Playing Jax [Wylde Shore 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Playing Jax [Wylde Shore 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Jan Graham

  “Angel has two husbands and a dungeon in her what?”

  “Her backyard. Christian and Daniel moved the dungeon space that used to be in their house to a building in the backyard when they had the twins.” Meg sounded contrite. “I may have given you the wrong impression of Angel’s living arrangements. Christian, Daniel, and Angel live an alternate lifestyle. Anyway I’ll let you ask Angel about that if you want to. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  Rhia sat on the sofa, completely dumbfounded. She knew Angel was married to Daniel but just assumed Christian lived with them and was single. Of course she’d heard the reference Angel’s two husbands but didn’t think it was fact. Anyway, alternate lifestyles didn’t bother her. The Shore family could only be described as delightful, the men both handsome and very respectful, while Angel’s friendship and generosity toward her left Rhia in no doubt the woman really was a saint. What Angel and her men did in the privacy of their own bedroom was nobody’s business but their own. One thing did puzzle her, though.

  “What does a dungeon have to do with it?”

  “They’re into BDSM. I don’t know a lot about it, so don’t ask me. All I really understand is that Angel likes men to take charge in the bedroom, and her husbands dominate her, tell her what to do… there’s more to it than that, but please don’t ask.” Meg sounded anxious again. The conversation clearly making her uncomfortable, and Rhia couldn’t understand why.

  “Isn’t that how sex is? Shouldn’t the man always take charge? Isn’t that his role?” Rhia didn’t know a great deal about sex, but she knew enough. Well, she knew the basics. And in her mind the man was always the sexual aggressor. At least that was what she’d observed. Men did the asking, and the women said yes or no, depending on whether they were attracted or not. It formed the basis of male-female interaction. A wolf whistle at a pretty girl walking along the street, asking a woman on a date, stealing the first kiss, initiating the act of sex and proposing marriage…it was all sexual aggression. The man took charge, and then the woman said yes or no.

  “You have a lot to learn about men. These days women take charge, too. I think I give Barry the come on, big guy, I’m horny, and need your body look more than he gives it to me.” Meg’s voice took on a jovial tone “I even asked to try out a few kinky ideas Angel told me about. I didn’t mind the spanking and being tied to the bed, but I don’t know that I’d go any further than that.”

  Too much information! Rhia tried to banish the image of her sister’s fat bum being spanked from her mind. “I was only joking about the nun. I have no idea what the stories are about.” Maybe a slight change in topic would act like bleach for the mind, clearing unwanted image spots away. No still there…Meg’s bottom, with a big hand print emblazoned on it. She would never look at her sister the same way again.

  “You know, Rhia, I’ve wanted to talk to you about sex ever since you arrived home. I don’t really know how much you understand, but there may come a time when you need advice about it. So, if you need to know anything about men or sex, then just ask me. Anything, anytime, I’m here for you.”

  “I know what sex is Meg, and don’t worry, I have no intention of engaging in the act. Not now, or in the future.” Rhia didn’t want to tell her sister why she was never going to need the sex talk. All her sister needed to know was she was not planning on having sex. End of discussion. Meg ended the conversation with a few words of sisterly advice. According to her, Rhia would one day meet a man who set her body on fire, and she shouldn’t believe everything she read. She promised not to call again until the next day, and Rhia insisted that, even then, Meg could only call her twice, and not one call more.

  Rhia put on a pair of the stretch cotton pajamas Angel had suggested she buy. Her friend was right. They were the most comfortable thing she’d ever worn, and they didn’t tear easily, or so Angel had said. Rhia wasn’t sure why she’d told her that piece of information, but she stored it away for later use, just in case. The shorts in the set fitted her nicely, but she would have preferred the top to be a little longer. It sat at the curve of her waist, and if she raised her arms, then her midriff and lower back were exposed. Rhia didn’t mind the lack of covering, at least not tonight. The heat of the day had cooled slightly, but it was still humid. And no one would see her while she slept, so it didn’t really matter. Comfort and practicality definitely won out tonight, and the set was much cooler than the full length, long sleeved nightgown she’d brought back home from England with her. She nestled down on the sofa with one of the books.

