BLAKE: Captive to the Dark

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BLAKE: Captive to the Dark Page 17

by Angelini, Alaska

  I threw the sides together and let my mind run. This place, I thrived in. I’d go over everything Kaitlyn had ever told me. Every little detail I’d discovered about her life up to the point she was taken…and I’d unravel it. Put the pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle. Something had to stand out. But what was it?

  An alert went off on my phone signaling an email. I rarely received them and only had the account to pass information back and forth with Jack when I was away. It was enough to rip me from my thoughts.

  As I pressed the button and the page loaded, I waited. Seething. Pictures loaded and I nearly crushed the phone at the graphic evidence of my slave displayed before me. Photos of her still bleeding face, the wound exposed and open. Ones of her tied to the bed, bruised, bloody. Beaten. Fresh whip marks from her back as she stood cuffed in what I assumed was the basement in Russia. She may have been bought, but the price hadn’t ended with a cash payment. The buyer was sending proof of his abuse to the seller. This blackmailer had obviously wanted her to be hurt from the beginning. At the end of the message rested a date, nine days from now, and stated that I needed to call at five PM.

  More question assaulted me. Why have the date so far away? Who was behind this? Someone she worked with? Someone she’d been involved with in the past? The rage nearly blinded me as I let it all sink in.

  My eyes went to the hallway. Kaitlyn. My poor slave. No wonder she was so screwed up. By the time I was finished, she wouldn’t be. She’d be stronger. Better. I’d make sure of it.

  I made the plate in a daze. All I could think about was solving this mystery. My inner detective was on overdrive and the state of mind wouldn’t stop until I solved this. The walk down the hallway disappeared under my wide steps. I was rushing. I needed to slow. Calm. The last thing I wanted was her knowing something was wrong.

  The door swung open at my push and I flipped the light on. Kaitlyn was sitting against the headboard, covering her eyes. The blood was the first thing that drew my attention. I’d made her wear it. A reminder of what I’d done. Me. Not her. I’d given her the release she’d needed. Although I would have typically basked in the pleasure of cutting her skin, I got no joy from the quick slice that had injured her. It wasn’t deep. Nowhere near the depth I knew she would have inflicted had she have gotten ahold of that razor, but it had done the job of me showing her who was in charge.

  “Time to eat.”

  I took a seat at the edge of the bed, turning to face her. The pictures I’d just seen flashed before my eyes and I tried blinking them away while I cut into the chicken. My mind asked how someone could do that to a person, but I already knew, and not just from being a former detective. I had no problem killing or cutting people up. Their blood or loss of life didn’t affect me the way it would most. So, I knew how. I just couldn’t stand that my slave had been a victim of the blackmailer and a Russian’s sick need. All for what?

  “Open.” My voice was clipped. Angry. I took a deep breath and eased a bite into her mouth. Curious blue eyes studied me and I couldn’t stop the swirl of emotions that hit me square in the chest. Where a small part of me almost thought she’d cower or shy away from my mood, Kaitlyn sat straight and kept her attention on my face. It made me proud. Told me she was up for this.


  “You’re not to speak unless spoken to, kitten.”

  Kaitlyn’s mouth closed and she nodded. Her expression was a little solemn, but she’d learn. It wasn’t as if I didn’t want to talk to her, I would have loved to have a conversation. Unfortunately, not about what was on my mind. Not yet.

  The rest of the meal passed in silence and I kept going over everything. I needed to break away and let the matter rest. Right now, I was too liable to snap and do something rash…like fly our ass to California and hunt this bastard down. I couldn’t do that. Not until Kaitlyn was stable. The last thing I needed her doing was finding some reason to get scared or pissed and run from me. That’d undo everything I’d worked on so far.

  I stood and placed the plate on the nightstand. Kaitlyn watched every little move I made. Without a word, I scooped her up and carried her into the restroom. Her head immediately rested against my chest and she melted into me with all the trust I could have asked for. But apparently not enough. The blood on her chest was a reminder of that.

