Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600–1900

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Early Modern Japanese Literature: An Anthology, 1600–1900 Page 139

by Shirane, Haruo, ed.

  Puppy Collection, The (Enoko shū)

  qi (J. ki; material force)

  Qin period (China)

  Qing dynasty (China)

  Qu You

  Qu Yuan

  Questions from Children (Dōjimon; Itō Jinsai)

  Quiver of Arrows, A (Ebira; nō play)

  Rai Sanyō

  rakugo (comic oral storytelling)

  Random Stories on the Road (Man’yūki; Takebe Ayatari). See Tales from This Time and That


  rangaku (Dutch studies)


  Rashōmon (nō play)

  Record of Breaking and Burning Brushwood (Oritaku shiba no ki; Arai Hakuseki)

  Record of Great Peace (Taiheiki)

  Record of History (Shiji; Sima Qian)

  Record of Japan’s Government (Nihon seiki; Rai Sanyō)

  Record of the Ezo (Ezo-shi; Arai Hakuseki)

  Record of the Southern Islands (Nantōshi; Arai Hakuseki)

  Record of Things Heard About the Western Seas (Seiyō kibun; Arai Hakuseki)

  Record of Treasures for Women (Onna chōhōki)

  Record of Yoshitsune (Gikeiki)

  “Reed-Choked House, The” (Asaji ga yado; Ueda Akinari)

  Regulations for Study (Gakusoku; Ogyū Sorai)

  rei (Ch. li; ritual decorum; propriety)

  reisha (season greeter)

  Reizei school

  Reizei Tamemura

  ren (J. jin; humaneness)

  renga (classical linked verse); and haikai; masters of; and prose; standard length for

  rensaku (serial composition)

  renyōkei (continuative verb form)

  “Responding to the Lord of Goose Lake” (Gako-kō ni kotahu; Hattori Nankaku)

  ri (Ch. li; principle; reason); and poetry

  rikugei (six arts)

  rikugi (logic)

  rikugi (six poetic styles)

  rishi (seven-word regulated poem)

  rizoku (departure from the common)

  rōjū (senior councillors)

  rōnin (masterless samurai); forty-seven

  Rootless Weeds (Nenashigusa; Hiraga Gennai)

  Ryōkan; calligraphy by

  Ryūkoku (painter)

  Ryūtei Rijō

  Ryūtei Tanehiko

  sabi/shiori (medieval aesthetics/vernacular language)

  sabishisa (autumnal loneliness)

  Safflower (Suetsumuhana)

  Saga texts


  saidō (transmitting the Way) theory

  Saigyō: and following the Creative; and Matsuo Bashō; as medieval traveler poet; poems by; recluse poet tradition of; and waka

  saikaku (ingenuity)

  Saikaku Many Verses (Saikaku yakazu; Ihara Saikaku)

  Saikaku’s Tales from Various Provinces (Saikaku shokokubanashi; Ihara Saikaku)


  Saitō Sanemori (Saitō Bettō)

  Sakaki Hyakusen

  Sakata Tōjūrō

  sakayaki hairstyle

  Sakeno-ue Furachi. See Koikawa Harumachi

  sakoku (bakufu policy of national seclusion)

  sakui (verbal artifice)

  Sakurada Heizō. See Tsuruya Nanboku

  Sakurada Jisuke I

  samidare (summer rains)

  samisen. See shamisen

  samsara (Buddhist cycle of life and death)

  samurai; and Confucianism; costume of; in drama; and elite genres; and farmers; former, as writers; and literacy; and loyalty; male–male love among; and merchants; placement of, in regional castle towns; and pleasure quarters; and poetry; schools for; and social hierarchy; society of; of Tokugawa period; and urban commoners; values of; vendettas of; Way of. See also rōnin

  San yan (J. Sangen)

  Sanbasō dance

  sancha (powdered tea; courtesan rank)

  Sanemori (warrior nō play; Zeami)

  sangoku-san (Mr. Three Koku; nickname for low-class retainers)

  Sanja matsuri (Three-Shrine Festival; kabuki dance)

  Sankasha haikai circle

  sankin kōtai (alternate attendance system)

  Sankōsha Yoneya


  sanseki (three autumn evening poems)


  Sanshōtei Karaku

  Santō Kyōden (Kitao Masanobu); background of; gōkan by; and Ihara Saikaku; kibyōshi by; and Kyōden Nose; and Kyokutei Bakin; sharebon by; yomihon by

  Sanyōtei Enchō

  Sanzōshi. See Three Booklets

  Sarumino. See Monkey’s Straw Coat

  satire. See also dangibon; kibyōshi; senryū

  Satō Haruo

  Satō Tsugunobu

  satori (enlightenment)

  Sawamura Sōjurō II (Utagawa Shirōgorō)

