BLAKE: Captive to the Dark

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BLAKE: Captive to the Dark Page 13

by Angelini, Alaska

  Slowly, Blake walked backwards, never taking his eyes off of me. I thought he was going to grab the ones I’d been looking at, but he opened the drawer and took out another pair. “That’s so easily obtainable, kitten. You know that, right? I’d fly you to New York right now and fuck you senseless in the worst part of town, if that’s what you wanted.” He slowly began sliding them on. My breath caught at the sight. Of course he would use my fantasy against me.

  “I don’t want you to. You asked a question. I answered it. We’re just friends.”

  “No.” He jerked the leather up his hand and took long strides back to me. “You’re my slave. If I want to fly you to New York or break out the whip and let it kiss your skin the way it was meant to, you will take what I give and enjoy it.”

  Again, the trembling took over. At the feel of the glove caressing down my cheek, I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the material. Anything to make the shaking stop.

  “Good girl. Breathe.”

  The whispering had my gaze coming up to meet Blake’s. “You’re intentionally trying to scare me.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Tell me another one of your fantasies.”

  “So you can use that one against me, too?”

  He traced over my lower lip, nearly causing me to moan out loud. Wetness coated the insides of my thighs and I couldn’t help but try to cause some sort of friction to feed the need I felt. The pain in my shoulders increased and I pulled at the restraints.

  “Answer. I won’t tell you again.”

  The consequence was left unsaid, but I knew what it was. He’d bring the whip out. Whether or not he would use it was unknown, but I was quickly beginning to not doubt what he said.


  At his confused looked, I took a deep breath, knowing I would have to explain.

  “To be fucked somewhere high. For example, I’m on the roof of a really high sky scraper. My…lover comes up from behind me, pushing the top of my body over the edge. The only thing between me and falling would be his hands on my hips or his belt around my neck.” I tried to shrug, but my shoulders didn’t really move. “Or a grip on my hair might be good. My weight against it would cause pain. I think I like the sound of that better. The more pain, the better.”

  Blake’s eyes widened. “Masochistic thriller.”

  “Yes.” A smile started to appear and I quickly turned my face away. We weren’t supposed to be bonding. If I gave in…I nearly groaned. It suddenly occurred to me I’d included Blake in my height fantasy. His grip on my hair...shit!

  “Go on. Tell me about the pain.” The intrigue wasn’t hidden in his voice. It called to me, coaxed me to continue with its sexually laced undertones.

  I stole a glance at him, feeling my body increase in arousal. “I need it like nothing else. The man who hurt me…what he did warped my perception, I think. In the moment, with you, I’m okay with what you do. The thought of someone else inflicting it makes me physically sick. That’s where I’m different now. It used to not bother me. I’ve always needed the stimulation to get off. When I talked about the missionary position and pretending I would like it, I wasn’t lying. I’ve always needed the extra push. Pain is the only way I know how to set myself free. That’s what fucked me up more when I was taken…and abused.”

  The concentration on his face left me hesitating, but I kept talking, as if my confession up to this point had opened the flood gates and the rest were raging waves rushing to escape. “I used to be a cutter.” I swallowed hard, almost shocked that I’d said that out loud. No one knew my harbored secrets and that one was just the tip of the iceberg. “It was the only way I knew how to let out the pent up emotions I felt. I couldn’t take them. Couldn’t cry on my own. Not unless the razor was breaching my skin. With the flow of blood would come the release I needed. Now, I break at the drop of a dime. I can’t stand it.”

  Blake stepped forward, cradling my face. “I’m going to make you so damn strong, Kaitlyn, and when you get better, you’re going to let me cut you. I want to. So fucking much.”

  My lips parted as I sucked in his vow like a dying promise. I wanted to believe he could bring me back. I’d counted on it to begin with. “Sir.” Addressing him was nothing short of me begging him to take me. The amount I ached for him knew no bounds.

  “There’s no satisfaction in your punishment.” He stepped back and walked to the chair, leaving me with a deep ache in my stomach and an agonizing throb in my arms.

