CLUB TIES (The Trinity Falls Series)

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CLUB TIES (The Trinity Falls Series) Page 19

by Mara McBain

  “I’m looking for Eva Taylor. We were just talking at the bakery and were interrupted. I thought she might’ve stepped in here.”

  Tech’s eyes shifted ever so slightly toward his office in the back before locking on the outsider. Give the fucker something to think about. The counter wasn’t going to provide much protection if bullets started flying.

  “It has been my experience that if she runs off, the woman is really not into you.”

  “Don’t you know the chase is part of the game?” Chelios asked with a smirk.

  “I’m all about the hunt, but my gram taught me that sometimes no means no.”

  They were both spared further philosophy by the Lords’ arrival. Tech grinned as Taz’s hog rolled right up to the door, coming from the opposite direction of the rest. Mox was the first through the door, his square jaw set. Tech watched Bowie shoulder through to plant himself at Mox’s side. The look on the big VP’s face said it was as much for Chelios’ protection as Mox’s. The others circled like a pack of wolves. Dirty denim, greasy hands, and leather cuts tossed proudly over mechanic shirts, they were an intimidating bunch.

  Chelios looked around as the small shop filled up. His smirk was back as he asked, “Do you guys piss in packs, too?”

  “Do all you gangbangers beat on women?” Crux asked, his scarred visage terrifying in his anger.

  “If it hasn’t already been made clear to you and your boss, Eva has moved on. You’d be smart to do the same damn thing.”

  Tech’s brows shot up. Articulate and straight to the point, the kid had a way with words that belied the fury banked in his pale eyes.

  “I’m afraid that’s going to be a problem. Mr. Soriano and Miss Taylor have a long standing relationship, and he has no intention of it ending.”

  “If Mr. Soriano would like to continue breathing, he should reconsider,” Mox growled.

  “Tell your boss to man up and move on,” Bowie said, purposely looking down to highlight the full foot height difference between them. “We’re not telling you again.”

  Chelios shook his head. “You guys don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into. Pretty faces are a dime a dozen. Women aren’t worth dying for.”

  “Share that sentiment with your boss. I feel differently,” Mox said.

  “Is the rest of your gang as eager to die so you can wet your dick?” Chelios asked, his gaze sweeping the group in question.

  Mox took a step forward, crowding into his space. Chelios smiled. He watched recognition flare in the big man’s eyes a second before he hit his knees. Mouth open in surprised anguish, the young man reached to ease the pressure on the strained tendons in his wrist. Chelios distracted him with the nudge of a 45 caliber before turning his attention to the others.

  “Ut uh. Step back or your friend’s arm is going to be the least of his concerns. Brain splatter is a bitch of a stain to get out,” he said coolly as the Lords surged forward.

  Bowie waved everyone back with an annoyed chop of his arm.

  “Better. Now, I explained the situation to Miss Taylor. She’s a smart girl. I’m sure she’s thinking it over as we speak. The point is if Mr. Soriano gets his property back, there is no need for us to come back, and no one gets hurt. It’s simple. Think about it,” Chelios said, and then lifted up on Mox’s wrist. “Up you go, Goliath. On your feet.”

  Mox eased to his feet with a deep grimace of pain, and a path was reluctantly cleared to the door.

  “You fuck with one of us, you fuck with all of us,” Reaper hissed as Chelios passed.

  “It’s a noble philosophy, but one that will leave your women without a man and kids without their father. Be sure that the cause is worth that.”

  Pushing open the door, Chelios backed onto the sidewalk. The gun disappeared as they stepped into public, but the hold on Mox’s wrist tightened. Stepping closer, his tone was conversational. “You have a long life in front of you if you make the right decision, kid. Don’t let lust get you killed.”

  With a slight twist, Mox hit the pavement in agony.

  Chapter ~ 27

  Mox squatted down behind the counter. Eva was wedged into the cramped space underneath, knees drawn to her chest and eyes shut tight. Her freckles stood out against her pallor. Stretching his good hand out, he brushed his fingers over her tear tracked cheek. Her dark blue eyes flared wide, and then she scrambled out of her hiding spot, bowling Mox over in her need to be in his arms.