  Harley, a tall, strapping man decided the petite and delicate Rose should be with no other man than him. Rose hadn’t figured that out yet, but Harley was being persistent. Four chapters into the book, Rhia decided to take a break. The storyline definitely interested her, but there’d been no sex so far. Rhia decided that was probably good as she became increasingly uncertain reading about two people having intimate relations was the right thing to do. She only borrowed the books because she wanted to get some insight into what people who were attracted to each other felt. Having never really been attracted to anyone, she had no idea what went on. Physical attraction remained a foreign concept to her, a concept she would like to understand.

  Even with all the windows open, the house clung to the heat of the day. Rhia walked to the kitchen, poured some ice tea into a tall glass and headed outside. The setting on the front veranda didn’t offer any hope of catching a breeze, so she opted to sit on the front steps. Rhia liked the peaceful atmosphere of the street. It wasn’t as secluded as Meg’s home but the houses, spaced a fair distance apart, ensured the feeling of privacy. The only light spilled from inside her house, the well-lit living room offering a muted glow down the steps and across a small area of lawn. Only one other house in the street displayed any light. The porch light at the house across the road shone brightly.

  An engine rumbled in the distance, and Rhia glanced at her watch. Eleven P.M.…someone was late coming home.

  She watched the single headlight come into view. As the bike leveled with her house, the leather-and-denim-clad rider glanced toward her before pulling into the driveway on the other side of the street. Rhia shivered at the sight of him and a rush of nervous energy settled in her stomach.

  She hoped he hadn’t seen her sitting on the step. It was more likely the lights in the previously unoccupied home drew his attention. Still, she decided to make a hasty retreat and lock her door, telling herself it had nothing to do with the fact that he rode a bike. A scantily clad single woman was wise to go inside when faced with the prospect of meeting her biker neighbor at this hour of the night.

  As she stood to go into the house, a loud bang echoed in her ears. She spun around to see her front door had blown shut. She stared at her door…this was not good.

  “Stay calm,” she whispered as the first flutter of nerves filled her stomach.

  Rhia contemplated her options.

  She couldn’t call anyone because she didn’t have a phone with her. Even if she were confident enough to walk around the block to Angel’s house dressed like she was, she didn’t know what number Angel lived at. It was too far to walk to Meg’s house. She didn’t know any of her neighbors to ask to use their phone. Besides the only neighbor still awake was Mr. Denim and Leather across the road, and he was the reason she was going inside. She regretted not asking Angel more about her brother, like which house he lived in. She knew he lived on her street, but that was it. Access to a police chief would be pretty handy to have right about now.

  * * * *

  Steve dismounted and looked back across the road when he heard the loud bang. He watched the pretty little thing stare at the door, but she didn’t make an attempt to knock or go back inside. Beth had grown into a stunning woman, and for the penguin’s first night in her new home, Meg and Barry had obviously sent their daughter to babysit. She stood motionless, still staring at the door. Assuming her aunt was in bed and Beth didn’t want to disturb her, Steve made his wa
y across the street.

  “Evening, you naughty little hell raiser.” He wanted to take the words back the moment the woman turned around to face him. God, if the look of horror on her face wasn’t enough, the scream she let out induced him to take a step back. Steve usually meant what he said, but currently he was feeling a little regretful at his inappropriate choice of words.

  The stunning black-haired beauty before him had the most gorgeous eyes. Crystal clear and distinctly gray in color, they revealed just a tiny hint of blue as they sparkled in the moonlight. When he’d approached, she’d been standing with her back to him, and from the outfit the woman wore and the long dark hair, he had no reason to believe he was mistaken about it being young Beth. What a mistake he’d made. And what a treasure he’d found. Even though the woman looking at him in terror reminded Steve of a bunny caught in the headlights, she was still stunning. One thing concerned him though. If she kept backing away from him, she’d end up falling backward into the garden bed at the side of the house.

