Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2)

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Dark Desires (The Hunter Chronicles Book 2) Page 27

by Claire Marta

  Panting she somehow got to her hands and knees. The knife Asier had given her was still clutched reassuringly tight in her hand and she used it to help her focus.

  “Simon…please don’t…hurt them.” She pleaded as everything began to spin in her vision.

  Simon hesitated. Turning his head, he fastened coal black eyes on her shaking form.

  “I won’t let them take you from me.” He growled, voice so guttural now, it didn’t even sound human.

  Staggering to her feet, Jasmine stumbled forwards. Her legs felt like jello. She wasn’t sure how long she had until they buckled. Agony was radiating through every part of her, it was also becoming more and more difficult to breathe with the vice like sensation restricting her chest.

  “They’re going now, you can stop.” She forced the words out from between her lips. “Please...just stop now.”

  Legs giving out, she crumpled to her knees. Simon glanced between her and Eric. He looked torn between her plea and his urge to kill. Then something changed. A cold detachedness settled over his features. Eyes going blank, he raised the knife determinately once again.

  Jasmine cried out in warning, but already knew Eric was unable to hear her. In a sudden whoosh of air Asier sprung onto Simon’s back. The glint of blades clutched in either of his hands flashed silvery in the candle light, as he expertly slashed the blades back and forth.

  A feral grin was splitting his beautiful features, as his long silky hair whipped wildly with his movements. Simon screamed. Blood poured from the wide jagged wound across his throat and shoulders. Dropping the knife, he desperately tried to stem the flow, but it continued to seep unhindered through his fingers.

  Rising quickly, Asier used the side of his knee to topple his prey sideways. Simon fell. Limbs jerking he looked like a beetle trapped on its back. Asier was quick to straddle his hips, using his weight to hold him down. Panicking, the other vampire’s blood drenched hands shot up to grab his shoulders, as he struggled grappling frantically.

  “It’s alright Simon.” Jasmine crooned faintly from where she was hunched. “You’re going to be with your Margaret now, she’s waiting for you to come to her.”

  The words had an instant effect. Simon stopped fighting. Gaze finding Jasmine’s, trustingly he relaxed back with a nod. An almost serene expression of acceptance had settled over his haggard face.

  Asier wasted no time in driving the blade home. One swift hard movement, it was done without hesitation, as it thrust all the way through the other vampire’s heart. Simon barely flinched, although Jasmine registered pain in his eyes for a brief moment. Then with one last breath he crumpled to ash.

  “That was the most fun I have had in quite a while.” Asier panted. He was knelt on the floor where Simon had once lain.

  Groaning, Eric pushed himself up on his elbows. He was covered in blood from head to toe. The horrific gash wounds on his face and head already healing.

  Eric’s eyes met Asier’s in wary amusement. “Perhaps you need to get out more my friend.”

  Tightness was expanding inside Jasmine’s chest. Gasping like a fish out of water, she found she was unable to draw in her usual lung full of air. Without warning the ground rushed up to meet her.

  THE PULSE AT JASMINE’S NECK was thready. Her breathing little gasps and shallow as she struggled to breathe. Eric knelt beside her. The black venom, which pulsed through her veins, had worked its way up into her chest. She did not have much time left.

  Panic robbed him of any rational thought. He felt helpless. The girl had risked her life for them, and here she lay dying. This was a reality he was finding hard to comprehend. Why did he always find himself with her dying in his arms? This seemed to be a cycle they were doomed to repeat. He could not lose her.

  Jasmine began to convulse on the floor. The spasms were long tight movements, where her back would bow. They became so violent Eric feared she would break in two. Gently as he could, he held her down. He had no wish for her to hurt herself more or add to her suffering.

  Asier was examining the seared bite marks on her inner arm. Although concern tightened his features, he seemed to be more composed.

  “There is a poison in her blood.”

  Eric met his grim expression dazedly. “It is a man-made toxic venom. The last of Simon’s victims died of shock, rather than blood loss.”

  “The hospital will take too long. She would die long before we get there.” Asier began to rip open the sleeve of his bloodied shirt.