  Groaning, Mox stretched out on the floor and held her tight. Sobs wracked her slender form, and she burrowed against him, fingers clawing into his ribs.

  “I’ve got you, baby. Everything is going to be all right,” he murmured into her hair.

  “Just as soon as we take the dumb ox to the emergency room,” Bowie grumbled, looking down at them in disgust.

  Eva jerked back from him, inadvertently hitting his wrist. Her lips parted in a silent O as he cradled the injured appendage to his chest, face twisted in pain. Her hands trembled, hovering inches from his arm, afraid to touch him.

  “I’m so sorry. What happened?”

  “He’s not as tough as he thinks he is,” Rhys said with a laugh. “A guy half his size put him on his knees.”

  “It’s probably just a bad sprain. I’ll be fine once I get some ice and a wrap on it,” Mox muttered, ears coloring.

  “That kung-fu shit is a great equalizer,” Tech said with a sympathetic whistle.

  “Come on. I’ll take you to the emergency room,” Rhys said, offering a hand to help his brother up from the floor.

  “You’ll get back to work is what you’ll do,” Bowie said pointedly. “We’re going to be a man short in the shop as it is. I’ll get Amber to watch the showroom, and I’ll drive the lovebirds over to the ER. Make sure that Tawny stays put. Zeke’s going to want to talk to her.”

  The pungent smell of disinfectant made Eva’s stomach roll. She huddled in the cheerless waiting room, Mox’s leather coat clasped to her chest. The doctor had said that the tendons in Mox’s wrist weren’t torn, but it was a nasty sprain. They were going to have to immobilize it for four to six weeks to give everything a chance to heal.

  Bowie stood near the big automatic doors leading outside. He’d been on his cell phone since they’d gotten there. Apparently Tawny had made a beeline for Handle Bars and Hot Rods when she’d left the bakery. She had not, however, hung around to wait for the guys to get back. Bowie’s side of the latest conversation indicated Zeke was none too happy with the situation. Leave it to the backstabbing bitch to play both sides of the game.

  Chelios’ words played over in an endless loop in her mind. The man’s brains were perhaps more surprising than his brawn. His argument made sense. If she stayed here, more people were going to end up hurt, maybe even dead. Next time he wouldn’t come alone.

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. Rocco didn’t know about Mox. Maybe if she could come up with a sympathetic story making Rocco out to be her savior… The thought was laughable, but if she could just find a way to appeal to his megalomaniac ego. Her head lolled back on the top of the chair, and she squinted at the florescent lighting. Her head throbbed, eyes dry and red from all the tears she’d shed today.

  The sound of heels clicking on the utilitarian tile floors echoed down the hall. They stopped in front of her, followed by the soft hiss of someone settling into a vinyl cushioned chair.

  “You need to wise up, honey.”

  Ginny’s husky voice cut to the quick, no screaming, no ranting or raving, just blunt.

  “I was stupid to trust her,” Eva said with a sigh.

  Ginny echoed her sigh and Eva lifted her head to look at her. The older woman looked tired. The harsh lighting showcased the faint age lines around her eyes and mouth. Fear haunted her hazel eyes, catching Eva by surprise. She opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say. Ginny beat her to it.

  “We all trusted her to a point. Tawny has been around the club for a long time. She grew up in Trinity Falls.”

bsp; “She sold me out.”

  “It sounds like she had some not-so-gentle persuasion.”

  “You’re defending her?”

  Ginny picked at the arm of her chair with a manicured nail. Her hand was shaking. “I’m not defending her, or excusing her. What I’m saying is that I might understand why she did it, and with everything you’ve been through, so can you.” She dug in her purse and pulled out a cigarette.

  “You can’t—”

  Ginny waved her words away and lit up, taking a long drag. “It’s either I take a couple puffs off this cigarette, or I go postal on someone’s ass,” she said with a rueful smile and a little shrug.

  “So, if I wasn’t stupid for trusting her, how do I need to wise up?” Eva asked, an edge of hurt, or was it anger, in her voice?