  “Sorry, I thought you were someone else,” Steve quickly apologized, relieved that his words stopped her reversing action. “It was a totally inappropriate greeting, and I didn’t mean to scare you.” He had no idea who she was, but damn she was a fine specimen of a woman. Maybe he should have let her fall in the garden. Then he could have lifted her up, angled her across his lap and assisted to dust the dirt off that perfectly shaped butt of hers.

  “Who did you think I was?” For a woman who looked as startled as she did, her voice didn’t waver when she spoke. Instead she sounded quite confident. Her body told a different story. Her breasts heaved from accelerated breathing, and when she made eye contact, she blushed.

  “I thought you were Bethany Reid, a friend’s daughter, but obviously not…no belly ring.” Steve smiled and indicated toward her stomach. “By the way, I’m Steve Jax.” Steve watched the blush in her cheeks deepen as he motioned to her belly button, and then held out his hand in greeting. She took his hand cautiously and gave a nervous smile in return.

  “Rhiannon McCabe…everyone calls me Rhia.”

  Touching her hand sent a surge of something through Steve’s body. What was that? It obviously wasn’t just something he felt. Rhia quickly pulled her hand free, an expression of confusion on her face.

  “How do you know my niece has a belly piercing?”

  “Everyone in town knows she has a belly ring. She rarely covers it up. In case you’re wondering, Barry and Meg know I call her a hell raiser. They agree with my assessment.”

  Steve watched Rhia thoughtfully. This was the penguin? Surely not. She was too shapely, too young, and too pretty. Hell, she was too damn sexy to have ever been a nun. He couldn’t decide if the fact he was growing hard under his jeans meant he was destined to go to hell. A smile edged at his lips as Rhia adjusted her top so he couldn’t see her stomach, the downward pull of the shirt revealing tightly budded nipples beneath the fabric. Maybe he wasn’t the only one in this conversation having impure thoughts. His cock pulsed harder as he thought of a befitting punishment for a nun with impure thoughts.

  His black, heavy-weighted leather flogger sprang to mind. He imagined her cuffed to the St. Andrew’s cross he kept stored in his garage, him behind her, wielding the first lash of leather tails against her skin.

  His cock stiffened and pressed uncomfortably against his tight denims. Steve needed to get his mind under control. If he didn’t, Rhia would be in all sorts of trouble. Besides, he got the distinct impression she was a little uncomfortable being this close to him. She fidgeted with her clothing some more. Maybe she simply felt a little exposed in that snug little PJ set…that damn-fine, hug-her-body-like-a-glove, little PJ set.

  Stop it, you Neanderthal, she used to be a nun.

  Steve cleared his throat and addressed the issue at hand. Well, one of them. There was nothing he could do about his erection at this moment in time.

  “So…did you bring a key out with you, or do you need help to get back inside?” Steve removed his leather jacket and handed it to her. “So you don’t feel as exposed.”

  He watched as she took his jacket and quickly shrugged it on, wrapping it firmly around her body. Well that did nothing to ease the throb in his pants. Now she looked even sexier. The jacket completely covered her. The arms were way too long, and the leather kissed against her bare thighs as she tried to adjust the sleeves so her hands were exposed. Jesus, now she looked like she had nothing on, except the jacket. The sound of her voice snapped him back to reality.

  “Thank you, Steve, and yes, I do need help to get back in.”

  He dipped his hand into his jean pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He could feel her watching him but knew he couldn’t afford to look at her. If he got any harder, he might bust the zip in his pants. Then there’d be no hiding what he felt about her. His beast of lust was trying to break its leash, and he was not going to let that happen. Well, not tonight anyway.

  Not any night, you idiot. She’s Meg and Barry’s sister…and she used to be a nun.

  He moved to the front door and sensed her step up behind him. He didn’t expect her to be so close when he turned around. Oh, dear God in heaven, she smelt too delicious. Hints of fresh citrus invaded his nostrils, a summer scent that he adored. She looked innocent and sexy at the same time. How could that be, innocently sexy? His cock pulsed. She was nothing like he expected. He nearly groaned at the realization she was going to drive him insane. Living across the road from her would test his control more than it had ever been tested before. She looked up at him curiously as he flicked through the keys. The sweet innocence reflected in her eyes convinced him that she had no idea the effect being this close to her was having on him.