  Eric frowned. The panic induced fog which held his intellect hostage, began to fade. “What are you doing?”

  “Only our blood can save her now.” Asier responded quickly. “I know poisons, this is her only chance.”

  Vampiria never shared blood with mortals or vampires. With doing so came consequences, as both of them knew well. Eric grabbed hold of his companion’s arm, before he could raise it to his mouth.

  “No.” The word came out a hard cold sound. This was something he would never allow his friend to do.

  “Cazzo - There is no other way Eric.” Asier gave him a look of disbelief. “If she dies, at least there is the chance of turning her into a human vampire.”

  “She is my responsibility. The blood she shall take will be mine.” Eric informed him decisively.

  He would also bear the results of such a bonding. Jasmine was his and his alone. This process would cement that. There would be no going back from here.

  Asier opened his mouth as if to protest. The sudden silence was almost deafening. Both vampires froze.

  “Her heart has stopped.” Asier muttered in panic.


  Frozen air forced its way into Jasmine’s lungs bringing a spark of life. Yet she continued to hover somewhere in darkness. Numbness was settling over her. She was already surrounded by coldness and it was not enough to draw her back. This was a limbo between life and death and she could feel herself slipping further away.

  Then firm lips crushed hers. In one long exhalation they breathed fire into her mouth. Heat rolled off her tongue and seeped down into her throat. Travelling through her veins it brought life into every cell, as something hard kept pressing into her chest.

  Without warning, she was slammed back into her body and into reality. Sensations were overwhelming. The excruciating pain she had abandoned came screaming back in a violent flood. Jasmine gasped sucking air into her tender aching lungs.

  She could hear voices, but nothing made sense as her brain remained muddled and confused. Eyes tightly closed, she tried to roll away from them. Firm hands grasped her limbs and held her down.

  Something was then pressed against her lips, warm firm flesh. Liquid streamed into her mouth, tingling on her tongue as it hit. The flavour was thick and coppery with something more, something potent, powerful.

  Jasmine’s back arched as it rushed through her system. Panicked she tried to fight, but strong hands continued to hold her still as she struggled. Voices whispered to her, tone soothing. They were familiar, yet in her dazed misery she couldn’t tell who they were.

  Iciness began to spread through every part of her, bringing blessed relief to the acid burning through her blood. Numbness soon followed, but Jasmine wasn’t alarmed. Feeling nothing was better than the alternative. A different kind of darkness beckoned to her now and she gave herself up to it willingly.

  ERIC STOOD BY THE WINDOW. Darkness had long since fallen over the city. The last of the storm clouds, which had plagued them for days, had moved on and the night was clear and crisp.

  Distractedly, he slipped his mobile phone back into the pocket of his tailored trousers. It was done. Jasmine would not be pleased, but that could not be helped.

  She was so young and still very human. If they had not been able to re-start her heart, she would be dead. The job she was doing had already risked her fragile mortal life more than once, and that was not acceptable. Jasmine would always be in danger in this line of work. This could not go on and the very reason why he had n
ow done what was needed to be done.

  “Eric leave it a while. Don’t see the lass now.” Conall pleaded from behind.

  Turning to face his comrade, Eric shook his head. “I must see her. There are things that must be said.”

  Conall shoved his hand through his red hair and tugged. This was a telling gesture, an indication of indecision. He was worried.

  “Aye, but it will take a few days for the effects of the medallion to wear off completely, and we both know you’re not fully in control yet.”

  Conall was right. The medallion’s effects had yet to subside. A dark possessive need for Jasmine pulsed through him. Leaving now would probably indeed be wise. The problem was, Eric could not leave without her. She was his. It was now as simple as that. Jasmine was in his very blood, bones, even his veins. She obsessed him with an almost violent intensity. He knew the medallion’s magic was warping what he truly felt.

  Yet he could not wait. They were now bonded by blood. As long as she lived, he would always sense her. There would always be a craving for her, as she would now crave him. He wanted her on his terms though. He would have her on his terms.

