Paranormal Dating Agency: Taming Their Talons (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Taming Their Talons (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 2

by Marianne Morea

  She gasped at the damp feel between her legs, pressing her lips together not to burst out laughing or freak out. These guys were total strangers. Unbelievably hot strangers, but still. Her libido had gone into extreme autopilot or something.

  Mrs. Wilder said she was the kind of woman her shifters loved. Valerie caught her dusty reflection in hall mirror. At least she was dressed halfway decently, instead of her normal pajama pants and sweatshirt. Leggings paired with a black camisole showed off her curves, while a jean jacket hid a myriad of sins.

  Yours to command.

  With a smirk, she wondered what would happen if she held the hotties to their word? She took a determined breath and peeled the jean jacket from her shoulders. One insta-bimbo coming up. Oh, boys…

  Gerri’s laptop beeped and she glanced at the screen with her jacket halfway off. The words ‘Communique Waiting’ flashed on the screen.

  “And reality’s back,” she sighed, dumping her jacket onto one of the chairs.

  As if reading her mind, Arin put the bubble wrap down and slid in beside her as she checked the device.

  “Mrs. Wilder showed me how to suspend communiques. I can help, if you’d rather us not be disturbed,” he offered. “It’s not hard.”

  Her gaze flicked to the large bulge behind Arin’s zipper and she nearly laughed out loud. Yeah, right. Try hard enough to cut diamonds.

  “Yeah, thanks.” She cleared her throat. “I’d better take advantage of you two while I can.”

  Arin’s eyes found hers and it wasn’t her imagination. His green eyes darkened and a soft rumble came from his chest.

  “You two are shifters, right?” she asked, mesmerized by his gaze, even as his outright growl sent her adrenaline screaming.

  Xavier nodded, sliding in to hit a few keys on Gerri’s device. “We’re Gemini. An ancient breed of dragon.”

  “Gemini?” She looked from one to the other. “As in the zodiac sign?”

  “Sort of, but not exactly,” Xavier replied.

  Valerie was sandwiched between them with the back of her legs against the couch. “Gemini is the sign of the twins. Are you brothers?”

  “No, not exactly.” Arin shook his head. “We belong to the same clan.”

  She was suddenly very aware of how close they were and how their body heat seemed to send her nerves into overdrive. God, did they both have to smell so damn good?

  “Not exactly,” she repeated, trying to keep her head in the conversation instead of on how much she wanted to reach out and touch them. “You both said that. Twice. If you’re not brothers, are you related?”

  Kissing cousins came to mind and she grimaced a little. Fantasizing about two hot guys at once was one thing, but incest was a complete turn off.

  “Lyra’s hibernating.” Xavier gestured to the laptop. “She won’t wake until prompted, and to answer your question, no, Arin and I are not related.”

  “We are connected, though,” Arin continued. “I’m the alpha of our clan and Xavier is the omega.” He kept his eyes on her. “It’s common among the dual-natured.”

  “You’re the alpha,” she repeated. “Is that the same as an alpha male in a wolf pack? I belong to the Wolf Conservancy, so I know a little about that.”

  Arin grinned. “Sort of, but not exactly.”

  “Funny.” Valerie shot him a wry look. “I’m guessing you’re the comedian of the two.”

  The laptop went dark, so she closed the lid. Without thinking, she turned and nearly collided chest to chest with Arin.

  The slow grin that spread across his gorgeous lips sent embarrassed heat racing from her cheeks to her ears.

  “Uhm, maybe we should head upstairs,” she mumbled, avoiding his eyes.

  Arin didn’t budge, so she squeezed past.

  “You could’ve moved, you know.” She pushed her hair from her face, mortified her nipples rubbed across his rock hard torso.

  “Yup, and I would have had you asked,” Arin replied with an even wider grin. “But I’m glad you didn’t.”

  Valerie didn’t dare respond. Instead she walked straight to the bottom of the stairs and gripped the bannister.

  The two followed close behind and she knew both sets of green eyes were glued to her ass as she climbed to the second floor.

  “So—” She cleared her throat, reaching the top landing, trying to deflect the topic from her nipples and her ass. “What exactly are an alpha and an omega, then?”

