Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS)

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Fractured Innocence (#2 IFICS) Page 13

by Julia Crane

  Adrenaline poured through her bloodstream.

  Bowing her head, she shuffled forward. Her eyes darted around trying to take in everything. She needed to figure out where she was located on the ship. It was imperative she knew exactly how far away she was from his room. Internally, she counted her steps. Forty-seven in a straight line, a left turn, sixty-four steps and up a flight of stairs.

  The brute gave her a shove and she stumbled forward, losing count. She felt tears spring to her eyes and blinked them back. What was the count? Had it been seventeen or twenty-seven? She couldn’t even recall the first two step counts. She started to crumble on the inside. How was she going to save her brother if she couldn’t even remember something as simple as steps?

  They came to an abrupt stop, and the thug banged on the bedroom door.

  “I hope you brought me a gift,” the monster said through the door. Or at least that’s what she imagined he said.

  The door swung open, and Aaliyah’s pulse quickened. Just seeing his face made her want to fall to the ground and curl up in the fetal position.

  The door closed with a bang. She was alone with the madman.

  “Let me look at you.” His tone was impatient.

  Where had the resolve gone? It wilted at the sound of his voice, the way it always did when he was near. Oh, God, why was she so weak?

  She looked up, keeping her gaze over his shoulder. Staring at the gray, peeled paint on the wall. He didn’t seem to notice the lack of eye contact. He was too busy staring at her naked body. His hands caressed her skin. She could tell by the way his shoulders were heaving up and down that he was already aroused.

  “I see you’ve healed quite nicely.” He walked around the back of her and pressed his body to hers. His fingers trailing over the permanent welts. She could feel his erection on her lower back.

  He spun her around. His shirt brushed her nipples, which were still sore from being pinched by that other bastard. Her breath came in terrified little gasps. Control. She needed to control her breathing.

  “I’m very angry at you my little flower.”

  She stiffened. He was angry with her? In what universe did that make sense?

  “You made me hurt you. Which in turn hurt me. I have needs that could not be met. Do you know what that means?”

  She shook her head no and finally met his golden eyes. She didn’t have to worry that her eyes would betray her. The fear she felt was real and seeped deep into her bones. She knew that’s what would be reflected and not what Henry had seen earlier. Where had that girl gone? Desperately, she tried to pull back the determined part of her to the surface, but she was nowhere to be found.

  She chided herself. She needed to pull herself together. If she couldn’t even make it through one night with him, how was she going to help her brother? It’s not like this was something new. He’d had her too many times to count. An actress. She reminded herself. That’s what she was. It was not her he would be touching. It was someone else. Someone stronger and braver than she could ever be.

  “It means you will be staying with me so that I can have access to you whenever I please. No matter what time of day or night. Do you understand?” He peeled off his shirt and tossed it to the ground.

  Oh, yes, she understood. No more Henry. How was she going to survive without her guardian angel?

  “Answer me.” His voice rose several notches.

  “Yes.” Her voice cracked.

  “Yes, what?” he demanded.

  “Yes, I understand.”

  Her soul withered a little more. She felt like a whore. Who was she kidding? She was a whore. Maybe if she closed her eyes and pretended he was Noah. The thought caused a pain to shoot straight through her heart. How could she ever associate this horror with Noah? He was light and this man was dark. They could not be further apart.

  “Are we going to do this the easy way, or the hard way?”

  “Easy. Please,” she whispered.

  “If only I weren’t still so angry at you. I really want you to make me happy. Why can’t you do that?”

  The blow knocked her back causing her to lose her balance and she tripped, falling to the floor with a painful thud. Her shoulder softened the blow to her head.

  In a dizzy daze, she realized he was now on top of her. Her body was splayed across the floor and she couldn’t move with the weight of him. The cement floor was cold and rough, scrapping her body. She could hear herself whimpering, terrified.

  She realized at that moment, there was no pretending with this man. He got off on the domination. She had been a childish fool to think otherwise.