  The time dragged out longer than I thought possible. While silence filled the room, I let my mind run wild. Blake’s threat of keeping me was both good and bad. I wanted it, regardless if it was a rash decision. I was great at jumping into shit before I considered the repercussions. However, the sanity I held told me to run. To get out at the first opportunity. If this turned out bad between us, I wasn’t dealing with an everyday asshole like in my past. This man was a killer. A stalker from what he’d threatened. And I couldn’t overlook that he’d said he’d kidnap me if I ever left. What did I do? Try to escape, or let this play out? He could help me. I knew he could. With the mental recovery came another mind-fuck: the feeling I was certain would grow between us. He was my Master, my Sir. To think I wouldn’t have to open myself completely and bleed for him in more ways than just physical was stupid. Everyone knew BDSM relationships were bone deep; the most emotionally exposed compared to the majority of vanilla bonds.

  Footsteps pulled me from my thoughts and I looked up. The predator inside Blake lurked behind his narrowed eyes as he approached. My stomach fluttered nervously with the remaining indecision I held. I’d been so quick to want to throw myself at him before. Now that my mind had time to think on it, I wasn’t any closer to knowing what was right.

  “Time for you to shower and get dressed. We have a dinner to attend. Marie needs you, so I expect you to be on your best behavior. You got that?”

  Marie. I’d completely forgotten about seeing her. This was a good thing. I needed her, too.

  “Yes, Sir.” I pressed my lips together, pissed that I’d addressed him as my Master. I could have called him Blake, yet I’d slipped right back into what I wanted. A smile edged his face as he unfastened the cuffs. “Good girl.” His lips pressed against my forehead and I pulled back, unable to look into his eyes.

  “Make-up?” I knew I was pushing it, but I couldn’t bear the thought of facing her or her entire family with my scar so exposed.

  “No.” The gentle Blake was gone. Stinging flamed across my ass as he pushed me toward the door. “That shit is going in the trash. You don’t need it. Now, go.”

  The frustrated sound couldn’t be stopped as I fought back the tears. They became harder to fight as my arms dropped heavily to my side and my muscles screamed in protest. I could hardly move them. The warm gush through my veins, toward my fingers, left me groaning as I began to leave the room.

  “No. Crawl.”

  I froze. He couldn’t be fucking serious. I wasn’t in trouble anymore.

  “Go, kitten. Down on all fours and start moving. We’re going to be late.”

  How in the hell was I going to crawl? I couldn’t even feel my arms. They weren’t going to support my weight.

  My eyes cut up, but I lowered. The faster I got this over with, the better. “You want me to drink from a bowl, too? Maybe eat off the floor, without my hands?” I crawled, trying my best not to fall on my face. My elbows kept locking up and I clenched my jaw at the pain that accompanied it.

  “Not at the Sinclair’s. Now, tomorrow morning, that’s a possibility.” His hand tapped my bottom. “Faster,” he bit out.

  The light grope and brush of his fingers was an instant shot of lust. I risked a look behind me, feeling my long hair sweep across my back at the quick turn. Blake couldn’t have been fucking me any harder with his eyes. It turned me on. I didn’t ever want to stop seeing that look on his face.

  “Wall, kitten.”

  “What?” I didn’t have time to turn around or think abo
ut it before my shoulder slammed into the doorframe of the guest bedroom. “Shit.” I took a deep breath and pushed back to sit on my feet while I rotated my shoulders. “You couldn’t say anything sooner?”

  Blake walked in front of me, a smile covering his face. “It’s punishment enough for not doing as you’re told. I never said you could look back at me. Besides, my attention was elsewhere.” His head gestured to the master bedroom at the other end of the hall. “Shake it off and keep going.”

  Asshole. I leaned forward and picked up the pace. It took a few minutes, but I finally managed to enter the bathroom. “Can I stand now?”

  Blake narrowed his eyes.

  “Can I stand now please, Sir?”

  “Better. Yes, you may. Make the shower a quick one. You have five minutes before I cut off the hot water. Get to it.”

  As he disappeared, I felt my jaw drop. Five minutes? I threw open the door and turned on the water, immediately submerging myself underneath. Air neglected to come at the shock of cold water, but I didn’t wait. I filled my palm with shampoo and started lathering my hair. He’d see. I’d beat his five minute mark and his threat would be nothing but empty words.

