Paranormal Dating Agency: Taming Their Talons (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Paranormal Dating Agency: Taming Their Talons (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 10

by Marianne Morea

  “I’ll tell you why not,” Valerie replied. “My straddling my best friend’s mate is not going to happen. It’s too…too weird.” She lifted one shoulder. “Too intimate, you know?”

  Becca laughed. “It’s just a ride on a dragon’s back, honey. The only time a dragon gets any kind of satisfaction from it, is when it’s his mate.” She winked.

  “Eew, you are so not helping.” Valerie grimaced.

  She laughed out loud. “Then Vikter can carry you. He’s the alpha and the most experienced, so it makes sense, plus I’ll be right beside him, so no hanky panky.”

  “Becca!” Vikter warned.

  Camille and Ryker shared an amused look. “She’s just teasing, Vikter. Val’s never done this before, so it’s all good.”

  Valerie stood back and watched as Vikter raked a hand through his hair. He exhaled and walked to the edge of the bluff. “If you all say so, then let’s get moving.” He crouched, and with a flash of electricity and a wrench of bone and sinew, Vikter transformed to his dragon.

  Valerie backed away. “Holy fucking shitballs!”

  Vikter’s dragon lips pulled back and smoke curled in a scaly chuckle. Ryker walked to the beast’s side and patted his flank. “Mount up, Val. Try to situate yourself right behind Vikter’s frill. They look spiky and stiff, but they’re actually smooth. Hook your legs behind a set of scales and hold on tight.”

  “Let’s go, dude.” Camille took Valerie by the reluctant hand and walked her to the edge of the bluff.

  She stepped into Ryker’s linked fingers. “Whatever happens, I love you, bookworm. Tell the twin giants I think I love them, too.”

  “Think?” Camille raised an eyebrow.

  Val looked at the immense beast she was about to mount and squeezed her eyes shut. “Okay, okay. I know I love them, but they don’t need to know that yet. Not when I haven’t wrapped my head around it myself. It’s not just hormonal, right?”

  Camille shook her head, and Becca moved to her side as well. “No, honey,” Becca answered for them both. “It’s not just hormonal. It’s a shifter thing, and once they find us and make us theirs, it’s an all or nothing deal. Trust me, baby. You won’t regret it.”

  “She’s right. Besides, where else would we get guys who look like them?” Camille jerked her thumb to her hunky mate and laughed. “I wanna raise our little dragonlings together, dude. So tell those twin tree trunks you love them and get on with it.”

  Valerie’s eyes went wide. “Are you telling me you’re preggers?”

  Camille spared a glance for Ryker and then nodded, holding her finger to her lips. “We haven’t told Gerri yet, so keep your trap shut, okay?” She slid her eyes to Becca as well. “And that goes double for you, Mrs. Alpha.”

  The three girls laughed, and as if on cue Ryker hoisted Valerie onto Vikter’s back. “Remember what I said about holding tight. It can get bumpy up there.” He pointed to the brightening sky.

  “Rodger,” she saluted and then watched as they each transformed along the cliff edge.

  “Holy shit! Will I be able to do that, too?” she murmured, forgetting Vikter could still understand. He nodded his big head, smoke curling again in agreement.

  “Wahoo! Landing gear up, you big lizard! Let’s go!”


  The air was smooth as silk, and the ground below passed in a purple smudge as they headed west toward the plains of Dragosland. The Ice Mountains loomed large as they approached, and Valerie understood from the way the dragons’ formation shifted they were skirting Gemini territory. Their band of brothers knew they had struck peace, but everyone else had yet to hear the good news.

  Immense wings flapped, then went straight as they curved around the mountain range, keeping to the cloud cover. Valerie shivered. Clouds were a cold wet mist, not the fluffy cotton candy puffs they look like from the ground.

  Her hair hung in wet strands and her long-sleeved tee and leggings clung to her like she struggled into them straight from the washing machine. “Ugh, worse than trying to put on a wet bathing suit,” she muttered, letting go with one hand to tug at her wet tee.

  Vikter turned in that moment and she lost balance, her hand clutching for the closest grip. The dragon’s frills were wet from the cloud as well, and her hand slipped. Sensing her distress, Vikter banked in the other direction, careful not to over-correct. She grabbed a frill at the base and leaned in, holding on tight.

