The Closer I Get to You (Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 8)

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The Closer I Get to You (Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 8) Page 17

by Melanie Schuster

  She’d had her way; he’d taken her home and made sure she was safely settled inside with Aidan before leaving. A week later he had accompanied her to New Orleans for the romance conference, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as he’d feared it would be. Paris was in attendance both as a fan and as a presenter; she’d been asked to give a talk at one of the luncheons. Titus was impressed anew by her speaking ability; she gave a speech that was amusing, insightful and laudatory. He was also amused by the fact that she was way more impressed meeting her favorite writers than she had been meeting all the Hollywood types at the Oscars. She was in a state of sheer delight for the two days she attended the conference, even more so since she got to spend time with her family. Her father was his usual gracious self and her brothers at least weren’t trying to rip his head off, which was a pleasant change.

  Now they were making a stop in Baton Rouge to fulfill a promise to her aunt Gertrude, her late mother’s sister. Titus could tell her heart wasn’t in it, but he knew better than to try to persuade her to blow it off. Her aunt had a book club and they wanted Paris to attend their monthly meeting. Paris was a huge proponent of reading and book clubs and she promoted local clubs on her show every week. She also featured writers regularly, especially romance writers because she loved the genre so much. Her aunt had more or less volunteered Paris’s attendance when she found out that Paris would be in Louisiana and rather than disappoint the members of the club, she had agreed to attend. He looked at her again, her hands folded in her lap and her face set resolutely. He put his hand over hers and smiled when she clasped his hand tightly with both of hers. “You aren’t nervous, are you, baby? Because no one can work a room like you can, you know this. You’re going to have them eating out of your hand in no time.”

  She gave him a faint smile in return. “Thanks for those kind words, but I’m not worried about those ladies, trust me. It’s Aunt Gertrude,” she said, her face looking sad without her normal sunny expression. “We’ve never really gotten along that well, so I don’t know why she wanted me to come to this. She’s going to start in on me about my weight; I know she is. And I lost seven pounds before I came to Louisiana because I can’t resist home cooking while I’m here. Especially Aunt Gert’s cooking. She might be as mean as a black snake, but that woman can throw down in the kitchen,” she admitted. “Oh, slow down, you need to turn here. Just pull up into that cul-de-sac, that’s her house there in the center.” Paris sighed deeply as Titus maneuvered the rental car into a parking space.

  “You just have to walk me to the door and come back for me in two hours,” she said for about the tenth time. He wanted to tease her, but he could see how nervous she was and he wanted to make it better. He squeezed her hands before getting out of the car to open her door. He looked down at her and told her how pretty she looked. She didn’t give him her usual smiling thanks; she ran her hands over her hips and looked at him anxiously.

  “Are you sure this outfit is okay? I don’t look like a whale, do I?” Titus had to bite back some very uncomplimentary words about the woman he was about to meet for the first time. She must be some kind of cow to make his self-assured, confident Paris this uneasy. “You look exceptional in that outfit, baby. I don’t know much about women’s clothes but that looks really good on you,” he told her, kissing her temple as he did so. She really did look fabulous, in a two-piece outfit consisting of a supple knit dress with a deep scoop neck and a matching jacket. The jacket had no lapels and it was long, coming past her hips. Both the dress and the jacket were in a deep shade of peacock blue with a subtle hint of green. The color contrasted with her beautiful black hair and the dress fit perfectly, showing off her figure. It was a little shorter than she usually wore her clothes and her long legs were a welcome sight to Titus, who never got tired of looking at them. He put his arm around her waist and told her again how good she looked. She didn’t have time to reply as they had reached the front door, which was opened at once by an older woman Titus assumed was Aunt Gertrude.

  She was medium height with brown skin, a puffy non-descript hairdo and an expression that managed to look welcoming and condescending at the same time. She wore half round reading glasses perched on the end of her nose and stared at Paris for a long moment before speaking. “You’ve gained weight,” she said with a smile that was eerily out of place on her haughty face with the harsh lines that emphasized her plainness.

  Titus pulled Paris even closer and the look he gave Gert dared her to say another word. She seemed flustered for a moment, but recovered quickly. “Oh come on in, dear, it’s so good to see you,” she said in a truly fake voice.

  They crossed the threshold into a house that was nicely decorated with antiques and looked very tasteful. The parlor was sunny and full of older women who all seemed to be thrilled to see Paris. Gert looked a little annoyed to see that the club members were already introducing themselves to Paris; she apparently had some grand speech planned. Sure enough, she cleared her throat loudly and called for silence. “I’d like everyone to meet my darling niece Paris Deveraux, who was kind enough to grace her dear aunt with her presence. And her…what are you dear, her driver?”

  Titus’s eyes promptly turned the cold silver color that only Paris could interpret and he gave Gert a smile that was as false as her own leer. “I’m Titus Argonne, ma’am. I’m Paris’s fiancé.” A chorus of “oohs” echoed around the room and as his eyes met Paris’s they turned almost the same color as her dress. Titus smiled in satisfaction. She was going to get him, no question about it, but it was worth it to shut that harridan of an aunt up. No matter what Paris did to him in retaliation, he could handle it. Nobody talked down to his woman and got away with it.