  “I helped the owners renovate the interior, and I haven’t given Angel the key back yet.” He unlocked the door, held it ajar and ushered her back inside. When she brushed against him, a jolt of arousal rushed through his body. He was a dead man. Steve made a mental note to return the key to Angel on his way to work in the morning. Despite what his body was telling him, he didn’t need easy access to Rhia or her home.

  “Angel must really trust you if she gave you a key to one of her houses.” Steve heard relief in Rhia’s voice. He wasn’t sure if it stemmed from being back inside, or the fact that Angel had given him a key. Whatever the reason, it appeared to calm her. Her expression no longer held a wary edge. “Would you like a coffee, or do you need to go home?”

  Steve needed to go home. He needed to leave before he tried to kiss his new neighbor and drag her off to bed.

  “Sure, coffee sounds great, black and five.”

  You idiot! Talk about being a glutton for punishment.

  The mental scolding didn’t do anything to dampen his arousal. Rhia took off his jacket, placed it on the arm of the sofa and indicated for Steve to have a seat. She then hurried off to the kitchen, ass swaying temptingly as she walked. He held back a groan as she entered the other room. That was the most beautiful ass, firm and rounded, just ripe for spanking. At least while she was out of sight, he could take a few breaths and get his raging hormones under control. He adjusted the log in his jeans. How the hell had she gotten him so hard, so fast? They had barely even touched.

  “So how do you know Angel?” Rhia asked as she handed him his coffee. She now wore a pale blue silk robe over the nice little PJ set, hiding her voluptuous body from view. Steve decided that her being covered was disappointing but probably a good thing for both of them.

  “She’s my sister.” The look of surprise on Rhia’s face made him laugh. “What’s so surprising?”

  “You’re Angel’s brother, the policeman brother?”

  “Guilty as charged.”

  “Well, you’re nothing like I imagined,” Rhia explained. “I mean, I know Angel is a stunning woman but…I imagined her brother would be older than her, maybe around the same height, with short hair and a fat belly. You know from being behind a desk all day, he’d be chubby...and old
looking…and…well, you’re not any of that. Your tall and buff and…well you get the idea.”

  Steve reminded himself to give his sister a big hug the next time her saw her. Rhia was simply divine. Beautiful, friendly and obviously interested in his tall, buff, you get the idea body. Well if the way she blushed and diverted her gaze away from him when she spoke was any indication, she clearly liked what she saw. Steve knew that was the first hurdle successfully tackled in the quest to getting Little Miss Rhia underneath him.

  Wait, stop it. There will be no underneath anyone. She’s Angel’s new tenant, Meg and Barry’s sister and she used to be a nun.

  “Well consider us even then, because you’re nothing like I expected either.” Steve’s wicked side began to rise as he watched her stare at him in wide-eyed wonder, obviously waiting for him to describe what he had imagined. “You’re far too voluptuous and sexy to have ever been a nun. I bet you drove the priests wild with desire.”

  Rhia blushed and cleared her throat upon hearing his words. She wiggled as she adjusted her robe nervously. “Well, I’m sure that wasn’t the case.”

  Steve was impressed. She regrouped quickly, cleared her throat again and tried to change the subject. It was a shame the change in topic caused another volt of electrified arousal to charge through his body when Rhia touched the tattoo on Steve’s forearm.

  “I didn’t imagine you’d have tattoos, especially not one of a dragon cuddling a woman like this one. Is it an indication that you’re protective of the women in your life?”

  “I am protective of the women I love,” Steve responded. “But that dragon actually has a very different motivation for holding a sexy lady in his arms.”

  Steve couldn’t hold back a wicked grin as Rhia leaned in to have a closer look at his tattoo. He watched as the blush of her cheeks deepened to a bright red.


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