Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 48

by Francheska Fifield

  He shakes his head and I swat him away.

  "This is a ridiculous conversation. I will marry for love and give them power over whatever the hell I please. If I am going to be an empress, I will make my own decisions. You will NOT make them for me. Am I clear Avren?"

  "I am sorry my queen, but this time I cannot agree. You have the heart to bring the world together but it is going to take great magic and strength to keep it that way. Especially as time goes on and no one remembers how hard things were before. Not every group will always be happy. It is impossible. Your descendants need to be strong enough to hold the status quo you create."

  I hate arguing with a being thousands of years old. It makes it impossible to win. So many years of proof and logic behind him.

  "We will discuss this more when I return. Should I look out for anyone, in particular, oh wise one?"

  "The fairies are not always small. The powerful ones take a human form, same with the phoenixes and unicorns. Those that have lived long and broadened their horizons can be as human as you."

  I don’t even know how to take that. He wants me to have an animal baby…so to speak. Even if they can be human…so weird. I can’t even process it all.

  "Okay, that is the end of this conversation. I can't think about that on this trip. Especially since Viktor is coming…"

  Avren lands on my shoulder and rubs our cheeks together.

  "It will be hard but you do not have the luxury of marrying for love. If you wish to have a child to rule and children with Viktor after you may, but keep in mind the dynamic. You will have to favor the child that will rule and any children with him will be strictly so you can play at having a family."

  I shove him off and use Talon's face spell. I don’t want anyone to see the tears pouring right now. I have to hide this. As long as I can keep it out of my voice and no one touches my face there will be none the wiser. Except for Avren…and my emotional sensor…Viktor. This is going to be a horrible trip.

  "Aiden this is Cullen. He is the new mage representative. Please do not bar him from council meetings because of height or age."

  Aiden holds out a hand and shakes Cullen's without even batting an eye. That’s what I love about him.

  "Welcome, Cullen."

  Cullen must have listened to my advice because his face doesn’t show the shock, I know he must be feeling.

  "Yes, please help him out until he understands how the council meetings work. I remember how much trouble I had trying to set up the dang things."

  Aiden smiles. "Of course."

  Cullen turns and bows to me. It is very official-looking for someone only eight.

  "Your majesty."

  "Cullen, I see someone taught you the manners for court. Tell me their names so I can kill them immediately."

  He is taken aback by that. I laugh and ruffle his hair.

  "I joke. If it was Talon though I might not be. He knows how little patience I have for such a waste of time."

  Cullen looks at me as he did before. Like he is observing me, trying to figure me out.

  "You prefer I treat you casually as I would anyone else?"

  "Absolutely. I want my friends and people I trust to know it."

  He is quiet and taken aback. I can’t help but think he is adorable. I pinch a cheek until he scowls at me.

  I get down on one knee and put both hands on his shoulders.

  "Having great power at a young age is a harsh and terrible thing. It can be great, don’t get me wrong, but it leaves little room for you to be a person. If you ever need to talk about it, I am here."

  I look deep into his eyes so he knows I am serious. I want to be here for someone. I know what it is to have expectations you are afraid you won’t live up to.

  "Now I must go. Aiden will help you find your way around the court. Be good. Don't scare the adults too much."

  I rise and shake some hands, bid farewell to others and gather my party.

  "Talon, Viktor, to the stables."

  I leave with more fanfare than I want, damn court, and make for the stables.

  "Elainne are you sure Cullen will be fine for the first time without you here?"

  I link arms with Talon and am suddenly glad to getaway. Even if it is a royal tour so to speak I am glad to be away from the palace.

  "Of course. Aiden and Avren already approve and promised to look out for him. Avren thinks he's blessed by an earth goddess. That’s a stamp of approval for him right away."

  Talon does seem a bit more relaxed whereas Viktor seems more upset. It’s been Talon and me for so long I am not sure anymore how to handle having a Kemp. The closeness we once had is long gone. The confession I made swept away.

  I am no longer crying about Avren and my conversation. No. I have decided that Viktor, as he has proven before, will want me to make the empire he and Avren dream of. So, I will.

  "You two need to protect me from overzealous men on this trip."

  Talon misses a step and almost takes me down with him, but Viktor grabs my arm in time to stabilize me.

  "Why would you say that out of the blue?"

  "Avren tells me I must choose someone to have an heir with. Apparently, the races consisting of unicorns, phoenixes, dwarves, and fairies have beings so powerful they can take a human form. And they will be perfect for a mate to create a powerful heir."

  Viktor says nothing just walks by my side watching for threats. Talon is like a brother and a friend in one. He will have plenty to say and there is no chance he will keep it to himself.

  "You are not even seventeen!"

  "I will be before long."

  "So, someone you have barely met and have no feelings for…awkward."

  "Avren is not great at social niceties or human emotions."

  Talon snorts and throws an arm around my shoulders.

  "No kidding. Well, let's get on these horses. Do you know where we ride to?"

  "Just go until they open a portal and let us in."

  "Okay then. Off we go."