  “Here. Sit.” I placed her on top of the counter by the sink and faced her toward the mirror. Her head lowered upon sight. "That’s not how this works, kitten. You should know that. I put you up here for a reason. I want you to tell me what you see.”

  Kaitlyn’s head rose, but her eyes didn’t go to her reflection, they came to mine. “Sir, I don’t want to look.”

  “You have to. You’re going to numerous times throughout the day, every day, until you can come to terms with who you are.” My hands brushed back her hair and I moved in behind her, holding it in my fist. “I’m going to tell you what I see.” The gentle tug of my hand had her eyes focusing in on her image. As I talked, I used my fingertip to provide contact with my assessments. “I see gorgeous lips. A perfect nose.” I brought my finger around over her cheeks. “Beautiful eyes. The fire behind them is what captivated me to being with. I saw it, Kaitlyn, the moment our eyes locked. Do you see it? Look inside yourself, feel what I did. Let it burn and enflame the fighter I know you are.”

  Her lips parted as she moved closer toward the mirror.

  “Your looks, although beautiful, are so much more to me. See what I see. Accept this as who you are. I do. I love looking at you.”

  Kaitlyn’s eyes flashed to me, but went back to staring. “All I see is the scar, though. I can’t get past it. It’s there. How is that not the only thing that catches your attention?”

  My hand eased out of her hair and I brought it around to trace my fingers over her throat. As my head came down beside hers, I’d never witnessed anything so perfect. Looks aside, something about the two of us just inexplicably fit together. “The scar is there. It’s going to stay. It represents who you are and I don’t want it to go away. Tell me you understand this and you’re not going to get rid of it.”

  I knew I’d pushed her too fast, but I waited anyway.

  “I can’t promise that, Sir. I…can’t. I’m not sure I can face myself looking this way for the rest of my life. Not when I have the choice.” The worry on her face was well placed. She’d been through hell and it wasn’t over.

  “Honesty is good. I respect that. It doesn’t mean I like it. Everything that I’m putting you through, have you figured out why?”

  “I’m weak. You’re going to help me get better.”

  I frowned. “Yes, but don’t hold too much hope that I’m going to sweep in and rescue the day if you’re having a rough time. I’m not going to save you, Kaitlyn. I’m going to make you save yourself. Even from me.” Confusion had her breaths increasing in speed. If she was nervous about what was to come, she should be. I wanted her prepared.

  “Now sit here and keep looking at yourself. I have to get the room set up. You’re punishment isn’t over. Seeing as I wanted you tonight and you ruined that by your little razor incident, you’ll just have to do without the pleasure. I, on the other hand, will not.”

  She pouted and I raised an eyebrow. “Tuck that lip back in. You’re only making things harder for yourself.”

  I left Kaitlyn sitting there and headed into the room. There wasn’t really much for me to do, but I wanted to give her time alone to get used to her appearance. I’d said what was important. She needed to know I accepted and liked the way she looked, not that I hadn’t said it already. The sooner she became comfortable with her new self, the happier she would be in life. It was important to get the ball rolling now and maintain the consistency of her new daily ritual if she was ever going to try to move forward.

  Light filled the room as I flipped the switch. There were so many toys I wanted to test out on her. The stocks, for one. But the pleasure would have to be there for that. I wanted her screaming as I rest
rained her hands and head, restricting her of movement.

  My eyes went to the far end of the room. Shackles. Collar. Yes, I’d lock them on her wrist, ankles, and neck. Make her mine, for real.

  The silver glistened as I picked them up from the shelf, testing their weight. The small locks that kept them bound jingled, causing a smile to come to my face. How long had I wanted to use these? Fuck. And now to place them on Kaitlyn? It was a God damn dream. The clink of metal rang out as I tossed them at the end of the bed and added the crop to rest on top. Paradise nestled on silk sheets. It didn’t get better than this.

  Excitement thrummed through my body. The need to rush back and swoop her from that counter to collar her was making me pace. I watched the door, stalking like a wolf. Five more minutes. My eyes narrowed as I heard the small sound of movement. She did not leave that restroom. She better not have. I broke into the hallway only to stop in my tracks. Kailyn was holding out her hand to brace herself on the wall. The black stockings with the lace accents were on, clinging mid-thigh. The way her dark hair rested over her breasts, concealing, but not completely hiding the swell of her made my mouth water.

