigiru (to tie; to make a vow of love)

  Chikamatsu Hanji

  Chikamatsu Monzaemon; adultery plays by; on art; and chanters; collaboration of, with Takemoto Gidayū; and comparison of jōruri with kabuki; contemporary-life plays by; history plays by; and jōruri plays; and kabuki; plays by; revisions of; samurai values of; and Soga brothers; urban commoner plays by


  Child Genji (Osana Genji)

  Chinese language: classical; vernacular

  Chinese studies (kangaku); and Chinese vernacular novels; growth of, in early modern period; and poetry; scholars of

  chinkon (pacification of spirits of the dead)

  chōbako (account book box)

  chōja (millionaire)

  chōka (long poem)

  chōnin (urban commoners); alienation of; attitudes of; and drama; and elite genres; in Genroku era; and gōkan; and literacy; and literature; restrictions on; and samurai



  Chronicle of Japan (Nihon shoki)

  Chronicle of the Battle of Ichinotani (Ichinotani futaba gunki; Namiki Sōsuke); kabuki version of

  Chronicles of the Eight Dog Heroes of the Satomi Clan of Nansō, The. See Eight Dog Chronicles, The

  “Chrysanthemum Vow, The” (Kikuka no chigiri; Ueda Akinari)

  chū (loyalty). See also loyalty

  chūbon (middle-size books)

  chūsan (lower-ranking oiran)

  Chūshingura: The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Kanadehon Chūshingura); actor print of; and chōnin themes; kabuki version of, puppet drama; ritual suicide in; and samurai values; vendettas in; woodblock illustration of

  Chūshingura incident

  Chūshingura Water Margin (Chūshingura suikoden; Santō Kyōden)

  Classic of Filial Piety (Confucius)

  Classification of Various Materials (Butsurui hinshitsu; Hiraga Gennai)

  Collected Prose and Poetry of Master Nankaku (Nankaku sensei bunshū; Hattori Nankaku)

  Collected Works of Bo Juyi, The (Haku-shimonjū; Itō Jinsai)

  Collected Works of Master Hayashi Razan (Razan Hayashi sensei shū)

  Commentary on the Record of Ancient Matters (Kojikiden; Motoori Norinaga)

  commoners: culture of; and drama; and literature; schools for. See also chōnin

  Compositions on Solitary Pleasures (Dokurakugin; Tachibana Akemi)

  Confucianism: in action; and Chinese studies; classics of; and economic theories; first printing of texts of; five cardinal relationships in; Four Books of; function of; influence of; jō (emotions) in; in kana booklets; Kyoto school of; and literature; and Ogyū Sorai; in puppet shows; and samurai; scholars of; in schools; in Song period; studies of; and The Tale of Genji; Three Bonds of; values of; Way of; and wild poetry; Zhu Xi school of<
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  Confucius: and Chengzi; and filial piety; and The Great Learning; as guide; and hexagrams; and proper behavior; sayings of; and The Tales of Ise; warnings of. See also Analects

  Country Genji by a Commoner Murasaki, A (Nise Murasaki inaka Genji; Ryūtei Tanehiko)

  Country Theater (Inaka shibai; Manzōtei)

  Courtesan Water Margin (Keisei suikoden)

  courtesans; ranking of; and women’s kabuki. See also specific ranks

  Courtesan’s Amorous Shamisen (Keisei irojamisen)

  culture: Chinese; Chinese and Japanese; chōnin and samurai; commoner; courtesan; early modern; Japanese; medieval court; popular; print; urban


  Daikoku (oven god; god of wealth)

  daikoku zukin (black cap with round crown; Daikaku cap)

  Daikyōji mukashi goyomi. See Calendar Maker, The

  daimyō (domain lords); and Confucianism; in Edo

  Daiten (bishop of Engakuji temple)

  dangi (satiric sermon) element

  dangibon (comic, didactic fiction; satiric sermons)

  dangi-sō (itinerant storytelling monk)

  Danrin style

  Daoism: and Chinese poems; and classics; and humorous stories; immortals of; practices of; study of

  Date Diary (Date nikki)

  Dawn Crow (Akegarasu; Kitō)

  Dazai Shundai

  “Defense of Aware” (Aware ben; Motoori Norinaga)

  deku uta (wood-puppet poetry)


  Desolate Field (Arano)

  “Devil’s Island” (Kikaigashima; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  Dew on the Lotus (Hachisu no tsuyu; Teishin)

  Dialogue with the Elder (Okina mondo; Nakae Tōju)

  Diary of the East (Azuma nikki)