  We climb up on our horses. Talon still complaining about Avren having no heart, Viktor silently stalking behind us, and me smiling away. Glad to be out and about meeting beings no one knew were still alive before now. I will never be able to say I don’t have an interesting life.

  Chapter five

  We ride for what seems like forever, I am getting far too used to sitting on the throne or in a chair going over finances with Aiden. So, for now, all I can do is deal with the fact that I have not ridden a horse in almost a year and am bouncing along uncomfortably. I am going to be so sore tomorrow. It is all I can do to not fall off. And Avren wanted me to fly with him. As exciting as that sounds, I can't imagine it is easier than not falling off a horse at full gallop.

  "Elainne we need to stop. I never learned to ride until I became your champion and frankly, I hate it."

  Good old Talon. You can always count on him. I nod and we dismount. Both he and I fall over ready to die. So that sucks. I never want to ride again. I will walk from now on. Everywhere. To the ends of the world and back. Or teleport. I can do it now. It is a thing.

  "Why are we on horses?"

  Viktor holds the horse standing as if nothing bothers him. Of course, it likely doesn't because he trains on the horses. He wants the army to be comfortable on foot or horse. It is a good idea making sure everyone can do everything, but wow does it make me feel bad about myself now.

  "Avren said it was better than wandering on foot. We don't have time to wander on foot, but we cannot use magic because the 'others' will come for us at their leisure."

  "Remind me to tell all the races I hate them. And Avren too when we get home."

  I laugh and smile but Viktor huffs. He does not find us amusing it seems.

  "Don't embarrass our Queen. She is already at a disadvantage being so young and untested."

  "Like I would actually say that to them. By the way, I wouldn't. But neither Elainne nor I am as comfortable on a horse as you. We have been dealin
g with politics and the other races verbally. We don't have the luxury to gallivant around on a pony all day and call it work."

  I know Viktor does more than that but I also know he insulted Talon by treating him like a child when in reality Talon is the eldest of us all.

  "Be nice boys."

  Normally I would let them work through it alone, it has to be done at some point. Talon and I have grown into a comfortable travel mode and Viktor and I have an entirely different relationship when we travel. Then our big fight made us strangers. A new balance won't be easy and honestly letting them fight it out might be better but for now, I need them on the same side. My side.

  "We are being nice. We just need to clear the air. Right, Kemp."

  The way Talon says it is definitely mockingly. He was pissed that after almost dying to save Viktor from the dragon blood I had been betrayed by him. Or so Talon thinks. He has studied to be a proper Champion and he has learned about Kemps assuming he will need to interact with Viktor. However, Viktor hasn't been by my side in over a year. Talon takes it personally for me since I am not allowed to be a heartbroken girl.

  "What happens between our queen and me has nothing to do with you champion. We will decide what to do and you will follow. Isn't that your job? To act like a puppy and follow like an obedient boy?"

  I know that is too far even before the lightning bolt hits Viktor. He is not in dragon mode which means his scales don't absorb it. Which means he gets singed, goes flying over the horses (Talon has good aim to miss them), and lands a ways away scales covering his body. Well, this will be a fun trip. I can already tell.

  A jump up and growl later and he is stalking towards Talon...who does not look properly cowed. He pulls his staff out of thin air and starts twirling it around. Oh, this is just great. If one of the others pop out now, we will have a conversation and a show. Talon has practiced a lot and gotten better in the last year. He is proficient with the staff and Avren taught him some spells to enhance his moves, spells that won't help Viktor because he can't absorb them.

  As he reaches Talon and the staff and dragon scaled arm collide. I used my magic to toss them both into the air and hold them apart.

  "Do not make me get up boys. I am tired, sore and not in any kind of mood to indulge in your egotistical childish behavior."

  I bring them both in front of me and hold them still. Technically they are towering over me because I am still sitting. But I don't bother looking up. I just fiddle with my water skein and speak in my most threatening menacing voice...and trust me when a dragon is your teacher you get a good one. It is my displeased court voice.

  "This will be a pleasant trip to the hidden creatures. We will not fight. We will not argue. No violence. Viktor you are my Kemp but you have been away and it has fallen to Talon to do your job. If you are angry about that take it out on yourself not him. Talon Viktor is my Kemp and I have demanded that he stay with me now. You are not being replaced you are just getting a partner. As the eldest of you two, I expect you to show him how well you two can work together. Neither of you had better disappoint me. Am I clear?"

  That last sentence I do look at them. Even without words, I let them know this had better not happen again. I am not putting up with it. I want peace on this trip. If we are tense and fighting, we can't expect the ones we visit to trust us at all. I will not be disappointed. They both nod their acceptance and I let them down. Quietly, and very efficiently, they care for the horses. See it can be a pleasant trip after all.

  We eat lunch then get back on the horses and ride off. We have not been given any directions so we have to wing it. By dark I have to admit riding Avren would have been faster. And he is so big I might’ve been able to nap on him. I am sure the boys could have kept me on. I am not that big; I would have been easy to hold. And Avren would have caught me if I fell...I am ninety percent sure.

  "We need to sleep a bit. I don't think either of us can hold out all night. Besides I feel bad for these horses. They aren't ridden this hard often. They are pleasure horses. "

  "True. Alright, boys let us set up camp."