  “An infuriatingly smart man told me that I need to stop and think before I let my heart lead the way, and you’re the same way. You need to stop and think about the consequences of your actions, not just for yourself, but for those around you. Mox loves you. He would do anything to protect you. I’m not talking sappy, teenage love. This is the real deal, a gift, and it comes with responsibilities. When you put yourself in danger, you best be prepared for your man to do whatever it takes to protect you. He would take a bullet for you without blinking, and, with your baggage, honey, that isn’t farfetched,” Ginny said, taking another long pull on her cigarette and sliding down in the chair.

  At that moment Eva wished that she smoked. Swallowing the lump of pain trying to block her throat, she nodded. She had no rebuttal for Ginny’s comments. Her very presence in Trinity Falls put Mox, his friends, and family in jeopardy.

  “I’m not telling you to leave, so get that thought out of your head right now.”

  “How can you say that? Trinity Falls wouldn’t have been a blip on Constantine Chelios’ radar if it wasn’t for me.”

  “Don’t go all martyr on me now. You’re made of sterner stuff than that.”

  “Then what the hell do you want me to do?” Eva asked in exasperation.

  “I want you to be as willing to fight for my son as he is for you. Be strong. Love him back the way he loves you.”

  “I do love Mox, but I’m not good enough for him. You said so yourself.”

  “I’m his mother. No woman is ever going to be good enough in my opinion. That doesn’t mean you’re not the right one. You’re the one that has to decide if he’s worth fighting for.”

  Eva closed her eyes, trying to ignore her pounding headache. There was no misinterpreting her feelings anymore. She loved Mox. She would’ve never thought it possible, but she loved him, and she felt loved in return.

  “If you have to think about it that hard I may have to kick your ass,” Ginny said as she put out the cigarette in a pop can and spritzed the air with some perfume.

  “I love him.”

  “Then fight for him.”

  Eva nodded. Ginny made it sound so easy, and maybe it was. Eva studied the older woman. It certainly seemed to be for her. She envied Ginny’s outer calm and strength. Even with her nerves frayed, she showed the world her mask. Mox saw his adopted mother as a perfect woman. It was no wonder. Eva nodded again. Ginny was right. She needed to make smarter decisions and toughen up as well. Mox didn’t need stupidity and tears from her. He was doing his part. She needed to do hers. Steeling herself, Eva sent up a silent prayer and changed the subject. “Will the club forgive Tawny?”

  “It’s hard telling. Zeke’s looking for her now in Cleveland, and he’s not real happy. She better have the answers he wants to hear.”

  “He’s not alone is he?”

  “No. Murphy has his back. After all the patrols they humped together in Kuwait, Cleveland is a cake walk,” Ginny murmured, eyes drifting closed again.

  “Are you okay?”

  Ginny opened her eyes and offered a small smile. “I will be. The family has been through a lot of shit in the last year. I’m ready for a little boring normalcy.”

  Parking was easy to find. Only five o’clock, the entertainment district didn’t start hopping until a little later. Zeke glanced over at Murphy. The fucker had had his nose buried in his cell phone the whole drive. Zeke rolled his eyes.

  “This is the one. Let’s go, Columbo.”

  Ignoring his partner’s sarcasm, Murphy stepped out of the car and admired the sign. A busty blonde peeked coyly over her shoulder, showcasing her perfect assets in fluorescent pink and giving the club its name, Cheeks. They’d almost reached the door when he shared an interesting tidbit he’d found online.

  “Did you know that one of Rocco Soriano’s companies own this particular club?”

  “You don’t say?”

  “Actually, Google said it, but a background check confirmed it.”

  “My day keeps getting better,” Zeke muttered.

  “How is it that no one put two and two together before now if Tawny has been a hanger-on for so many years?”

  “I couldn’t have told you which strip club she worked in until today. It didn’t matter. I see all of Tawny I need to see without paying a dime.”

  “Does your ol’ lady have an issue with you going to the titty bars?” Murphy asked, eyes sparkling in amusement.


  “You had no problem ogling a little T & A when we were on leave.”

  “I still don’t.”

  Murphy chuckled at his taciturn partner’s clipped answer and followed him through the door.

