Champion Complete Series

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Champion Complete Series Page 59

by Francheska Fifield

  That puts me at ease a bit. The human kingdom will easily integrate with mine. Soon humans and Elves will sit together on my council advising me on how to make the two races become one.

  "Keep your money for yourself now. I am very weak and I don't think I could summon a portal to send you more right now. I likely won't be able to for weeks…if not longer. I do have a mission for you."

  "What is it?"

  "I need you to find two people for me and make sure they are well. When you find them tell them I sent you and I am taking the human kingdom. They can get help and join me at the palace."

  "They must be important."

  "My only friend and constant companion while I resided in the human kingdom Madeline. Her husband Mason was your grandson's only friend and a guard of mine. Madeline was pregnant and they were in the castle last I saw. I did not find their bodies while Avren and I searched the castle but I do not know what happened to them…"

  "I will find them."

  "Thank you. And Aldamon be careful."

  "Yes, your majesty."

  The connection closes and I try and fail to open my eyes. I am so weak that is impossible. I can feel the warmth of healing spells. I am guessing I am wrapped in them like one would swaddle a baby. They will be holding me to life with those spells. I know how far gone I was, I knew I was dying, I also know they won’t let me go. Not now. Not when we are so close to the goal.

  When I wake next it is longer than I expected. I can tell because snow is on the ground. The fire is high keeping the cool air outside where it belongs. My tentative control on the weather snapped when my magic started to eat me up inside. I hope Aiden has been able to hold the throne in my place.


  I turn and saw Cullen. What is he doing here? I open my mouth to speak but can’t. He brings a cup to me and helps me drink. It will be a while before I can speak again. My throat is so dry and swollen.

  "Talon and Viktor are with Aiden now. They are always with him. There were a few who attempted a coupe. They were…well, it's not a problem anymore. We have bigger issues."

  He looks out the window but I keep my eyes on him. He is nine now…. nine and so old already. I can see it in his eyes. He hasn't been a child for the last few months. He looks back at me and must see the sorrow in my eyes because he forces a smile.

  "When you lost control of the weather it fought back. You couldn’t let it go slowly over time like you had planned so…well we were hit with tornadoes, floods, and quakes. The mages, fairies, and some elves banded together to try to spread it out a bit so it thinned out. We helped a bit but there was still damage. Aiden was able to rally everything to repair the damage before winter set in but it's been particularly harsh. And with us trying to integrate the humans into our land…also, dwarves started showing up and asking for citizenship. Aiden has followed all the procedures you laid out but a lot are unhappy with it. We have a food shortage as is…sorry, I shouldn’t bother you. I just thought you might be wondering."

  I take a deep breath and sigh. Things have really not worked out well for us. For my people. Without me there.

  "My birthday has passed so I am nine now. They do not treat me any older though."

  I appreciate the attempt to make the conversation light but I am not to be distracted. I do smile at him and lift my hand, which he grabs instantly. I look at my hand and see bones. I am all skin and bones. I really had been at death's door. In fact, it looks as if I am death.

  "You are seventeen now as well."

  I am. That means I am closer to having to have my first child. I hope I put on some weight before then. I will look horrid and he will likely run if he sees me now. I smile to myself. That’s how I can get out of it. Show my suitors how I look now. It would be funny if I wasn’t still afraid of dying.


  "Avren is weak but still big enough to breathe fire and keep the elves under Aiden's control. We have been using his ever-burning flame. He infuses his magic into his flame and it cannot go out unless he runs out of magic. We are using it in the fireplaces of shelters where people can come and be safe."

  I am relieved. He survived. I expected him to kill himself saving me. I can’t let him go without saying goodbye.

  "Do you want me to summon him for you?"

  I shake my head no…sort of. If Aiden needs him, I don’t want to pull him away.

  "Get some rest. You will be weak for a while. We can sit you up later and feed you. That will help."

  I keep hold of his hand as I close my eyes and surrender to the darkness once again.

  It is like this for weeks. The winter months require people to hibernate. I had been in control of the weather far too long and it is rebelling now that I do not have the energy to continue holding it in check. Luckily that means my staying inside resting is not hard. I have nothing else to do.

  After I can once again talk and sit up on my own Aiden starts showing up to talk rulings with me. He wants my opinion on everything. He has been ruling alone, with no input from me, for months. People are getting uneasy not seeing me.

  So, he will bring documents for me to sign using my royal seal. Or when I am strong enough to sign with my hand. Taking over the human kingdom is difficult, especially since Aiden is running the financials and the Elvin kingdom right now.

  Luckily the Fairy Queens treasure helps. It is broken down into pieces small enough to use as currency. The human kingdom had gotten some food shares. Both kingdoms are on a very strict rationing system but after next year that shouldn’t be an issue. We just have to survive this winter.

  FireHeart has many of her people going into hibernation. They will only awaken to eat once a week before returning to sleep. It allows the rations to stretch that much further.

  The older mages, ones closer to the end of their lives halve their rations so their children can have more. Growing bodies need it more than failing ones according to the elders. It is a noble sacrifice.