  Bubbles ran down my chest and shoulders and where I’d usually leave the soap in for a while, I washed it right out. The body wash came next and I felt like I was in a race against more than just time. I was…wait a damn minute. A smile started to surface on my face as Blake’s voice boomed into the room.

  “One minute, Kaitlyn!”

  No way was I making it this easy on him. I washed off the soap and opened the shower door. Blake was in front of the mirror, stroking his hand down the slight growth on his face. How would it feel to have his cheeks rubbing up and down my thighs? I bet it would burn so good.

  The royal blue button up shirt he wore was rolled up his thick forearms and tucked into a pair of jeans. My eyes immediately got stuck on the belt. I wanted it choking me again, taking all my air from me, reminding me why life was so precious.

  “Soon enough, kitten.”

  My eyes jerked up to his reflection and I tried to dismiss the heat that crept over my face. “Soon, for what?”

  “Don’t play coy with me. We both know you were looking at the belt.”

  “I couldn’t have been checking out your ass?” I raised an eyebrow at him, watching his mouth part. Good, at least I’d managed to surprise him.

  Blake turned around to face me, leaning against the counter. As he crossed his arms over his chest, the shirt tightened, displaying how wide he was. Damn, he was a powerhouse. So fucking big. Everywhere. My nakedness had never been so apparent to me before. I’d sampled what he had to give and I wanted more.

  “Are you going to get out or are you planning to gawk for another few minutes?”

  “It’s not gawking. It’s called thinking. You should try it some time.” The door shut at my push and I waited. Within seconds, it was pulled open.

  “All your thinking is going to get you into trouble. Out.” The water was shut off and he reached for me, pulling me out and wrapping me in a towel. “I should spank your ass black and blue. Did you learn nothing while you were in the cuffs?”

  He pushed me toward the room, but I planted my feet. “My dress is over by the mirror, Sir.

  “You wear what I want you to, and it won’t be that one.”

  Another nudge had me a foot away from the bed. “You’re going to wear the black one. It has long sleeves and it’ll fall to your feet. The bruises will be covered that way. No use giving Marie a trip down memory lane.”

  Right. I should have thought about that.

  The bra and dress were put before me, along with a pair of lace panties and stockings. I’d seen them while going through the clothes, but I never considered wearing them. Not with Blake and I at odds. Apparently, we were past that point. At least in his eyes.

  “The ride is roughly thirty minutes. I need you to clear your head and get in the game. Prepare yourself. I know this is going to be hard for you, but it has to be done.”

  I nodded. “I know. I’ll be fine.” I hoped. The fear that seeing Marie would send me into another episode like the one earlier was there, but I had to talk to her. See how she was doing. This was a good thing, for both of us.

  Blake didn’t speak as I dried off and got dressed. My thoughts ran so deep that I was sliding on the heels before I realized it. My damp, thick curls were all knotted. I hated not having a blow-dryer. Instead, I grabbed the brush and ran it through the tangles until they were gone. It would just have to dry on the way there.

  “I’m ready.”

  “And you look beautiful.” His arms pulled me in close and I closed my eyes as our bodies molded into each other. That word…it was so hard for me to believe.

  Blake’s palm cupped my cheek and I glanced up at him, wishing I saw what he did. There was no way he could take in my appearance and miss the scar on my face. Maybe he got off on it like my captor. Somehow, that made me even more self-conscious and left me feeling slightly sick.

  “You are beautiful, Kaitlyn. If you could see what I do, you’d never question your looks again.” His lips brushed against my forehead. He never let go of my hand as he led me to the counter and grabbed his wallet and keys. Sadness pushed against my chest, weighing my heart down heavily. I reached for my helmet when he shook his head.

  “I don’t think you’re going to be needing that anymore, kitten.”

  He didn’t give me time to ask why. Blake’s mouth crushed into mine out of nowhere. The dress was pulled up to my hips and he latched onto my thighs, pulling me to straddle his waist. The hunger in him dulled every emotion I was feeling until all that rested within was a matching intensity to devour him.

  “Tell me you’re beautiful.” He broke his mouth away from mine while he walked up to the sofa. The weight of his body crashed into me as he pinned me down on the leather. “Tell me. I want to hear you say it.”

