Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 18

by Francheska Fifield


  I sit next to her knowing she will continue to tell me what to do until I do. She smiles a sassy smile at me. Why does she always look sassy when she gets her way?

  She leans against me and looks at her hands turning them over and over.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Wondering if they would let us out if I start a fire.”

  I jump up and punch the wall. I can’t think about it. I refuse to ever use or even learn to use fire. I couldn’t take it if something happened and I am so angry I ended up hurting instead of helping.

  “Don’t. I don’t ever want to see fire again.”

  I lean forward and hit my head on the wall letting the cold stone cool me off. I hear her stand. She rests a hand on my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry Viktor I didn’t think before I spoke. I’m so sorry.”

  I turn and hug her. She is whole and here and safe. I will keep it that way. Always.

  “It’s fine. I just… I can’t think about it.”

  She nods and hugs me back. I don’t have to worry about if they come in and see us. Whatever we do, it is normal for them. We are a pair. Back in the human lands, we won’t be able to do this; I won’t be able to reassure myself by hugging her and holding her close. To be relaxed by her smell and seeing her sleep peacefully. It will seem so odd to them.

  “Viktor let’s get some sleep. When they want us they will wake us.”

  She pulls back and sits down. She shivers a bit. It is a bit cool in here. I sit next to her and pull her to my side to warm her up. I wish we were outside on our way home so I could build a fire. But here I can’t even have one in my hand for her to hold her hands next to. It will consume us and we will be burnt to a crisp. I can never chance that.

  She leans against my side and soon the shivering stops and her breathing stabilizes. She starts to slip so I straighten my legs and lay her head on my lap. I keep an arm around her so she will get my warmth. What I wouldn’t give for a blanket.

  Not long after she falls asleep her father walks in.

  “My men have arrived at the castle. It has been secured and my sister is in control again. There is just one problem.”

  I don’t respond, she keeps telling me not to antagonize them. So I keep my mouth closed and let him hear himself speak.

  “The mermen and most of the army aren’t there.”

  “So, she was right. They are coming for you.”

  He glares back and I can’t help but smile. I shake my head and brush some hair out of Elainne’s face. She still sleeps and I am glad. She will be annoyed at me for telling him like it is. I am not playing his game, I don’t have her patience.

  “Well since you guys didn’t successfully do anything else I have a deal for you.”

  “Tell us when she wakes up and she can decide what we will do.”

  “Have you no opinion?”

  He practically yells it at the top of his lungs. She starts to stir so I rub her hair until she settles back in. I glower at him.

  “She sleeps until she wakes up on her own. She’s covered head to toe in bruises from the orb and took all the negative side effects of the cavern so I felt nothing. She’s exhausted and hurt and you made us prove some magical shit instead of letting us rest when we needed to. I don’t care if your entire kingdom burns down around you. When she is no longer tired, we will talk.”

  She sits up and stretches smiling at me. He had woken her after all. I’d hoped she would sleep for a while yet. She needs rest.

  “Viktor you are so loyal.”

  She turns to her father, poor excuse that he is, not smiling anymore.

  “Viktor has a point. I don’t know why we should help you. We are, after all, in a dungeon instead of a suite.”

  “Your freedom for your help. That’s it. Nothing more nothing less.”

  “So, you want what exactly? Us on the front lines helping your mages kill merpeople when they mean us no harm? Do we seem that desperate or kindly right now? Is there a deal in this? A treaty perhaps?”

  “We will band together if one of us is being threatened with war from the merpeople. Other than that, we keep to ourselves.”

  “Nothing more, nothing less I get it.”

  She stands and I can hear cracking noises. She needs to be resting. But we are not going to in here and we are not getting out unless we go to war.

  “If any of the Elvin people think to take a shot at us Viktor and I will defend ourselves, even if it means turning the tide of the war in favor of the Mermen. Is that understood? I’m not defenseless anymore and I won’t act like I am.”

  He nods and stands aside. She sighs and walks by. I follow one step behind my eyes on him the whole time.

  “That dagger I gave you boy.”

  “Destroyed by the great silver dragon.”

  Actually, it had been by his orb, but I don’t want to stick around for details. Elainne is already ahead of me.

  “Too bad. It was the only one of its kind. Of course, if you learn to use your mage skills you could always make more I guess.”

  I look at him in shock. It was not an Elvin weapon? He hadn’t said anything.

  “My Kemp was not too proud to trade with the mages. He got that dagger from them. It was good for two wounds. He promised he would only need it once saving it in case I should die. Which I would have if he hadn’t had that knife. The last blow I was hoping would be used to save my daughter.”

  “It was the price for us to both be able to use all the magic we have blood rights to as if full blood.”

  He nods and thinks for a moment before responding. I am starting to get uneasy being so far from Elainne.

  “Then it might have been a fair trade. She can protect herself better once she takes her new mantle to heart and you can learn the art of said daggers and make some yourself. Perhaps even sell them and make some money. Set yourself up well in case she ever decides to leave the human world and return here.”

  “Why would she?”

  “She’s Elvin now. She still looks part human but she has the magic our family has always used to hold the throne.”