  Paris was so startled by Titus’s declaration she couldn’t talk for a few minutes. It was just as well; there was no telling what she might have said. The morning actually passed rather quickly and pleasantly, with engaging conversation and discussion of books, even though Paris was so rattled by Titus’s casual announcement she wasn’t sure at all of what she was saying. She concentrating on not staring at him, something it was very hard to do. Titus had been prevailed on to stay; the ladies of the club were openly intrigued by his rugged good looks and unmistakable sex appeal. Paris was actually relieved that he was staying since it was apparent that he had the ability to keep the redoubtable Gert in check. It was an ability for which she thanked God when Gert started up with her again. It began when Gert’s daughter, Charlinda entered the room. Paris stifled a groan, she had nothing against the woman, not really, but she was hard to take. Compared to the slender and delicate Charlinda, Paris always felt like an ox, something Gert encouraged by her comments, which were constant and snide.

  “Oh, there’s my beautiful daughter now. Come on in, Charlinda, and say hello to Cousin Paris, you haven’t seen her in such a long time. And you must meet her fiancé,” Gertrude gushed in a voice that indicated her amazement at the situation. “She’s managed to hook herself a big good-looking man, too, come and say hello.”

  Paris kept her face from betraying her dismay; she made herself look serene and smiling as she greeted Charlinda. They were the same age, but bore no resemblance to each other. Charlinda was a model and wore a size four, even though she was almost as tall as Paris. She was very pretty in a delicate doll-like way and the two of them simply weren’t close. They had nothing whatsoever in common. She dutifully returned Charlinda’s quick hug and introduced her to Titus. It gave Paris a secret thrill to note that Titus didn’t have the poleaxed look that most men got whenever they caught sight of her cousin. The only woman Titus was looking at was Paris, something for which she would always be grateful. He was only playacting, but it was doing her all the good in the world.

  She was startled and surprised when Charlinda seemed really glad to see her. Even when they moved into the dining room for lunch, Charlinda seemed attached to her. Paris found herself seated between Titus and Charlinda, which was rather weird but not unpl
easant. She’d never had anything against her cousin; it was just hard to be constantly compared to an icon of beauty and found wanting. She really didn’t know Charlinda that well, she mused as they chatted while lunch was served. Then something happened which Paris knew she’d never forget. Gert made a point of serving Paris herself, even though she had a catering staff to make sure everyone was served. Titus had a plate with smothered chicken, fluffy rice with gravy, sautéed squash and green beans cooked with smoked ham and pearl onions placed in front of him while Gert put a plate of cottage cheese and sliced tomatoes in front of Paris. “I made this just for you, dear, I know what troubles you have with your figure,” she said in a whisper loud enough to be heard in Shreveport. Without hesitation Titus swapped his plate for Paris’s while looking at Gert like he wanted her head on a spear. “Thanks, I’m a vegetarian,” he said coolly.

  A smart woman would have backed off, especially after her deliberately rude ploy was foiled, but Gert kept pushing. “I’m just trying to look out for you, dear,” she said to Paris in that same saccharine tone. “After all, you landed this hunk; we want to make sure you keep him. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you lost a few pounds.”

  Titus put his hand over Paris’s, which was in her lap and, he was displeased to find, was trembling. “I love everything about Paris just the way she is,” he said quietly, but with a deliberate force that the obnoxious older woman knew was serious. Titus looked deeply into Paris’s eyes and smiled a warm and beautiful smile that no one but Paris ever saw. “She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life and I’m extremely lucky to have her in my life.”

  The women around the table sighed with pleasure at his declaration, but he wasn’t finished yet. He turned to look directly at Gert. “Her remarkable beauty notwithstanding, I’m a big Shrek-sized man. I’ve never been attracted to little girls.”

  This time the book club exploded in laughter and applause as it was painfully obvious to everyone in the room that this man was totally in love with the women at his side. Obvious to everyone except Paris, that is. She appreciated the fact that Titus was so protective of her but she wished with all her heart that he meant the words and he wasn’t just playacting so she could save face. Paris really tried, but she couldn’t eat a mouthful of the meal. She was truly glad Charlinda was seated next to her because the other woman kept up a steady stream of chatter. Titus had his hand on her thigh under the table, which calmed her, but she wanted nothing more than to run out of the house screaming. What an evil old bat, she thought viciously. How could my lovely mother been related to that crone?

  Just then, Titus removed his hand and took his cell phone out of his pocket, glancing at the caller id. He excused himself to Paris, saying it looked like an emergency. He spoke quietly in a rapid, low voice. Ending the call he turned to Paris again. “I hate to do this to you, be we have to go. There’s an emergency and I have to get to Charleston right away.” In two minutes they were in the rental car and on their way to the airport.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Titus would have felt like a fool, but he was past caring what anyone thought. Ever since he got the phone call in Baton Rouge he had one thing on his mind and that was getting home to Charleston. Embarrassment really didn’t figure into the situation because he was with Paris and she wouldn’t consider his actions foolish in any way. If he knew anything at all about Paris, he knew she was there for him. When he had tersely explained to her that she would have to go back to Atlanta alone because he had to get to South Carolina, she’d stared at him like he was crazy, then calmly pulled out her own cell phone and instructed the pilot of the corporate jet to file a new flight plan that would take the two of them to Charleston, South Carolina. She then took the car keys from Titus and announced that she was driving and for him to get in the car and be quiet.