  My mouth parted, but for the life of me I couldn’t say something I didn’t believe.

  The sound of his belt being undone joined my heavy breathing. Blake jerked his pants open. Just the thought that he was going to fuck me again sent hunger racing through me.

  “You don’t have a choice, Kaitlyn. You have to say it.” My panties were pulled off only to be replaced with his fingers. I moaned as he rubbed circles over my slit. A small growl filled the air as he looked down at me. “So fucking wet for my cock.” Two fingers pushed in deep. “Say it. Now.”

  “I’m…” My head jerked back and forth. The word wouldn’t come. It stuck in my throat, nearly choking me with its presence.

  “Beautiful. Let me hear it.” Blake sucked my juices from his fingers, closing his eyes at the taste. The man behind his gaze before he’d closed himself from the world wasn’t the one who greeted me upon returning. “Now.” The deeper voice had my chest rising and falling faster.

  “Beautiful,” I whispered.

  He shook his head. “Together.”

  I cried out as he pushed the tip of his cock into my opening. The longer I waited, the more he held still. Pain from his fingers engulfed my side as I tried to arch to get him deeper. “I’m…beautiful.”

  A smile lifted the side of his mouth. “Yes, you are.”

  My scream echoed from the walls as he slammed into me completely. Pain and pleasure mixed into the perfect combination nearly sending me right into an orgasm. Just when I thought we were getting started, he didn’t continue. Blake just held himself inside of me until I opened my eyes and looked at him.

  “Say it again.” His fingers traced from my hip to my lower stomach, stopping just above my clit. I moved to get him closer.

  “I’m beautiful.”


  Each time I said it, heat flashed over my skin. The long sleeves were too much. I wanted out of them. Clothes weren’t something I was used to lately and I didn’t like feeling so trapped. “I’m beautiful.”

  Although my response wasn’t ne
cessarily loud, Blake moved inside of me, pulling almost all the way out, just to pound back into me. Nails raked down my inner thigh, easing the stocking down with the motion. I sucked in air, grabbing at the front of Blake’s shirt. Buttons rained down on me as I jerked at it with impatience.

  “There’s my girl. Show me how much you want this. Want me.”

  God, I did. I couldn’t get enough of him. My hands came up to grab behind his neck to bring his mouth back to mine. The moment I had him within reach, the stinging in my own lip reminded me what I had sworn I’d do, given the opportunity. He said a mark for a mark. I owed him one.

  My teeth bit into the soft flesh and blood immediately coated my taste buds. A mix of a hiss and moan left him and his hand immediately clasped over my nose and mouth, depriving me of oxygen. For what felt like forever passed while I thrashed against him. Blake removed his hand and I sucked in as much air as I could. Fire burned my lungs and my eyes watered.

  “I’m never going to be able to get the way you fight out of my head. It makes me so hot to see you struggle.” Blake slowed his thrusts and nuzzled his face against my neck, placing soft kisses to the spots where his fingers had just been. My nails pushed into the shirt covering his back and he moved his arms up, tearing it off. “Now, kitten. Show me more of my fighter. I want to see how strong she is. How strong she’s going to be tonight when she’s faced with something I know she’s terrified of.”

  Our eyes connected and I suddenly saw why this was happening. Blake wanted me at my strongest. This was where it was. Where I thrived as my old self.

  I narrowed my eyes and reached up, grabbing his hair and bringing him back down to me. As my teeth sunk into his shoulder, I clawed into his back viciously. A growl fell from his mouth as he went beast on me. The palm of his hand came to cover my mouth and nose, again, and I bit him, only making him place the hold even tighter. Pain shot through my leg as he lifted it to rest on his shoulder and pushed his weight forward.

  “You’re going to be my slave forever, Kaitlyn. I’m never going to let you go.”

  Twisted emotions slammed into me with just as much force as Blake did. I flourished at his words, yet the part that wanted to show him I could be independent, that wanted to prove it to myself, screamed inside. Too bad my body didn’t care anything about what my mind did. Tightening pulled at my core and I was trying my best to suck in air as my orgasm built.


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