  Is he making her his new heir? Will Elainne accept?

  “Tell my sister when you return that she should find a new heir. I always get what I want.”

  I turn and walk away. I most certainly will not tell her, no one speaks to the queen out of turn. Besides, I don’t think Elainne will want the throne here. She has even a harder time fitting in here than in my world and she was raised here. I can’t imagine having more power will make things easier. If anything, it will make others jealous, envious, and more likely to try something so she doesn’t take the throne. Some people, most really, truly suck.

  “Viktor I was getting worried. I didn’t sense any danger around you but I wasn’t sure if my father could interfere with our bond or not…”

  “He can’t.”

  I can feel that he can’t. She smiles at me, squeezes my hand, and walks outside. It is bright and sunny, a clear and beautiful day. It seems wrong somehow. Like because we are going to war it should be dark and cold with lightning cracking through the sky threatening all below. It is better for us this way. Sun means no rain which means the merpeople won’t have that advantage. They are bringing people though who don’t fight as well in the rain. It is a no-win situation.

  “Viktor if something should happen to me. Your family here might want you to come home. Don’t say no because of how I was treated here. Come back to at least visit them and see if you fit. If not seek out the mages. You need to learn to control your powers.”

  I feel a spear of panic stab through me. She truly doesn’t think she will make it out alive and she plans to make sure I do. Where is that damn dagger or spell when I need it? How come my powers don’t activate knowing everything I need to know already? I should have asked for control to be part of it.

  “It won’t matter. If you die it’s because I already died protecting you.”

  I squ
eeze her hand but don’t turn to face her as she looks at me and sighs.

  “I won’t let you die for me Viktor. I care too much about what happens to you. Kemp or not I won’t let you die for me.”

  She stares at me waiting for me to acknowledge her words with more than just an occasional glance from my eyes.

  “You wouldn’t care if I weren’t your Kemp. It’s the bond.”

  She smiles laughs and shakes her head at me.

  “Silly man. It has nothing to do with the bond. I accept Kemp and what it stands for. But I won’t let you die for me. Do you understand me?”

  I nod because anything else will make her mad.

  “Why don’t I believe you?”

  “Because Elainne, I wanted to protect you before we were bonded. I still want to and I will. If you try to sacrifice yourself for me you will find the world’s most pissed off male shaking the shit out of you. It’s not happening. It’s not just my Kemp bond that makes me want to protect you. I care about you too.”

  She smiles and kisses my knuckles. It works I am shocked enough to look at her. She is smiling that sassy smile again. We are arguing, and she will win because she is more powerful than me. But I won’t let it be that easy. Still, it is not an argument that will leave us angry at one another, just more determined to stick together and watch each other’s back.

  “I guess I will have to watch you very closely then Viktor. If you die I shall have no one to care for me.”

  I release her hand and hug her tight in case it is the last time I ever do so. She hugs me back just as fiercely.

  “I won’t let you out of my sight. I promise Elainne nothing will happen to you.”

  It is the one promise I intend to keep.


  We are given food, a change of clothes, which is good since mine are practically falling off me from all the missing pieces. Viktor eats like it is his last meal and keeps scooping more onto my plate. His swords are sharpened and he insists I carry a weapon. Every Elf is taught to use a weapon so I am proficient.

  I use a staff. He is angry until I point out that the merpeople, who are the biggest threat to me having magic as well, are weak against the wood of the forest. That means the stick as he calls it is a good weapon of choice. My father shockingly backs me saying I am proficient enough and that the staff won’t break, it is spelled to be impervious to damage, even from a sword. Viktor agrees to the staff.

  We march and it is a clear blue skies kind of day. I am glad at least that it is in our favor. I am still trying to figure out how to not kill the humans. If uncle rides with them…well if he dies it will start a whole mess of issues. I have to take the humans out of the equation without killing them. Because the Elvin mages who know the spell to reverse the effects Marina has on the humans are at aunt’s castle not here. It is kill or be killed. I have to find a way to save them.

  “Viktor, try not to kill any humans.”

  “The humans aren’t my prey tonight.”

  I look at him in Elvin battle gear incredibly light but able to withstand hits from most weapons. I hope they don’t have many spelled weapons. He looks Elvin, today. His pale skin shines in the sun with his strength, and although his hair and eyes are still dark to hide the power within, he holds himself like an Elvin warrior. Tall, strong, and proud. Ready to do battle and destroy the enemy.

  I sigh. I hope the dragon is not right. Power corrupts and I can’t stand the thought of losing Viktor. Not to death and not to insanity. Neither is an option. He, we, both have to learn to use our powers and work together. We will be efficient and not use it for things not needed once practice is done. Hopefully, it will keep the need for more at bay.

  “Elainne don’t worry about keeping people alive. Worry about winning.”

  “I don’t accept that. I plan to use my magic to hold the people back maybe lift them with gusts of wind and keep them there until the merpeople are dead and the spell broken.”

  “If it’s a large army it’ll take a lot of power and effort.”

