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Teacher's Plans Page 10

by JoAnn Carter

  “I think it’s okay.” She said in a very mature tone. She took hold of Amanda’s hand. “Are you getting a wedding ring this Christmas?”

  “No.” Amanda shook her head. “Not me.”


  “What Allie?” Amanda waited, not quite knowing what to expect.

  “I need to talk to Mr. Atkins.”

  “No!” Amanda tried to soften her voice. “I mean…there is no need to do that, Allie. We’re not getting married.”

  In a very matter-of-fact way, she said, “Oh, but you should.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because then you could live happily ever after.”

  Amanda smiled at her logic. “Dear sweet, Allie,” she said as she ruffed up her hat. “That’s how it works in fairy tales, isn’t it?”

  With big eyes, she eagerly nodded her head.

  “Can I tell you a secret?”

  Allie took a step in closer.

  In a loud whisper, she said, “I don’t need that kind of fairy tale ending. I’m happy just the way I am.”

  “I don’t know why.” Allie’s big brown eyes held a look of disappointment. All of a sudden they sparkled as she announced. “Then he will be the prince I marry when I grow up.”

  Amanda tried her best not to laugh. “That’s quite a lofty goal.”

  Allie rolled her eye. “I know. Growing up takes forever .”

  Amanda looked at her watch. “Well, recess is almost over. We’re going to be heading inside to make some plans.”

  “Plans for what?”

  “We’re going to celebrate December.” With an enthusiastic voice, Amanda said, “We’ve got some great books to read and fun things to do.”

  “I’ll be first in line.” Allie said as she ran to the sidewalk.


  The night of the Christmas play arrived. Both the excitement and nervousness of the cast could be felt backstage. Some people were pacing back and forth, while others were talking briskly in loud whispers to fellow cast members. Amanda stood behind the side curtain and watched the people enter the church. Tracy came up behind her and asked, “Do you have any jitters yet?”

  Amanda turned to Tracy and looked over his entire costume. Trying not to smile she said, “Surprisingly, not yet. But, I guess you are, huh?”

  “How did you know?”

  Why’d he have to be so darned cute? “Well, it was a pretty easy guess.” Amanda laughed. “You looked a little different at dress rehearsal yesterday.” She pointed to his legs.

  Tracy’s face sported a shade of pink she had never seen before as he realized his red sweatpants were showing from under his Joseph robe and he was still wearing his socks. He hiked up the pants to hide them under the robe while murmuring, “How could I have forgotten to take off my socks?”

  Amanda saw everyone gathering for a last minute prayer. “At least we caught it before you went out on stage. I don’t know if I could have held it together if I had seen it during the performance.” Tracy offered Amanda his hand. “Come on, let’s go join them for prayer.”

  Amanda took his outstretched hand and enjoyed his closeness as they walked toward the group. “Sounds good.”

  Carolyn greeted them as they joined the group. “Hey, guys, it’s about time.”

  “Ten minutes!” April called out the warning.

  “Okay. Folks, that means it’s time to pray.” As soon as the voices in the group grew quiet, Ben prayed, “Lord, we thank you for all the people who have come to hear the story of Your birth. I pray we would be a blessing to them. We ask for clarity of thought and action, but most importantly, we pray that all those watching would come to a fuller understanding of Your love for us. In Jesus name, Amen.”

  As soon as the prayer ended, Carolyn turned to Amanda. “I’ve got to get a few final touches on my costume. I probably won’t have time to see you before April calls us to take our positions so…as they say in show business, break a leg.”

  “Thanks. The same to you.”

  April’s voice drifted backstage. “Elizabeth, Zechariah, and Mary…positions.”

  “That’s me.” Amanda looked hesitantly into Tracy’s eyes.

  Smiling at the apprehension he must have read in her expression, he gently said, “You are going to do fine. Relax and just have fun. Just do your best for the Lord.”

  Taking a deep breath, Amanda nodded her head. “Right.”


  The night held that special Christmas magic and the play went off without a hitch. Amanda thought she would be too keyed up to sleep a wink, but before she knew it, she was startled awake by the phone ringing beside her bed.

  She answered in a groggy voice, “Hello?”

  Carolyn’s cheerfulness boomed over the phone. “Hey there, you sleepy head, Merry Christmas! Aren’t you awake yet?”

  Squinting her eyes, Amanda looked at her clock. She flopped back down on her pillow. “Ohhh…” Trying not to sound too frustrated, she said, “Um, Merry Christmas to you, too.” She couldn’t help but ask, “Carolyn, isn’t it a little early to be calling? I mean, it is only 4:30 in the morning.”

  “I’m too excited to sleep. Your mom cooked up a great surprise. Do you want to know what your first Christmas present is now?”

  “Sure, why not.” She said as she smoothed her hair back out of her face.

  “Hold on to your jammies because this is a big one.” Carolyn giggled at her own eagerness. “My chauffeur and I will be by in two short hours to pick you up and drive us to your parents’ place so we can be there for Christmas morning, just like old times.”

