Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 4

by Francheska Fifield

  I laugh and nod to Madeline. “True, however, there are two of them so that still leaves one to race me.”


  I spur my horse forward as the boys look at one another and Mason smiles and nods Viktor on. Viktor and his mount take their place beside me and keep pace until we reach the old willow and I reign in letting the horses stop and rest to wait for the other two.

  “He will take care of her won’t he?” There is not much danger on the palace grounds even when out riding, but I still worry. I am perhaps a bit overzealous about it but she is my only friend, and after losing my mother so suddenly when she was ‘safely’ ensconced in the castle back home I am a bit paranoid.


  I nod as she looks back in the direction of the other two. We are out of sight but have not reached the point where the path splits yet so they will catch up to us easily.


  She nods and sighs.


  The silence stretches on as she turns to look at me. Normally I meet her gaze, but this time I turn away. She seems to peer right into my soul and I find it unnerving.

  “Thank you, Viktor.”

  My head snaps up as my face scrunches into confusion.

  “For what?”

  She smiles and turns away.

  “You could have told someone about my being out the other night, but you did not. Thank you. I needed some peace. I have had a hard time finding any since my mother died and I came here. Madeline tries to help me but sometimes the dark loneliness feels better than any company I might have.”

  I can’t help but stare. I often feel the same. I don't think she should be thanking me though. She healed me at great cost to herself. I remember my promise to thank her. I still don't know her name though. I want to know her name when I thank her.

  She turns back to me waiting for my response.

  “No need to thank me. I should be thanking you for healing my ribs.”

  She smiles and I notice small dimples in the corner of her mouth. I haven’t been close enough to see them before. They make my mouth itch to smile in return.

  “I did not hear an actual thank you in there.”

  I turn away blushing, too embarrassed to tell her that I don't want to tell her ‘thank you’ until I know her name. However, she senses my reluctance and moves her horse closer.

  “Now I am curious as to why you are blushing like sin and refusing to look me in the eyes as you have done so often before.”


  He continues to avoid my eyes as I try to pry his secret from him.

  “So tell me. Why do you blush so? What is it you wish to say? I will not fault you for it whatever it may be. I promise.”


  I look at her as her face and voice grow serious. She is not teasing anymore. Her smile may have made me want to smile in return, but this face, this face is far more dangerous. It makes me want to trust her with all my secrets.

  “Your name.”

  I just blurt it out, and it doesn't come out exactly right either. Her face scrunches into confusion.

  “What of my name?”

  “I cannot properly thank you without knowing it.”

  Understanding lights her face and she nods smiling.

  “Elainne. It is Elvin for light. My mother said my birth brought a light to her life, but my father wanted my name to be Elvin. So they agreed upon Elainne. It was incidentally the only thing they would ever agree upon in their entire marriage.”

  I nod and sigh. It suits her.

  “Thank you, Elainne.”

  “You are welcome Viktor.”

  She lapses back into silence. I am not sure if her silence is because she feels uncomfortable like me or if she is waiting for me to speak first.


  “Why what Viktor?”

  “Why did you heal me? You were unwell after?”

  She turns to look me in the eyes all seriousness.

  “What kind of Queen would I be if I put my own welfare above that of my subjects? If I am to be Queen I want to be the type that can inspire devotion, and to do that I must be worthy of such devotion. I would not be worthy were I to put my own welfare above all others. A true leader loves his or her people more than themselves.”

  She falls silent as the others come into view. She smiles and waves laughing as they wave back. I can only stare in stunned silence. She is nothing like what I have heard about the Elvin people. Arrogant, selfish, and vain. She doesn't seem to be any of those things. She is kind, wise, and everything Mason and I have ever hoped to find in a leader we serve.

  We have often talked about the type of person we hope to one day serve. It seemed unlikely that the crown prince would be that man when he was living, but, we had hoped he would’ve grown into such a man later in life.

  However, the crown prince had believed himself much above everyone not only because of his title but also his Elvin heritage from his mother’s side. From what I have heard he used the good looks he got from his mother to ruin young women. He used women and when he grew bored he moved on to the next conquest.

  But to serve a leader such as her, one that has the people's best interest at heart. One that believes she exists to serve her people. That is the type of leader we hoped to one day serve. Someone just like her. Who would have guessed we would find it in this Princess from a foreign land? I have to tell Mason… but how can I explain it without him thinking I have a crush on her? He already thinks so after the state dinner when I stared so boldly at her for the first time. And who would have thought that it would lead to this? To me being a temporary member of the honor guard and getting to know the most amazing person on the planet.

  “It is about time you slowpokes. This willow was about to die of old age.”

  The others laugh as the Princess turns the horse to the path she wishes to take. We all pull up next to her and continue on in happy silence. I follow riding next to her glancing around as we go deeper into the woods. This is a leader worth protecting.