  It was hard to tell how much time had passed. After a while, her mind had gone blank and seemed to float outside of herself. It was not her body played over and over like a broken record in her mind. It was not her body.

  “Ah, my sweet, sweet girl. Do you think today you can please me?”

  Vigorously, she nodded her head. She could do it. If she made him happy, the pain would stop. If she pleased him, maybe she would be happy, too. She’d been trying so hard over the last couple of days. Once in a while, he offered her a shred of hope. He would stroke her face. Even smile at her. But then, she would make him angry again. Today, she wouldn’t fail him.

  Aaliyah licked her lips. Her eyes darted around the room, hoping for a sign as to what she could do to please him. Her hands hung loosely to her sides. Just like he liked. Oh, shit. Why couldn’t she get the simple things right. He wanted her eyes on him at all times.

  Her eyes met his and he tsk’d. “Flower, you can’t do anything right can you?” A wicked grin crossed his face. In one swift motion, he pulled the belt from his pants. She stepped backwards and realized her mistake. She must stand perfectly still. Her leg came forward and she planted her feet. Of course, he had noticed. He always noticed.

  “I’m sorry. I’ll do better,” she cried out, trembling visibly.

  “Yes, you will do better.” He kicked her feet apart, and like she’d been taught, she reached forward placing her palms on the wall. Her body jerked when the belt hit her skin.

  She wanted to be good. She wanted to please him. Why did she keep failing?

  A loud pounding woke her. Her eyes fluttered, but wouldn’t open. What was that sound? It took a moment for her to realize the pounding was in her head. Aaliyah reached for the sides of her head, but was stopped short. A heavy metal cuff surrounded her wrists. The metallic rattle of the chains broke her spirit.

  She was chained to the bed. How many days? She’d lost count. Lost count of all the vile things he had done to her. What did it matter? She was a failure.

  It hit her like a ton of bricks. She was going to die here. There would be no escape. She would never find her brother. She would never look in Noah’s green eyes again. Never hear her parents argue or smell the sweet scent of cinnamon when she walked through the door of their tiny apartment.

  What scared her the most was that she really didn’t care.

  Once the monster was done with her, he would toss her over the boat to the sharks. Just like Henry had said.

  The way her body ached, she would almost welcome the jaws of a shark. At least it would be over quickly. Aaliyah was having trouble concentrating, and she frowned. If only she could get Dasvoik to love her like he used to.

  She was vaguely aware of the door creaking open. Seconds later, Henry slipped through the door, closing it quietly behind him. He no longer seemed to have wings or a halo. He was not her guardian angel. He was just an old man doing his job.

  She went to speak and realized her mouth was taped shut. Her body shook with tears. She must have really upset him this time. If only she could make him happy.

  Henry hesitated and then walked towards her on the bed. He pushed her hair out of her face. “Ah, kiddo, why’d you have to make him angry again?”

  Her mind scrambled to come up with what she had done to enrage him. She must have done something wrong. Maybe it was the way she looked at him. Or
perhaps she wasn’t pretty enough anymore. Oh, dear God, why had she angered him?

  Why couldn’t she just make him happy, so he wouldn’t hurt her? The pounding of her head would not stop. Why wouldn’t it stop?

  Her skin crawled, and she rocked back and forth on the bed as far as the chains would allow. Screams came out muffled beneath the tape.

  She needed to see him. Needed to beg him to forgive her. Her body jerked as she fell into a full-fledged panic attack.

  Henry was talking in a soothing voice trying to calm her down, but it was as if he were miles away. She closed her eyes and rocked.

  The tape was peeled off and Aaliyah gasped, taking in as much oxygen as possible. She couldn’t seem to catch her breath.

  Henry pushed a brown paper bag in front of her face and told her to follow his breathing. Taking deep breaths, she wanted to listen to him, but her mind and body couldn’t seem to agree. Somehow, Henry managed to talk her down.