  Apparently not wanting to be outdone the older elves have done the same. Elves can survive for longer with less food. Their magic will wane but right now they don’t really need it. Just enough to keep them warm should they run out of logs to burn.

  The people are coming together caring for one another, making sacrifices without Aiden or I having to make them mandatory. It is exactly what I hoped for when I started this campaign.

  The treasure in the human kingdom has been found. All of it has gone back to the people. They’d been starved and overtaxed by their overseers. Aiden is handling the finances for both countries. He doesn’t bring any of it into the treasury. But he says hardly anyone says anything about it. Slowly the world is coming together.

  Healers are placed around the entire continent. Stationed to help people during these hard times. The humans are going through a normal winter but having such poor conditions to start with we still have to have healers there. Mages and Elves helping humans. Who would have ever thought all three could be civil? Good deeds inspire more good deeds.

  Another surprise is that one of my caretakers is the future father of my first child. He is a serious solemn fellow. Kind, soft-spoken, caring. His mother was right. It will be easy to feel affectionate with him without worrying about falling in love. Especially after seeing how he speaks of his partner. His whole face lights up like the sun. I can’t wait to meet him.

  It turns out my future lover and I have much in common. We have both been raised in highly magical families and not fit in at all until later in life. He did not come into his power until his teens either…something unheard of in the fairy realm. He also loves reading, he gardens but it is trees, not food or flowers. It is not shocking to discover OakHeart is aptly named. Fairies have baby nicknames until adulthood than are named according to their gifts and personality.

  The oak tree represents power, strength, and courage. He is all of these things and more and we easily become friends. We don’t talk about the future. For now, we just want to be comfor
table around one another. He often brings books to read to me. It is a peaceful feeling being with him. I hope that never goes away.

  Everything is running fairly smoothly but I am fairly certain that is because a winter this intense has everyone in their homes safe from the chill.

  Between Cullen showing me magic, he is learning from Avren and Talon, OakHeart reading to me and being a near-constant companion, and Aiden coming to discuss business with me my days pass swiftly.

  It is not a horrible way to go about healing, but when spring arrives and I can once again walk the earth barefoot letting its natural healing abilities flow through me I am relieved. So very relieved. As it is still cool all that come require me to dress in many layers allowing only my feet to be bare and checking for a chill on them what seems every second. Still, fresh air is welcome.

  Finally, I can get back on track. Time to finish taking over the world.

  Chapter twenty-two

  I tour the human kingdom while recovering. Riding in a carriage inspecting villages and giving aid is less work for me than dealing with the court. Avren stays glued to my side, as do Cullen and OakHeart who both insist on accompanying me. Aiden thinks it is a good idea. Me being half human and half Elvin and bringing a fairy with me along with a mage, it is a great show of diversity…that and they can keep me safe while Talon and Viktor continue to watch over Aiden ruling in my stead back home.

  So, in the end, we travel OakHeart using his magic to keep me steadily getting better, Avren tethered to me like a magical lizard, which he technically is, and Cullen with his magic ready in case anyone tries to take advantage of my weakened state. Luckily OakHeart also knows of a spell that keeps me looking fantastic even if I am really worn and run down. One again a Queen.

  One day I receive a message from Aldamon and decide it is time we accidentally run into him on our journey. No one will know the reality of it and I have to keep it that way. I make sure to remind him. Still, when he gives me directions, I hesitate. Should I summon Viktor here? Will he wish to see his family again?

  In the end, I decide I will ask his family, if they wish for contact, I can pass a message along if they do but if not there is no need to get his hopes up. They might be afraid of his dragon side so it is best to warn them before bringing him here only to have them not accept him.

  "Your majesty are you well?"

  I smile at OakHeart. I keep telling him to call me Elainne but he insists on using titles while we are in the public eye.

  "Yes. I was just thinking…about some people that helped me once. When the mermaid princess tried to invade us. They sheltered and fed us for a night…when I was in hiding."

  "Should we pay them a visit? To see if all is well?"

  I chew on my lip. What will they say when they find out who it is?


  Cullen has no nervousness about calling me by name. Of course, he is only nine so no one thinks twice about a child calling me by name.

  "It's Viktor's father, stepmom, and half-sister. They took us in. I am worried but…well what if they did not care what happened to Viktor after we left them. We did send them money, to repay them, but we never went back. I know Viktor didn’t. Do you think he would be angry if I stopped to see how they were?"

  OakHeart looks appalled I would suggest such a thing.

  "No one can fault you for being kind and worried. They are his family. Even if they are not close we can still tell him they are well, or if not he may wish to visit their graves…if they were caught up in all this mess."

  That decides it. My indecision gone I give directions to our coachman and climb aboard. The men follow and we rest up before reaching the location. Hopefully, I can keep Aldamon and Cullen from coming to blows…

  We arrive and OakHeart helps me out of the carriage taking my arm so I can lean on him a bit. He is a very kind person and we are fast friends now. He will be a wonderful father. So, patient and understanding. Horribly that means I will have to be the strict parent.

  "Your majesty it has been a while."

