The Lake_Part One_Mountain Men Bad Boys Romance Novella

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The Lake_Part One_Mountain Men Bad Boys Romance Novella Page 5

by Lenna Tate

  “Come on,” he held his hands out. “I’m just having a party with some friends. Did we really disturb you?”

  My mouth dropped. “Are you kidding me? How could you not have disturbed me? Do you not even realize how loud that music is?”

  Axton glanced over his shoulder at the cabin and chuckled. “Oh, yeah, I guess we are pretty loud.”

  “I don’t even think that begins to cover it.”

  “Wren,” he sighed. “I’m not trying to make your life hell.”

  “Well you are.”

  “Please don’t get us kicked out.” I noticed a real sense of desperation in his voice. He was worried, and in that moment I realized I had all the power.

  I took advantage of the moment. “And why shouldn’t I? I don’t want to wake up at one o’clock in the morning all summer long because you decided to invite some friends over.” It wasn’t just that I was giddy to watch him squirm, which I was, I was also being dead honest with him. I had left New York City a long time ago, and the outlandish parties were part of the reason why. I hated seeing men with depthless pockets get beautiful women so drunk they didn’t know what they were doing, only to take advantage of them and send them packing the next morning.

  Axton’s head dropped, his gaze falling to his feet. In the moment, he looked somehow fragile. My heart skipped a beat as I stared at him, trying to soften my glare despite the fact that I was still boiling with rage.

  “Listen,” he took a step forward and held a hand out. Close enough that I thought he was going to wrap his fingers around my arm. Goosebumps shivered through my body. “I need this.” He was begging me. I could see it in his face, how sincere he was. His dark eyebrows pinched together, concerned.

  “Is this the last one?” I kept my arms folded across my chest. He was making me soften beneath his cool stare, the sadness that laced his voice. It had all caught me off guard. I had never expected to see him this way.

  A dimple formed in his cheek as his lips spread into a charming grin, a moment of playfulness as he shrugged, “It’s the last one you won’t know about. I promise.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t want the rest of my summer nights to be like this.”

  “They won’t,” he finally stepped closer. I could feel the heat coming off of his body. The scent of tequila and beer assaulted my nostrils, but underneath I could smell the brisk mix of his cologne. I sucked in a breath as he reached out and touched my elbow, squeezing gently. “I promise.”

  I tried not to squirm away from his touch, but his fingers were setting my whole arm on fire.

  “You have to ask,” I settled firmly with him.

  He blinked. “Ask?”

  “The next time you’re having a party,” I was trying not to flinch underneath of his eyes, but he was so close I could see the faint stubble of his dark beard, the way his neck muscles tensed each time I tested him.

  His fingers moved slowly up from my elbow to my shoulder, where they stopped as he leaned forward. “I promise.”

  My body shuddered and I jumped away from his touch, from the intensity of his stare, from the sudden intense desire I had for those fingers of his to run across every inch of my body.

  “Okay,” I coughed, trying to ignore every feeling he had just ignited inside of my body. For the first time, I suddenly felt very self conscious in my pajamas and messy hair and no makeup.

  “Wren,” he whispered after I pulled away. He looked defeated. “I won’t do anything to upset you.”

  In that moment I decided it was the alcohol in his system talking. I reminded myself that he knew how to charm women until they were putty that he could control. I was nothing special – he was just doing what he had always done. Charming me so he could get exactly what he wanted. And I had fallen for it. Like an idiot.

  But he was good at being charming. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest as I shifted my weight from one foot to the other. I was ready to run home and crawl back into my bed. I needed to get away from Axton, and the smell of his body, and the dark purr of his voice, and the electricity of his touch.

  Despite all odds, Axton East was getting under my skin.

  Chapter Eight


  Wren pulled away from me and I wanted to chase after her. I wanted to grab her again, feel her skin beneath my fingers, pull her into me and continue to make her promises I had every intention of keeping.