  Bossy she might be but she was just what he needed. He told her the phone call was from his oldest sister to inform him that their grandmother was in the hospital. Paris reached over to take his hand, asking him what had happened to put her into the hospital. Titus pulled at his right earlobe and admitted he wasn’t sure.

  “Nona, that’s my sister’s name, was so upset I couldn’t really follow what she was saying, which isn’t unusual. I just have to see for myself that she’s okay. She means to world to me, Paris, I just have to make sure she’s fine.”

  In a few hours they had touched down in Charleston. Thanks to Paris, a car was waiting for them and they got to the hospital promptly. Paris insisted that Titus get out at the front door and go in, she would park the car and find him. He was so anxious he agreed and got out of the car, not even waiting for Paris to get behind the steering wheel. He was directed to his grandmother’s room and had to restrain himself not to run down the hall. He found her room number and took a deep breath before entering the room. When he entered the room he was relieved to find her sitting up and looking like her normal self with the exception of a cast on her left arm. Her eyes lit up when he came in and she greeted him with joy.

  “Oh my goodness, look who it is! You look so handsome, baby, come give Mama a kiss,” she told him. “What brings you to Charleston, sweetheart?”

  Titus went to her bedside and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “What brings me here? You, of course. Nona didn’t tell me exactly what was wrong, she just said you were in the hospital and it scared me to death. What have you been up to, Mama Sweet?”

  Titus had been so focused on his grandmother he didn’t notice his sisters were in the room too, but they were in attendance and they hurried to answer his question. Nona, the oldest, went first. “She decided to make a cobbler and her big pan was on the top shelf of the pantry. So she decides to get it down and she gets on a stepladder,” Nona reported. Nicole, his youngest sister, took up the tale.

  “We’ve all told her not to do that, that we can come and get anything she wants off the shelves or out of the basement, but she had to try and be grown and get it herself. And she might have made it if that little dust mop of a dog of hers hadn’t decided to help her. The little raggedy rascal ran up under the ladder and crash go boom, down they came,” Nicole said cheerfully. “But she’s fine, she really is. She’s going to be discharged tomorrow and she’s going to go home with Mama for a while.”

  Mama Sweet, whose real name was Audrey Horne, made a sound of disgust as she listened to the last part of Nicole’s narrative. “I don’t know why I can’t go home,” she sniffed. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself. I don’t need Sarah fussing over me day and night.”

  Titus took Mama Sweet’s hand in his big one and leaned down to kiss her again. “She won’t fuss over you; she’s just going to make sure you’re comfortable. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

  The elderly woman’s petulant expression relaxed into a smile. Titus could always wrap her around his little finger, something his sisters often remarked on. Her eyes suddenly brightened in anticipation as she looked towards the doorway. “Well, hello, sugar, come on in. Are those for me?”

  Titus turned to see Paris shyly entering the room with a bouquet of spring flowers purchased at the gift store in the lobby. She also had a magazine and a small stuffed teddy bear with a pink bow around its neck. “I hope I’m not disturbing you,” she said softly.

  He went to her at once, putting his arm around her waist. “Mama Sweet, I want you to meet someone,” he began, only to be cut off by Nicole.

  “Ooh, we know who this is! We watch your show all the time,” she exclaimed. “Look Mama Sweet, it’s Paris Deveraux!”

  “Nicole, I can see who it is, child. Hush that noise before the poor woman thinks we’re all crazy,” she said sternly. Giving Paris her best smile, she held out her good hand and invited her to come closer. “What a nice surprise this is. Are you Titus’s young lady?” she asked archly, ignoring Titus’s protest.

  Paris ignored Titus as well, handing the flowers and teddy bear to him before going to the old woman and taking
her hand. She bent to kiss her on the cheek, and then smiled radiantly. “It’s so nice to meet you.” She looked at Titus with mischief in her eyes and added, “And yes, I’m his girlfriend.”


  Paris decided at once the best course of action as to go with the flow. There was no use trying to make sense of all of it at once, too much was happening right now and she could sort it out mentally when they got back to Atlanta. For now she was just going to be a gracious participant and amazed observer. She was stunned by what she’d seen when she entered the hospital room; there was Titus standing at the head of the bed, holding the hand of an elderly woman who had to be his grandmother. And there were two other women sitting in chairs on either side of the bed who had to be his sisters. The first time Titus had ever mentioned a single member of his family was the night he’d made hot milk for her and now here his family members surrounded her. Literally surrounded, she thought in amusement as she looked around the living room of Titus’s parents, Sarah and Clifton Argonne.


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