The Closer I Get to You (Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 8)

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The Closer I Get to You (Cochran/Deveraux Series Book 8) Page 20

by Melanie Schuster

  Paris had indeed been surprised to find out that Gayle had been in rehab for her drug addiction. “She’d made a huge mess of her life and your firing her was the impetus she needed to get herself together. She went home to Philadelphia and her parents put her into a private hospital. She’d been given Vicodin after a root canal and one thing led to another and she got hooked on it. It got to the point where no doctor would write her a prescription for it and she started buying it online. She maxed out all her credit cards and was beginning to pawn her belongings to sustain her habit. She did quite a few other things, too, to support that habit,” Titus told her. He shook his head slowly, and then got to the point. “Here’s the thing, baby. It can’t possibly be Gayle who’s been doing these things to you because she’s been on lock down. But there remains the possibility that someone could be acting on her behalf. Someone might be trying to get to you because of her,” he said slowly.

  While Paris was trying to get her head around that concept Titus pressed on. “I need you to look at all the surveillance tapes and see if you can detect anything odd or recognize anyone. For a lot of people it might be a shot in the dark, but I have a feeling you’ll be able to see something we’ve missed.” And so it had begun, with Paris sitting in her office staring at tape after tape, trying her best to follow Titus’s instructions to observe everything. Terry Patterson was with her to make note of anything she found unusual. Now her eyes were burning and she was beginning to get goofy. Suddenly she sat up straight and stared intently at the screen while she pressed the pause button on the remote control. She reached over and grabbed Terry’s arm, pointing at the television.

  “Terry, I think I have something,” she said, her eyes fixed on the frozen image. “Call Titus.”

  Soon they were in the video lab that was a part of Titus’s operation. Paris looked around the big room with awe; she’d never seen that much television equipment outside of an actual studio. “Wow, Titus, you use all of this?” she asked him as she mentally cataloged all the professional and highly expensive gear.

  Titus nodded as he waited for one of his skilled technicians to edit the tapes. “We do all kinds of investigative work. Most of it’s corporate security, but we also look for missing children, we’ve handled kidnappings, insurance fraud, identity theft, internet fraud, you name it, we’ve done it all. Political scandal, custody battles, missing heirs, fake heirs, dognapping, I can’t think of too much we haven’t investigated,” he said offhandedly. Paris was amazed that he just tossed it off as though it were of no importance. She knew for a fact that Argonne Investigations, as his firm was known, was one of the top detective organizations in the world. His reputation was impeccable in the US as well as several other countries. Titus was a man of respect in his chosen career and she suddenly felt humbled that he was taking the time to personally oversee her situation.

  “Paris, we’re ready. Tell me again what you saw in these tapes. We played around with them a little so you can see the images better. So what was it that made you pick these tapes?” Titus sounded all business as he asked the question, even though his hand was on her elbow as he led her to a seat at the conference table in the center of the room. She looked at the tape being played on the nearest TV screen.

  “That man is George Wilson. The tall one with the bald head and the sunglasses. He’s a chef and he used to work in the dining room here at the complex. He left about a week after Gayle did,” Paris said.

  “Did he know Gayle, by any chance?” Titus again sounded nothing but professional.

  “Yes, he knew her. He knew her quite well, actually, because he was also from Philly, I believe. It was quite a coincidence that they ended up working in the same building because they also went to college together at Carnegie-Mellon. They lost track of each other when he went to culinary school, but then they both found their way to Atlanta. I think he had a little crush on her because he was always fixing her special dishes, things like that.”

  Titus nodded his head, and then asked her what else she saw. She looked at the next screen and pointed at the date in the corner.

  “Okay, George had been gone a couple of weeks before this was taped and yet there he is in the parking garage big as day. And he’s wearing coveralls with the Deveraux Group logo on it, like he works there. So he could have had access to the company cars. If he’s been hanging around there he might even know which cars I was going to drive…” her voice faded off and her face was shadowed by dismay. “If he’s the one who was doing it, he could have been tampering with every car out there, Titus. Everyone who drives those cars could be in danger because of me.”