  I wasn’t the type of man to make promises. Not ones like that. Not ones to women.

  “Let me make it up to you,” I moved one foot forwards, trying to follow her. I didn’t want her to run. I didn’t want her to go back to her cabin.

  Something about her and the way she had softened underneath my stare made me crave her. I didn’t mind the pajamas, or the messy hair, or the awkward way her boot strings were sticking out in the air. I didn’t mind those things because I wanted to rip them off of her. I wanted to see her body, the silver piercing in her belly button, the perfect curve of her ass.

  My throat clenched as I waited for her to answer me.

  “I don’t know,” she was quiet, suddenly timid. “I think I should just go back home and go to bed.”

  I shook my head. “Don’t be silly, you’re already here. Please?”

  Her eyes flashed to her cabin and back at me, gauging what should she do next. I needed her to say yes to me. I needed to spend more time with her. Time where we weren’t at war with each other.

  “I’m in pajamas,” she continued to be stubborn.

  I laughed. “I thought you didn’t care what any of these people thought about you?”

  She stuck her tongue out. “I don’t.”

  “Then come on,” I pressed. “I kind of like the flannel.” And the white tank top that showed her supple breasts. It was apparent she was wearing no bra, the cold night air made her perky pink nipples all too obvious. I tried not to stare.

  She grinned sheepishly. “Okay, then. Just for a little bit?”

  “Perfect.” I grinned, and meant it. It was perfect. I was uncomfortably aware of how much I wanted her around me, the pressure rising hot and pulsing between my legs. I turned to go back into the cabin, thankful it was too dark outside to see what was happening beneath the dark navy of my pants.

  The party that had watched me escort Wren outside had since moved on to other things, mingling in small groups, drinking shots together in the kitchen. They were too busy to notice us walk back inside. I was thankful for that as I slipped into the kitchen and pulled two beers out of the fridge. I cracked them both open and handed one over to Wren, who took it reluctantly.

  “Not much of a drinker?” I asked with a teasing grin.

  Wren rolled her eyes and took a big drink. “Probably too much of a drinker.”

  “Really?” I hadn’t expected that.

  “Yeah.” She shrugged. “Like I said, I used to live in the city.”

  I grinned at the same time she did, and we stared at each other in silence for a few moments. The electricity between us was powerful, and I was itching to reach out and touch her. To push my fingers into the dark chocolate brown of her hair and pull her face into mine just to see what she tasted like.

  “Oh, you came back!” A shrill squeal broke my stare and I turned just in time to see the same blonde that had been hanging on me when Wren stormed in throwing her arms around my neck.

  “Hey, Lindsey,” I groaned and pulled away. I had to pry her hands off of me. I tried to give Wren an apologetic look, but she was staring at her feet, clearly uncomfortable. “This is Wren.”

  “Uh, hey,” Lindsey sneered at Wren, eying her up and down viciously.

  Wren shifted her weight around and gave me a look that made me realize she regretted ever coming back inside. “Hey,” she muttered before suddenly chugging down her beer and tossing it into a nearby trash can. My eyes widened with surprise. Pleasant surprise. There was something attractive about a girl who could hang with the guys. “Can I get another?” She asked withou
t really asking as she stepped around me to grab herself another beer.

  “Hillbillies sure know how to put them down, don’t they, Axton?” Lindsey was tugging at my shirt, grinning like she had made the funniest joke in the world.

  I couldn’t help but laugh. Mostly because it reminded me of the argument I had already had with Wren about the same topic.

  Wren twisted around sharply, glaring between both me and Lindsey. “What did you say?”

  Lindsey’s lips snarled. “You heard me.”

  “She was just teasing,” I added with another laugh, trying to keep the moment light-hearted.

  Wren slammed her beer on the kitchen counter. “Very funny.”

  “Oh, do you have a problem?” Lindsey was gloating, leaning drunkenly into my chest, as though we were something. I had never done anything with Lindsey, nor did I want to. And the moment wasn’t making me want her anymore.