  Sawamura Tosshō I

  Scarlet Princess of Edo (Sakurahime azuma no bunshō; Tsuruya Nanboku IV)

  sedōka; defined

  Segawa Kikunojō II

  Segawa Kikunojō III (Segawa Tomisaburō)

  Segawa Kikunojō V

  Segawa Tomisaburō. See Segawa Kikunojō III

  sei (Ch. xing; original human nature)

  Sei Shōnagon

  seii-tai shōgun (barbarian-subduing generalissimo)

  seirei (spirit)

  Seishi (Xi Shi)

  seishin (Fresh Spirit) school

  seishin (refreshing)

  sekai (world)

  Seken munezan’yo. See Worldly Mental Calculations

  Seki Sanjūrō III

  Sekigahara, battle of

  sekizoro (masked beggars)

  sekkyō-bushi (religious or miraculous plays)

  Selections from Sanyo’s Poetry (Sanyō shishū; Rai Sanyō)

  Selections of Tang poetry (Tangshi xuan; J. Tōshisen)

  semi (cicada)

  Sen no Rikyū

  Sen Sōtan

  sencha (art of tea)

  Sengaku (priest)

  Sengin (Toshitada)

  senryū (satiric haiku); and contemporary world; of eighteenth century; emergence of; humor of; and kyōka; and orthodox haiku; as popular form; and ugachi

  Senshi Kijin. See Ueda Akinari

  sentō (public bath)


  seppuku (ritual suicide)

  Sequel to Dawn Crow (Zoku Akegarasu; Kitō)

  Sequel to Rootless Weeds, A (Nenashigusa kōhen; Hiraga Gennai)

  “Serpent’s Lust, A” (Jasei no in; Ueda Akinari)


  Sesshō Gappō ga tsuji. See Gappō at the Crossroads

  setsubun (night before beginning of spring)

  setsuwa (folk narratives)

  Seven Essays on Murasaki Shikibu (Shika shichiron, Ando Tameakira)

  Seventh Diary (Shichiban nikki; Kobayashi Issa)

  sewamono (contemporary-life plays); of Chikamatsu Monzaemon; and puppet theater

  sewa-yomihon (books about contemporary life)

  shakkin (loan)

  shakuhachi flutes

  shamisen (three-stringed banjo-like instrument); and biwa; in dangibon; in Kanei era; players of; and pleasure quarters; and puppet theater; in sharebon

  Shang dynasty (China)

  sharebon (books of wit and fashion); ban on; compared with ninjōban; of eighteenth century; and kokkeibon; of nineteenth century; as popular genre; and satire; and senryū; titles of; tradition of; use of, in kusa-zōshi; writers of

  shi (poetry). See also poetry

  shibaimachi (theater area)

  Shibun yōryō. See Essence of The Tale of Genji, The

  Shigaku hōgen. See Encountering the Origins of Poetry

  shigeru (to grow thick)

  shii (personal desire)

  Shijing. See Book of Songs

  shikimi (Japanese star anise)

  Shikitei Sanba


  Shimabara. See Kyoto: pleasure quarters in

  shimiiru (to penetrate)

  Shimokōbe Chōryū

  shin (faithfulness)

  Shinagawa (unlicensed pleasure quarter in Edo)

  shingaku (mind study; heart learning)

  Shingaku: Quick-Staining Dye, Worker of Wonders (Shingaku hayasome; Santō Kyōden)

  Shingaku school

  Shinhanatsumi. See New Flower Gathering

  shinj (fresh emotion)

  Shinjū ten no Amijima. See Love Suicides at Amijima, The

  Shinkokinshū (New Collection of Old and New Poems); and Danrin poets; poems in; three evening poems (sanseki) in

  Shinmachi. See Osaka: pleasure quarters in


  shinnai ballads

  shinnai-bushi (romantic ballads)

  shinobu (uncontrolled longing)

  Shinobu mojizuri (Shinobu cloth mottling)

  shinobugusa (hare’s foot fern)

  shi-nō-kō-shō (four-class system)

  shinpan (collateral houses)

  shinsei (freshness)

  shintaishi (new-form verse)

  Shintō: and Buddhism; deities of; folk beliefs of; and Japanese texts; priests of; shrines of; writings on

  shinzō (newly launched boat; apprentice courtesan)

  shinzō-kai (buying an apprentice courtesan)

  shirabe (rhythm)

  shirabe no setsu (theory of rhythm)

  shirauo (white fish)

  shiri (buttocks)

  shiroki koto (whiteness)

  shiroshi (faint whiteness)

  shite (old man)

  shite (protagonist)

  shito o su (to piss)

  Shizuka Gozen (medieval dancer)

  shizukasa (stillness)