  Physical desire was not a complicated thing. She truly would become his human companion, but he was not willing to surrender any control. Emotions were a trap he would not fall into. Eric would not allow them to cloud his judgement. Not this time.

  The girl enjoyed the sex between them. She craved his touch and that would now continue to grow with the blood bond. This would make it easier for her to see this was the correct solution. No feelings would need to be involved. This would be mutually beneficial and as impersonal as possible.

  He would provide for her all she would ever need. It was perfect.

  Eric turned back to the window. “Thank you for your concern Conall, but this is none of your business.”

  “Fine, just don’t go doing anything stupid.” The Irish male muttered back.


  Jasmine wrinkled her nose sleepily, yet the tickling sensation that was plaguing her on the end of it wouldn’t stop. Murmuring she raised her hand to bat the annoyance away. Warm fingers met her attempt, as a familiar raspy laugh filled her ears.

  Groggily she opened her eyes. Twitch was sitting beside her on the bed. She was back in the room she had shared with Gemma, when they had first arrived in Prague. Someone had dressed her in green pyjamas. The fuzzy material was soft against her skin.

  “Finally you’re with us again. Thank fuck for that.” The mage purred softly. “You’ve been unconscious for an entire day. I’ve been bored out of my fucking skull and I’ve lost interest in rearranging you’re underwear drawer for the hundredth time.” He was watching her with concern filled eyes.

  “What happened?” Jasmine asked, voice sounding hoarse and scratchy. Everything was hazy. The last thing she remembered was falling and blinding pain. Twitch helped her sit up slowly.

  “Don’t you remember?” He asked, as he fluffed a pillow and stuck it behind her back.

  Jasmine frowned. “Simon bit me…Fuck.” Pulling down the covers, she then quickly pulled up her pyjama top. Her inner forearm was marred with bright pink; burnt like flesh it was puckered and painful. Jasmine’s arm was aching and the wounds throbbed.

  Twitch crawled onto her narrow bed. “Shove over woman.” He grumbled making himself comfortable beside her. Wiggling Jasmine made him a space so they could sit shoulder to shoulder, her beneath the blankets and the mage sitting on top.

  “Eric gave you his blood. It stopped the toxin, but it couldn’t heal where Simon bit you. The poison was too concentrated where it was administered. It seems to be immune to the healing properties of vampire blood even when it’s ingested.” Twitch told her quietly. “On the bright side he did heal all your bruises.”

  “So this is permanent?” Using a fingertip, she ran it over the rough skin. Pain shot up her arm. Hissing through her teeth in discomfort, she tugged the material down again.

  “Yes…It will heal, but you’ll have scars. So I guess we have more in common now.” Twitch flipped up his shirt cuff exposing the patterns of silver and pink burn scars scattering his skin.

  “I don’t remember much after they ended Simon.” Jasmine confessed.

  Tugging his sleeve back into place, he tilted his head to watch her. “Your heart stopped. Asier and Eric gave you CPR to get you breathing again, and then Eric gave you his blood.” Carelessly the mage shoved some untidy curls from his eyes.

  Suddenly Jasmine recalled all the blood the vampires had lost in the fight. It had been everywhere. “Are they ok?”

  Twitch smiled at her worry. “They healed right up, just needed to suck on some necks, but they’re fine.”

  Stretching a little, she could feel the weakness in her body. “How did I get back here?” She asked with a groan.

  “Mark and Gemma turned up with the other vamps from the nest. The boss insisted you were brought back here, where we could look after you.”

  Jasmine’s expression turned apprehensive. “Is he mad?”

  Twitch sighed. “Jazzy you ran off without anyway to contact us. How do you think he feels about that?”

  Covering her face with her hands, she pressed herself further back against the pillows. “Oh Twitch, I have royally fucked up.”

  Leaning sideways he rested his head on her shoulder. “Hey, you found the killer and now he’s dead. Maybe you’ll just get suspended for a week or two. That means more movie nights at mine and hanging out together.”

  Jasmine peeked through her fingers at him with a hopeful look. “I really hope your right.”