  Aldamon steps out of the barn and bows. Cullen raises a hand, likely to shoot some kind of decapitation spell, but I wave his hand down.

  "I banished him from the Elvin kingdom. I will own the world soon. I cannot banish him from everywhere without killing him and I do not wish to do that."

  "And for that I thank you. Are you here to check up on your Kemps family? Is he still your Kemp or was he broken and banished as well?"

  "Yes, he is still mine. By summer it will be done though. I cannot have a Kemp I cannot trust. Were you able to learn anything about your daughter from her husband?"

  "Only that she married an unworthy man. Having a child with another before she even died of her illness."

  I hadn't thought about warning him. How thoughtless. This is the last place his daughter lived, of course, he would come.

  "No, but because she did you have a grandson."

  "Yes. That is true."

  "Are they well? Viktor's family?"

  "They seem to be. The money you sent after they helped has improved their standing."

  "The queen…I mean my aunt was the one to send them money. As a reward, for helping me save the kingdom."

  I try not to fidget. I am still weak and tired.

  "You look as if you cannot stand well."

  Cullen's hands start to clench and glow. Well, that won’t end well. Why are all the men in my life so overbearing? It is why OakHeart and Aiden are my two-favorite people. I don’t have to scold them into behaving. They are mature. Ahh yes, adults that act so.

  "I have been…ill."

  "I see. You should come inside and sit."

  I nod and we follow him inside. The house looks a bit larger, the barn as well. They have either been rebuilt or added onto. I am guessing the latter. Why bother spending all the gold rebuilding when the previous structure is still sound?

  "I am told others you brought on your fated mermaid trip reside here as well."

  I release OakHeart and push my legs to run. It hurts, they scream, but I don’t stop. Not even the shouts of worry for me can break this spell. I push open the door and at the table Madeline, Mason, and their new babysit. A perfect little family. All who look up as I slam the door open.

  Madeline hands the baby to Mason and rushes to me. We embrace and I don’t care if her squeezing breaks a rib. I will heal. She and her family are safe.

  "Elainne I am so glad you are safe! There were rumors you died battling your aunt!"

  "Not quite, but it was a close thing."

  She steps back, looks me over, and then hugs me again.

  "You are too thin and pale. You need to eat and rest more."

  I laugh hugging her tighter trying to hold in my laughing. Grinning from ear to ear.

  "Such a mother already."

  As Madeline pulls back and returns to her seat we are invited to sit, which we gracefully do, and eat. I introduce everyone and once again offer Madeline and Mason a spot in the palace to stay with me a bit until they can decide what they wished to do. Both served the previous regime and it no longer exists, everyone that has never worked before, or worked in the palace, will now be looking for a place in this ever-changing world.

  They agree and I wire up an order to Aiden and seal it handing it over. With that done I insist we leave and retire at an inn. The household does not try to dissuade us, nor do they ask after Viktor. One look at Aldamon tells me he has told them of Avren's blood running through their son's veins and they have no desire to have anything to do with him.

  I swear to keep this to myself shaking my head as we leave. I cannot imagine hating your own child for any reason, and I am not even a mother yet. I ride to the inn in silent disgust.

  Once I am tucked in and the boys have figured out a schedule to guard me, I fall into a deep and restful sleep. I am fairly certain the boys have something to do with that as well.

  Once I wake in the morning I go to where the previous palac
e resided. Very little of it is left. It is being pulled apart and people in need can take what they wish to rebuild or reinforce weakened buildings. I don’t need it and many that live in the palace town had their homes burn down. We turned the palace into a temporary winter shelter but spring is here and people need to get back to their lives.

  "What you are doing here is amazing. So thoughtful. My mother was a wonderful queen to her people but she never would have thought of something like this."

  "I just hope the deaths that took place inside the palace do not haunt its stone and curse the new owners."

  "We will fix it if it does. We won't let them suffer."

  I nod. OakHeart knows the unicorns well, having stayed with me so much while I was bedridden and they cared for me, so he knows no race can break a curse and heal like a unicorn. Their leader will be the guild leader of the healer's guild. A pony in command. Cullen got a kick out of others taking assignments from a unicorn. I personally don't care what others think. The best for the job will receive it…. even if it is an animal, not a humanish race.

  "Come let us see the progress of the fields. I want to make sure they are planted. The humans will need the food this coming year. The Elvin people cannot spare any and the dwarves still demand food for trade."

  Cullen snorts and OakHeart gives him a look. They often disagree. Cullen is young and wants action, OakHeart is older, more cautious and wiser. Still, I enjoy my time with both of them. I can practice my mothering on him. Powerful and willful. I don’t hold any false feelings that any child of mine will be anything other than these things.

  "Aiden is worried about ruling for you simply because of the dwarven people petitioning to join the kingdom. It seems their people are split. The negotiators refused to speak with him at first as he was not you. Then they demanded we refuse admittance of their people as our own. Aiden showed them your decree about anyone being allowed to join the kingdom. They had a fit. Demanded it be torn in front of them. Talon said he and Viktor had to actually defend Aiden when he refused to dismiss your signed and sealed law."


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