  His face turned fierce and tender at the same time. “Look, Paris, don’t you ever say that again. It’s not your fault; it was never your fault. People who do things like this have their own agenda, usually one that none of us can understand. But it has nothing whatsoever to do with your behavior; it’s an outgrowth of their sickness, that’s all it is.”

  “But George is such a nice, normal acting guy,” Paris said sadly. “I can’t believe he’d do things to me, that he would suddenly hate me and want to do me harm. It just doesn’t make sense, Titus.”

  “Then why was he hanging around here, Paris? How did he get those coveralls and why would he want them?” Titus asked patiently.

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know. But it’s going to take more than a couple of surveillance tapes to make me believe that a perfectly nice man has suddenly turned psycho and has decided to make me his pet project,” Paris said wearily. “I’m certainly not trying to tell you how to do your job,” she added quickly, “but that’s a whole lot for me to swallow, Titus.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Titus gave a knock on the door of Martin Deveraux’s private office. It was strictly a courtesy as he was expected. “Come on in, man, and sit down. You’re a hard man to catch,” Martin said in his deep voice.

  Titus shook Martin’s before taking a seat in one of the big leather chairs that flanked Martin’s desk. He gave Martin a weary smile and said something about his business keeping him running twenty-four seven. Martin returned the smile with a sincere one. A big grin, as a matter of fact. “Man, you can’t let your life be all about business. You have good people working for you; let them do their jobs. I love my work, but I love my family more,” he said looking at the newest portrait of his wife Ceylon and their three children that held pride of place among all the awards and honors given to the music division of The Deveraux Group. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than be with my woman and our babies. You need a wife, man, that’s no joke.” Martin leaned back in his huge chair and gazed at the beautiful likeness of Ceylon, the woman who’d stolen his heart so long ago.

  “Don’t hold back, Martin, how do you really feel?” Titus said with dry wit. Martin chose to ignore his wry tone and answer him seriously.

  “I feel blessed, that’s how I feel. Ceylon is pregnant again,” he said with evident pride. “She’s excited and so am I, although she’s having a little more trouble with this pregnancy than the others. Elizabeth was a piece of cake and even the boys were a snap, which was great since they’re twins. This one is a little harder on her. After this one we’re done, no more. I don’t like to see her uncomfortable.”

  Without considering his words Titus asked if she was going to have her tubes tied. Martin frowned and shook his head. “I’m getting fixed, man. Ceylon will have given me four babies and I’m damned if I’ll ask her to do that. And she shouldn’t have to fool with birth control, either. Snip, snip and I’m in the no-baby zone. Simple.”

  Whoa. That’s what you call devotion, Titus thought. “How are the kids, anyway? How’s Miss Elizabeth? Still large and in charge?”

  Martin gave a shout of laughter. “We can’t thank you enough for starting that Miss Elizabeth thing. She not only introduces herself as “Miss”, she makes her brothers call her that now. You’ve created a diva, thank you so much for that. Really. I just can’t wait un
til you have some little divas of your own so Uncle Martin can spoil them rotten.”

  A shadow passed over Titus’s face so fast it was like it never happened. He segued into another topic, the real reason he’d come to see Martin in the first place. “Everything is set. I had her watch some tapes so I could make sure this was the guy and she picked him right out. I’ve been investigating him for about six weeks now. Once we isolated the name Gayle Rodgers, we started looking for people with ties to her and his name came up repeatedly. Paris thinks he’s just a nice innocuous guy who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but it seems he has a pattern of inappropriate behavior with women. There are at least six counts of stalking and sexual intimidation on file in New York State and a few juvenile counts in Philly. And here’s the beauty part, he’s obsessed with Gayle Rodgers.”