  Amanda sat up in her bed fully awake. “Two hours?” Surprised, she asked in a delighted voice, “You’re going with me? Wow! I just talked to her yesterday and she didn’t mention a word of this to me. I didn’t think she was expecting me until dinner.”

  Carolyn laughed again. “I know, isn’t it great? I won’t be able to stay over like you, but I can join you for today.” Carolyn took a breath and then said, “She took pity on me because she knew I wasn’t able to make it home for the holidays this year. Your mom wanted to surprise you with a couple of your friends spending Christmas with you.”

  Amanda felt a tingle run up and down her spine. “Um, did you say a few friends?”

  Carolyn tried to dodge the issue. “No, not really. I said a couple. As in two…you know.”

  “Okay, out with it. I’m working on just three hours of sleep here. Who else is going?”

  Hesitantly, Carolyn said, “Well, you see, Tracy didn’t have anywhere…”

  Amanda didn’t hear the rest. She covered her face with her pillow and counted to ten. She tried so hard to be diligent about keeping Tracy at a safe distance, but it seemed like there were others equally determined to foil her plans. Returning to the phone, she said, “Carolyn, I know you and Mom only have his best interest at heart. However, did you stop to think about the field day that Albert is going to have with him?”

  “Oh, not really. I didn’t even think of Albert…”

  Rolling her eyes, Amanda said, “Oh, boy. Just do me a favor please…keep Albert as far away from Tracy as you can.”

  Carolyn’s quick response was, “Speaking of Tracy, good grief, he is going to be here in an hour and a half to pick me up. I’ve got to run now. We’ll be by your place around seven or a little before. See you real soon.” Amanda was left hanging with a dead phone line buzzing in her ear.

  Amanda glaced at her clock. Almost quarter to five . She turned on her side. Might as well try to catch a few more minutes of sleep. After all , I am going to need all my wits about me and then some for this Christmas day!

  It surprised her that by the time Carolyn and Tracy were to arrive she actually felt excited, rather than anxious, about the day ahead of her . It must be the magic of the holiday. Whatever it is… she knew this day was a blessing so she prayed, Thank you, Lord, for being willing to be born as a babe into this world. Thank you also, Lord, for the blessing o
f family and friends and that I am able to celebrate Your birth with them. May my thoughts be centered on You today. Amen.

  Glancing out her window she saw a white wonderland. Peace and contentment settled over her like a warm blanket. It was then that she spotted the famous gray car pulling into her driveway. Her eyes widened in surprise as she watched Tracy bound out of the car and run up her front steps. He opened her door with just the briefest of knocks. A few stray snowflakes were resting in his hair. His bright, dimpled grin made him even more handsome than usual. Clearly delighted to see her, he looked deeply into her eyes and softly said, “Merry Christmas, Amanda.”

  Without thinking, Amanda put her hand up to brush the snowflakes out of Tracy’s hair. She stopped herself before her hand made contact with his hair as it dawned on her what she was about to do. What would it feel like to run her fingers through his hair? She felt the heat rise to her checks at the mere thought of such an intimate touch. A bit awkwardly, she put her hand through her own hair instead as she said, “And a Merry Christmas to you, too.”

  Carolyn came through the door just in time to relieve Amanda’s discomfort. Carolyn wrapped her friend in a huge bear hug. “Merry Christmas, again. I’m so glad your mom invited us.” She whispered in Amanda’s ear, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on Albert.” Looking at the packages by the door, she said, “Would you like a hand with these?”

  She sent Carolyn a grateful look. “Thank you so much. It would be a great help.”

  Carolyn caught Amanda’s double meaning. “No problem.”


  Wiping her eyes from tears of laughter, Carolyn said, “And do you remember the gift you gave to Albert that caused quite the…um, should I say, fright?”

  Tracy sat forward to listen.

  “What’d ya mean?” Amanda inquired.

  Albert put his arms across his chest. “You must be talking about the gift that took a few years off my life.”

  Carolyn wore a knowing look. “That’s the one.”

  Amanda finally caught on. She bit her lip so she wouldn’t start laughing before she turned to Tracy to explain. “I found, what I thought would be the perfect gift for Albert one year.”

  “And she didn’t even wrap it.” Carolyn added.

  Curious, Tracy asked, “What?”

  In unison they replied, “A talking toilet!”

  “A what?”

  Albert put his hand over his eyes and shook his head. “It was something she rigged up to the toilet that when you sat down, it started speaking.” With a deep voice, he mimicked the machine. “Ho, ho, ho! Oh, are ya leavin’ me a present?” With a teasing glint in his eye, he glanced at Amanda before saying to Tracy, “If I were you, I’d think twice about getting too close to her.”

  Amanda’s dad caught the tail end of what Albert was saying as he came in with a tray of hot apple cider. Rescuing Amanda, he said, “Well, now, I think that’s enough story telling. How about singing some Christmas songs before we open our presents?”