  “One rule,” she muttered. “Ryker gave you one rule. Hold on with both hands, but no…rules don’t apply to Valerie cocky-ass Ross.”

  Vikter’s flanks rumbled in dragon laughter.

  “Sure, yuck it up. I’ve got a vice grip hanging on here, so whatever part of you this transforms to when you shift back, you better have an ice pack handy,” she shot back. “Just saying.”

  The wind picked up, blowing quick, hard gusts. Val’s hair whipped around her face, the wet strands slapping and stinging her cheeks. Her teeth chattered in the cold, but she held on.

  Lightning crashed out of nowhere, illuminating the sky in white flashes. Thunder rumbled around the summit and Vikter and the others dove from cloud cover, trying to outmaneuver the unanticipated storm.

  “I know what you’re thinking, big guy, but this is not Becca’s fault,” Valerie said, trying to keep her mind on anything but the crazy way the dragons flew. Vikter couldn’t hear her over the sound of the wind anyway, so she gave up and closed her eyes.

  Lightning flashed again, but this time a bolt crashed too close for comfort. Vikter countered, banking hard. Valerie screamed as her hands slipped from their hold on his frilled mane. She tumbled from the dragon’s back, her body plummeting toward the base of the mountains.

  Camille and Becca shrieked in panic, Ryker diving for Valerie only to be cut off by a Gemini guard. Fire flew from their mouths in a coordinated pattern, circling the mountain’s perimeter. He lost sight of her as she slipped through the ring of flame just as it closed.

  Vikter’s roar shook the mountain, sending ice plunging from the summit. They had to get her back or more than just the tenuous Dragos/Gemini truce was at risk. They needed to find Arin and Xavier. Fast.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Try again,” Vikter yelled, stalking around the fire pit in the Elder sanctuary. “I know they’re not an officially completed triad, but the woman declared her love for them before we left the king’s grounds. That has to count for something!”

  He threw a hand in the air, and then hesitated, whirling to face the Dragos head elder. “Wait,” he said, pointing at the old man. “You know Castor, don’t you, Pollux? If memory serves from all that history drummed into my head as a child, you two shared the same mother. Different fathers. Your Dragos, his Gemini.”

  Pollux kept his eyes on the flames. “That was centuries ago. I haven’t seen my brother since our mother’s funeral pyre.”

  “You can reach him. Castor, I mean. Even if he is held in thrall by Malus. Through him you can tap into the bond he shares with the Gemini alpha and omega. You can find it and manipulate it.” Vikter nodded, ignoring the look of distaste on the old man’s face.

  Becca moved to her husband’s side. “Go easy, love. Flies with honey, not threat of torture,” she murmured.

  “Your mate is wiser than you, it seems.” The old man pulled his milky gaze from the pit. “Malus,” he said, gesturing to the book on the stone pillar on the opposite side of the fire. “He’s skilled in the old ways, or so I’ve heard.”

  He tapped the side of his head. “Even sequestered in our circle of solitude, we hear the rumblings from outside.” Pollux looked to the ceiling before settling his regard on Vikter. “For that reason, and for the sake of the human girl this false diviner will use as his pawn, I will search my mind for the strength and ability to do as you ask.”

  The elder’s acolytes ringed the fire with white stone, laying them in a row directly over the circle of hearth stones. Pollux approached the flames and knelt in the soft sand, his arms at hi
s side and his head bent. They threw fragrant herbs into the fire, and smoke swirled.

  A chant rose and the smoke eddied and curled as they fanned it toward Pollux. The old man lifted his head, and raising his arms, guided the sacred smoke toward his lungs. He inhaled and as he did, his eyes closed.

  “Is he going to be okay?” Camille whispered to Ryker. “An old guy like that shouldn’t breathe that kind of smoke.”

  Ryker shushed her, shaking his head.

  The chanting increased in pace and volume and Pollux cried out, but his eyes stayed shut. He lifted his arms. “Malus has him suspended.”

  “Suspended?” Vikter asked. “How do you mean? Who?”

  “My brother’s consciousness is floating, separated from his body. Castor walks between the living and the dead. Not belonging in either sphere. It’s the only way Malus can control the staff and channel both his and Castor’s power through it.”