  Shōfū (Bashō style)

  shōgi (chess)

  shōgun. See bakufu; Tokugawa shōgunate

  Shoha’s Haiku Collection (Shundei kushū)


  Shōheikō (bakufu school)

  shōjin-zuki (connoisseurs of boys)

  Shokusanjin (Yomono Akara; Ōta Nanpō)


  Shōmu (emperor)

  shosagoto (buyō dance pieces)

  Shōtoku era

  shōwa (comic stories)

  shūenki (death diaries)

  shugendō (mountain priest sect)

  Shujing. See Book of Documents

  shukō (innovation)

  Shun (sage-king)

  Shunkan (nō play)

  shunshoku (spring colors; spring love)

  Shura (Ashura; Buddhist realm)

  shuramono (nō warrior play)

  Sidotti, Giovanni Battista

  Sima Qian

  Six Classics

  Six Dynasties (China)

  Skeleton in the Fields (Nozarashi kikō; Matsuo Bashō)

  “Small Boat Punting Through the Reeds, A” (Ashiwake obune; Motoori Norinaga)

  sobayōnin (grand chamberlains)

  Soga brothers; and kabuki

  Soga Confrontation, The (Soga no taimen)

  Soga Gorō Tokimune

  Soga Jūrō Sukenari

  Soga Successor, The (Yotsugi Soga; Chikamatsu Monzaemon)


  Soji (Chinese poetry collection)

  Sonezaki shinjū. See Love Suicides at Sonezaki, The

  Song dynasty (China); Confucianism in

  “Song of the Moon at Mount Emei, The” (Emeishan yue gi; Li Bo)

  “Song on Poetry and Painting” (Shigaka; Gion Nankai)

  sonnō (revere the emperor)

  Sonome (Madame Sono)


  Sorai sensei tōmonsho. See Master Sorai’s Teachings

  sōrōbun (epistolary style)

  sōsho (cursive script)

  Souvenirs of Naniwa (Naniwa miyage; Chikamatsu Monzaemon); preface to (Hozumi Ikan)

  “Spirit of Kudō Suketsune Criticizes the Theater, The” (Jōkanbō Kōa)

  Spirit of the Gods, The (Naobi no mitama; Motoori Norinaga)

  Spring and Autumn Annals

  “Spring Breeze on the Kema Embankment” (Shunpū batei kyoku; Yosa Buson)

  Spring-Color Plum Calendar (Shunshoku umegoyomi; Tamenaga Shunsui)

  Spring-Color Southeast Garden Shunshoku Tatsumi no sono; Tamenaga Shunsui)

  Spring Days (Haru no hi)

  “Stopping at Amakusa Sea” (Rai Sanyō)

  storytelling: comic oral; professional; tradition of

  Strange Tales of the Crescent Moon (Chinsetsu yumiharizuki; Kyokutei Bakin)

  Su Dongpo (Su Shi)

  Suga Sensuke

  Suganuma Kyokusui

  Sugawara and the Secrets of Calligraphy (Sugawara denju tenarai kagami)

  Sugawara no Michizane

  Sugimori Nobuyoshi

  Sugita Genpaku

  Sugiura Kuniakira

  sui (man of refinement)

  suicide: double; love; ritual

  Sukeroku and the Flowering Edo Cherry (Sukeroku yukari no Edo-zakura)

  Sumidawara. See Charcoal Sack

  Suminokura Sōan

  Sumitomo family business

  sumō wrestling

  surimono (prints for special occasions)

  Suwa Tadatoki

  Suzuki Akira

  suzushisa (cool; seasonal word for summer)

  Swarming Mosquitoes: One Hundred Verses (Kabashira hyakku; Nishiyama Sōin)

  Tachibana Akemi

  tachimawari (fight scene)

  Tada Nanrei

  tadakoto uta (direct-word poetry)


  Taigu (Great Fool). See Ryōkan

  Taihei gafu. See Ballads for the Age of Great Peace


  taiko-mochi (drum holder; professional entertainer)

  Taira Kanemori

  tairō (senior councillor)

  Taishokan (Chikamatsu Monzaemon)

  Takano Ichiei

  Takebe Ayatari

  Takeda Izumo I

  Takeda Izumo II (Koizumo)

  Takeda Nobushige

  Takeda Ōmi style

  Takeda Shingen

  Takemoto Gidayū; as chanter; collaboration of, with Chikamatsu Monzaemon

  Takemoto Konodaiyū

  Takemoto Sumidayū

  Takemoto Tanomo

  Takemoto Theater (Osaka); and Chikamatsu Monzaemon

  Takizawa Bakin. See Kyokutei Bakin

  takotsubo (octopus traps)

  takuhatsu (begging expeditions)

  Tale of Chikusai (Chikusai monogatari; Tomiyama Dōya)

  Tale of Flowering Fortunes, A (Eiga monogatari)