  He leaned back in his chair before continuing. “They knew each other in college and he was crazy about her. They dated briefly and she dropped him like a hot rock when someone better came along. The real reason he went to culinary school is that he had a nervous breakdown. He couldn’t get over his busted affair with Gayle and he went off the deep end. He tried going to graduate school but he couldn’t handle the pace or the stress so he opted for his culinary studies. He did really well and the irony is he might have been a huge success as a chef if he hadn’t run into Gayle again.

  “He pretended like everything was cool, but seeing her again here in Atlanta tripped his trigger and he went cruising on the dark side again. He was content to exist on the fringes of Gayle’s life, trying to work his way back in, but when she got terminated, it blew his mind. He blamed Paris for her absence in his life and decided to get revenge on her, thus the escalating program of harassment.

  Martin frowned deeply. “How the hell did we end up hiring a nut job like that? We screen everyone we hire and we do a background check as well. This shouldn’t have happened, Titus.”

  “Well, for one thing, he wasn’t an employee of The Deveraux Group. The dining room is staffed and managed by Gourmet Dining, Inc. They actually lease space in office buildings and hotels. The chefs and service people they use are their employees; The Deveraux Group doesn’t employ them. Their screening process is completely different than the one used by your company. Their screening consists of reading their resume and checking their references, that’s all. If they’d dug a little deeper they might have found out a lot more about George Wilson. Some of the records were sealed,” Titus said with a cold, lethal smile, “but I managed to circumvent that little obstacle.”

  Martin gave Titus a deeply serious look of his own. “So what’s the plan? How are you going to run him to earth?”

  “The same way we let him get in while she was out of town. We allow him to think he’s disabled the security and that the house is vulnerable to entry. We deliberately left the inner garage door that opens into the house open and he found it. What he didn’t realize was that the house was not only being surveilled, there were agents inside as well as outside in the trees and on the roof. When my people don’t want to be seen, they’re invisible, trust me.” Titus gave Martin a pleasant little grin that was totally at odds with his icily silver eyes. “We’re going to use Paris as bait to lure him in. Don’t worry; I’ll be on site, as will twelve agents. It will look like she’s alone, but nothing will be further from the truth. There will be an agent inside the house as well as a phalanx outside and he’ll be able to get in, but he’ll never get out.”

  Martin leaned back in his chair and propped his elbows on the armrests, steepling his fingers. He stayed that was for a few minute, obviously deep in thought. “I don’t like it, Titus. I just don’t like the idea of Paris being in jeopardy, even for a few minutes. She’s like our sister, man, we love her that much. I can’t have anything happen to her, I’d never forgive myself.

  Titus leaned forward, eyes blazing.

  “You have to understand, Martin, nothing is going to happen to Paris while I’m on the job. Nothing. If you’re concerned we can just call in the police and let them handle it. They’ll go to his home with warrants and writs and he’ll be thrown into jail and a good lawyer will have him out in a day or so, then he’ll disappear. Or he’ll get some jail time if we can get a competent prosecutor on the case. He’ll behave himself inside and be out in six months to pick up where he left off. I want him caught in the act so we can put an end to it once and for all. If he’s apprehended in the act, we can make sure the charges stick and he’ll get a stiff sentence. It’s up to you and your brothers. Just say the word and I’ll call the officer in charge of the case.”

  Martin looked at Titus for a long moment before answering. “I wasn’t trying to say I don’t trust you, I have every confidence in you and your ability to get the job done. But I have to say it again; Paris is much more than a cousin to my brothers and me. We love her and if anything happened to her, anything at all, we wouldn’t be able to live with it. And I can see you feel the same way,” he said, gratified to see the color surge to Titus’s face. It was the first time he could ever remember Titus showing so much emotion.

  “You have some very strong feelings for my cousin. I’ve known it for a long time, a real long time. I know you and I trust you so I haven’t gotten all up in your business about it, but I have to say I'm curious. What’s going on with you two? You seemed like you were on your way to something lasting for a while, then it was all over. What’s up?”