  “You disobeyed my orders. You were supposed to be looking in the mirror.”

  Her head instantly lowered. “I’m sorry, Sir. I wanted to surprise you. I was just going back to do as you wanted.”

  I was halfway down the hall before I realized I’d even moved. Fuck, I wanted her. Damn her stubbornness. “You’ll spend an hour after we finished in front of that mirror. I can’t believe how awful you listen.” My hand connected with her bottom and I threw her over my shoulder, fighting the urge to massage the spot that I knew was reddening this very second.

  Kaitlyn bounced as I tossed her on the bed. “Get on your knees and face the headboard.” I grabbed the shackles, unlocking them, waiting for her to get in position. The moment she did, I locked her arms and legs together on each side. The last click made my heart beat faster. With her arms connected to her legs and those fucking stockings…I was lost to her. My hand swept her hair to the side. “Do you know what this is and what it represents?”

  Her eyes darted to what I held between the two of us. “It’s a collar.” She swallowed. “It’s a big thing in the clubs. It means I accept this, I’m yours.”

  The side of my mouth lifted at how hard she swallowed. She may have been nervous, but she wasn’t denying what we both knew. “Yes. You are.” I clasped the one and a half inch band around her neck. The fit couldn’t have been more perfect. Snug, but not too tight. Kaitlyn looked like a goddess as I turned the thin key, locking her to me. Always. “This is as official as it gets. Through the good times and the bad. Remember that every time you doubt how much I care for you. This,” I pulled the ring on the collar, bringing her face closer to mine, “will be the only collar I ever place on anyone in my entire life. You have that from me. Always take that into account in everything you do. Let the weight of it be a reminder in your lessons to come. Good…and bad.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Kaitlyn licked her lips and moved her eyes down to my chest.

  “Now, here comes the bad, kitten. You’re not to say a word unless I will it so. Not to look at me. If you show any emotion or try to touch me in any way, you’re going to be sorry.” I grabbed the crop and took in my handprint that had welted beautifully on her ass. I brought the leather end down right beside it causing her to jump. “Today should have been a learning curve for you. Yet, you still defied me after your punishment. All for what?”

  Kaitlyn stared straight ahead. “To look good for you, Sir.”

  “Did you not hear what I just told you in the restroom? Clothes, make-up, surgery…nothing will make me more attracted to you than I already am. Naked. Natural. Your true self. That is what I want.” Again, I let the crop slap her ass. “How long is it going to take for what I say to get through that thick head of yours? You.” Whack. “Are” Whack. “Beautiful.” Whack!

  A sob came from her mouth, but I knew it had nothing to do with the pain, and everything to do with my words. “Now repeat it. Loudly.”

  The pause got her another swat.

  “I’m beautiful.”


  “I’m beautiful.”


  Five more times, I made her repeat. My eyes narrowed as each one became more monotone than the next. “Louder. Scream it.”

  The scream was there, but not the words. My hand locked into her hair and I pulled back, angling her face to stare up, but she never connected eyes with me. “I said, scream it.”

  “I can’t,” she cried. “I just can’t yet. It’s hard enough to even say it.”

  My lids closed for the briefest moment. “You’re not getting out of this, Kaitlyn. Scream it.”

  Pressure against the hair I held pulled at my fingers as she fought to sit up. I pulled back harder. “Scream it!”

  “I’m…ruined,” she yelled. “I can’t.” Shaking from her sobs vibrated my hand and I let go, pushing her head down to the mattress. With her ass in the air, it gave me perfect access. A few more slaps with the crop turned her cries into light moans. No pleasure. Right. Kaitlyn got off on pain. The only thing that was hurting her right now was having to face who she was. But I knew a fear that wouldn’t equate to the kind of pain she would enjoy.

  “I want those words echoing off the wall right now or else I’m getting the whip.”