  “Pollux, can you tap into that suspended consciousness without Malus knowing? Can you find the link created for the triad?” Vikter asked.

  The old man swallowed hard. Beads of sweat formed on his brow and ran down the sides of his face. No one approached. Sharp breaths strained his chest, and he winced as if in fear before his face relaxed. He nodded, keeping his eyes closed the entire time.

  “The link is there. I can reach it—” He cried out, his hands clenching at his sides. A long protracted breath left his lungs and he slumped forward in a Bālāsana, yoga child’s pose.

  Vikter and Ryker rushed to his side, but the acolytes shrieked.

  “Do not touch him,” one ordered. “He is communing with his brother. When his eyes open, you will know if he succeeded or not.”

  Seconds seemed like hours and minutes like days until Pollux lifted his head. His eyes snapped open and he straightened to his knees again.

  “Well?” Vikter and Ryker asked in unison.

  The elder nodded and a small smile took his mouth. “I touched my brother’s mind. In his suspended state, I saw everything, including how he’s missed me all these years.” He looked at the Dragos alpha and bowed his head. “I was wrong, my leader. Forgive me.”

  “Yeah, yeah. The past is past, yada yada. Were you able to reach Arin and Xavier?” Ryker interrupted.

  “Ryker!” Camille smacked his arm.

  The old man cracked a smile, sparing a glance for her and Becca before addressing the question. “These human women…I know I was skeptical at first, but they certainly bring fiery blood into our midst.”

  “Pollux, please,” Vikter prompted.

  He nodded. “I tracked the Gemini alpha and omega’s trace. They are leaving the Wyanar as we speak. You can find them in the foothills of the Aubergine on the outskirts of their territory. Be aware. Malus sits in wait for them. You must reach them first and plan. Tell them Castor knows. As I was open to his mind, he was privy to mine.” He smiled again. “We had our own special connection as children. A mind path no one could read or share.” He chuckled, lifting a surprised hand. “It’s still there. It’s how I reached him without Malus knowing.”

  Vikter helped the old elder to his feet and embraced him. “I promise you this, if we live through this and peace prevails, I will personally see you reunited with your brother and the elders from both the Dragos and the Gemini forever linked.”


  Every muscle in her body screamed. Even her hair hurt. Valerie opened her eyes, scanning her surroundings. Nothing was familiar. What the hell happened? The last thing she remembered was a lightning flash and Vikter diving to get away from the crack. She lifted an arm across her forehead. The counter pressure helped the dull throb behind her eyes, but she still couldn’t remember much.

  Arin and Xavier.

  She pulled her arm down from her eyes and tried to sit up. A wave of dizziness took her and she slumped down again.

  “No, no. You mustn’t try to get up.” A soft feminine voice tsked. “You’re lucky to be alive, princess.”

  She cracked an eye open. “Princess?” she croaked, ignoring the fact her tongue had cemented itself to the roof of her mouth. “What are you, some sort of comedian?”

  The older woman eyes went wide. “I didn’t mean any disrespect, please forgive me.” Fear etched her face and she dropped her gaze.

  Valerie struggled to sit up again, guilt slashing her at making this woman feel bad for trying to help. “I’m sorry. I’m still a little out of it. Can you tell me where I am? Have you seen my…my…” she hesitated. How was she supposed to classify Arin and Xavier? Her lovers? Her…what…mates?”

  She cleared her throat and started again. “I’m Valerie Ross. I’m not really sure how I got here, or where here is, actually. But I’m sure Arin and Xavier can explain. They are the alpha and omega of the Gemini. Have you seen them?”

  The woman’s eyes bugged and she got up from her chair, the book she had in her lap clattering to the ground. “I…I…”

  Valerie watched the woman’s panicky antics and frowned. “Look, I don’t understand. There’s no reason to be so jumpy. I only want to know what happened and where I am.”

  “You are inside the heart of the Ice Mountains, dear,” a wheezy male voice replied. He approached from the door, giving the nurse a scathing look. “Leave us.” He waved her away and then turned his yellowed smile toward Valerie.