  Titus again acted in an uncharacteristic manner, this time he made a face in which all his chagrin showed. “You Deverauxes don’t hold back, do you? You sound just like her father did when he asked me the same question.”

  Martin gave a low whistle. “You men the Judge pinned you to the wall, too? And you lived to tell the tale,” he chuckled. “Either the Judge is mellowing in his golden years or he likes you. Time was he’d take off your head and hand it to ya, partner. Look, if her daddy’s already been there I’m not going to belabor it. I do have one piece of advice for you though. Just what you need from a friend, unsolicited advice, right?” He laughed, and Titus joined in. “Seriously though, my advice to you is to get it done. You need to let her know you love her and get a ring on her finger. You know you’re never going to find anybody like her in the whole world so why drag it out? Handle your business, bro. I’m always available as a best man and my calendar is open,” he said cheerfully.

  Just then his office door opened and his identical twin sons raced in, followed more sedately by their older sister, Elizabeth. Ceylon was last, admonishing the little ones as she entered. “What have I told you about that? We can’t just come racing in the door whenever we get ready, Daddy might be very busy,” she told them firmly but lovingly.

  Titus and Martin were both on their feet as she entered. Martin wore the smile that was for her alone and Titus had a bemused expression on his face. He watched as Martin came around his desk and embraced his wife, looking into her eyes with love and concern. “Come sit down, baby. What are you doing out by yourself with the Too Live Crew? I don’t want you overdoing it,” he said as he led her to the sofa. Ceylon was a raving beauty with smooth brown skin and big hazel eyes fringed by long lashes. Her short brown hair was always fashionably styled and even now, in the throes of a difficult pregnancy, she glowed with happiness. She barely got out a greeting to Titus before Martin was questioning her about why she was out with the children sans nanny or any other help.

  Ceylon laughed gently at his concern. “Sweetheart, we just went to the doctor’s office for their checkups, I’m fine,” she insisted.

  In the meantime, Elizabeth made a beeline for Titus, whom she considered her personal property. He smiled down at her, taking the hand she offered him and bending way down to put a kiss on her fingertips. “Hello, Miss Elizabeth, how are you today?”

  She was so much like both her parents it was hilarious. Elizabeth had Martin’s thick black hair, sweeping eyebrows and creamy skin. But she had her mother’s hazel eyes, dimpled smile and perfect skin. She l
ooked like a perfect little lady, all dainty and sweet, but she was a real tomboy and could hang with the rowdiest boys on the block. Today she was all girl in a pretty little dress and she was full of smiles for Uncle Titus, as she called him. “I’m just fine, thank you. When are you coming to see us? You haven’t been to see us in a long time,” she pointed out. The twins agreed, asking when he was going to come play football with them again.

  Titus promised to come soon, but explained he had to get going. He exchanged greetings with Ceylon and noticed how beautiful she looked. Incipient motherhood really agreed with her, she was radiant. While he was leaving Martin’s office he had time to wonder why his friend’s words regarding marriage didn’t strike terror in his heart or freeze the marrow of his bones or something. There was a time when the mere mention of the word would wrench his gut in hot agony, but that time seemed to have passed. Instead of brooding over what Martin had said he found himself singing under his breath, something he hadn’t done since he sang in the church choir back in Charleston.


  Paris was sitting cross-legged on her bed, writing in her journal as she did every night. I’m trying not to freak out over this. Titus says this is going to work and I have to believe him. Titus is very smart and very careful and I know he won’t let anything happen to me. I’m just not completely convinced that George is the one doing this, but I want my life back. This has to work, Titus wouldn’t put me though it otherwise…

  She looked up to see Aidan in the doorway with a bottle of water in one hand and his car keys in the other. Merlin, who bounded onto her bed without waiting for an invitation, accompanied him.


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