  By camp, I mean to pull out our sleeping bags and lay down to sleep. After a wonderful jerky and water dinner. Ahh, the luxurious life of a princess. No, I am not like the others. I don't have an entourage, I didn't bring china with me, and I don't have world-class meals cooked over a campfire. I eat what I can find or carry myself. No one can say I don't understand the common man. I live like one a lot...every time I am on a task away from the palace and that happens more than most might think. It is sad, but I spend more nights in my sleeping bag than I do a bed...that and a chair. When at the palace I spend more time in a chair than a bed. I really should invest some money in making that chair more comfortable. My sleeping bag too. It is getting quite threadbare. I will have to replace it soon.

  "So... anyone have anything we can talk about that won't lead to a fight?"

  I look at the mischievous grin on Talon's face and laugh. That turd.

  "You two are very close."

  Viktor watches us from the other side of the fire I made magically. Okay, so I do have some tricks up my sleeve the common man doesn't. Well in the Elvin lands that is not true. In the land of humans, it is.

  Talon ruffles my hair, there goes the tight braid I have to keep it out of the way and smiles.

  "Of course. She's my best friend, little sister, I don't know what else Elainne?"

  "Charge. You are my champion so I am your charge."

  "Oh right. I always forget that one because you never listen to me when I tell you something is unsafe."

  I laugh and shrug. He is not lying. I am a pain in the butt to guard. Well, pooh to him.

  "Well, I am kind of magically awesome right now. And I have taken self-defense lessons longer than you have. I taught you to fight with the staff."

  "Are you calling me obsolete?"

  "Not at all. I don't think I could make it without you. Even if you had no magic and couldn't fight I still need you. You are the only person that actually asks my opinion about anything.... well Aiden does, but only because he is my substitute and wants to make the same decisions I would when in charge. What I mean though is you are the only one that looks out for my emotions. If I didn't have that I might never succeed at this ruling thing."

  Talon hugs me with one arm and continues shoving jerky in his mouth with the other. What a boy.

  "Someone has to keep you emotionally stable. You put so much of yourself into ruling you would burn out otherwise."

  "So, I have been replaced."

  Viktor says it softly and under his breath but Talon and I both have learned to pick up on light sounds so we don't miss being backstabbed in court. Or caught unawares by some critter ready to eat us.

  "Viktor you cannot blame me for how things turned out. I gave you my heart and wanted you to be the one to keep it safe and you chose to force me into this life instead. I need someone I can count on to pick me always. Talon is it. He won't let me be emotionally stunted. You and Avren both think of the type of Queen I will be or am.

  "What you do not realize is how quickly I would burn myself out of having emotions if I gave and gave and no one cared a fig about how I felt or what I wanted. Talon makes sure I don't become my father. I want to be a good queen. A fair queen. But I don't want to become my father and if I did nothing but give myself to this land with no emotional outbursts, no caring for myself, and no one to care for me I would become him. You two can think about that next time you plan to go against my wishes."

  I stand and go to my sleeping roll. I am tired. I lie down and let my anger slide away. I just relax and enjoy being outside in nature that always lifts my spirits. After a bit when my breathing has evened out and it has been long enough for me to fall asleep the boys start talking. I shouldn't, but I listen.

  "You take good care of her. Thank you. It should have been me."

  Talon sighs and I wonder what expression his face holds.

  "Look, I get
why you and Avren made her queen. The elves, well their last ruler...okay rulers, were terrible. They were selfish, most rulers are. The world is broken and she's kind enough to heal it. But she is not wrong. She would burn out if all she did was feel for others. You want her to teach the world to love again but it's a hard and terrible thing to put on a girl that young. What really needs to happen is you two need to think about how everything affects her.

  “Do you know what it took to hold her together after you two betrayed her? Do you know how she cried herself to sleep every night? How she slept half what she does now, and even now she doesn't get enough. What you did makes you no better than her father in my mind. You cared about how your life would be with her in charge. Not how her life would be. So, someone has to make the hard decisions...yeah I bet all the others said the same thing before they turned into malicious self-centered rulers.

  “She doesn't trust you with her emotions. Can you blame her? Hell no one can, none of you have the right too. So yes I took care of her, and I will continue to do so, forever. Don't think I will stop because you are here. Don't think I won't interfere in every interaction you have to make sure you don't hurt her again. Elainne has given me something to believe in and I refuse to let you, or Avren, or anyone destroy that. Are we clear?"



  I hear Talon move and get his bedroll ready for sleeping.

  "You know I am glad Avren told her she couldn't marry you and sire an heir. She needs someone that will love her. Not love what she can do for them. Don't forget to put out the fire before you sleep. Wake me for my shift."

  After that it is silent. I close my eyes and will myself to sleep. I really hope none of the ones we are to visit are around. That will cause issues like nothing else could.

  The next morning, we are eating breakfast, jerky again, when we get a visitor. A little fairy all sunny yellow and sweet lands on my knee. She is adorable and I want to just hug her. Too bad she is too small.

  "Hello. I am Summer. I was sent to ask if you are ready to visit us now."


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