  Amanda sent her dad an appreciative glance. “What a great idea. How about, ‘It Came Upon A Midnight Clear’ ?”

  Mrs. Manning walked over to the piano and started playing the beginning chords.


  Amanda sat down next to the fireplace to watch her parents open up the last of their Christmas presents. Sighing contentedly, she knew she would remember this special Christmas for a long time. She felt a hand touch her shoulder. Tracy bent down and handed her a present, “I wanted to get you a little something.”

  “But Tracy, we exchanged gifts at school.”

  “I know.” Tracy kneeled down beside her. He took her hand into his. “But you and your family have given me another gift. This whole day has been one.”

  Amanda enjoyed the warmth of his fingers intertwined with hers. Perhaps a little too much. She pulled her hand gently away and fumbled with the paper on her present.

  Albert called, “Hey look, she’s been holding one back. Saving the best for last?” He sent Tracy a knowing grin.

  “I’m not sure about that, but I have a few gifts to give as well.” Tracy reached into his bag and pulled them out. “Not necessarily the best, but they are the last.”

  “You open up yours first, Amanda.” Her mother suggested.

  Amanda turned the small box over and continued to unwrap the paper. Lifting the lid, she saw a pretty gold heart shaped charm and necklace nestled in white cotton lining. Amanda’s breath caught as she glanced up at Tracy. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He whispered close to her ear.

  Their eyes locked for a moment. Albert broke the spell. “Ah ha! I thought we might have a Romeo here…” Getting down on his knees in front of his sister, he put his hand over his heart and dramatically said in a high voice, “Oh, Romeo…Oh, Romeo…where forth art thou Romeo?”

  Amanda playfully swatted Albert. “Cut it out, Al!” Teasing him back, she said, “Perhaps you should be taking notes?”

  “Touché!” Carolyn applauded. “We don’t exactly see any girls hanging off your arms.”

  Albert considered that for a moment. “Guess you got me there.” He held out his arm to her. “Would you care to?”

  Carolyn snorted, “Not on your life, mister. I know you too well.”

  Albert shrugged his shoulder.

  Tracy cleared his throat and stepped over to Albert and his parents, giving them all identical boxes.

  “This really was not necessary, Tracy.” Mrs. Manning said as she took the present he offered.

  “I know, but it’s always nice to give gifts.”

  By this time, Mr. Manning had his unwrapped. “Wow. This is one huge mug. Yummy, it’s filled with candies and gourmet hot chocolate.” He held it up for everyone to see. “Thanks.”

  “No problem. Thanks again for having me over.”

  “I’m glad that you came, Tracy. Please come back anytime.”

  Tracy nodded. “I might take you up on that.”

  Carolyn opened her gift and pulled out an apple shaped basket with an apple scented candle in it. “I love it, Tracy. I think I’ll put it on my kitchen table.”

  Finally, the day had been spent. Everyone’s belly was filled and contentment stole over the group. Tracy turned to Mr. and Mrs. Manning. “Everything was wonderful. I know I’ve said it already, but I can’t tell you how much I appreciated you’re willingness to take in a stray for the day. I hate it to end, but we really should leave. As it is, it will be close to midnight when we get home.”

  Amanda and Carolyn groaned in unison. Tracy started gathering all the belongings, leaving Amanda and Carolyn to say their good-byes. Albert walked out to the car with Tracy. After they loaded the things in the trunk, Albert said, “Tracy, you take care of that sister of mine, will you?”

  Amanda walked out and heard Albert’s comment. “I can take care of myself, Albert,” she said while sending him a warning look.

  Ignoring her, he continued, “You are the only the man she’s brought home since she’s been home from college.”


  Carolyn took over. “Your mom said I could invite Tracy since he’s away from home this year so… back off.”

  Albert laughed. “Honestly, sometimes I wonder if I have three mothers instead of one.” Holding his hands up in mock surrender, he said, “Okay, okay, I get the picture.” He shrugged his shoulders and said directly to Tracy, “Don’t give up. Under that rough exterior, my sister is a real gem.”

  Tracy waved and said softly over the roof of the car. “Giving up never crossed my mind.”

  Amanda could just make out the words Tracy said, and as the sound resonated within her mind, her insides felt like she was nearing the summit of a roller-coaster ride. The excitement of something unknown just ahead, but still out of sight.

  Albert’s face lit up as he chuckled and gave Tracy a thumbs-up sign. “Catch ya around!”

  Meanwhile, Carolyn got in the car and lea
ned out the window to talk to Amanda, “I hope you have a great time with your folks.”

  “I’m sure we will and thanks for everything. Have a safe trip,” Amanda said before scurrying onto the walkway to stand by her parents.

  Amanda smiled brightly and waved a final good bye to Tracy. I think my whole family including me, could really get used to having Tracy around. She quietly sighed, What am I going to do?

  Teacher's Plans

  Teacher's Plans

  Chapter Eight



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