  Xavier answered as they followed her toward the master bedroom. “A pair matched at birth to encompass the cyclical nature of our history. There is a special bond between the two. The closest I can explain is the human idea of Ying and Yang. For us, it doesn’t end with only two. An alpha and an omega need a third to catalyze that balance, and when they find their mate the triad is complete.”

  “Triad?” She turned with a question just outside the master bedroom door. “That sounds almost prophetic.”

  Arin nodded as she reached to snap on the light. “Not almost. A triad is prophetic. For the Gemini, the prophecy is one will be mortal and one immortal, but when their triad is complete, the three are granted shared half-immortality.”

  “Half-immortality. What, like a demi-god?”

  Xavier inclined his head. “If your belief system speaks in terms of gods. Ours doesn’t. What it means is a triad’s existence is long and strong, enough to ensure the survival of our clan.”

  Valerie blinked at the two. “And what happens if you two don’t find your third? Your mate, as you say.”

  Arin and Xavier exchanged a look before Arin answered. “If a clan’s alpha and omega fail to form a triad or if their mate is killed, the clan suffers for generations.”

  “Suffers?” Valerie’s brow knotted. “Wow, talk about pressure, especially finding someone to fit the bill. Is your mate another male?”

  These two were so gorgeous it would make sense if they were gay, still, she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be sandwiched between them for real.

  A soft smile spread across Xavier’s full lips and Valerie blinked at the insta-fantasies they conjured.

  “No, our mate is not another male. In fact, the mate we’ve been searching for is luscious, strong-willed and fiery.” Arin moved from the door, walking her backward until the backs of her legs hit the bed. “Remind you of anyone, Valerie?”

  Her gaze locked with Arin’s and the rush of lust through her blood nearly knocked her onto the mattress.

  Holy hotness! No wonder Camille fell head over heels after one week. Bang!

  “Are you okay?” Xavier asked, striding from the doorway as well.

  She nodded, despite the betraying thud of her pulse. “Just a little claustrophobic.”

  Xavier chuckled, putting a hand on Arin’s shoulder. “Personal space, dude. We talked about this.”

  Arin took half a step back, giving Valerie barely enough room to scoot by. “We have to stop meeting like this,” he joked.

  She shot him a look and then bent to pick up a large cardboard box from the side of the bed. “Closet,” she said, shoving the box at his chest. “You get to pack up Camille’s shoes. There’s at least fifty pair.”

  “I warned you, bro.” Xavier laughed. “Approach with caution, not caveman.”

  Valerie grabbed another box and lifted it to the dresser. “Approach who with caution? Me?”

  “Yes, love.” Xavier looked at her.

  Opening the top dresser drawer, Valerie scooped up a handful of Camille’s clothes and put them in the box. “Why? I know I came off brusque earlier, but that had to do with the magic matchmaker, not you two.”

  Xavier moved behind her at the dresser and slipped his hands onto her shoulders, his finger caressing her bare skin. “It has everything to do with us, and why we’re here.”

  Valerie’s eyes found his in the dresser mirror. They were gold with only flecks of green. An overwhelming urge to turn into his arms flooded her body and mind. The feeling was beyond comprehension
and fear crept into the mix.


  A growl from the closet shook the bedroom walls and she jumped, breaking the spell of Xavier’s hold.

  Xavier spun on his heel, pushing Valerie behind him. “Stay here. Do not follow me.”

  He moved with a predator’s grace, carefully but determined. “Arin? What did you find, dude?”

  The dark-haired Gemini filled the closet door, his eyes orange with streaks of fire red. His fists clenched at his sides and his shoulder muscles bunched as if ready to kill.

  “A Dragos was here.” Arin’s voice was a rough growl and Xavier’s face tightened.

  “You’re sure?” the blond mountain asked.

  “His stench is all over this room, but I didn’t notice at first because of her intoxicating scent.” Arin’s words were almost an accusation.

  “Hey! Tall, dark and scary. You’re not so funny right now. What the hell is going on? This room does not have a stench,” Valerie moved from the dresser, but the look Xavier shot her had her stepping back.