  When her breathing was under control, she yanked the chains, wailing that she needed to see him. Needed to make it right. “Please, Henry. I need him. Tell him I’m sorry. I can do better. I promise.”

  The look in Henry’s face was pure pity. “He’s done it again. The man needs to be stopped. It’s just not right. You listen to me, Aaliyah. What he has done to you is reprehensible. You can never satisfy him. You are just another in the long line of young girls he has broken.”

  She heard his words, but refused to believe them. He was wrong. She could satisfy him. All she needed was another chance. A small part of her brain was appalled by her thoughts, but the need to please him blocked out everything else. If she could just make him happy, maybe he wouldn’t need any other girls. She could be enough.

  “Take a sip,” he suggested, placing the mug to her lips and she took a swallow, grateful for the warmth of the soup broth, even though it did little to help the cold fear that engulfed her. She needed to see Dasvoik.

  “Please, bring him to me.” She licked her cracked lips.

  Henry sighed, frowning. “He will come when he’s ready. I was hoping you were strong enough to fight the madness, but it seems to have gotten to you, too.”

  Madness? Had she gone mad? No. She was not crazy. She was just not good enough. But she could try harder.

  She could do better.

  “You need to rest,” Henry said, lifting the mug to her mouth again. “You need time to heal.”

  She didn’t want to sleep. She needed to see him. A weariness washed over her and her head felt heavy. With what little energy she had left, she fought to keep her eyes open, but it was for naught. Her head lolled to the side and the room wavered. “Did you?”

  “Close your eyes,” he whispered, pulling up the blankets and tucking them under her chin.

  He’d drugged her, but she didn’t care much about that, she realized as she slipped into the darkness.


  “Shut the door, Lucas,” Harrington said quietly.

  Lucas kicked the door closed with his foot. “What’s up?”

  “I just wanted to go over a few things with you before we leave.”

  Lucas dropped into the chair across from Harrington’s desk. He found it somewhat funny that even in the casual setting of the house, Harrington always had to be in a power position. Everyone else dressed casually in the house, except Harrington. He still walked around in a three-piece suit. “Has something new come up?”

  “No, nothing like that.” He drummed his fingers on the desk. Harrington leaned forward slightly. “Lucas, are you sure you will be able to go through with the contingency plans if the op gets compromised? I’m second-guessing myself on this one. You’re way too close to Kaitlyn.”

  Body tense, Lucas drew in a breath and slowly let it out. “I’m well aware of my role.”

  Harrington leaned back, regarding him gravely. “I want your access code.”

  “What? No!” Lucas couldn’t believe Harrington would have the nerve to demand such a thing.

  “I’m not asking.”

  Lucas shook his head in disbelief. “I understand your concern, but I am not giving you my access code. You might as well ask to read my journals.”

  “You keep a journal?”

  “No! Jesus, I was just…never mind. I’m not giving you my code. It’s not going to happen.”

  Harrington was clearly startled. He hadn’t expected any resistance from him. Screw that. If he gave him the code it would undermine everything his job stood for. Harrington gave him free reign to work on whatever he wanted. All of the top scientists had their own personal security codes. The things they worked on at the facility could one day be awarded the noble peace prize. Not that he didn’t trust Harrington, but it was a matter of principle. If he allowed him to have access to his sensitive files, he would be virtually handing over his life’s work.

  “You already have access to all of her coding. I’m sure Adams could figure it out if something were to happen to me,” Lucas said bitterly, although he knew that was not what Harrington was referring to. As it stood now, Lucas was the only one that had the ability to completely shut down Kaitlyn, essentially killing her. There was no way in hell he was going to put that power in Harrington’s hands. Not when he was skittish enough about the mission.

  “There needs to be a fall back. What if Kaitlyn gets compromised and you’re unavailable?”

  “That’s what Erik is there for. Do you honestly think for one second he would leave her behind?”

  “He would if he were dead. Lucas, believe me, I don’t even want to fathom the thought of losing Kaitlyn. Not only have I sunk billions into this project, but I care for her, too.”