  I nod. It will, in fact, take all my concentration. I have to make sure they can’t get away but that I don’t do any permanent injury as well. “Yes. If I squeeze too hard, I hurt them, too little and they drop to the ground like a stone in a pond. Either way, I need to be careful. It will take a lot of concentration.”

  “You will be vulnerable.”

  I smile and look him over. “That’s why I have you Viktor. I know you will keep me safe. I trust you.”

  He nods but sighs. He wishes I would forget about the people’s safety and help everyone end the battle faster. I am helping us long term. If I become queen, I need an army to protect the kingdom. Even if I don’t, I don’t want aunt undefended. Especially since my father is an ass and refuses to help her with anything. We are lucky the mermen attacked or I have a feeling we would have rotted in that dungeon.

  “Ready Viktor?”

  “I’m ready. Elainne stay by my side. Promise.”

  “I promise. You as well. Let me help if you need it.”

  He nods, gives my hand a quick squeeze and looks out at the army approaching. It is time.

  There is no charging if it were normal men there would be. Elves and merpeople like to taunt and demand surrender first. Marina walks forward her army behind her and I meet her with my people behind me and Viktor by my side, as her champion is by hers. She has a shield of water swirling around her in case there are sneak attacks from mages. I command my magic to keep my arms on fire. Viktor and I cannot be burned and though he flinches when I first conjure it when we walk out there is no sign of fear on his face.

  “The Elvin bastard fights for the Elvin people.”

  “My aunt is in charge of her own kingdom again, the mermen you left there are dead. So, for now, my fight is here, with you.”

  She looks shocked but hides it fast. Too bad for her I know what to look for.

  “I’m sorry for the loss of your people there, and for the losses, you will suffer here.” Even if we are enemies I feel for the loss of life. It likely was not their idea to invade, they are only following orders. She laughs and shakes her head.

  “I will kill you. Nothing will bring me more pleasure, you half-breed.”

  I shrug nonchalantly and hold up a hand with a fireball.

  “I think, Marina, you will find it harder than you expect. I’m not weak, I’m not afraid, and I have a Kemp now.”

  “So, you are strong because an Elvin warrior fights for you?”

  I throw the ball at her commanding vines to sprout from the earth and hold her legs so that she can’t escape the sizzling of fire and water meeting. For a moment she is shocked then she remembers to resummon her shield. I have another fireball waiting but I don’t throw it.

  “I can take care of myself, Marina. My magic is not as weak as the rumors say. Release the humans in thrall here and leave now and you all leave in one piece.”


  I sigh and look up. My goodness, she has a lot of pride. “I could have killed you before you resummoned your shield. Still, if it’s a fight you want then you shall have it.”

  I raise the fireball allowing it to grow and throw it behind her. She expected a strike at her but I am smarter than that. She is ready for it now. The army behind her is not. The fire explodes outward like a bomb and as screams and the smell of burning flesh rise and I run as she commands the water swirling around her after me.

  I look back to see Viktor and her champion fighting. I lend him my Elvin reflexes and superior everything. I don’t need to run far. I just need her away from her champion. She follows and he stays to fight Viktor. Viktor is better, the merman is used to fighting with a tail in the sea, the land fights them as well.

  “You Elvin bastard I will kill you!”

  She is sweating and looks sickly. Isn’t that interesting, I burn her people and I burn her.

  “You have to catch me first siren.”

  I run right into the battle leaving
myself unprotected throwing fireballs at all the mermen I see. Every one of their screams is reflected in her. The human men start jumping in front of them and I curse. Damn, she commanded them to die in the mermen’s place too quickly. I summon air and lift them all into the sky holding them out of the battle. The Elvin warriors don’t even flinch they just ignore the flailing humans and attack the mermen with spells of land and fire.

  I have to run, using only human speed and endurance and holding onto so much magic while trying to stay out of the battle tires me out. I can’t use other magic I am too afraid that it will reflect on what I am doing with the humans and I will kill them. The whole point is to save them.


  Elainne takes off running and I curse. She promised to stay next to me. To watch my back magically. Marina runs after her leaving me to fight her champion likely assuming since I am new to being a Kemp I will lose. I won’t. I have to kill him quickly and find Elainne. She is not protecting herself with magic. Marina is throwing water balls at her leaving herself wide open in hopes of killing Elainne.

  The champion swings while I am distracted and one of my blades goes flying through the air. An elf picks it up and slices at the nearest merman with it. I see a human go down as well. Elainne will be upset. I turn my attention back to the champion merman knowing I can’t let my guard down. I am most effective with two swords but I can use one and I do now.

  He swings his battle-ax over and over. My armor dents where he lands blows but doesn’t break or crack. Thank goodness for superior Elvin materials. I swing back landing most of my blows as well. Unfortunately, I have to wear down his fluid armor first until it is beyond magical repair. It keeps thinning a bit to fill in cracks and chips I make in it.

  “Just die already I need to find Elainne!”

  I swing leaving myself open. He manages to slice my arm but I ignore the pain and let my swing follow-through. I slice his neck open and blood sprays all over me. I don’t wait to watch him fall I take off into the battle slicing and running as I go looking for Elainne. I have to find her…


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