  Arin’s fiery gaze shifted to her and she gasped at the shadow of wings emerging in the ambient light from the closet. His skin took on an iridescent sheen and she took a step toward the door.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, little one. You are too precious to us. I know this is not your home, so I know this offense is not yours,” Arin replied to her alarm.

  She looked from Arin to Xavier. “You’re the calm one, so would you please tell me what your partner in crime is talking about?”

  “The Gemini are not guilty of any crime!” Arin growled.

  Xavier held his palm out to his friend. “Arin! Chill. Valerie has no idea what you’re referring to, so take it down a notch or ten.”

  Arin threw up a hand, and then stormed out of the room. Heavy footsteps echoed from the stairwell as he stomped to the first floor.

  “Wait—what the hell just happened?” Valerie’s gaze flicked back to the door. “Xavier?” She prompted.

  He shrugged, his expression both disappointed and troubled. “Geminis and Dragos,” he answered quickly. “I wish I could explain more, but I have to go. I’m sorry, beautiful, but this party’s over for now. In this state, Arin is dangerous.”

  She stood dumfounded as he hurried past, but even more so when he stopped short and took her hand.

  “Arin is right about one thing. Your scent is intoxicating.” He pulled her close and brushed his lips to hers, lingering just long enough for her body to want for more. “I promise we will meet again.”

  Xavier rushed out after Arin, and she slumped to the bed, her head spinning. Her nipples ached and a dull throb invaded her nether regions. “Holy shit! And he said I’m intoxicating?”

  A slam from the front door broke her carnal haze. She walked down the stairs half in a fog, her mind racing, but when she got to the bottom step she stopped.

  I wish I could explain more.

  Valerie chewed on her lip. “That’s the third time someone couldn’t or wouldn’t explain things directly affecting me.” Shoving a hand through her hair, she dragged in a breath and stepped off the last stair. “In my world, three strikes you’re out.”

  She walked past the couch in the living room, but then stopped. Gerri’s laptop was still on the coffee table. With a nod, Valerie grabbed her jean jacket from the chair and then scooped up the device, tucking it under her arm. She picked up the business card Gerri left on the table and scanned the address. “Honey, you’ve got a lot of ‘splaining to do.”

  Chapter Three

  “Come in, Valerie.”

  Val’s hand was still poised to knock when Mrs. Wilder’s voice drifted through the door. It was quickly becoming clear, spending time trying to figure how the woman always seemed to know was an exercise in futility.

  She pushed the door open and stepped through to the Paranormal Dating Agency’s plush office. “Mrs. Wilder?”

  “Over here, dear,” she replied from the couch. “I expected you much later. Did something happen, or not happen?”

  Valerie met the matchmaker’s questioning brow, but didn’t know what to say. Her earlier irritation dissipated on the ten-block walk over. Maybe it was a blessing there wasn’t a cab to be found because she had time to think.

  Closing the door, she waited beside the small reception area. “I brought your laptop.” She gestured with the device.

  “Don’t stand there like a mannequin, dear. You came here for a reason. The matchmaker stirred her tea, almost too casually. “You can set the communicator on the ottoman. My desk is a little cluttered and we can talk better here.”

  Gerri motioned to the flat tufted seat in front of the couch. Her delicate teapot and matching cups were in the way, so Valerie took the invitation at face value and moved the small round tray to the end table beside the couch.

  “Did you access your proof of life?” the older woman asked.

  Valeri shook her head. “Not exactly,” she replied, putting the laptop down in its place.

  “I see.” Mrs. Wilder put her tea cup on the tray and then folded her hands in her lap. “Want to tell me about it?”

  “Your Gemini dragons are what happened.” Valerie threw a hand up. “They’re super-hot, and yes, I was attracted—”

  “But?” Gerri cut her off, not even trying to hide her smirk.

  “Okay, jeez! I was more than attracted. I was creaming in my pants.” Valerie exhaled, flopping into a chair across from the couch. “Happy?”

  The matchmaker angled her head. “Are you?”

  “Oh my God! Between you and those two oversized hormones, I don’t know who prevaricates more! If you must know, I would have wrapped myself around both of them given half a chance. Truth is I couldn’t have stopped myself if I tried, but Arin freaked out just when it could have gotten good.”