  Distinguishing the Way (Bendō; Ogyū Sorai)

  Doctrine of the Mean, The (Zhongyong; J. Chūyō; Confucius)

  Dog Essays in Idleness (Inu tsurezuregusa)

  Dog Hundred Poems (Inu hyakunin isshu)

  Dog Pillow Book, The (Inu makura)


  Dōjimon. See Questions from Children

  dōjō (court aristocrats)

  dōjō (universal emotion)

  dokufu (poisonous wife)

  dokugin (solo composition)

  Dokurakugin. See Compositions on Solitary Pleasures

  Dokushi yōryō. See Essentials for Reading the Book of Songs

  Dōmyaku Sensei (Master Artery)

  Dong Xian

  Dongfang Shuo

  dōri (truth)

  Double Suicide During the Kōshin Vigil (Shinjū yoi gōshin; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  drama: classical; contemporary-life; dialogue-libretto style of; historical; and ideals of samurai; love-suicide; period; popular; Soga; and women; writers of. See also plays

  Drum of the Waves of Horikawa, The (Horikawa nami no tsutsumi; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  Du Fu

  Dutch style (heretical style)

  Dyed Pattern Lovers New Year Pine (Some moyō imose no kadomatsu; Suga Sensuke)

  Eastern Elegance (Tōga; Arai Hakuseki)

  Eastern Seaboard Highway Yotsuya Ghost Stories. See Ghost Stories at Yotsuya

  economy; currency-based; and shipping lanes; in Tokugawa period

  Edo: alternate attendance system in; commerce in; culture of; growth of; lords and vassals in; pleasure quarters in; political power in; popular culture in; residential estates in; schools in; Tenmei kyōka boom in; Yamamura Theater in. See also Yoshiwara

  Edo Castle

  Edo period. See Tokugawa period

  Edo umare uwaki no kabayaki. See Grilled and Basted Edo-Born Playboy

  Edo-za school


  eiga (splendor; glory)

  Eight Daoist Immortals of China (hanging scroll; Gion Nankai)

  Eight Dog Chronicles, The (Nansō Satomi hakkenden; Kyokutei Bakin)

  Eight Points of Japanese Poetry (Kokka hachiron)

  e-iri kyōgenbon (illustrated kabuki summary editions)

  eishi (Ch. yongshi; history poems)

  eita (eternal generations)


  Ejima Kiseki

  Ema Saikō

  Emperor Yōmei and the Mirror of Craftsmen (Yōmei tennō no shokunin kagami; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  En no Gyōja

  En’an Fugyoku

  Encountering the Origins of Poetry (Shigaku Hōgen; Gion Nankai)

  Engi period

  engo (word associations)


  Enoko shū. See Puppy Collection, The

  Enpō era

  enri edo (turning away from the dirty world)

  enshi (Chinese courtesan literature)

  Epiphany at Yaguchi Crossing (Shinrei Yaguchi no watashi; Hiraga Gennai)

  Essays in Idleness (Tsurezuregusa; Yoshida Kenkō)

  Essence of The Tale of Genji, The (Shibun yōryō; Motoori Norinaga)

  Essential Style for Haikai (Haikai yōi fūtei; Kitamura Kigin)

  Essentials for Reading the Book of Songs (Dokushi yōryō; Itō Togai)

  eta (nonpersons; outcasts)

  etokihon (picture books for telling stories)


  ezo (barbarians)

  Fake Tales (Nise monogatari)

  Famous Places on the Eastern Seaboard (Tōkaidō meishoki; Asai Ryōi)

  Famous Places on the Eastern Seaboard Illustrated (Tōkaidō meisho zue; Akishima Ritō)

  farmers; and haikai; and literacy; and samurai

  Fast-Dyeing Mind Study (Shingaku Hayasomegusa; Santō Kyōden)

  fiction: allegorical; Chinese; Chinese vernacular; comic; in Edo period; in Hachimonjiya format; historical; Japanese; popular; prose; to reveal truth; sentimental; sources for narrative; supernatural in; vernacular; vernacular haikai; women in. See also specific genres

  filial piety

  First Eight Imperial Waka Anthologies, The (Hachidaishū)

  First Steps in the Mountains (Uiyamabumi; Motoori Norinaga)

  “Fisherman, The” (Gyofu; Gion Nankai)

  Fisherwoman (nō play)

  Five Classics

  Five Sensuous Women (Kōshoku gonin onna; Ihara Saikaku)

  Five Violations (gogyakuzai)

  Floating-World Barbershop (Ukiyodoko; Shikitei Sanba)