  I only had eyes for Wren. As I watched Wren struggle to keep her composure I struggled, constantly trying to shift my body out and away from Lindsey’s tug and lean. I didn’t want Lindsey on me. I wanted to disappear into another room with Wren and show her what I really thought about her.

  “I do,” Wren stepped towards Lindsey and for a second I thought she was going to throw a punch. I had no doubt she could completely destroy Lindsey if she wanted to. I was sure she had a mean left hook, if her punch would be anything like her temper.

  Lindsey laughed wildly and threw her hand against my chest. “Oh my god, Axton. Who is your little friend? She’s just adorable.”

  Wren’s face lit up fuming red. Her hands were balled into fists as she took another step closer to Lindsey. With a sudden shift, she glared up at me, furious. “You have fun with that, Axton.”

  Without waiting for me to say anything, Wren threw her shoulder into me and pushed away from us and stormed out the front door.

  I had promised I wouldn’t upset her again.

  I was fucking up.

  I groaned and pushed Lindsey away from me. Her laughter died as she eyeballed me, “Are you seriously going to chase after that?”

  I glared at her. “Yes. I am.”

  I figured I had probably just destroyed the last bit of hope I had to win Wren over, but I had to try. I couldn’t let her walk out like that. Not after the promise I had made to her. A promise I had every intention of keeping.

  “Wren!” I shouted as I jumped off the porch steps and ran towards her cabin.

  She was already halfway through the grass, but she stopped at the sound of my voice and whipped around. “Oh, what do you have to say to me this time?” She yelled at me, throwing her hands in the air.

  Her scream stopped me dead in my tracks and I frowned, looking for the right words to say. “I didn’t mean for that to happen.”

  “It’s fine, Axton. You’re going to miss out on your hook-up if you chase after me.”

  “What?” I shook my head vigorously back and forth. “No. I don’t want her. She’s just drunk and clingy. I promise you, I want nothing to do with her.”

  She crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow at me. She clearly didn’t believe what I was saying.

  “Wait,” I started to grin. “Why do you even care if I hook up with her?” Had I just trapped Wren into admitting something she didn’t want to? Was she interested in me?

  “I don’t!” She didn’t enjoy my teasing and turned around again to walk to her cabin.

  “Wait, please,” I followed after and reached out to grab her arm.

  She shuddered underneath my touch and turned to face me, but didn’t pull her arm away from me. I kept my fingers wrapped around her cool skin and stared down at her. “I didn’t realize she was making fun of you. I didn’t want that.”

  The tension in her body shifted, lessening as she considered what I had said. I could tell she was trying to decide if she should believe me or not.

  “Do you always hang out with girls like that?”

  I sighed. “Our parties tend to have a lot of women at them.”

  “Of course.”

  “But, no, I don’t try to hang out with any women. I know what they want from me.”

  She glanced down at my chest, slowly shifting her gaze to the front of my pants. I felt the chill run through her body as she studied me. “I’m sure you do,” she scowled.

  “Not like that,” I laughed and placed my other hand on her arm. “They want money. And I don’t have any interest in giving it to them.”

  Wren regarded me, judging with cold eyes. It was taking everything in my power not to pull her against me and shove my tongue past her lips.

  “Then why do you throw these parties?” She asked.

  “What else am I supposed to do?”

  She laughed, unimpressed with my answer. “It seems stupid to throw wild parties and invite the people you don’t even want to be around.”

  I nodded. “I guess. It’s what I’ve always done, though.”

  “Well, we’re very different,” Wren shifted away from me, pulling her arms out of from my hands.

  “Don’t let what happened inside ruin what I said earlier,” I dropped my hands to my sides, feeling defeated. “Please.”

  “Then don’t throw any more parties.” That was it. She threw the ultimatum in my face like a deadweight, and I felt like I had been sucker punched.

  She took a step backwards and made a faint smile. “Goodnight, Axton.”