  Gerri topped off her cup and then poured a second for Valerie. “Freaked out? You don’t say.”

  “You don’t seem surprised at all, Mrs. Wilder. There’s something off about them.”

  Gerri raised her eyebrow again, but this time is was more defensive than curious. “Off?”

  The dark-haired one. Arin. He’s fucking batshit crazy. Even his buddy said he was dangerous!” She paced in a small circle. “I get what you were trying to do and yeah, you’ve got a point about my constant irritation needing a sex-driven safety valve, but that guy takes it to a whole new level.”

  She held out the tea cup. “It’s chamomile, honey. Go on, take it. It will smooth your stress.”

  “Well?” Valerie asked, taking the cup. “Did you know this would happen, the same way you seem to know everything else before it does?”

  Gerri considered her as she blew across the steaming rim. “I know why Arin freaked, though I wasn’t sure he would. Did either mention the Gemini and Dragos?”

  “Yes,” Valerie sat straighter in her chair. “Xavier did, just before he rushed out after his psycho friend.” She blew out a breath. “The dude’s eyes went orange. As in flaming.”

  Gerri nodded, but when the clock on her desk chimed, she leaned forward to turn the laptop around. “Do you want to know the story or would you rather speak to your friend first?”

  “How do you do it?” Val huffed, shaking her head. “Just turn from one thing to another,” she snapped her fingers, “without confusion or fluster?”

  Gerri chuckled. “Years of juggling practice. Besides, in this case, they’re all sort of related.” She patted the seat beside her on the couch. “Come. Talk to Camille and then we’ll finish up about the Gemini’s later.”

  Valerie got up from her chair and slid onto the couch beside the matchmaker as Gerri lifted the lid to her strange device.

  Sliding her fingers over the smooth dark glass, Gerri stopped at three small glass bumps at the center. Resting her fingertips on each, the screen turned a muted blue and seemed to pull inward, concaving slightly.

  “Identify,” a digitized female voice asked.

leaned closer. “What the fu—”

  Gerri’s free hand shot up, motioning for Valerie to stay quiet. A moment later, the matchmaker pulled her fingers from the screen, and a three-dimensional triangle rotating at the center joining the three glass bumps.

  “Ready,” the digital voice prompted, and Gerri leaned in toward the screen, lifting her chin. Linear beams shot from the triangle’s main angles, merging to form a spherical cone, mapping Gerri’s face.

  “Identity confirmed,” the digitized voice stated. “Hello, Mrs. Wilder.”

  Gerri sat back against the couch cushions, folding her hands in her lap. “Hello, Lyra. Is the data I requested ready for upload?”


  Intrigued further, Valerie bent for a closer look. “Lyra? Isn’t that the name of a remote constellation?”

  Nodding, the matchmaker smiled at the young woman. “I guessed you were a smart cookie. You know what else is smart? Wine. I have a good merlot on the sideboard over there.” She gestured to the side table to the right of her desk.

  Valerie blinked, but didn’t argue. She’d take wine over tea any day. She took the merlot from the shelf and handed it and a corkscrew to Gerri before going back for wine glasses and an unopened bag of cool ranch Doritos she found in the cabinet.

  “Not exactly brie and apples,” she said lifting bag, “but I haven’t eaten all day and I’m starving. What Camille had left in her kitchen was half way to penicillin. I checked.”

  “See that door to the left of the sideboard?” Gerri pointed toward the opposite side of the office. “That’s my kitchen. I ordered pizza earlier.” She held up her hand. “I know, I know. How I did I know you’d be starving when you got here.” She shrugged. “Lucky guess.”

  Val snorted. “Yeah, right. I expected you to answer my questions, not offer me dinner, too, so, win-win! And if the pizza has mushrooms on top, I will give you a total pass on explaining the Gemini boys. I mean, getting me all hot and bothered is one thing, but dealing with crazy is another.”

  “They’re not crazy, honey.” Gerri gestured toward the kitchen again. “I’ll explain later. Get the pizza and let’s make this call before the solar window closes.”


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