  A gasp filled the room and she tried to wiggle up. “I’m beautiful,” she said in a hurry.

  “Not loud enough.”

  “I’m…beautiful.” Louder, but nowhere near where I wanted it.

  “Last chance.”

  She screamed it and the power behind her words had me smiling. I hated using the threat of the whip against her, but the more she got used to saying it, the closer I’d have her to believing them. She would see what I saw. There was no stopping until she did.

  “Good girl. See? That wasn’t so hard.” I pulled her up, brushing back the hair that was stuck to her wet face. “You are so beautiful, Kaitlyn.” I kissed the scar, dying to move my way to her lips. A deep breath left her and I wanted to capture it, seal my lips to hers. Instead, I made myself stand. In one yank, I brought my shirt up over my head and tossed it to the ground. The whip rested at the far end of the room and I knew, come tomorrow, she’d have to be faced with it again. The fact that the threat was enough to have her crumbling didn’t work. I wanted her to hold no fear toward anything.

  My pants dropped free and I stepped toward the bed, nude. My cock ached to be inside of her. I hated that I couldn’t.

  “If you think this is going to be a simple case of sucking my cock, you’re sadly mistaken.” I spun her around, facing me, as I loomed over her. “There’s going to be little sucking involved on your part. Your mouth is nothing more than an object I’m going to fuck.” My fingers bit into her jaw. “Open wide, slave, and service your Master.”

  No arguing. No sulking. Pure obedience. I loved these moments when Kaitlyn submitted. She wanted to. I knew she was trying to do everything I asked. I also understood why she couldn’t comply with all of my demands. Yet. In time, and hopefully not much longer.

  My hand came around to grab the base of my cock while the other buried itself in her hair, leading her head down.

  “You better hope you keep your mouth open wide. I don’t want to feel your teeth graze me once. Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Pre-cum beaded the tip and I traced it over her lips, nearly losing control when she licked it away and moaned. She kneeled there, restrained, waiting, mouth opened and ready. So help me, I couldn’t hold out like I wanted. The head of my cock eased into her mouth and was met with her lips enveloping my width as I began to thrust deeper.

  My grip tightened and I pulled her even closer, having her balance only on her knees. If I let go, she would fall forward. But at this angle, I could push deeper, right into her throat like I wanted. Kaitlyn’s hair wa
s holding the brunt of her weight and I let her take it for a few seconds before my other hand came to her shoulder.

  “Wider. You’re going to take every inch of my cock even if you’re gagging at every thrust.”

  For the briefest moment, her eyes met mine. Slow, steady breaths left her as I took my time easing down her throat. Tears clouded her stare and her fists clenched, but she didn’t gag. I pulled completely out, tracing the head of my cock back over her mouth.

  “You continue to surprise me, kitten. You ready? I’m about to fuck the shit out of that pretty little mouth of yours.”

  “I’m ready, Sir.”

  Both of my hands cupped onto the sides of her face as I fed my length back into the depths of her throat. My slave’s heavy breathing was like music to my ears as I began to thrust into her at a steady pace. Nothing too fast, but not slow either. The pleasure was beyond what I’d been hoping for. My eyes closed and I moved faster. Harder. Sounds poured from her mouth and I felt the vibrations in the base of my spine. For minutes, I made her take it. Only when I knew it wasn’t enough, I broke away, pissed. I wanted her pussy and I couldn’t stand it. Knowing I couldn’t have it, made me angrier. She did this. She took what was mine away.

  “Look at me.”

  Tears streamed down her face and her eyes were like sapphires, so blue and glistening. My hand latched just above the collar and I eased her back onto the mattress, but I didn’t let go.

  “I’m going to fuck you and you’re not going to come. Do you get that?”

  More tears streamed down the sides of her face. “I can’t promise you that, Sir.”

  “And why is that?”

  Kaitlyn arched her hips, pulling against the shackles. “I’m already turned on. I want more. I want you to touch me. Kiss me.”

  “No. You don’t deserve it. When you learn to obey, I will worship you. Not before. Until you learn, you’ll get nothing.”


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