  Tale of Fukutomi, The

  Tale of Genji, a Small Jeweled Comb, The (Genji monogatari tama no ogushi; Motoori Norinaga)

  Tale of Genji, The (Murasaki Shikibu): adaptations of characters of; “Aoi” chapter of; “Broom Tree” chapter of; Buddhism in; commentaries on; and Confucianism; critique of; defense of; and early haikai; editions of; “Evening Faces” (Yūgao) chapter of; “Fireflies” (Hotaru) chapter of; and gōkan; good and evil in; “Heartvine” chapter of; influence of; lectures on; as love literature; “Paulownia Court” chapter of; poetic associations in; prose style of; protagonist of; “Safflower” chapter of; “Suma” chapter of; and women readers

  Tale of Prince Jōruri (Jōruri hime monogatari)

  Tale of Sagoromo, The

  Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, The

  Tale of the Heike, The (Heike monogatari): actors in; and Buddhist themes; as military chronicle; scenes in; and traveling minstrels

  Tale of the Soga Brothers, The (Soga monogatari)

  Tale of the Western Hills, The (Nishiyama monogatari; Takebe Ayatari)

  Tales from This Time and That (Oriorigusa; Takebe Ayatari)

  Tales of Ise, The (Ise monogatari): commentaries on; criticism of; influence of; and love literature; luxury editions of; Narihira poem in; parodies of; protagonist of; refined diction of

  Tales of Ise in Easy Words (Ise monogatari hirakotoba)

  Tales of Karmic Causality (Inga monogatari)

  Tales of Kyoto (Miyako monoga

  Tales of Moonlight and Rain (Ugetsu monogatari; Ueda Akinari)

  Tales of Nishiyama (Nishiyama monogatari; Takebe Ayatari)

  Tales of Osaka (Naniwa monogatari)

  Tales of Samurai Duty (Bukegiri monogatari; Ihara Saikaku)

  Tales of Spring Rain (Harusame monogatari; Ueda Akinari)

  Tales of the Floating World (Ukiyo monogatari; Asai Ryōi)

  Tales of the Outrageous (Furachi monogatari)

  Tales of Times Past (Konjaku monogatari shū)

  tamashii (spirit)

  Tamenaga Kikujo

  Tamenaga Shunsui

  Tamura Ransui

  Tanaka Ohide

  Tanaka Yoshimasa

  Tang period (China): poetry of; tales of the miraculous in

  Tangshi xuan (Tōshisen; anthology of Tang poetry; Li Panlong)

  tanka (short poem)

  Tanuma era

  Tanuma Okitsugu

  Tao Hongjing

  Tao Qian

  taoyameburi (feminine style)

  tara (tiger)

  tatsu (to stand; to rise; to begin)

  Tatsumatsu Hachirōbei

  Tatsunami Shizumaru

  taueuta (rice-planting songs)

  Tawaraya Sōri (painter)

  Tayasu Munetake; Man’yōshū-style poetry of

  tayū (chanter)

  tayū (highest-ranking courtesan)

  tea ceremony (chanoyu)

  Teachings: Sequel to Lousy Sermons (Kyōkun zoku heta dangi; Jōkanbō Kōa)

  Teachings Collection (Indōshu)

  tei (deference)

  Teimon school

  Teishin (nun)

  temari (handball)

  ten (Ch. tian; heaven)

  Ten Discussions of Haikai (Haikai jōron)

  ten no ami (net of heaven)

  Tenbun era

  Ten-Chapter Genji (Jūjō Genji)

  tendō (Heavenly Way)

  Ten-Foot Square Hut (Hōjōki; Kamo no Chōmei)

  tenja (judge)

  Tenji (emperor)

  tenjin (kōshi in Yoshiwara)

  tenkoku (seal engraving)

  Tenmei era

  tennin (heavenly creatures)

  Tenpō era

  Tenpō Reforms


  Tenshō-Keichō era

  tenugui (patterned washcloth)

  Terajima Hikosuke (merchant)

  terakoya (private schools for commoners)

  Terasaka Kichiemon

  theater. See also drama; plays; specific theaters and genres

  “Theory of Farting, A” (Hōhi-ron; Hiraga Gennai)

  Things for Sale You Know About (Gozonji no shōbaimono; Santo Kyōden)

  Thoughts on Composing Poetry (Sakushi shikō; Yamamoto Hokuzan)

  Thoughts on Language (Goi kō; Kamo no Mabuchi)

  Thoughts on Poetry (Ka’i kō; Kamo no Mabuchi)

  Thoughts on the Nation (Kokui kō; Kamo no Mabuchi)

  Three Booklets (Sanzōshi; Dohō)

  Three Dynasties (China)

  Three Obligations (sanjū)

  Three Priests, The (Sannin hōshi)


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