  Floating-World Bathhouse (Ukiyoburo; Shikitei Sanba)

  folk singing

  folk studies

  Forty-Eight Techniques for Success with Courtesans (Keiseikai shijū hatte; Santo Kyōden)

  Four Books

  Fox Grave (Kitsunezuka)

  fu (rhyme-prose)

  fueki ryūkō (the unchanging and the ever-changing)

  fuga (poetic art; courtly elegance)

  fuga no jō (elegant emotions)

  fuga no makoto (truth of poetic art)

  fugu (blowfish)

  fuji no hana (wisteria)

  Fujii Takanao

  Fujiwara Sanekata

  Fujiwara Seika

  Fujiwara Shunzei

  Fukagawa (unlicensed pleasure quarter in Edo)

  Fukai Jingoemon

  Fukai Shidōken

  fūkyō (poetic madness; wild poetry)

  fundoshi (loincloth)

  Furai Sanjin. See Hiraga Gennai

  furisode (long-sleeved robe)

  Furu no nakamichi. See Ancient Middle Road Through Furu, The

  fūryū (refinement; poetry)

  Fūryū Shidōken. See Modern Life of Shidōken, The

  futa (clamshell)

  Futatabi kingo no kimi ni kotaematsuru no sho. See Another Reply to Tayasu Munetake

  Fuyu no hi. See Winter Days

  fūzoku (popular customs)

  ga (elegance; refinement)

  gabun (elegant Japanese style)

  gabuntai (neoclassical, elegant) style

  gafu (painting manuals)

  gaku (music)

  Gan Jiang

  ganbutsu sōshi (playing with things; losi
ng will)

  ganjitsu (New Year’s Day)

  Gappō at the Crossroads (Sesshū Gappō ga tsuji; Suga Sensuke)

  Garland of Heroes, A (Hanabusa sōshi; Tsuga Teishō)

  ge, gegoromi (summer austerities)

  gei (art)

  geisha (skilled person)


  Genbun era

  genbun itchi (unification of written and spoken languages)

  Genealogies of Domain Lords (Hankanfu; Arai Hakuseki)

  Genji (Minamoto) clan

  Genjūan no ki. See Hut of the Phantom Dwelling, The

  Genna era

  Genroku era; culture in; drama in; literature of

  gesaku (vernacular playful writing)


  geta (wooden clogs)

  ghost stories

  Ghost Stories at Yotsuya (Yotsuya kaidan; Tsuruya Nanboku)

  gi (Ch. yi; righteousness)

  Gidayū chanting style

  gikobun (neoclassical prose)

  Gion Festival Record (puppet play)

  Gion Nankai

  giri (duty; obligation): conflict of, with ninjō; and historical drama; as reason; and samurai values; between women

  GoDaigo (emperor)

  GoHanazono (emperor)

  gojoku (Five Defilements)

  gōkan (bound picture books); authors of; and jōruri; and kabuki; as popular fiction; women readers of

  gokenin (lower-ranking vassals; housemen); in Tokugawa period

  Gomō jigi. See Meaning of Words in the Analects and the Mencius, The

  gongu jōdo (seeking the Pure Land)

  Gonza the Lancer (Yari no Gonza; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  Gospel of the Millionaire (Chōjakyō)

  Gourd (Hisago; Matsuo Bashō)

  GoYōzei (emperor)

  gozen (lordship; courtesan rank)

  Grass Path Collection, The (Sōkei shū; Ōkuma Kotomichi)

  Great History of Japan (Dai Nihon shi)

  Great Learning, The (Daxue; J. Daigaku; Confucius)

  Great Meireki Fire (1657)

  Great Mirror of Female Beauty (Shoen ōkagami; Ihara Saikaku)

  Great Mirror of Male Love (Nanshoku ōkagami; Ihara Saikaku)

  Great Mirror of the Way of Love (Shikidō ōkagami; Fujimoto Kizan)

  Grilled and Basted Edo-Born Playboy (Edo umare uwaki no kabayaki; Santō Kyōden)

  gugen (allegory)

  Guide to Famous Places in the Edo Area (Edo meisho zue; Saitō Yukio and Saitō Yukitaka)

  Gulliver’s Travels (Swift)

  gyōja (austerity man)

  Gyōki (monk)

  Gyōson (priest)

  hachi (begging bowl)

  Hachiman (god)

  Hachimonjiya (publisher)

  Hachimonjiya Hachisaemon

  Hachimonjiya Jishō

  Hachisu no tsuyu. See Dew on the Lotus

  hagi (bush clover)


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