  A tap at the door interrupted them. Gemma stuck her head inside the room, her eyes lighting up when she saw Jasmine was awake.

  “Hey girl how are you feeling?”

  Jasmine dropped her hands from her face and smiled. “Alive.”

  Gemma grinned back. “You have a visitor waiting if you’re up to it.”

  Jasmine’s eyes widened in surprise. “Who?”

  The gum bubble Gemma had been blowing popped loudly. “The sexy Italian.”

  Asier? She had kind of been expecting it to be Eric. Confusion drummed through her. What was the Italian doing here?

  “Ok give me a minute.”

  Gemma nodded, her head disappearing back around the door.

  Jasmine thrust the covers back and sat up straighter. She didn’t want Asier to see her lounging in bed.

  “Twitch, help me up.”

  The mage frowned, confusion plain on his face as he rolled off the mattress. “You should stay lying down. I really don’t want to have to pick you up off the floor.”

  She shot him a look of annoyance. “Just help me fucking up now.”

  With reluctance Twitch helped heave her up so she was standing. Watching her carefully, he kept one hand round her shoulders in case she fell. She felt weak, but she managed to stay on her feet. Quickly she made sure her arm was covered. Jasmine didn’t want anyone to see the scars. They weren’t pretty and already she felt self-conscious about them.

  “What are you doing out of bed bella?”

  Startled, Jasmine glanced towards the door to find Asier already standing there. He was dressed in another expensive black suit. His long hair had been swept up into a messy bun on top of his head. Concern was written all over his beautiful features.

  She offered him a shaky smile. “I’m fine.”

  “No you’re a stubborn pain in the arse.” Twitch murmured beside her, his arm still firmly round her.

  Growling, she threw him a narrowed eye look of irritation. The mage thrust some dishevelled hair out of his face, he seemed not to be bothered by her glare in the least bit.

  “You are still recovering…” Asier insisted softly.

  Jasmine’s attention returned to the vampire. “Really I’m fine.”

  One fine dark eyebrow rose. He looked unconvinced. She knew that he could see the slight trembling in her body, but she refused to appear weak.

Twitch’s gaze slid nervously to the vampire. “I guess I’ll leave you two alone then.” He mumbled letting her go and scurrying towards the door. “If she falls flat on her face, just dump her on the bed. We’re right outside if you need us Jazzy…most likely listening at the door.”

  Sighing, she tried not to roll her eyes as she ignored his words.

  “I wanted to make sure you were alright.” Asier explained once the mage had left and closed the door. Those striking violet eyes of his wandered slowly down her body.

  Jasmine began to fiddle distractedly with a button on the front of her pyjamas. “I am.” She assured him with a shaky smile. “Thanks for coming to my rescue again.”

  Asier moved a little closer.

  “It was nothing cara. You fought through the pain and saved the day. Without your quick thinking we would all be dead.” His beautiful mouth moved up into a sexy smile.

  Jasmine felt her cheeks heat slightly. “I didn’t do much.” She insisted.

  “So modest and so exquisitely lovely.” He bit at his lower lip for a moment. It was a gesture Jasmine was starting to find sexy. She could now understand why Eric became all heated when he saw her do it.

  On Asier it made her want to kiss and explore his lush lips some more. The taste of them she already knew.

  “I have to get back to London. There are things that can’t wait and I have been gone too long. Perhaps you will come visit me in my club.” His gaze ran over her face caressingly. “Liquor and Lust is my main haunt, although I have several clubs.”

  It was Jasmine’s turn to nibble nervously on the edge of her lower lip. “Yes...maybe I will.”

  Asier smoothly removed a dagger from the inside pocket of his suit jacket. “This belongs to you.”

  It was the dagger she realised he had taken from her in the alley. The one he had kept in his room.

  Jasmine shook her head. “No Asier. Keep it as a memento.”

  Surprise briefly lit his violet eyes. “Grazie – thank you. I will treasure it.” He murmured softly slipping it back into his pocket. Then reaching out he took her hand and raised it to his lips.


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