  “Goodnight,” I answered with a wilted voice. I didn’t want her to leave, but I knew the night couldn’t be salvaged. It had been ruined.

  I doubted there would be any chance for another interaction with Wren. Not after what had happened. Not after she had given me an ultimatum. First my family, and now the only girl that had ever managed to catch my attention.

  Why couldn’t I just live the life I wanted? Why did everyone want to be choosing my life for me?

  I groaned as I turned and trudged back to the cabin. It was nearing two in the morning, and I was too defeated to want to drink anymore.

  Lindsey was waiting for me on the porch. “Figure it out?”

  “Figure what out?” I growled.

  “Whether or not her parents were first cousins?” She grinned maliciously.

  Angered, I grabbed the drink from Lindsey’s hands and threw it into the yard. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

  “What?” Lindsey pulled away from me, shocked.

  “You heard me.”

  “Why are you so worried about some mountain troll?”

  I sneered at her, completely disgusted. “You can sleep here tonight because you’re drunk and all of your friends are here, but you are never allowed to come back. Do you understand me?”

  Lindsey was nearly brought to tears. “I…I’m sorry, Axton. I was just playing.”

  I threw a hand up to silence her. “I don’t want to hear it. Do not come back here.”

  Without waiting for her to answer me I pushed myself through the front door and made it into my bedroom. I had never wanted to be away from everyone else so badly. I flopped onto my bed without taking my clothes off. I just wanted sleep. I wanted to pretend like this night had never happened.

  I wanted to know that Wren would forgive me. That I could keep the promises I had made her.

  I wondered what she was doing, if she was going to sleep at that exact moment. If she was thinking of me, too.

  Chapter Nine


  I sat on the edge of my bed, staring out the window. The cars were all gone from the gravel lot, there was no one in sight, and all of the cans and bottles had picked up. I wondered if last night had just been a dream. It seemed impossible that only a few hours later I couldn’t even tell there had been a party. Or that I had melted under Axton’s touch. His promises.

  I gripped into the flannel fabric of my pajama pants, pinching at my skin. I needed to wake the hell up from whatever daydream I was stuck in.

  How was I supposed to snap out of it?
/>   Most of the night had been a complete nightmare. From the blasting music that woke me up to the bimbo blonde who had sneered at me and almost pushed me to my breaking point. But then there had been Axton. Axton who had chased me out of the cabin, who had grabbed onto me until I wouldn’t run away.

  He had a hold on me. One that extended well past the point when his fingers had been wrapped around me.

  I sighed and reached for my phone.

  “Hello?” Meg’s voice answered on the third ring.

  I let out a deep breath. “Thank god.”

  “What’s going on?” She sounded worried.

  “Everything,” I sighed. “I did what you asked.”

  Meg squealed into the phone. “And how did it go?”

  “It was a disaster.”

  “What did you do?”

  “What?” I snorted. “Why do you automatically assume it was me who did something wrong?”

  “Because I know you,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  I rolled my eyes and fell back against my pillows. “I didn’t do anything wrong. Axton is just an asshole.”

  “What a sexy name,” Meg seemed to ignore the rest of my comment.

  “That’s not the only thing,” I admitted. “He’s gorgeous.”

  “Wow,” Megan breathed. “This doesn’t sound like you at all.”

  “But he’s a gorgeous asshole,” I reminded her.

  She was making me uncomfortably aware of how unlike myself I was being. How Axton had managed to get under my skin. But it was impossible not to be attracted to a man like that; tall, powerful, sinister. I was reminded of how desperate he had been to get me to let him stay at the cabin, how weak he had seemed in that moment. Had I gotten under his skin, as well?

  “So what happened?” Megan pressed.

  I ran through the events of the night quickly, stopping on every detail that seemed important. How he had made promises to me. How he had joined Lindsey in mocking me. How he had chased after me, determined to make sure I didn’t hate him.

  “It sounds to me like he likes you.” She sounded so nonchalant, like it was a no-brainer.


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