  She blinked. “I know you. From the beach that day. You threatened my…my…”

  “Mates?” he finished the sentence for her. “You’d better get used to saying the word, because that’s what you are, love. At least until I take over for them. Once they claim you and open the crystal cavern grotto, I’ll have no use for your triad. You’ll be nothing but dust.”

  Valerie’s eyes looked him over. She outweighed him by fifty pounds at least, plus magician/sorcerer or not, he was old. She could squash him like a bug, if she had to. “Look, whoever you are. Your delusions of grandeur, however psychotically charming, are never going to happen, got it? Nevah.” She put every ounce of New York she had into the last word.

  “Arin and Xavier will find me, and once they realize what you have planned, they’ll rip you to shreds like the insect you are. You’re not even a shifter. They’re dragons, or did you forget that not so little tidbit?” She nodded.

  After riding on Vikter’s back in dragon form, she had a vast appreciation for how deadly they can be if provoked. “Everyone knows you’re a fraud, and they’re all willing to join forces. Dragons and the rest. Dragons who happen to love me, want me and need me more than anything else, so I’d spend more time worrying about saving what’s left of your wrinkled hide than measuring for a crown you’ll never wear.”

  “Impressive.” His yellow grin widened. “Maybe I’ll keep you around for breeding purposes once I dispose of your overgrown lizards. Fire like yours is a trait I admire, especially when it’s struggling beneath me as I sample what I want.”

  Pain forgotten, her lip curled in disgust and she picked up a ceramic cup from the table beside the bed and flung it at his head.

  With a laugh, he waved his hand, deflecting the missile. “Well-aimed, like the lightning storm I raised to get you here.” He scoffed. “Shifters think too much with their dicks. I would never allow a woman to put my objective at risk for a whim. Then again, so easy to predict. A royal transport with an armed escort would have been much harder to manipulate.”

  He eyed her with a smirk, tapping the side of his head. “I’ve done my homework, Miss Ross, and I have my moles. I’ve been planning this before you were even a flicker on the horizon and I know every counter move your coalition could use. I have a built-in protective field around me, and as long as my life-force is linked to that pathetic Castor’s, no one can harm me. If by some miracle they manage to get around it, then they hurt him.” He grinned again. “Something your precious mates would never risk. Not to their beloved mentor and elder.” He left the room and seconds later, the sound of a bolt hitting its lock sounded from the other side of the

  She was trapped. Closing her eyes, she sent up a silent prayer, hoping someone heard it and came.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It neared sunset as they crossed from the Wyanar Woods. Trackers fanned out ahead, making their progress slow. Vikter shielded his eyes, scanning the edge of the terrain. They’d skirted the Wyanar as Pollux instructed and approached the foothills of the Ice Mountains. Dragos trackers hadn’t picked up as much as a twig snap in miles. Arin and Xavier had to be somewhere. If they were in dragon form it would be hard to miss.

  “There,” a tracker pointed toward a craggy path. “Ahead, to the left of the heavy brush.”

  Ryker urged his horse to the edge of the scrubland and slid from his saddle to squat beside what the tracker saw. The marks were nearly imperceptible, but their scent confirmed it. Arin and Xavier had passed this way.

  He slid his gaze to the foothills ahead, and the tracker nodded. “The only path they could take from here is that one. Narrow and steep, but because of the rough terrain, most likely the least fortified. Natural barriers do the work for you.”

  “How can we be sure?” Vikter asked.

  He pointed to the ground. “No perimeter footprints. Here…or there,” he paused. “The ground is undisturbed except for broken brush in that quadrant. Newly crushed scrub tells me someone passed not that long ago The Gemini alpha and omega would have used that to cover their tracks. To an untrained eye, they looked like natural breaks made by wind or random animal, but they’re distinct enough.” The tracker looked up. “If you want to continue, I suggest we move into the mountains at this point.”

  “We’ll have to leave the horses.” Ryker nodded. “They’ll just slow us down.”

  “Agreed.” Vikter nodded. “We go on from here. With this terrain and the Gemini lurking, we need all eyes we can get.”

  Night set in and the temperature dropped. The path curved left, but was mostly obscured by sharp, rocky outcrops and overhanging branches. Pebbles crumbled from the crags above, and Vikter lifted a finger to his lips. An ambush was the last thing they needed in Gemini territory.


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