  Flashing his badge and a photo on his phone to the guy at the door, Zeke asked,

  “Has Tawny come in yet?”

  “How about you pay your cover charge and sit down to see?” the burley doorman suggested.

  Zeke smiled. “How about you answer the fucking question, or I call for backup and have this place swarming with uniforms over a simple question? How would you like to explain that to Soriano and his goons?”

  Rolling his eyes, the guy dropped his attitude and looked around the nearly empty place.

  “Cherry! Have you seen Tawny today?”

  The petite redhead accepted a bottle of water from the bartender and shrugged. “She was in about twenty minutes ago and cleaned out her locker. She had a hell of a shiner. Maybe she’s getting out of the business. She’s not getting any younger you know.”

  “Cheeky little thing,” Murphy quipped.

  The bouncer smirked at the play on the clubs name. “Catty is more like it, but there you have it. Before you ask, I got no idea who messed her face up.”

  “We’ve got that one covered. Thanks for your help,” Zeke said, and headed back to the car with Murphy in tow.

  “Soriano’s goon isn’t stupid. He’s likely figured out that Tawny played both sides, so now Cleveland is no safer than Trinity Falls for her. Where does she go from here?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. Her dad lived in that shithole trailer park outside of town last I knew. We can check with him. I’ll call Reaper. He hooked up with her for two or three months and might know something, but Mox is probably our best bet as soon as he gets out of the ER,” Zeke said with a little head shake. “The ox spent more time talking to the bunny than banging her.”

  “You’re such a charmer. How the hell have you stayed married all these years?” Murphy asked.

  “Just a lucky man I guess,” Zeke said smugly and turned the ignition over.

  Eva chewed her bottom lip as she followed Mox up the steps to their apartment. He’d been strangely quiet on the ride home from the hospital, only speaking to answer Ginny’s questions. She tried to squash the feelings of guilt. Everyone knew Chelios being in Trinity, and therefore Mox getting hurt, was her fault. Crying over it wasn’t going to do any good.

  Mox dropped onto the bench just inside the door and stared at his feet, weariness rolling off him. Squatting down in front of him, Eva unlaced his boots and pulled them off. She put her hands on his thighs and looked him in the eye as he went to stand.

  “I’m sorry,” she said
simply. “I’ll be smarter and tougher from now on.”

  Mox reached out with his good hand and tucked hair behind her ear. His lopsided smile stabbed straight to her heart.

  “We both will be,” he said.

  Eva couldn’t hold back a shiver as she thought of Mox facing Chelios again. Her fingers ran over the cast on his injured wrist.

  “I’ll be fine. The ribbing from the club will hurt more than the damn tendons.”

  Eva looked up at him in surprise, a protest on her lips, and then she shook her head with a little smile. She would never understand male bonding. “Just hit ’em with your cast if they give you too much shit.”

  Mox grinned and stood up with a grunt, pulling her with him. He unclipped his wallet from his belt and handed it over. “Do me a favor, baby, and order us some grub from The Lantern. I’m not supposed to take these painkillers on an empty stomach. I promised Ginny I’d lie down to keep her from following us up here and seeing the pups.”

  Already moving to plump throw pillows, Eva nodded and directed him down onto the couch. As soon as he was comfortable, and had the remote in his hand, she grabbed the phone.

  Chapter ~ 28

  Spittle flew from Rocco’s lips as his fist slammed down on the glass conference table. His thick, dark hair stood on end from the rake of his fingers, and his silk tie hung askew.

  “Five fucking weeks and not only can you worthless bastards not find Eva, but now I have detectives visiting my clubs, asking questions about another twat. I should kill the whole fucking bunch of you!” he snarled, swinging the gun in his hand in a wild arc that encompassed them all.

  The crew shifted uneasily, shooting wary glances in Chelios’ direction.

  “Don’t fucking look at him. Regardless of what some of you mooks think, he ain’t in charge around here. My father treated him like a son, and look how the Greek mutt repays my family. He shows that bitch more respect than he does me. She should be at my fucking feet by now, one way, or another,” Rocco railed. “Why do you suppose the cold-blooded Mr. Chelios calls my whore, Miss Taylor?”


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