  Lucas’s shoulders slightly relaxed. A part of him knew Harrington was correct, but he just couldn’t do it.

  “Okay, I can understand why you would bristle at handing over your code. If I were in your position, I would do the same thing, but we at least need to have someone with the knowledge if the situation were ever to arise. Share your information with Adams.”

  “Adams? Are you kidding me? That old goat would probably be napping and he’s too worried about himself going to jail. If he saw even the slightest hint of shit hitting the fan, he would pull the plug.”

  Harrington nodded absently. “You’re probably right. Give the code to me.”

  “Not giving you my goddamn code.” Lucas ground his teeth together.

  “Then just show me how to shut down the program. Mirror the account and set up my own access.”

  Lucas felt like throwing something and smashing it into pieces. Harrington’s request was completely within reason,n and he had no grounds for denying him. Other than the thought of putting Kaitlyn’s life in someone else’s hands was about to send him over the edge. Breathing deeply, he tried to calm his mind. Think it over. If this were anything else he wouldn’t think twice, he would just do as he was asked.

  “Let me make it a little easier on you. If you don’t mirror the account, you’re out of a job. It’s as simple as that.”

  Lucas glared at Harrington across the desk. “As simple as that, huh? You seem to have forgotten that Kaitlyn is working for you of her own free will. Which means she could leave you at any time. And who do you think she would go with, you or me?”

  The tension in the room was so thick it could have been cut with a knife.

  “Keeping Kaitlyn alive takes money. A lot of it.”

  “Money is something I have plenty of, thanks to you.” Lucas shrugged trying to appear calmer than he was.

  “Seems we’re at a standstill.”

  Fists clenched, Lucas nodded. “Yep.”

  “For Christ’s sake, Lucas, make the damn account. We can’t have this program self-destruct before it even gets off the ground.”

  “Nice choice of words, because that’s exactly what you are asking me for. A way to destroy Kate. I can’t give it to you. I’m sorry I just don’t trust you with her life.”

  “And I don’t trust you
with the fate of IFICS. A company I have put my heart and soul into. Lucas, you know you will always choose Kate. Do you truly believe you would be able to type a few computer strokes and watch the woman you love blow up before your eyes?”

  Harrington was right. There’s no way he would be able to do it. Hell, he didn’t want anyone to be able to have that ability. Kaitlyn meant the world to him. Not to mention he truly believed there wasn’t a situation she couldn’t get out of. She was the most resilient person he’d ever met, and her abilities were astounding. Suddenly, the answer came to him.

  “Harrington, who is the most analytical person you’ve ever encountered?”

  He looked up confused and then thought about it for a moment before replying. “Brilliant minds are often logical and we work with the mother lode of geeks. I’m not sure I could narrow it down to just one.”

  “Yes, you can. Really think about it.”

  Harrington smirked. “Kaitlyn.”

  “That’s our answer to this conundrum.”

  “You’ve lost me.”

  “I’ll give Kate the ability to shut herself down if she can see no other way out.”

  Harrington was silent. “Suicide?”

  “I’m glad you said that. If that was suicide, then destroying her from your hand or mine would be murder.” His words hung in the air.

  Harrington ran his hands over his face. “You’re right. I’m sorry, Lucas. I’ve put you in a very bad position. You know what? The hell with it. I need to start thinking of Kaitlyn as a person and not a weapon. There will be no destruction. If she gets captured, we’ll deal with the fallout. Even if it means spending the rest of our lives behind bars.”

  That was not quite the response he’d expected. It calmed him down a bit. “Thank you. And for the record, Kate is very much a weapon. She just happens to be one that still has access to her cingulate cortex. You’ve seen the way it lights up in her brain scan when she’s asked a moral or ethical question. You have to trust her. I assure you that she would not put your company in jeopardy. She believes she owes you her life, and she is very invested in this mission to save those enslaved. Hell, you’re practically her version of a father.”


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