  We continue on with Mason and Madeline carrying out most of the conversation. Viktor is silent and keeps looking around. He is taking his job very seriously. I understand and appreciate his dedication so I do not joke with him to relax. I doubt he would take it as a joke were I to suggest it.

  I smile and look away from him before he notices I am staring before any of them notice I am staring. To cover my lapse in judgment I join Mason and Madeline’s conversation laughing as they talk of mishaps they had while learning to ride.


  I wonder what goes through her head as she smiles, lightly blushes, and turns away quickly to join the other’s conversation. I noticed her staring at me but I kept my eyes averted using my job as an excuse to not have to look at her as well. If I did I might ask why she was staring at me like that.

  And why blush? It is a light blush, it wouldn’t have even been noticeable on a normal human, but her pale Elvin skin makes it impossible to not notice any change to her face. Or perhaps it is just that I am paying too much attention. The rest haven't noticed, or so it seems.

  Why am I noticing things like her dimples and blushes? Why am I drawn to her but unable to explain? I feel a tug, something I have never felt with anyone ever before. Nothing sexual or perverted like many of the men speak of when speaking of women they are drawn to. I just want to be close to her, to know more about her, to be the one she counts on to keep her safe. I can’t explain it, but the want is there.

  I sigh and try to dispel the thoughts. She will think me mad. Anyone that hears my thoughts aloud will think me mad. I would surely be released from duty to return to my family in shame. Why am I being afflicted by this madness?


  Viktor is a master at keeping his thoughts from his face but for some reason, I feel his anxiety. Does he sense something but not want to scare us? No, he would alert Mason so they can better protect us. I have no doubt
that despite keeping up appearances that Mason also senses everything going on around us.

  Which means Viktor’s battle is internal. He is still looking around but some part of his mind is elsewhere. Perhaps not his mind, perhaps his heart is torn. Indecision does not seem to be part of his personality; he seems so sure of his place and person. But then I know so little of him perhaps I am wrong.

  I let my horse lag looking around as if I am looking for something. Madeline is smart and notices I am preoccupied and continues on at a slightly faster than normal pace. Mason of course follows. Viktor is left, once again, with me while I do something unexpected. When he slows and the others are a bit ahead of us I pull my horse close to his so I can whisper. This is not like last time at the willow; the others are only a bit in front of us so I have to be quiet.

  “Are you all right Viktor?”

  He looks at me suspiciously. It is no wonder. I was racing off and slowing down. Likely the two men think me insane. Madeline, bless her, is used to me acting strangely by now.


  “You say fine but I sense something wrong with you. What do you ponder so strongly and silently? Sometimes sharing your problem with an outsider can help. I can try to help if you let me.”


  I sigh and pull back up to the others with Viktor following alongside me. He does not want my help, but something inside me still wants to give it.


  I can tell she truly wants to help but how can I tell her that my being drawn to her is the problem? That she inspires me as I always hoped, but have never counted on in the people around me. She restores my faith in humanity. I have very little, if any at all, by now. The problem is my strange feelings for her, feelings I can’t explain.

  “Serious thoughts Viktor?”

  Mason is smiling and the girls both stop talking and turn to look at me. I nod once and look around more hoping they won’t make a big deal out of it. We are here to do a job, not socialize.

  “He has much to think on. He just isn't sure how to go about it.”

  I turn to look at the Princess, as does Mason and Madeline. She looks a bit uncomfortable and doesn't return any of our looks. She stares straight ahead frowning. The little furrow on her forehead does nothing to dim her beauty.

  “Is that what you two were talking about?”

  She turns to Mason smiling.

  “Of course not. Viktor would never share any intimate details about his life or worries to me. He thinks I'm a silly girl that talks too much.”

  Madeline and Mason laugh at my joke and turn to look at Viktor.

  “Is that so Viktor?”

  I shrug my shoulders not really wanting to answer Mason.

  “Does not matter if she is or not as it has nothing to do with me.”

  The Princess turns from me but not before I see her smile disappear. She’d been trying to lighten the mood and get Mason to leave me be to think in peace. I know that’s why she said that. I have, of course, said something stupid in return. I am not very good with words on a normal basis and even worse when nervous.

  Chapter Four


  I turn away as Viktor responds to my joke and see a break on the trail. This will be a good spot for a picnic. I rein my horse in and Madeline and the others follow suit. Mason helps Madeline down and Viktor quickly dismounts to help me down. I let him but quickly step away the second my feet touch the ground.

  I remove my gloves and move towards the spot I think will be good and layout the blanket Madeline hands me. Madeline opens the basket and we unpack the food while the boys do a quick perimeter check. They are taking their jobs seriously. I will have to remember to tell the general and my aunt what a fine job they did.

  “Lunch is served.”

  Madeline and I fill our plates but the boys just stand there. I groan inwardly. Are they going to be this difficult the whole time?

  “You boys can sit and eat. We made the cook-pack enough for at least four people, likely more in case anyone was extra hungry. We figured you would be. I’ve seen the gruel they serve you for breakfast. I have no idea how anyone lives on that.”

  “You get used to it your highness.”

  I nod as Mason kneels next to Madeline filling a plate with food.

  “You really did have them pack a lot of stuff.”

  I nod and bite a piece of chicken. Madeline and I love fried chicken, whether it is an appropriate food for nobility or not.

  “Sit and eat Viktor. We will try to keep conversation to a minimum so you are not uncomfortable in our company.”


  I flinch but sit next to her too, next to her is, unfortunately, the only place available on the blanket. She stiffens as I sit and I sigh inwardly. I am such an ass. I can’t believe I said that. I meant to, just not that particular wording.

  Mason gives me a look that straight out tells me what an idiot I have been. I almost tell him aloud to tell me something I don't know. I manage to refrain from saying it aloud, which will make me seem even more like an idiot, and keep my thoughts to myself. My mind is running over apologies, but none of them seem to say exactly what I want. That I am sorry and I respect her both as a person and leader more than anyone I have ever met.

  Admiration. That is what I feel for her, admiration. I have never felt it before. Never in my nineteen years of living. How do you tell someone you admire them? Is there a way that won’t have you red in the face and muttering like an idiot?

  “Viktor if you don’t eat I might eat your share as well. It is not often we get to eat this well.”

  “Perhaps he dislikes the food as well?”


  She gives one curt nod in acknowledgment and I flinch. I should have said I have nothing against her or her talking and that the food is delicious, or at least something along those lines. Not just a single no.


  We all finish our meal in silence. Madeline takes her cue from me. She often does in social situations. Mason I think is uncomfortable because he has no idea what to say to make the situation better. Viktor, well Viktor just is not social. He doesn't want to speak. So we don't, none of us say a word throughout lunch. I hope he feels more comfortable with the silence than with our talking because I am uncomfortable as hell with the tight silence.

  “Shall we return your highness? It is past the time we wished to head to the market.”

  I look up at the sky and sigh. Madeline is right we have spent too much time out and about.

  “You are right Madeline. Let us head back to the stables. The stable lads should have a coach ready when we return.”

  “You know we must change first your highness. The Queen will kill us both should we go out wearing riding clothes.”

  I nod and smile.

  “Perhaps, but, only if she finds out. Which she shall not because we will not tell her. After we return it will be too late to preach to us on proper decorum. Besides, what shall our guards do in the twenty minutes it takes us to change? Standing outside our doors would be most boring.”

  “Oh, your highness it doesn’t take that long to change.”

  I snort; an unladylike thing to do to be sure but under the circumstance a rather appropriate response.

  “Perhaps not for you, however, you have seen the get-ups my aunt forces me into. It shall take at least that long, likely longer.”

  Madeline sighs and shakes her head at me but helps me pack up all our things.

  “Why Madeline do you need to change into something more appropriate and ladylike?”

  She laughs at my teasing and shakes her head.

  “I shall blame you when we get in trouble. Your aunt will believe it anyway.”

  I smile and don't wait for help up onto my horse. Mason helps Madeline up as I laugh and nod.

  “It shall be true enough and she would likely believe it even if it were not so.”

  Madeline chuckles and grins.

  “Indeed yo
ur Highness.”

  The boys mount and we head back to the castle. Once we arrive we will hop into the carriage and head to the market. I can only hope that when we split Viktor will not be coming with me.

  As it happens, both boys sit outside the carriage, better to keep watch they say but Madeline and I both agree it is so Mason can give Viktor an earful about being a dumb ox. We chat about what things we will buy along the ride but speak of nothing of consequence, we won’t with so many ears around.


  “What were you thinking saying that Viktor?”

  “It came out wrong.”

  Mason smirks and laughs.

  “That’s an understatement old boy. You will never be joining the royal army now. You shall be lucky if they do not hang you for offending the Princess shortly after returning.”

  I am hoping it doesn't come to that. I am fond of living, even if I can’t find many reasons to do so other than my vow to protect the weak and innocent.

  “I doubt that.”

  I sound more cavalier than I feel. How could I have been such a dolt? She likely will not have me hanged for offenses given because surely this is not the first. Not that I am proud of that fact, it is however true.

  She did not have me hanged for not bowing at the state dinner or for my familiarity with her since, or for touching her without her permission when she passed out. Of course, she couldn’t have protested while unconscious but my methods were unorthodox. It has been one big mistake after the next with her.

  “I would not behave so if ever you are near her aunt or uncle.”

  “They would not ask me to talk and try to find out what is bothering me. I doubt they would even notice something was bothering me.”

  “So she was right about something bothering you? What is it?”


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